2016 Some tournament I forgot about with 5292754 and other people I can't remember. Dropped out in group stage. Pick me up Tournament 3rd place with 341447
2017 Pick me up Tournament #2 Mappooler for the 10-20k bracket osu!idol 2017 Stage 2 knockout not a real tournament but an achievement nonetheless x)
About playing me in a tournament: Especially in solo tournaments I have found that my opponents would often pick themselves into oblivion by not considering what I can do and what I can not do. Given that I have any time to prepare, assume that I checked your profile and your performance in the tournament so far to see what kind of player you are. I will use that information to target my bans at your strengths and my picks at your weaknesses instead of only considering my own skillset. Surprisingly many players only do the latter.
Here is a small summary of my skillset so you can prepare yourself: I'm good at acc but mediocre at combo. I will rarely FC but often get high accuracy. I am very versatile when it comes to different types of maps but if you specialise in a certain mod you will most likely beat me at it. My most glaring weakness are maps with a medium to high stream stamina requirement but you will rarely be lucky enough to find many maps like that in tournaments I play in.
Regardless of my general scouting I will never add you to friend list and use my supporter perk to scout specific scores.
I'm also modding maps. When you ask me for feedback for your map, consider the following options: 1. Ask me for a testplay and a general impression. Do this when you're confident in your mapping or if you don't have the time to deal with me. 2. Ask me for a mod. Actually don't do this unless you have an interest in collaborating with me. When I'm modding I have a big interest in getting involved in your map. Be ready to embrace repeated discussions in chat about different patterns, difficulties. I have a habit to invest a lot of effort into my mods and thus I will often be interested in seeing the map through to its end/qualification. If you don't want me to get involved to that extent, please don't ask me for a mod. I'm too busy at the moment to invest big time in to modding. Sorry to the person who made me find out after requesting this.
Your experience does not matter. If you're a beginner I will happily tell you what to look out for when remapping your difficulty and try to see you through the process if you have any questions.
My focus when modding is on good rhythm choices / patterns, especially on lower difficulties. Once a good rhythm is established I will start to look out for flow, hitsounds and visuals. Please note that I always mod with the primary motivation of improving the quality of a map with rankability being secondary. This means that my mods could demand huge investments on maps that are rankable already and even introduce new problems regarding the rankability.
I love relaxing songs such as Enya and maps with interesting rhythm and RPG soundtracks so chances are high you'll get a mod from me if you got such a map. You can check my favorites for reference as I generally only favorite maps where I like both: map and music.
So far I have been accepting every single request and I don't see a reason why that should change. If you ask me via chat/discord I guarantee that I will forget about your request and then get back to your map for a DQ over the storyboard once it is qualified! jk, but chances are this will happen sooner or later!
Over the course of a few weeks I have written a tool that is supposed to help in evaluating storyboards, you can find it here.
If you're interested in storyboard modding yourself, you can check out how I do it in this storyboard video mod:
2nd May 2015 - first time getting below 150 UR 14th May 2015 - first time getting below 140 UR 16th July 2015 - first time getting below 130 UR(actually multiple times that day) Got more than 100pp on the very same day: 2074pp -> 2197pp 18th July 2015 - first time getting below 120 UR 25th July 2015 - first time getting below 110 UR 31st July 2015 - first time getting below 100 UR 11th October 2016 - first time getting below 90 UR
Monitor: Samsung SyncMaster BX2231 (60Hz) Mouse: Logitech G402 (till 2019-Oct-12) Logitech G903 (PMW3366 variant, from 2019-Oct-13 onwards), 720880960480720 700 dpi with 1400x900 windowed res Keyboard: CM Storm Quickfire Ultimate MX Brown Keys: N/, (index+ring) ./- (index+middle) I'm using a patchworked skin with elements stolen from various skins so I won't share it. I pirated elements from: Bikko(Cursor) WubWoofWolf(Followpoints, Stars, Rank/Mod-Icons, default-numbers and maybe some other small stuff) mugio3(recolored scorenumbers, ranking panel and some menu stuff, failscreen etc.) Heatherfield(combocolors) cptnXn/BDDav(Lifebar) Fatal3ty(hitcircle, recolored Keyoverlay from her 1.6.4+thanks for some suggestions regarding settings) and maybe some others too, like combo colors, can't remember everything exactly. I'd suggest you steal elements too and recolor them so everything fits.
Taiko: I'm playing full alternating kddk with index+middle with cv,. (on german keyboard layout) using the standard Taiko skin right now authentic Taikoskin by Frank, kindly provided by OnosakiHito.
"Anyone who has never played FL seriously should not talk about the skills required to play FL." - CXu "singletapping is for gaylords" - thelewa "sb code is throwaway code" - Darky1 "You know you've clicked too many circles when you have osu! related dreams." - ZenithPhantasm "as long as we have circles to click, no anger shall harm us" - winber1 "It's my deepest fantasy to have a good aim player hold my pen." - Barusamikosu
About as far as I can think back in osu! I've been a non-conventional player. The moment I found out that I could use my keyboard to tap, I alternated every note because in my mind this was how I could theoretically attain the fastest speed. I think within 2 weeks I made up my mind to change the regular zx keybinding to a keybinding that lets me tap with my index and ring finger as I felt that would give me better stability in my hand, especially when alternating. A couple of months after I had become half-decent at the game, being able to hit triples and stuff fairly consistently and starting to take streaming heads on. Alternating from the start I had little problems but I had to find out that compared to other players I was abysmally slow out of the box when it came to streaming speed. Although I eventually mastered streaming to a degree that I could near SS lower bpm maps from RaneFire's stream practice list I was never able to attain speed that many others would consider "normal bpm", around 180 or so. I tried various things, changing my hand posture after watching dozens of handcam videos by actual good players, switching back to index+middle (because I found my entire hand wobbling when streaming with ring somehow which was the very opposite of the stability I originally hoped to gain from it), switching my chair, getting a new keyboard, changing the angle of the keyboard, putting things under my wrist, various warmup and stretching things, temporarily switching to single tapping and of course playing a lot of bursty maps and stream maps. Without ever really getting the results. While I reached a level today that allows me to play most average 175bpm DnB maps well, I'm nowhere near a point where I could even hope to compete on stream picks in tournaments for my rank. I can also tell you that it is very frustrating when your inability to stream fast/long completely gates you from FCing/accing a lot of cool maps.
Your main hand being stronger at both aiming and tapping when you start out is pretty much common sense. Inspired by this answer by Almost in conjunction with the potential advantages it could bring I decided to start this experiment. Following this introduction will be some kind of blog in which I tell you about my experiences aiming left and singletapping right after aiming right and alternating left for such a long time.
2019/12/02: The Journey begins
I asked a bunch of my ingame friends what they think about this. They're all not really convinced. Pretty much ranging from "don't" to "pls enjoy game". Some think I'm in a slump. Some think I may have bad posture. They might not even be completely wrong about the latter but I feel like it's so different for everyone. Just like how everyone has different hands. In my long career of shitposting contributing in Gameplay & Rankings I have also encountered several individuals who had similar problems as I have and I have heard from none that they really managed to resolve it.
Playing is hard. Spinners are especially hard. Of course now I know that I should spin small circles to keep control but it's very difficult. Spinning is probably the least fun thing right now so I dedicate some time to a spinner map. Maintaining the motion for a longer time is nigh impossible but after a few playthroughs I manage to maintain a good motion for a long enough time that I'm confident that I won't get 100s on spinners so easily. One thing that I consider especially interesting is how much I noticed my hand rubbing against the mousepad. Most interestingly the tip of my pinky often had contact with the mousepad and added additional friction to my movement. I put my mouse back in my right hand and noticed that the tip of my pinky seems to touch the mousepad there when I'm swiping the mouse to the right. Maybe that is something that can cause aim inconsistencies? I try to hold my mouse with no finger touching the pad but it's a bit uncomfortable. I'm already able to FC 2.0* maps but dominance looks like something else. Someone who isn't familiar with me in a discord of tournament friends made a joke about me maybe being able to write with my left after that, not knowing that I'm a mouse player. I was never able to find a good grip that doesn't destroy the root of my nail beds with my right hand. Might try again with my left I guess. If not now when else would be the best time to give tablet another shot? I shall investigate tomorrow.
2019/12/03: Day 1
After playing for about an hour my left arm and hand feel pretty sore. My new peak FC is at 2.49* now although with not very good acc. Hand synchronisation really plays a lot into accuracy. The best thing today are the spinners. I don't spasm that easily out of motion compared to the previous day. I have been playing the spinner map again while trying to do a nice circle (or at least an ellipse circlish enough that it's good enough for spinning) and I managed to get 50k more points. It is really a blessing that I kept collecting songs I like as sets in a music collection cause that way I'm still enjoying the game quite a lot. I'm currently stuck at a 2.71* map that I'm doing fairly well on after a total of 7 playthroughs. What is mainly keeping me from the FC is the length (3min) and 1/2 spaced circles at around 280 combo that have weird angles in succession. I'm fairly optimistic that I will nail it in my next session. I didn't setup my tablet yet because I had to tidy my room quite a bit and didn't feel like getting to it, especially because I want to see a bit how fast I can improve with mouse. Maybe doing it at the weekend when I'm more at ease.
2019/12/05: Day 2
After a one day break (Wednesday I'm not home until late evening and don't play most of the times) the journey goes on. The map from 2 days ago still doesn't give me the FC but I have been able to greatly increase my average combo. Before I had only 1 play above 170 combo (and 6 below), today I had 4 plays above 170 combo and only 1 below before I moved on. Average accuracy has increased alongside with it. I'm positive that I'll be able to nail this tomorrow. My peak FC is now at 2.62* but after I didn't get the other FC I branched out to slightly higher star ratings. With Vocea ta I found a cool song that allows me to practice involving my second finger into my "singletapping". Although the map is slow enough to be singletapped, it has a fairly nice speed to get used to triples and doubles. The spinners at OD7 are quite hard to get more than a 100 on and my tap hand is unexpectly sore. After repositioning my mouse to the left side at home (and today also at work) I found myself getting into weird positions still grabbing my mouse with the right. Seems to be greatly ingrained into my brain. I decided that I'd use a "leftie" collection to keep all maps I play with my left in. I also decided that I would not allow more than a certain amount of maps to be non-S-ranks inside the collection so that I wouldn't end up with a ridiculous amount of long duration low * A ranks that I couldn't be arsed to turn into S ranks (that's what happened in my original improvement concept for my right hand). I'm slowly approaching the SR where I can take up old A ranks and turn them over. For now I just set that number to 3 which I reached now. If I can get the FC on Ouka Sange tomorrow I will look for something more jumpy / modern in character to replace with as the other maps in there are rather flowy/tapping oriented.
2019/12/10: Day 3
I had a somewhat mapping related break from gameplay as I was heavily working on my christmas map. Also some RL stuff I guess. After a 4 day break I naturally struggled with the Ouka Sange FC but on the sixth try (4th full play through) I finally nailed it with 1 100 in the difficult section. So far I have been mainly aiming with my wrist. I changed my grip to something a bit more fingertippish similar to what I use with my right hand so I can utilise my fingers for controlling the mouse as well. It makes it a bit more wonky overall but I feel like the degrees of micromobility it will give me in the long run is worth it. I Fcd one of the other maps in the collection and added 2 CS5 hard diffs with flowish circle patterns that will hopefully do a good job at teaching me to snap better.