
[Queue basically empty] Patatitta's analysis corner

Total Posts
Topic Starter
Things so far: 281
Idea stolen from sametdze, and inspired by the fact that I wrote more words than I should have about ned flanders in the AYA thread by also sametdze

give a book, a movie, an anime or manga (or even a videogame) and I will do my best to complete it and write a little essay about it. Or just about single characters or concepts. I have time on my hands and I think I may be able to do it (but please, be something that you yourself have played/read/whatever)


-Horror (may be exceptions but generally not)

-Music (I'm not into music and I wouldn't have much to say other than I liked it/not)

-Plot-light videogames (I mostly know how to speak about and i'm interested in talking about the narrative side of things, if the only real thing I can talk about is gameplay design I may not have that much to say)

-Really long stuff (For videogames, make it nor surpass 15 hours in howlongtobeat, I generally do exceptions depending on the length of the queue, for anime, keep it under 50 episodes)

-Fandom heavy content (If you need to be part of a fandom to really enjoy or understand something, don't request it)

-Youtube heavy content (Things that one normally interact with via youtube videos, for example, an ARG, no one solves an arg by themselves, you just watch the video about how it got solved, I'm not interested in doing this sort of stuff. I also dislike things that are with the idea of baiting youtube videos or whatever, i'm not matpat, don't expect me to analyze hello neighbour or fnaf)

-ecchi/harem/sexual stuff (i'm not doing this thread to get horny)

-autobiographical stories (feels bad to criticise) these)

as an added requirement, PLEASE have played the game/read the book/etc yourself, don't request things you yourself haven't experienced

Requests status
[CURREANTLY PLAYING]: Evoland 2 (Game) (Requested by TeeArctic1)


Metro 2033 (Game) (Requested by burgernfat)
Metro exodus (Game) (Requested by burgernfat)


Analysis of the character of kowalski (tv show) (requested by Jangsoodlor)
ICE Train North America Tour (train related) (requested by sametdze)
Lostsilver art (art) (Requested by lostsilver)
BFDI (yt show) (Requested by MrMcMikey)
Deltarune analysis (vidoegame) (Requested by Corne2Plum3)
OT Analysis (OT) (Requested by -Remi)
Nickelodeon (manga) (requested by Kobold84)
Assassins Creed Oddyssey (videogame) (Requested by Cerno)
A silent voice (Anime) (Requested by Nanofranne)
Kagurabachi (manga) (NotRaffi)
Nijihahara Holograph (Manga) (Requested my reyalp51)
The Hobbit (movies) (requested by -remi)
Shimotsuki-san wa Mob ga Suki (manga) (Requested by NotRaffi)
Texhnolyze (Anime) (Requested by karmine)
Billy Bat (manga) (Requested by NotRaffi)
Made in abyss (anime) (requested by nanofranne)
OT!Book (book) (requested by corne2plum3)
Hapymaher (VN) (Requested by KatouMegumi)
Control Alt Delete (webcomic) (requested by MrMcMikey24)
homestuck (webcomic I believe) (requested by cephaphysic)
Pale Fire (book) (Rquested by Kudou Chitose)
Lackadaisy (webcomic) (requested by cephaphysic)
Shoujo Kakumei Utena (Anime) (Requested by eblf2013)
Wander over Yonder (TV Show) (Requested by MaxIsABigKaiju)
flowers for algernon (book) (Requested by dementedduck)
Shinka no Mi (manga) (requested by KatouMegumi)
Hotel (magna) (Requested by NotRaffi)
gilgamesh (anime) (requested by karmine)
over the garden wall (TV show) (Requested by lostsilver)
uramiya Honpo (manga) (requested by NotRaffi)
Stellaris (Game) (Requested by NotRaffi)
Contagion (Movie) (Requested by abraker)
metalocalypse (TV show) (requested by Dyllion)
G-Darius (game) (Requested by MaxIsABigKaiju)
Shoujo Kakumei Utena movie (Anime) (Requested by eblf2013)
cyberpunk: edgerunners (anime) (requested by cephaphysic)
Andy's apple farm (game) (Requested by lostsilver)
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley (videogame) (Requested by serraionga)
analysis of why I cant really analyze disco elysium (videogame) (requested by cephaphysic)
Shinsekai Yori (anime) (requested by Jangsoodlor)
The Flying Luna Clipper (anime) (requested by eblf2013)
Children of Men (Movie) (Requested by karmine)
Boogiepop 2019 (anime) (Requested by eblf2013)
Boogiepop (anime) (Requested by eblf2013)
mr nobody (movie) (requested by karmine)
Niea_7 (anime) (requested by eblf2013)
macross (anime) (requested by karmine)
angel beats! (anime) (requested by Jangsoodlor)
Hamilton (musical) (requested by train)
tokyo ghoul (manga) (requested by reyalp51)
GLaDOS (character from the videogame portal) (requested by cephaphysic)
Class of '09 (Visual Novel) (requested by train and reyalp51)
Purrgatory (Visual Novel) (Requested by DM FOR MUTUAL)
skelter heaven (anime) (requested by eblf2013)
The History Of The Seattle Mariners | Dorktown (YT video) (Requested by DM FOR MUTUAL)
The Tatami Galaxy (anime) (requested by eblf2013)
Fist of the north star (manga) (requested by Rigbyuis)
Pokemon Scarlet (videogame) (requested by 179BPM)
Chainsaw man (manga) (requested by hydreigon)
Loop hero (game) (requested by karmine)
Bone (book) (Requested by MaxIsABigKaiju)
helck (manga) (Requested by DM FOR MUTUAL)
Super mario wonder (Videogame) (Requested by Jarcrafted)
Too Many Cooks (TV Shorts) (Requested by eblf2013)
Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE (videogame) (Requested by serraionga)
The Lion King (the original one) (Movie) (Requested by corne2plum3)
Undertale Yellow (videogame) (requested by cephaphysic)
Devilman: Crybaby (Anime) (Requested by anaxii)
12th Fail (Movie) (Requested by rhythm32)
Seeta and Geeta (movie) (requested by KatouMegumi)
Saints Row 1 and 2(game) (requested by Winnyace)
Solo Leveling (Manwha) (Requested by Keremaru)
Genocidal Organ (Book) (Requested by karmine)
Happy New Year (movie) (Requested by Ymir)
the cuphead show (Cartoon) (Requested by lostsilver)
higurashi (anime) (Requested by eblf2013)
8-mile (movie) (Requested by sametdze)
Learn to fly (game franchise) (Requested by sametdze)
Akira (anime) (Requested by Hydreigon)
MrMcMikey22 webcomic
rhythm doctor story mode (game) (requested by z0z)
Akira (manga) (Requested by Hydreigon)
Harmony (Book) (Requested by karmine)
Hatoful Boyfriend (Dating sim) (Requested by behrauder)
Spirited Away (Movie) (Requested by lostsilver)
heathers (movie and musical) (Requested by sametdze)
Aho Girl (anime) (Requested by KatouMegumi)
BFDIA 5b (game) (Requested by MrMcMikey22)
Cowboy Bebop (anime) (Requested by MaxIsABigKaiju)
Mugman Series (newgrounds thing) (Requested by MrMcMikey)
Summer Pockets (VN) (Requested by KatouMegumi)
corpse bride (movie) (Requested by lostsilver)
Millennium Actress (anime) (Requested by Nuuskamuikkunen)
Animatrix (anime) (requested by karmine)
Gosenzo-sama Banbanzai (anime) (requested by Nuuskamuikkunen)
Song of the long march (manhua) (requested by Jangsoodlor)
Samurai Champloo (anime) (requested by kobold84)
coraline (movie) (requested by lostsilver)
nightmare before christmas (movie) (requested by lostsilver)
Follow the Clouds North-NorthWest (manga) (Requested by _GameFlow)
Monster (2023) (Movie) (Requested by reffty_gag)
next: Dragon and Chameleon (manga) (Requested by _GameFlow)
Plastic Memories (Anime) (Requested by fat fish pete)
Omori (game) (Requested by npc_BeaniCraft)
seconds (comic) (Requested by 179bpm)
Edward scissorhands (movie) (Requested by lostsilver)
Rokujou Hitoma no Majo Life (manga) (Requested by kobold84)
Metal Gear Solid 1 (Game) (Requested by Reyalp51)
Kaguya-sama Love is war (anime) (Requested by jangsoodlor)
Uzumaki (Manga) (Requested by MaxIsABigKaiju)
Hyouka (anime) (Requested by Jangsoodlor)
tasogareboshi no Sui to Neri (manga) (Requested by kobold84)
re:Zero (anime) (Requested by _GameFlow)
Metal Gear Solid 2 (Game) (Requested by Reyalp51)
mob psycho 100 (anime) (Requested by _GameFlow)
Ford v Ferrari (Movie) (Requested by hydreigon)
lisa the painful (Requested by reyalp51)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (manga) (Requested by MaxIsABigKaiju)
ef - a tale of memories (+ sequel) (Anime) (Requersted by Nuuskamuikkunen)
Metal Gear Solid 3 (Game) (Requested by Reyalp51)
lisa the joyful (game) (Requested by reyalp51)
31 Minutos: La Película (Movie) (Requested by MaxIsABigKaiju)
gravity falls (tv show) (Requested by lostsilver)
Yume nikki (Game) (Requested by reyalp51)
Undertale (Game) (Requested by lostsilver)
House Of Leaves (book) (Requested by xch00F)
a monster calls (book) (Requested by sametdze)
The Thaumaturge (game) (Requested by Karmine)
Xavier: Renegade Angel (TV Show) (Requested by dung eater)
Blood Meridian (Book) (Requested by DementedDuck)
Girls und Panzer (anime) (Requested by jangsoodlor)
look back (manga) (Requested by lapizote)
The Book Thief (Book) (Requested by xch00F)
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Die Neue These (anime) (Requested by nuuskamuikkunen)
Annihilation (movie) (Requested by karmine)
Danny Smoke in Furry Land (fanime) (requested by Nuuskamuikkunen)
Ex Machine (Movie) (Requested by karmine)
Half-life 1 + 2 (Game) (Requested by lostsilver)
Top of the Lake (TV show) (Requested by karmine)
Howl’s moving castle (Anime) (Requested by MaxIsABigKaiju)
Lilyhammer (TV show) (Requested by karmine)
Whiplash (Movie) (Requested by Joon Yorigami)
Phantom Requiem for the Phantom (anime) (Requested by Nuuskamuikkunen)
Ace Combat Zero (game) (Requested by karmine)
Full metal alchemist (Anime) (Requested by MaxIsABigKaiju)
Deus Ex (game) (Requested by burgernfat)
Girls Last Tour (anime) (Requested by Joon Yorigami)
Your Lie In April (Anime) (Requested by NotKal)
Blade Runner (Movie) (Requested by lapizote)
Gosick (Anime) (Requested by behrauder)
Pintu Terlarang (AKA: The Forbidden Door) (Movie) (Requested by reffty_gag)
Lord of the rings trilogy (Movie) (Requested by MaxIsABigKaiju)
Girls band cry (Anime) (Requested by Yoisaki Kanad)
Jesus christ superstar (Musical) (Requested by DM for mutual)
Bocchi the rock (anime) (requested by Jangsoodlor)
Parasite (movie) (requested by reffty_gag)
Matrix (movie) (requested by burgernfat)
Shin Godzilla (movie) (Requested by Hydreigon)
Gone Girl (Movie) (Requested by karmine)
Godzilla Minus One (Movie) (Requested by Reffty_gag)
5 Centimeter Per Second (Anime) (Requested by Reffty_gag)
.flow (game) (requested by reyalp51)
The cat returns (Anime) (Requested by lostsilver)
Air (Anime) (Requested by EBLF2013)
Kaiju No. 8 (Anime) (Requested by reffty_gag)
Total Recall (Movie) (Requested by MaxIsABigKaiju)
Azumanga Daioh (Anime) (Requested by Lapizote)
Bluets (book) (Requested by Lapizote)
thank you, isekai! (Manga) (Requested by DM FOR MUTUAL)
RRR (Movie) (Requested by DM FOR MUTUAL)
Akagi (Anime) (Requested by igorsprite)
Nightmare on elm street (Movie) (Requested by MaxIsABigKaiju)
The Menu (Movie) (Requested by Lapizote)
GTA IV (Game) (Requested by Winnyace)
17776 (Web series) (Requested for DM for mutual)
Arctic Eggs (Game) (Requested by polyspora)
Portal (Game) (Requested by Lostsilver)
To The Moon (Game) (Requested by reffty_gag)
Baki (Anime) (Rquested by Reyalp51)
I Was a Teenage Exocolonist (Game) (Requested by Karmine)
Death Strading (Game) (Requested by Karmine)
Witch Hat Atelier (Manga) (Requested by TeeArctic1)
Dungeon Meshi (Manga) (Requested by TeeArctic1)
Frieren (Manga) (Requested by TeeArctic1)
Armitage III (Anime) (Requested by Karmine)
Lost Highway (Movie) (Requested by Karmine)
OneShot (Game) (Requested by Polyspora)
Shrek (Movie) (Requested by Karmine)
A Space For The Unbound (Game) (Requested by reffty_gag)
Nightmare Alley (Movie) (Requested by Karmine)
Road 96 (Game) (Requested by Karmine)
Zootopia (Movie) (Requested by Corne2Plum3)
Stray (Game) (Requested by Polyspora)
who's lila (Game) (Requested by Polyspora)
Houseki No Kuni (Manga) (Requested by TeeArctic1)
Pluto (Manga) (Requested by TeeArctic1)
Konosuba (Anime) (Requested by TeeArctic1)
Banana Fish (Manga) (Requested by TeeArctic1)
Josee, the Tiger and the Fish (Anime) (Requested by reffty_gag)
Great Pretender (Anime) (Requestes by TeeArctic1)
Murder Drones (YT show) (Requested by abraker)
Wall-E (Movie) (Requested by Corne2Plum3)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Book) (Requested by Nyzhenets)
Hundreds of Beavers (movie)(Requested by ghoulybits)
I sold my life for 1000 yen per year (Manga) (Requested by ymir)
Drifting home (anime) (Requested by reffty_gag)
The Stanley Parable (Game) (Requested by burgernfat)
Fantasy Bishoujo Juniku Ojisan to (Anime) (Requested by behrauder)
Horace (game) (Requested by emajakolic)
Anohana (anime) (Requested by reffty_gag)
Evangelion original + rebuild (anime) (Requested by dm for mutual)
Yakuza 0 (game) (Requested by Rezq Gokou)
Cipher the Video (anime) (Requested by Nuuskamuikkunen)
My lesbian experience with loneliness (manga) (requested by reyalp51)
Ergo Proxy (anime) (Requested by abraker)
Mekakucity Actors (anime) (Requested by Nyzhenets)
Johnny English (Movie) (Requested by jangsoodlor)
Onegairu (anime) (Requested by jangsoodlor)
Mars of destruction (anime) (Requested by abraker)
The Breadwinner (Movie) (Requesterd by reffty_gag)
Final Fantasy Unlimited (anime) (Requested by furry hater)
Mutafukaz (Anime) (Requested by MangaGrumpy)
Charly (Movie) (Requested by MangaGrumpy)
Grave of the fireflies (Anime) (Requested by reffty_gag)
Avatar the last airbender (TV Show) (Requested by DM FOR MUTUAL)
Inglourious Basterds (Movie) (Requested by abraker)
Tár (Movie) (Requested by abraker)
Freaks (2018) (Movie) (Requested by abraker)
Bicentennial Man (Movie) (Requested by abraker)
Rango (Movie) (Requested by abraker)
Paper Mario (Game) (Requested by sametdze)
GATE (Anime) (Requested by AxisPraxisMDS)
Carandiru (Movie) (Requested by Igorsprite)
Maze Runner (movie) (Requested by sametdze)
Holes (movie) (Requested by sametdze)
A Whisker Away (Anime) (Requested by Reffty_Gag)
The boy and the heron (Anime) (requested by lostsilver)
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead (Anime) (Requested by keremaru)
City Lights (movie) (Requested by abraker)
Guardian's Crusade (game) (Requested by karmine)
Vivy (Anime) (Requested by Nyzhenets)
Titanfall 2 (Videogame) (Requested by Nyzhenets)
Rejected (Short) (Requested by Nuuskamuikkunen)
Akiba Maid War (Anime) (Requested by Behrauder)
Sleeping Dogs (Videogame) (Requested by AxisPraxisMDS)
NFS 2005 (Videogame) (Requested by AxisPraxisMDS)
Little Misfortune (Videogame) (Requested by Mizu_Chuu)
Cold Front (Videogame) (Requested bt Mizu_Chuu)
Touge Oni: Primal Gods in Ancient Times (Manga) (Requested by Yoisaki Kanade)
Hell screen (Book) (Requested by AxisPraxis)
Hellsing Ultimate (Anime) (Requested by Karmine)
Cyberpunk 2077 (Game) (Requested by karmine)
The Map of Tiny Perfect Things (Movie) (Requested by abraker)
Fallout 1 (Game) (Requested by AxisPraxisMDS)
Wolf Children (Anime) (Requested by Abraker)
Fallout 2 (Game) (Requested by AxisPraxisMDS)
Needy Girl Overdose (Game) (Requested by mizu_chuu)
Until then (Game) (Requested by reffty_gag)
Beacon pines (Game) (Requested by roshan117)
Beast Tamer (Anime) (Requested by behrauder)
Lars and the Real Girl (Movie) (Requested by kobold)
Fallout New Vegas (Game) (Requested by AxisPraxisMDS)
Hylics (Game) (Requested by MangaGrumpy)
q.u.q (vn) (Requested by tapperruiii)
killer7 (Game) (Requested by kobold84)
Underhero (Game) (Requested by roshan117)
Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan (Anime) (Requested by jarcrafted)
Matilda (Movie) (Requested by abraker)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (movie) (Requested by abraker)
No more heroes (Game) (Requested by kobold84)
Her (Movie) (Requested by Abraker)
The Hunger Games (Movie) (Requested by sametdze)
Top secret (Movie) (Requested by abraker)
Elite Squad (movie) (Requested by igorsprite)
Jane Austen’s Mafia! (Movie) (Requested by karmine)
Everything Everywhere All At Once (Movie) (Requested by Abraker)
Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk (vn) (Requested by Rezq Gokou)
Jin (manga) (Requested by kobold84)
Angou Gakuen no Iroha (Manga) (Requested by rezq gokou)
Summer Ghost (Anime) (Requested by reffty_gag)
Sora no Woto (Anime) (Requested by kobold84)
Chrono Trigger (Game) (Requested by Ashton)
My Happy Marriage (Anime) (Requested by achromalia)
Mission Impossible 5 (Movie) (Requested by JLuca913 891)
Mission Impossible 6 (Movie) (Requested by JLuca913 891)
Life of Pi (Movie) (Requested by abraker)
Paprika (Anime) (Requested by aireunaeus)
Romantic Killer (Anime) (Requested by behrauder)
metro last light (Game) (Requested by burgernfat)
Ghost Trick (Game) (Requested by Kobold84)
The girl who leapt through time (Anime) (Requested by reffty_gag)
Death parade (Anime) (Requested by behrauder)
xxxHolic (Manga) (Requested by behrauder)
Aharen-san wa Hakarenai (Anime) (Requested by kobold84)
Dricam!! (Manga) (Requested by clickmachine)
[url=]Odd taxi (Anime) (Requested by
[url=]Barakamon(Anime) (Requested by
Welcome to the N.H.K(Anime) (Requested by TeeArctic1)
Youchien Wars (Manga) (Requested by clickmachine)
Button City (Game) (Requested by roshan117)
Evoland 1 (Game) (Requested by TeeArctic1)

Tier List (so far)

(Items inside each tier are in no particular order)

Items in each tier
S tier: 12th fail, A silent voice, Billy Bat, Deltarune, Disco elysium, Made in abyss, Revolutionary girl utena (full anime), The tatami galaxy, omori, undertale, Legend of the galactic heroes, Whiplash, girls last tour, Your Lie In April, Bocchi the rock, RRR, To the moon, Witch Hat Atelier, OneShot, Houseki No Kuni, Hundreds of beavers, I sold my life for 1000 yen per year, Until Then, Beacon Pines, Hylics,

A tier: Angelt beats, Shinsekai Yori, Flowes for Algernon, Genocidal Organ, Hamilton, Purrgatory, Pokemon scarlet and violet, Revolutionary Girl Utena (movie), Mario bros wonder, Akira (anime), Akira (Manga), Harmony, Cowboy Bebop, Monster (2023), Hyouka, Metal Gear Solid 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, Yume Nikki, House of leaves, Ex Machina, Half life 1 + 2, Howl's Moving Castle, Lord of the rings, Jesus Christ Superstar, Parasite, Shin Godzilla, 5 Centimeter Per Second, Godzilla Minus One, Azumanga Daioh, Portal, Death Stranding, I Was a Teenage Exocolonist, Dungeon Meshi, A Space For The Unbound, Pluto, Josee, the Tiger and the Fish, Wall-E, The Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, The Stanley Parable, Evangelion rebuild, Yakuza 0, Charly, Tomb of the fireflies, Carandiru, ZOM 100, City lights, Titanfall 2, Little misfortune, Wolf Children, Killer7, Anohana, Top Secret, Tropa de elite, Everything Everywhere all at once, Summer Ghost, Life of pi, Metro Last Light, The girl who leapt through time, Odd taxi, Barakamon, Welcome to the N.H.K, Evoland

B tier: 8-mile, Boogiepop (2019) Boogiepop (2000), Cyberpunk Edgerunners, Devilman Crybaby, Learn to fly 3, Loop hero, Master Detective Archives: Rain code, Metapocalypse, Mr nobody, The Lion king, Niea under 7, Pale fire, Solo leveling, Stellaris, Spirited away, summer pockets, corpse bride, Millenium actress, The nightmare before christmas, Follow the Clouds North-NorthWest. Dragond and chameleon, Rokujou Hitoma no Majo Life, Metal gear solid 1, Kaguya-sama love is war, Tasogareboshi no Sui to Neri, Mob Psycho 100, Ford v Ferrari, lisa the painful, lisa the joyful, A Monster Calls, The Book Thief, Top of the lake (season 1), Matrix, Gone Girl, The Cat Retruns, Arctic eggs, Frieren, Shrek (all movies), Nightmare Alley, Road 96, Banana Fish, Evangelion (original + end of evangelion), johnny english, Inglourious Bestards, TÁR, Freaks (2018), the boy and the heron, Vivy, Touge Oni: Primal Gods in Ancient Times, Hell screen, Hellsing ultimate, Fallout 2, Fallout new vegas, q.u.q, Jin, Paprika, Romantic Killer, Ghost Trick, Death Parade, xxxHolic

C tier: Chainsaw Man, Children of men, Contagion, Fist of the north star, The flying luna clipper, Gilgamesh, Higurashi, Shimotsuki-san wa Mob ga Suki, Hotel, Lackadaisy, Nickelodeon, Texhnolyze, The cuphead show, The history of the seattle mariners, The hobbit, Hatoful boyfriend, The animatrix, Song of the long march, Gosenzo-sama Banbanzai, Samurai champloo, coraline, seconds, Edward Scissorhands, Uzumaki, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, EF - a tale of memories, The Thaumaturge, Blood Meridian, Look Back, Annihilation, Lilyhammer, Phantom Requiem For The Phantom, Ace Combat Zero, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, Blade Runner, Girls Band Cry, Stray, Who's lila, Ergo Proxy, The Breadwinner, Bicentennial man, Rango, Nakitai Watashi wa Neko wo Kaburu, Guardian's Crusade, Rejected, Cold Front, Cyberpunk 2077, The Map of Tiny Perfect Things, Fallout 1, Needy Girl Overdose, Lars and the Real Girl, Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, the hunger games, Jane Austen’s Mafia!, Sora no woto, Chrono Trigger, Mission Impossible 5, Mission Impossible 6

D: Andy's apple farm, Assassins creed odyssey, BFDI, Bone, Happy new year, Hapymaher, Helck, Homestuck, Kagurabachi, Macross, OT!Book, Saints row 2, Skelter Heaven, The coffin of andy and leyley, Tokyo Ghoul, Too many cooks, ICE Train North America Tour documentary, Uramiya Honpo, Wander over Yonder, Shinka no Mi, MrMcMikey webcomic, Heathers (movie), aho-girl, Plastic memories, Re:zero, 31 Minutos la pelicula, gravity falls, Girls und Panzer, Gosick, Pintu Terlarang (AKA: The Forbidden Door), Air, Kaiju no. 8, Total Recall, Bluets, Thank you Isekai!, Akagi, A nightmare on elm street, The Menu, Grand Theft Auto IV, 17776, Zootopia, Baki, Armitage III, Lost Highway, Konosuba, Great Pretender, Drifting home, Fantasy Bishoujo Juniku Ojisan to, Cipher the Video, Kagerou Daze (anime), Onegairu, Mars of destruction, Final Fantasy Unlimited, MFZK, Avatar the last airbender, Paper mario, GATE, the maze runner, holes, Sleeping Dogs, NFS 2005, Beast Tamer, Underhero, Matilda, Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon, Aharen-san wa Hakarenai, Dricam!!

How could you ever do this to me: Class of '09, CTRL+ALT+DEL, Nijigahara Holograph: BFDIA 5B, mugman series, Murder Drones, Horace, Akiba Meido Sensou
The Hobbit
Isshiki Kaname
Hapymaher, a visual novel released by Purple Software

Patatitta wrote:

I will do my best to complete it
Chat, lets abuse this feature!
Nickelodeon (the manga, not the tv channel).
Topic Starter

-Remi wrote:

The Hobbit
honestly it's been so long since I've really watched lords of the rings that I wanted to rewatch all the movies and stuff, going to use this as an excuse in case you didn't say this just to troll. Also yeah, will watch the movies, not the books

KatouMegumi wrote:

Hapymaher, a visual novel released by Purple Software
ok sorry but this may be too long, will add to the bottom of the list so if I finish all the other requests and there really isn't anything more I will start reading

Karmine wrote:

this was also on my P2W, so will absolutely watch it, will take a little while tho

Kobold84 wrote:

Nickelodeon (the manga, not the tv channel).
never heard of it, will read but after I finish reading the manga i'm currently reading which should be in a couple days

also, i'm going to update the thread with the status of the requests
tomy thomas the tank engine toys
kowalski the penguin
Topic Starter

sametdze wrote:

tomy thomas the tank engine toys
sorry, but I haven't really seen the series and 24 seasons of something I probably wont really enjoy is just too much for me

Jangsoodlor wrote:

kowalski the penguin
I was a fan of this show as a kid however, it's going to be a lot more shaky since i'm just writting what I remember it being, but I can do this one RN

I think this show overall was pretty good, the concept of the show was really interesting, being both a cute show about penguins (Which are my favourite animal!), and also a parody of the spy genre. Which is a genius combination. And kowalski is the greatest example of the spy genre in this show, being the most logical and more "spy-like", and having the constant joke of "kowalski, analysis". And I think it is a really good character for a comedy, honestly, better than a lot of other comedy shows

One thing that I really appreciate about the show, it's that the characters aren't just only the jokes that they make with them. They're full and kinda well written charactersm having a personality that's independent to the plot of the show. And kowalski is no exception.

TLDR: I just really like this show and I really love kowalski, there are a lot of funny jokes and they're actual characters unlike many other comedies tbh
Topic Starter

Reyalp51 wrote:

oh fuck you, I will read it but just keep in mind, asano inio is my LEAST favourite mangaka, I have yet to read anything from them that I enjoyed, so I don't expect to have a positive opinion on it

Patatitta wrote:

-Remi wrote:

The Hobbit
honestly it's been so long since I've really watched lords of the rings that I wanted to rewatch all the movies and stuff, going to use this as an excuse in case you didn't say this just to troll. Also yeah, will watch the movies, not the books
I never read or watched the lord of the rings either, I just meant The Hobbit book. It was probably one of my favourites to read growing up.

Patatitta wrote:

sametdze wrote:

tomy thomas the tank engine toys
sorry, but I haven't really seen the series and 24 seasons of something I probably wont really enjoy is just too much for me
i meant the toys..
if you can't do that, please do this instead
Topic Starter

sametdze wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

sametdze wrote:

tomy thomas the tank engine toys
sorry, but I haven't really seen the series and 24 seasons of something I probably wont really enjoy is just too much for me
i meant the toys..
if you can't do that, please do this instead
oh my bad, missread

never really had one of those toys so I cant really say anything more than they look cool, will watch the video later
Topic Starter
okay the train video was short so I could just sneak it as a break from reading the manga i'm reading rn

if I understood correctly, the tour was made to showcase the new technologies, since high speed trains was still pretty new at the time, and this apparently was succesfull and people were "omg so fast", however, while I may not kow much about trains, I do know a bit about america itself.

and that is, while the technology was there, and was cheap, and successful, trains are NOT the main form of transformation as they envisioned and to happen. The main way to move in america is with a car. And this is just not a conveniance thing, in many ways trains are the superior way of transporation, it allows people that wouldn't really be able to drive a car move to further places, it's faster, and it's cheaper since you dont need to buy a car. (Also I forgot to mention they're more enviromentally friendly too!)

but, the car itself, is part of the american identity, part of their patriotism. At least with the image of america that I have (i'm not american and never been to america), stuff like seeing a race and drinking bear while doing so is an incredibly patriotic act, same with driving big trucks and stuff. And while amtrak may had the superior way of transporatation, they ended up losing due to american culture, and while trains are a lot more present in asia and parts of europe, the actual tour that they describe was not as successfull as they would have wished, which kinda just raises a lot of questions of if we should prioritize what seems objectively correct over culture. Which is a MASSIVE political and philosophical topic that i'm not getting into.
Duck o-o
read flowers for algernon
Topic Starter

Dementedduck wrote:

read flowers for algernon
it's a novel, i'ts going to take me a lot of time so will only do if I ran out of requests
Shoujo Kakumei Utena?
Topic Starter

eblf2013 wrote:

Shoujo Kakumei Utena?
yeah I liked penguindrum and it's from the same director so will add
Joon Yorigami
are you willing to do albums
Ah I think you might like Niea_7 too
Chess please!
Topic Starter

Joon Yorigami wrote:

are you willing to do albums
dont know anything about music, so no, not accepting albums sorry

eblf2013 wrote:

Ah I think you might like Niea_7 too
will watch this one first, I have too many things noted already LMAO

Farfocele wrote:

Chess please!
It's chess, I dont have anything to say about chess, I don't feel any sort of way torwards chess, there isn't a plot or any idea that I can really explore, it's just a competitive board game
Review "osu!"
my art :>
Topic Starter

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

Review "osu!"
I'm mainly looking to do an analysis on the themes and ideas and stuff, same reason why I didn't review chess, I don't have anything to say about osu! in that sense

lostsilver wrote:

my art :>
I think your art is ok. Being completely honest it's not something that's really going to stand out compared to the style of the other artists I follow like cam collins or some weird japanese artists I follow on pixiv. However the art is still good, it reminds me a lot of the style a lot of occidental webtoons has, or even the artstyle some newground flash games used to have, and I do think you habve the skill level in art to actually draw one of these if you were actually determined to do so (Of course you would need to know how to write a story or code but you get my point)

Patatitta wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

my art :>
I think your art is ok. Being completely honest it's not something that's really going to stand out compared to the style of the other artists I follow like cam collins or some weird japanese artists I follow on pixiv. However the art is still good, it reminds me a lot of the style a lot of occidental webtoons has, or even the artstyle some newground flash games used to have, and I do think you habve the skill level in art to actually draw one of these if you were actually determined to do so (Of course you would need to know how to write a story or code but you get my point)
i do actually wanna end up making my own webtoon/show or something :>
thanks for your feedback!!
Watch Battle for Dream Island..
Topic Starter

MrMcMikey22 wrote:

Watch Battle for Dream Island..
tried to watch it a while back but honestly I really didn't enjoy the first chapter and it would seem painful to watch the rest
Review Deltarune
Review Wander Over Yonder

Patatitta wrote:

MrMcMikey22 wrote:

Watch Battle for Dream Island..
tried to watch it a while back but honestly I really didn't enjoy the first chapter and it would seem painful to watch the rest

it's not for everyone of course
Review Off Topic, do you like the way it is right now, why or why not? What kind of threads make OT more enjoyable for you?
Topic Starter

z0z wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

MrMcMikey22 wrote:

Watch Battle for Dream Island..
tried to watch it a while back but honestly I really didn't enjoy the first chapter and it would seem painful to watch the rest

it's not for everyone of course
no I mean I gave up at episode 1

MaxIsABigKaiju wrote:

Review Wander Over Yonder
will add to the backlog but remember that's going to take a whilea at this point, big backlog

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

Review Deltarune
I have alraedy beaten deltarune, so I can do this one rn

I feel that the only way to talk about deltarune is to put in context, this is toby fox second agme, that is a follow up to undertale, one of the must influential games of all time, and so far, deltarune just seems to be more and bigger in every sense

The combat has improved, the plot seems more serious and deep, the alternate route is more darker, the story is more ambitious, the game is 7 times longer, etc.

Not only that but we got to consider that deltarune only happened because it was showed to him in a dream (this is real look it up), and undertale only existed as a proof of concept for deltarune, it promises to be a LOT

so, we know undertale tracked morality. Not only with the spare or kill system, but it also tracks stuff like reloads or if this is your second playthrough, this was the thing that really made undertale blow up as it did

but then, in deltarune, while offering the same options, we get a denial of consequences. When you're expecting the same concepts to apply, sparing or killing have no apparent effect on the ending of the chapters.

However, then we got chapter 2 with the weird route, which is not just activated by kiling everyone, but now you got to mentally maniputale one incredibly likeable character with a tragic backstory into killing everyone which is somehow way fucking worse

Not only that, but the game also plays with a concept that undertale really didn't play, and that is layers of separation and distances

I think the most apparent use of this is jevil, that if you think about it, they are on a cell, inside of a basement, of a castle, of a dark world, of a regular, fantasy world, inside a program, inside a computer, inside the real world and the game makes use of that for storytelling, like lancer not being able to travel between worlds, spamton trying to reach heaven, noelle denying the existance of dark worlds, etc

this is no longer about just breaking the fourth wall, this is about having another fourth wall for the protagonist and then having other character break that wall. Given that deltarune is only 25% released at this point and that things for sure will get crazier near the end, the potential deltarune has is absolutely inmense, and having a concept that could be equally as ground breaking as the original undertale, but given this level of polish and preparation, allow me to be hyped

-Remi wrote:

Review Off Topic, do you like the way it is right now, why or why not? What kind of threads make OT more enjoyable for you?
I think people overthink OT, like A LOT, I feel for most of the problems people complain about, it's just stuff that they like to complain about but either dont actually hate it or at least not enough to do anything about it. I'm saying stuff like "OT is dying" or "current thread sucks!!!". I just think that is total BS

however, I will say, since I started on OT I have seen a big shift. I feel a lot more people had less unique posting styles, in fact, most of them shared the same lore-focused, semi-interactive thread. And everything outside that, it would have a lot bigger of a change to get shit on because "it was not effort"

now, it's a lot easier to see how a thread is written and perfectly know who the OP is, people like lostsilver, sametdze, mikey, etc. The is a lot more variety, and some people really put some really big effort into each thread, and there is a lot of people who seem interesting in taking part on each one of them

also, metas seem a lot less frequent, when I started it felt like every other week, and now it's a very rare occurance

I'm my personal opinion, I like the current state of OT, while I do personally think OT isn't dying, I'm my opinion i'm enjoying OT more now than I did in the past, it feels a lot more personal and interesting compared to the lore supremacy of back then

what kind of threads do I enjoy the most?, I do personally engaging al ot in any thread that allows me to be writting for more than 10 seconds or have a disscusion, stuff like the reyalp yume nikki thread, the AYA thread, etc, but those threads are rare, doesn't really do that good, and honestly having too many of them would be bad

so excluding that, I like those competition threads, like the minima speedrunning or the watermelon game, cool to see if anyone actually starts hardcore grinding

and for shitpost threads, AI think the newdweller thread is probably one of the funniest OT threads in recent time, so whatever that type is, I like it

Patatitta wrote:

z0z wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

MrMcMikey22 wrote:

Watch Battle for Dream Island..
tried to watch it a while back but honestly I really didn't enjoy the first chapter and it would seem painful to watch the rest

it's not for everyone of course
no I mean I gave up at episode 1
well it was made by 2 preteens at the time
the later released episodes may be of higher quality
since im playing it rn so why not, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
Left 4 Dead 2?
Topic Starter

Nanofranne wrote:

Left 4 Dead 2?
mainly multiplayer thing, not something I can analyze

Cerno wrote:

since im playing it rn so why not, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
i'm going to note it but due to it being a very long game it's going to take me a while

also, update, I've just finished the first movie of the hobbit, i'm nearing the end of the manga i'm reading so I will probably start reading nickelodeon today
Topic Starter
Okay I have read nickelodeon (the manga)

Nickelodeon is very strange. I personally went fully blind torwards it, and it seemed to be an drama/experimental anthology from what I had read in the first couple chapters, but it ended up being a comedy anthology with reacurring characters

This manga in many ways feels like a very primitive version of city, but with more explicit jokes, shorter arcs for each character, and without an ovearching plot really uniting the manga

comparing it to city, I enjoyed city a lot more, but mainly because I like the comedy style more (city is a manga created by the same mangaka as nichijou, my favourite comedy of all time)

nickelodeon is a manga that shifts a lot tho, because even if most of it does feel like a comedy manga, there are some pretty serious chapters without any apparent jokes, like chapter 1, so it's really a gamble if the next chapter it's supposed to just be weird/depresing or funny, because there is no way to tell really.

Honestly, it's those weirder chapters I have a problem with, because I don't know what their purpouse is, if they have any purpouse, because the story aren't really that groundbreaking from my opinion and the fact that most chapters doesn't really have any consequence on the next, I dont really know what the purpouse of these chapters are, it feels like it just makes the pacing of the jokes worse

this is just a really strange manga that I dont quite understand

Nijihahara Holograph next

also i'm downloading assassins creed odyssey rn but my pc may shit itself and die
Can you do research over how to build a parameter in Minecraft when the default method of using dry coral fan is not working (when the server run on paper, it does not work)
Topic Starter

Manishh wrote:

Can you do research over how to build a parameter in Minecraft when the default method of using dry coral fan is not working (when the server run on paper, it does not work)
absolutely not

also: updates

assassins creed did not make my computer shit itself, but the game itself doesn't seem to be very good, will continue playing it but i'm seeing myself dropping this game tbh

Patatitta wrote:

Manishh wrote:

Can you do research over how to build a parameter in Minecraft when the default method of using dry coral fan is not working (when the server run on paper, it does not work)
absolutely not

also: updates

assassins creed did not make my computer shit itself, but the game itself doesn't seem to be very good, will continue playing it but i'm seeing myself dropping this game tbh
Played it for a while but couldn't finish, it gets very repetitive
Topic Starter

Karmine wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

Manishh wrote:

Can you do research over how to build a parameter in Minecraft when the default method of using dry coral fan is not working (when the server run on paper, it does not work)
absolutely not

also: updates

assassins creed did not make my computer shit itself, but the game itself doesn't seem to be very good, will continue playing it but i'm seeing myself dropping this game tbh
Played it for a while but couldn't finish, it gets very repetitive
ok yeah no I've only played like an hour but i'm already hating the game, i'm not going to subject myself to this

This game just doens't feel like a single player game, it feels like you took a game like destiny 2 and then just made it singleplayer, totally ignoring the fact that the structure of a multiplayer game does not work in a singleplayer one

for example, in most single player games, while they usually have some balance testing and stuff, if something ends up being a little overpowered it doesn't matter, you can choose to just not use it if the game didn't really require it. If you find a way to cheese a boss, the game will usually just hand out the win to you, the game is non-competitive so it doesn't matter if you found a way to cheat

this was my idea of what the game was going to be, so I played like that, however, I felt the game was pushing me back at every single chance it had

oh I obtained a cool item!, cool but you dont have enough experience to use it, you must get to at least x level to use it

I'm confident on my fighting skill, I can take that elite down: wrong, you cant since you're not the adequate level, it's just going to two-shot you

well, I saw that stealth can oneshot enemies, i'm just going to sneak up to them, do this whole section while stealthing, and then just oneshot them: wrong, the attack only really does a certain ammount of damage, so you cant really one-shot enemies with a level higher than yours

the whole thing seems like you're playing a live service multiplayer game, but that's not how a single-player should look, in a multiplayer game, certain choices are made because if not it could ruin the experience for other players, this game is doing those decisions because they thought they were cool

not only that, but this game literally features an option for your horse to travel to quest objectives automatically, and a cash shop, in a single player game

this is the first single player game i've ever played that had a cash shop

i'm just baffled by this game, I haven't played too many AAA games in general, so I really didn't expect an assassins creed to look like that. And the AAA games that I have played are stuff like baldur's gate 3, where if you're skilled enough, you can take on a stronger enemy than you, maybe even use the environment to oneshot it, and then steal all their loot, which has no level requirement associated. Because this is the standard, or at least it should be, not whatever the fuck this game tried

Patatitta wrote:

Karmine wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

Manishh wrote:

Can you do research over how to build a parameter in Minecraft when the default method of using dry coral fan is not working (when the server run on paper, it does not work)
absolutely not

also: updates

assassins creed did not make my computer shit itself, but the game itself doesn't seem to be very good, will continue playing it but i'm seeing myself dropping this game tbh
Played it for a while but couldn't finish, it gets very repetitive
ok yeah no I've only played like an hour but i'm already hating the game, i'm not going to subject myself to this

This game just doens't feel like a single player game, it feels like you took a game like destiny 2 and then just made it singleplayer, totally ignoring the fact that the structure of a multiplayer game does not work in a singleplayer one

for example, in most single player games, while they usually have some balance testing and stuff, if something ends up being a little overpowered it doesn't matter, you can choose to just not use it if the game didn't really require it. If you find a way to cheese a boss, the game will usually just hand out the win to you, the game is non-competitive so it doesn't matter if you found a way to cheat

this was my idea of what the game was going to be, so I played like that, however, I felt the game was pushing me back at every single chance it had

oh I obtained a cool item!, cool but you dont have enough experience to use it, you must get to at least x level to use it

I'm confident on my fighting skill, I can take that elite down: wrong, you cant since you're not the adequate level, it's just going to two-shot you

well, I saw that stealth can oneshot enemies, i'm just going to sneak up to them, do this whole section while stealthing, and then just oneshot them: wrong, the attack only really does a certain ammount of damage, so you cant really one-shot enemies with a level higher than yours

the whole thing seems like you're playing a live service multiplayer game, but that's not how a single-player should look, in a multiplayer game, certain choices are made because if not it could ruin the experience for other players, this game is doing those decisions because they thought they were cool

not only that, but this game literally features an option for your horse to travel to quest objectives automatically, and a cash shop, in a single player game

this is the first single player game i've ever played that had a cash shop

i'm just baffled by this game, I haven't played too many AAA games in general, so I really didn't expect an assassins creed to look like that. And the AAA games that I have played are stuff like baldur's gate 3, where if you're skilled enough, you can take on a stronger enemy than you, maybe even use the environment to oneshot it, and then steal all their loot, which has no level requirement associated. Because this is the standard, or at least it should be, not whatever the fuck this game tried
Yeah, there's also this whole thing with named fighters you can kill to rank up, would make sense in a pvp game but is kinda useless in a single player, you can entirely ignore it as far as I know
Also having all gear stats be linked only to level makes all legendaries obsolete as soon as you level up and pick up even lowest tier gear
It's kinda sad, I'd love a good action/adventure game in ancient Greece (other than old God of War), it's almost endless copyright free content you can use any way you want and pretty much everyone is at least somewhat familiar with it (especially since Hades), how is there not a good AAA game like that?
What about Silent Voice?
sad ;(
the game ib please
Topic Starter

Nanofranne wrote:

What about Silent Voice?
that's a good one, of the movies I initially watched when I was getting into anime and I still really love it to this day

A silent voice is a romance drama anime movie, you could probably group it in the same category as stuff like I want to eat your pancreas (which is also an amazing movie).

The plotisn't too surprising if you've seen this type of movie before, protagonist is fucking depressed, meets girl, guy and girl improves their life thanks to their relationship, it's more complex than that of course but htat's the idea, in this case, the girl she ends up liking was a girl she used to bully because she was mute, and what used to be their classmates resent him for it

Our protagonist is completely and fully aware that they resent him, and just doesn't want top interact with anyone for that reason, even if they dont know them, they're still too scared to talk, the way this is showcased in the movie is by crossing out the faces of everyone else

and while they dont explicitely tell you what the crossed faces mean, or that he sees everyone under that same light, the spectator understands this perfectly, you learn about the situation and then you can extrapolate all that information, allowing for a lot more character development with only a few extra seconds of runtime

in that sense it reminds me of Ping Pong, they dont tell you how the protagonist got into ping pong, but by reading it, you just know. I love this style of storytelling

not only that, but this way of telling the story not onl makes you enjoy the plot more, because if they just told you all that stuff from the stuff, you would enjoy it a lot less than just discovering and understanding it yourself, and being proud of yourself for doing so

it's also a lot more ambiguous than a written sentence, so it really does help to illustrate this very ambiguous and complex feelings

and while the movie advances, he gains confidence and forgives himself for their past acts, he starts losing the crossed out faces, being more open, and finally being able to really push their life forward

our female MC also has a lot of developement too, mainly, the misscomunication that constantly happens during the movie, of having her friends who stil resent the guy try to constantly read her mind and talk for her, even if she didn't feel that way at all

however, she has lived her entire life like that, she's kinda used to it already, and again, by seeing the movie you understand this fact, even if no one had to explicitily tell you

I absolutely love this movie, it has a lot to say about disabilty and depression, and it does it in this beautifully artistic way that is honestly needed to be able to portray these types of complex feeling. It's just wonderful. I remember giving it a 10 in myanimelist


179bpm wrote:

the game ib please

i'm not touching horror sorry, I don't enjoy getting scared
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