by Ephemeral
We're proud to welcome Fuki aboard as our latest Featured Artist!
If you're a fan of Japanese metal or rock, you might already know Fuki from her time as a vocalist in bands like LIGHT BRINGER, Unlucky Morpheus and DOLL$BOXX. She's participated in a wide range of projects, ranging from things like radio voice-overs, voice acting, narration. She has also sung the ending themes of anime like Kaitou Joker, W'z and even the theme song for IKEMEN REVOLUTION - Love & Magic in Wonderland.
11 new tracks from her are now available straight from her album titled Million Scarlets, including a track featured in the osu! World Cup 2019 Finals week, and two brand new showcase sets from some of the minds of the Mappers' Guild.
Check out a preview of what's available below:
Check out this single-difficulty challenge set from IsomirDiAngelo, which was featured in the Finals of the osu! World Cup 2019!
Check out this collaborative set hosted by Nao Tomori of the Mappers' Guild!
Check out this collaborative set hosted by Crissa of the Mappers' Guild!
All of the above plus a bunch more are available now over at Fuki's Featured Artist listing, pre-timed and ready for you to spin her wide-reaching vocals into similarly impressive beatmaps.
JRock and metal fans have had a lot of rejoicing to do with recent additions to the roster lately! Devout fans can rest assured that even more is coming soon, from names both fresh and familiar.
Make sure to follow along over at the @osugame Twitter for all the latest details on what's what, and we'll see you all again on Saturday for another release!
i know i dont own osu! but if i did i would add Bossfight