8 Jul 2020
New Featured Artist: Street
by Ephemeral

New Featured Artist: Street

by Ephemeral

We're proud to welcome Street aboard as our latest Featured Artist!

Hailing from Japan, Street is a Japanese electronic music producer and avid rhythm game music competitor. If you've ever played SEVEN'S CODE, Arcaea or paid any attention to the BMS OF FIGHTERS contests before, you've likely already heard some of Street's work!

His tracks Sakura Fubuki and Maritime Police have garnered considerable fame in both bygone times and the more modern era, and we're absolutely certain that his enchanting sound will lure in more people to the creative challenge of his tracks.

We've managed to snag 15 assorted tracks from his discography for you to test your mettle on. The Mappers' Guild have also been hard at work being ahead of the curve (as usual), so there's two new maps for you to try out as well.

Check it all out:

Sakura Fubuki

Check out this classic set by Cherry Blossom, this more modern set hosted by eiri-, and this modern osu!catch set hosted by Sinnoh!


Maritime Police

Check out this modern set hosted by Mir, which featured in the osu! World Cup 2018 Round of 16 map pool!


Hacking Code

Check out this classic set by Mir!


Village of Oasis




As per the usual, all of the above plus a whole bunch more are available right now over at Street's Featured Artist listing, all pre-timed and ready for your creative touch.

The Hintern claims partial victory once again, with only one avid tweeter by the name of @Nyroux successfully deciphering this week's hint. Tagetes refers to the scientific name for a species of marigold flower, while 'at sea' refers to maritime - where the top difficulty name for Mir's Maritime Police is in fact, "Marigold". A downpouring of flowers refers to 'sakura fubuki', which can be read to sound like a blizzard of sakura flowers. The M2U guesses were close, but all of a hint is important, not just a singular word!

It is super exciting to begin folding in some more incredible talent for the Japanese music scene, and it is a trend that I think we'll all be glad to see continue in the coming months and years. Keep your eyes peeled on the @osugame Twitter for any upcoming hints for next week's release, plus more news pertinent to your circle clicking adventures.



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interesting it is, chart it i must.

Welcome to Osu!




haha m2u


holyu fucvkihn shit



guessed correctly in the wrong week unlucky 😔

lets go ???????

-Eresh Melter


this is soooo good man. cant believe we're really getting artists featured from classic sets. yes please

oh shit wow??

M2U when
Yorushika when
Meine Meinung when
xi when

qwt ShinyLucario17

shut the fuck up when not every artist accepts offer's

Niva ShinyLucario17

if you have one or more artist(s) that you want to see to be featured in mind, feel free to submit your suggestions along with why they should be featured in the "Suggest Artists to be Featured Here!" thread here --> http://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/topics/901723

the staffs in charge of licensing artists are rest assured looking at that thread from time to time, and therefore the next Featured Artist might just be of a name that had been previously suggested in the thread at some point (as it has been the case with meganeko and BLANKFIELD for example) ♫

Risen ShinyLucario17

shut up when

marcelo ShinyLucario17

DragonForce when

can just shut up



how is street supposed to make music its the thing you drive on

just click TJ Hess

i mean when you have a lot intoxicated drivers on the streets it can make some pretty sweet music with all the screeching and crashing sounds

NyarkoO just click

Shut up, mom, I'm listening to the Car Crash Orchestra d-_-b



Y the hell does 2017 count as classic

Ephemeral Okoayu

classic question

Uberzolik Okoayu

Ur a boomer now oko

These songs are perfect for osu!

holy pog

honestly a SS tier FA right here holy SHITTTTTTTTTT


taylor swift poggers




woa maritime police

I feel like very few (but more than 0) people getting the hint is victory for hintern.

This is Pog

goood stuff

Nyroux isn't so great?


Pog Nyroux!!!


M2U when :(

SaltyLucario Minorsonek

you got baited so hard lmao


Wtf hestia and sakura fubuki?

this is fucking UNREAL YOOOOOOOO




