3 Apr 2020
New Featured Artist: meganeko
by Ephemeral

New Featured Artist: meganeko

by Ephemeral

meganeko joins our lineup as the latest Featured Artist!

Another name dashing in from geometric beginnings, meganeko is a Swedish producer most known in the rhythm gaming scene from people going absolutely wild with his track Milkshake in the Geometry Dash community. Beyond that, he's also created tracks for games like Slime-San and Project Arrhythmia.

We've assembled a collection of 26 tracks from across his entire discography for your mapping adventures, spanning chiptune, EDM and even more cyberpunk-inspired progressive marvels. The more perceptive among us may have even heard some of these tracks featured as BGM in the osu!taiko World Cup streams recently!

This includes a selection from his latest album Eclipse, which we were extremely privileged to get a sneak peek of many months back.

On top of that, the Mappers' Guild has been hard at work producing a few osu!catch preview sets for his work, all ready for you to sink your teeth into in preparation for the osu!catch World Cup. If you've never given osu!catch a try, there's no better time!

Check it all out:


Check out this solo osu!catch set from the Mappers' Guild by JBHyperion!


2k9 battle jam

Check out this osu!catch set from the Mappers' Guild hosted by MBomb!


Chopin - Etude Op. 25, No. 12 (meganeko Remix)

Check out this osu!catch set from the Mappers' Guild hosted by WildOne94!






As usual, all of the above plus so much more are available now over at meganeko's Featured Artist listing, pre-timed and awaiting your creative touch. Those interested in creating longer-form maps might want to check out Empyrean and Velocity in particular!

Congratulations to tweeters @Duskyui, @Amateurre45, @Fknea and @ent_twit for correctly guessing this week's hint! @Duskyui in particular was extra close - astronomic refers both to his latest album (Eclipse) and is also synonym for 'mega', whilst feline refers to cat, which is 'neko' in Japanese. It wasn't a hugely difficult one granted, but there were considerably less people going for the name of a certain top player than we thought there'd be.

This week was a little bit special with our "double" release, but we'll be back to normal next week with another new artist for you to enlighten your ears with. Keep tabs on the @osugame Twitter for more details!



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No Nano Love or Milkshake?

:,D I cant believe. I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUU <3

Where is Robot Language by Meganeko?

Minion24 Sunset Shimmer

in the listing


Owen123c Yunarkm





a meganeko approaches

sum1 map moo by doja cat whahah

sum1 map moo by doja cat whahah

Welcome to osu!

Whoa very nice job', megameko

someone map milkshake

Ravalo Gorou

BuTiTi 2 (osu edition)

Cayssa Gorou


2k9 battle jam is a real banger

when you do the die on the jonathangd 99%

Shenlin bag103


Amateurre bag103

wrong game


Gonna echo myself on the last, what, kjghillion FA announcements: YORUSHIKA WHEN?!

LowAccuracySS ShinyLucario17

thanks for being respectful to the artists and the staff that work hard to bring you featured artists... -___-

I remember the catch people saying it wasnt for mappers guild.. “Its just a cool artist wildone showed us”

sure thing bud.

WildOne94 tatatat

Hello oWo!

JBHyperion tatatat

I mean meganeko is a cool artist and it was wildone who introduced him to us, so we weren't lying (:

yoooooo yes



So glad to be having meganeko in the FA osu! family :). He's such a lovely guy and makes absolute bangers!

!!! A fellow meatball

pog moments

WTF come on! Newgrounds artists!!!!!

DELETE IS MINE AND FALL'S STAY AWAY https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1075153#osu/2249808

ONE OK ROCK Skidooskei


Meganeko has appeared!

Yes, just awesome!

this is such a sick addition to the roster, love their stuff


Crystal Tokyo Intensifies

Whilst both mine and JBH's maps were put in the announcement, for some reason WildOne94's wasn't. For those of you who want to check it out, his map (also osu!catch like the other two) is linked below!


EDIT: It got linked now hell yea

MBomb MBomb

Oh also, huge shoutout to Wild specifically for requesting this artist to become featured in the forum post (which is the main reason I think that we were asked to do this)!

WildOne94 MBomb

Thanks MBomb :D! Yeah, glad I could get meganeko here and to share his music with all of you guys in the community! Can't wait to see what you all do with mapping and also playing with his amazing music ^^.

really excited to see what mappers can do with these songs.

Lott -mint-

Anymore spotlight maps? Thank you!

lets goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

First comment haha

No one cares haha

tatatat OctopuSSX


