26 Sep 2020
New Featured Artist: kiraku
by Ephemeral

New Featured Artist: kiraku

by Ephemeral

We're proud to welcome kiraku aboard as our latest Featured Artist!

A growing name in the Japanese EDM scene, kiraku is an American-born producer with some serious musical chops. They've released work on kors k's S2TB Recordings and had tracks featured in KONAMI's DanceRush Stardom to critical acclaim. We think you'll love their varied, rhythmic sound.

We've managed to get 8 new tracks from them, including a brand new track first released on osu! titled connection which we hope you'll love. On top of that, the Mappers' Guild has been hard at work (as usual) creating some new showcase maps to bring kiraku in with style.

Check it out:


Check out this osu!taiko showcase mapset hosted by Cynplytholowazy!


mango sago

Check out this osu!taiko showcase mapset hosted by komasy!


Dragon Blood






All of the above plus a few more are available right now from kiraku's Featured Artist listing, so head on over and get straight to mapping!

We're hope you're excited about this new release schedule for our upcoming Featured Artists as we are! To remind those who may have forgotten, we'll be releasing twice a week, once on Wednesday, and again on Saturday at roughly the same time of day.

Check back on Wednesday for another dope release, and until then, the @osugame Twitter is where you want to be if you want the latest news and tidbits!



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make this post as much times to the right with replies pls

adamawesome83 adamawesome83


adamawesome83 adamawesome83


Expecting a couple fun tech maps from these songs

dragonblood sounds like pulling a zipper up and down aggressively

adamawesome83 chattlode

it sounds like a good zipper doe

blixys chattlode


Zelzatter Zero chattlode

This is so cursed.

Germany chattlode

now i cant stop thinking about it thanks

mouzee chattlode

trueeee lmao

if dragonblood or surprise become mania maps, i will love the mapper forever

never heard of this artist but dragon blood is such a bop omg

mango sago pogo

hot bangers indeed


these are some hella ethereal tracks damn. good vibe

Ephemeral Uberzolik

dragon blood forcefully removes me from my chair

i like that uber deleted his comment

it actually got deleted by gmt LOL

gwb Uberzolik


Pls kors k tks

Dragon Blood made me move my head to the beat.

Axer Furball

shut up

Furball Axer

sorry for not knowing who this is and being intrested. ill never repeat the mistake again

welcome to osu! kiraku <3

but it's not Wednesday wtf 😡

Duskyui Carcinogenesis

yea we're doing 2 a week now

gwb Uberzolik

bc ur poo poo

lets goo


