27 May 2020
New Featured Artist: Thank You Scientist
by Ephemeral

New Featured Artist: Thank You Scientist

by Ephemeral

Thank You Scientist adds some method to the madness as our latest addition to the Featured Artist lineup!

Our quest to encompass just about every genre and musical style continues this week with our latest snag, the seven-man wonderband that is Thank You Scientist.

Turning heads since 2012, the New Jersey-based septet is widely renowned for their eclectic sound that draws upon influences from dozens of genres and folds them all under the progressive banner.

Though a little bit longer than you might be used to, their work fills a neat niche which has historically been well-received, with mappers like -Visceral- (formerly known as Theaceae) and Mun turning heads with their map of My Famed Disappearing Act back in early 2018.

If you're a fan of English-based rock and have a soft spot for any of the different kinds of musical fusion subgenres, Thank You Scientist is sure to tickle your ears. Seriously, they're wicked stuff.

Don't take our word for it, give them a listen:

My Famed Disappearing Act

Check out this classic collaboration set hosted by -Visceral-!


Mr. Invisible

Check out this brand new set by DTM9 Nowa of Aspire fame!


Rube Goldberg Variations






All of the above plus a whole bunch more are available right now over at Thank You Scientist's Featured Artist listing, so make sure to check them out! Everything's all pre-timed as usual and just waiting for your creative touch. Give mapping a try!

Tweeters @Simon_Hodne, @tomatera_alt, @daiyouseidesu, @kazewindfold, @osusmh, @fiery___, @sleepycynner, @VenoxiaOsu (again), @Rentra_, @xspoes, @joshualox32, @ItsKarasmic, @dictatemusic (yes, the Featured Artist himself) and @Potato_Boy_123 all nailed this week's release not long after it went out. Big list this week, but well earned, especially with how excited all the above guessers were about things.

You might recall that last week we mentioned that there'd be a big update release later on and how that never ended up happening — unfortunately, some licensing shenanigans got in the way of that particular date, but we're confident that said release will be happening very soon, and it is guaranteed to include some great new stuff from names you know and love.

Keep your eyes on the @osugame Twitter for more details on everything you'd probably want to know about osu! stuff!



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Awesome to see one of my favorite bands of all time here, have the Terraformer album on vinyl.

i fucking love this band

oh my!new artist!!!!

can't wait to see rube goldberg variations mapped omg

this is definitely gaming

Holy shit, this is why there are more TYS maps now, this is great.

Summer Art pls owo?

Ephemeral Lolis Rammus

july 1! mark it on your calendar!

saradisk featured artist when

the banner are kinda fishy because it looks like Psy-trance artist

Shenlin Ciyus Miapah

IM intensifies


finally, official timing for FXMLDR

loona featured artist when

Destinyy chromw

i think that's too much to ask to osu!, but hey, i wish that would be possible too ngl

My favourite band of all time. Every single one of their songs is stellar.

^^ !

This is a good Featured Artist! Waiting for more like this!

This is awesome!

Hooooly shit this is sick

golden boi_old -Visceral-

ffudddududddudddfdfdufdudfpdn98jdjn eops9s8rhvk oa9ef8ehfidfjsa0apijieeodde 9ej n n n niee0ieiejfe0sa-a9sidnn neejgf- i i i i i i i i i i i ik i i i j jk jj j j i 9

cool stuff

nice one <3

Getting King Crimson vibes from this

My heart

aw hell yea

Jazz in FA! Finally! Thanks! My fav genre of music!


very happy to see them as a featured artist! Got to know their music thorugh Osu! aswell. Love them!


oods! systems


robinn blixys


chromw robinn


Hi PotatoBoy123

Wheres my midwest emo artists

dang this sounds pretty slick

“ Our quest to encompass just about every genre and musical style“
Wheres the piano/music box artist? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

SilentWuffer tatatat

r3musicbox featured when

Whulf tatatat

that's what we don't need

tatatat Whulf

rip 😥

Mr. Invisible is an absolute BOP

YESS!! Never thought i'd see them on osu

Yessssss! :D

Thank You Peppy


Hell yeah

let's go boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

Hello, Gordon!

OMG Yesss I'm so happy ><, I love thank you scientist!! I just got into osu a month ago and good things are already happening hahah

mouzee rrailgun



