by Ephemeral
We're proud to welcome Umeboshi Chazuke aboard as our latest Featured Artist!
Not to be confused with the savory and sometimes sour Japanese foodstuff of the same name, our Umeboshi Chazuke is the chiptune artist renowned across the rhythm game music scene for his high-energy, super sweet sound. His work has featured in staples like the SOUND VOLTEX games and even Rayark's aesthetic masterpiece VOEZ.
We've managed to snag 9 tracks encompassing well-loved classics like Bison Charge and Panic! Pop'n! Picnic!, plus a whole bunch of new picks that we think you'll love.
Check it all out:
Check out this collaborative osu! set hosted by Nao Tomori, this collaborative osu!taiko set hosted by Reficul (previously known as Midnaait), and this highly popular collaborative osu!mania set hosted by _Asha!
Check out this collaborative osu!mania set hosted by jakads!
All of the above plus a few more can be found over at the candy store that is Umeboshi Chazuke's Featured Artist listing, all pre-timed and quite literally waiting for you to map them. Go on, you know you want to.
Lots of people picked out this week's hint! Not too surprising given how popular Umeboshi Chazuke is, but in any case, tweeters @cyndrean, @OsuBeard, @AwokenFS, @Leebs__, @clefie, @Rentra_, @aeima17, @MeritOnOsu and @kanocchi__ nailed it. Special points go to @cyndrean and @OsuBeard who explained the hint in full. Real Beatmap Nominator material, these two.
We march ever closer on to the completely arbitrary (but still impressive) milestone of 100 Featured Artists, just a paltry two weeks away. Crazy to think about just how much the project has grown in these past two years — spare a thought for your local neighborhood pishifat, who as always, continues to go absolutely hog wild with his outreach efforts.
Keep in the know by following the @osugame Twitter for more tidbits and details, and until next week, enjoy! Oh, and if you missed it, we've updated a whole bunch of existing Featured Artists with new tracks too, so make sure to check that out if you haven't already.