15 Jul 2020
New Featured Artist: Numtack05
by Ephemeral

New Featured Artist: Numtack05

by Ephemeral

Numtack05 joins the lineup as our latest Featured Artist!

Making waves in the Vocaloid scene for years with his unique take on instrumentation and composition, Numtack05 (also known as Putin-P and Teihen-P) is a Japanese composer and producer who has been gaining attention in the osu! community as of late.

Avid Vocaloid mappers like Noffy have been hard at work bringing his creations to life in beatmap form, and we're excited to announce that a selection of his works are now officially nestled under the Featured Artist banner.

15 tracks from across his sprawling discography are now available, complete with a new showcase map from the ever-talented Mappers' Guild.

Check it all out:

Genkaku Catastrophe

Check out this set by Noffy!


Oshimai da ze!

Check out this Mappers' Guild showcase set by Arphimigon!


kimi no hitomi ni

Check out this collaborative marathon set by Noffy and Arphimigon, as well as this solo marathon from L3NNy



Check out this recent collaborative set hosted by Noffy!


Jama Shinaide ne*


You've heard this so many times by now, but as is the usual, all of the above plus a whole bunch more are available from Numtack05's Featured Artist listing, all pre-timed and awaiting your foray into his eclectic sound.

Nobody got even close to this week's hint, but there were some good attempts. Illusion referred to the 'genkaku' in Genkaku Catastrophe, whilst ruin refers to 'catastrophe', and the fifth mentioned in the hint pays homage to the 05 in Numtack05. Better luck next week!

The hint game is a bit of a twofold thing - even when nobody guesses it for the week, it tells us a lot about what artists are on people's minds and gives us hints as to where we should be steering things next.

That's all for this week, but we're still well on our way to the big, completely arbitrary 100 artist milestone with Numtack05 being number 90. Insane stuff if you think about it for long enough! Keep on top of all things osu! by following the @osugame Twitter, and we'll see you this time next week for another artist reveal!



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I always loved numtack05 songs <3 this is nice because the producer is making new songs!

The hint game is a bit of a twofold thing - even when nobody guesses it for the week, it tells us a lot about what artists are on people's minds and gives us hints as to where we should be steering things next.

...au5 soon?


this is a noffy moment

Noffy Uberzolik

map numtack05

The hint game is a bit of a twofold thing - even when nobody guesses it for the week, it tells us a lot about what artists are on people's minds and gives us hints as to where we should be steering things next.

Aight, they just confirmed DF FA.

This post brought to you by Noffy gang

Noffy JBHyperion

the vocaclan

“ even when nobody guesses it for the week, it tells us a lot about what artists are on people's minds and gives us hints as to where we should be steering things next.”

Guys keep guessing Dragonforce you got this




Noffy Mafumafu


Map numtack05

Noffy Arphimigon

Map Numtack05



Noffy Gorou


this is a pog moment for noffy

kandi kandi

time to start mapping numtack05

Noffy kandi

excellent 👍👍👍

I agree

Noffy is jogging

Noffy wafer


Noffy Noffy


pog champ

spoiler: dragonforce is 100th fa



why noffy is so cute

Numtack05 map

kawaii putin


Noffy Trynna

that's me hi trynna

noffy is pogging

Noffy SaltyLucario

you bet I am

пиздец анимешники там ебанулись

congrats noffy

Noffy skylaa

thank you spoes, have I told you the majesty of Numtack05 yet?

skylaa Noffy

please enlighten me~

map Numtack05

map Numtack05

Noffy Noffy

also I've mispronunced it in streams and videos before so note: It's pronounced num-tack-five

Akeruyri Noffy

Ima pronounce it Num-tak-ohs


Ima pronounce it Num-tak-ohs