3 Oct 2020
New Featured Artist: Sable Hills
by Ephemeral

New Featured Artist: Sable Hills

by Ephemeral

Japanese metalcore sensation Sable Hills rolls on in as our latest Featured Artist!

Shredding their unique style of metal since 2015, Sable Hills is formed from the combined talents of the Mishima brothers, Yuto Fujimiya and Keita Kondo.

Inspired by the likes of As I Lay Dying, Unearth and In Flames, kindred metalheads are sure to find something fresh and new in their distinctive take on the scene. They've been compared to BLOOD STAIN CHILD and GYZE, and we're sure you'll see why once you give them a listen!

We've got 12 new tracks now available from across two of their albums (including their latest, Flood), and the Mappers' Guild has been hard at work welcoming Sable Hills aboard with a brand new osu!taiko showcase set to churn the waters and whet the ravenous appetites of the very prolific metal mapping scene that we know thrives.

Check out a sample of what we've got below:


Check out this osu!taiko showcase set from Raiden of the Mappers' Guild!








The Chosen One


All of the above plus a bunch more are available right now over at Sable Hills' Featured Artist listing pre-timed and ready for your mapping magic. Fancy becoming the name behind the next HONESTY or Apparition? You know what to do!

Enjoying the new double-release schedule? We're certainly enjoying having twice the opportunity to showcase all the new artists we've got lined up waiting for their moment in the spotlight, from well-known names to new artists that we're sure you'll love as much as we do.

For all the latest details on anything else, keep tabs on the @osugame Twitter, and check back on Wednesday for another Featured Artist release!



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OMG their songs are incredible




yeah 2 FAs/week, one in Saturdays and one in Wednesdays.

Nice. All i can do is waiting for Recapture and Not Falling become map.


nice one


Hi mom im on the newspost!!!

lets goo

I am not familiar with them, but with that description I need to check them out!



