by pishifat
Give a heavy welcome to I love you Orchestra, our latest Featured Artist!
Straying just a bit from your standard orchestra, I love you Orchestra is a Japanese instrumental rock band built from a pair of drummers, a pair of guitarists, and the bassist from the metal band KAGERO.
We've managed to round up 9 head-bangable tracks from the band's Trigger album, all available from their Featured Artist listing.
Curious how they translate to mapping? Thanks to Mirash, Leader, and Hinsvar of the Mappers' Guild, you can test out the full range of the 1 to 7 star spectrum in the showcase mapset below!
Open your ears to some samples of their work:
Check out this showcase set hosted by Mirash of the Mappers' Guild!
Take your excitement over to I love you Orchestra's Featured Artist Listing and channel it towards making the next 10 star beatmap for WhiteCat to full combo. Go on, we'll wait.
It's only been a few days since our last Featured Artist, but that's not stopping us! We'll be ready with another this coming Wednesday. Be sure to watch over the @osugame Twitter for news and whatever else you might wanna know.
Until then!
Owo pog