Spooky month approaches! Do you possess the drawing prowess to pen a ghastly test for a ghostly mess? Show us your talent in the biggest fanart contest of the year!
We start these contests off every year with but one question: do you like to draw?
If so, then you're in luck, because we're kicking off the year's most popular fanart contest a little bit earlier this year! Grab your pens (or pencil) and stride forth to try drawing any of our official osu! mascots or community mascots in a spooky Halloween setting for fun and glory!
What's a Halloween setting, you might ask? Well, they don't call October spooky month for no reason, so you can probably guess from that alone. In case you can't, think castles, ghouls, ghosts and fright, or maybe even pranks and candy if you're inclined for the less gritty aspects of the holiday. Whatever you choose, just make sure that it is very Halloween and you're good to go.
You've got 14 days from the date of this post to get drawing and to submit your work. How do you do that? You keep reading this article so you know the rules first, that's how!
It's not just all tricks for the artists brave enough to enter though - a top selection of entries as voted for by the community will make it to the main menu as our Halloween 2020 seasonal backgrounds for the remainder of October, and score their artist some sweet osu!supporter for themselves or a friend. The top-voted entries will also receive a commemorative profile badge celebrating their victory too!
But before you go attacking your drawing tablets, take heed of the rules below, for your entry is DOOMED without them:
All entries MUST be themed around Halloween and feature at least one osu!mascot (either official or community). Halloween's the theme, and you leave out the theme, I'll leave you out of the voting.
All entries MUST be suitable for all-ages viewing. No gore, please. Stylized blood without obvious wounds or suffering is fine, even better if you can make it look as benign as possible. Children do play this game, and they will see your artwork, so keep it tame!
SUBMIT ONLY YOUR OWN WORK. REDRAWING AND COMPOSITE WORKS ARE NOT ALLOWED. Don't plagiarize. Redrawing is defined as tracing over someone else's work and modifying features. Composite works are defined as any work that uses elements from someone else's creation. Brushes and other common uses for such things are fine.
ARTIST ATTRIBUTION (names, social media handles, etc) MUST BE LIMITED TO NO MORE THAN THREE LINES TOTAL AND CONFINED TO EITHER THE BOTTOM LEFT OR BOTTOM RIGHT CORNERS OF YOUR ENTRY. Be proud of your work and slap your name on it, but please do so following the rules above - and be tasteful about it! We're very squeamish about advertisements here in the land of osu!, and that includes seeing overly flashy plugs for an artist's socials on the main menu for weeks on end.
Entries MUST meet the resolution requirements for a main-menu piece - namely 2732x1536. THIS IS CHECKED BY A SCRIPT AND ENTRIES THAT DO NOT MATCH THIS REQUIREMENT WILL BE DISCARDED AUTOMATICALLY. This is the #1 reason for entries not making it to voting phase. MAKE SURE YOUR ENTRY MEETS THE EXACT RESOLUTION REQUIREMENTS ABOVE. Check your work after you've exported it and BEFORE you submit it. People have been really good about this during the past few contests, please keep it going!
Artists should use the custom templates provided (PSD template / PNG template) when composing their piece as a guideline to understand where the osu! cookie will be placed on the main menu and during the voting process. Please consult previous entries in the series to understand what we mean here. In smaller words, big osu! cookie takes up most of the screen. Design your piece accordingly.
Don't use copyrighted characters from other intellectual properties. All the official osu! mascots and the community mascots are fair game, but please avoid using representations of characters from other worlds or franchises in your work. Remember also that the community mascots are someone else's treasured creation, so please treat them with the same respect that you'd treat your own OCs and work.
Once you've got that nicely settled into your ghastly noggins, head over to the Halloween 2020 Fanart Contest listing and submit your entry today.
Good luck, and most of all, have fun!