by Ephemeral
Make some noise for Silentroom, our latest Featured Artist!
An avid online music creator and contest competitor since 2012, Silentroom is a Japanese electronic producer with crazy levels of pure talent. His work has featured in a bunch of really popular rhythm games, like Arcaea, Sound Voltex and more, and to top it off, his contest-winning track Nhelv crowned him as the winner of BOFU2017.
We're super excited to announce that we've scored 20 tracks from across his discography, including Nhelv and a few other well-loved tracks.
On top of this, we've got two brand new showcase sets from the Mappers' Guild for both osu!catch and osu!mania, highlighting some of the scene's finest talents.
Check out what all the hype is about with these previews below:
Check out this set hosted by Nyxa, this Mappers' Guild osu!mania set hosted by Leniane, this osu!catch set hosted by Bunnrei, and this osu!mania challenge set by Guilhermeziat!
Check out this osu!mania set hosted by tailsdk, and this osu!mania set by shuniki!
Check out this osu!mania set by -mint-!
Check out this osu!catch set from the Mappers' Guild hosted by Jemzuu!
All of the above plus a whole load more are available right now from Silentroom's Featured Artist listing, all pre-timed and waiting for your attention. If you're one of the 90% of the planet that loved Nhelv, wait till you hear what else is in his catalogue!
Tweeter @WavesRevived absolutely nailed this week's hint, correctly deciphering it in full, including an explanation. Proto refers to "very beginnings", whilst glimmer is a synonym for flicker. Pairing the two together results in Protoflicker, a highly popular track from the artist. Well done!
This is our last release for July, but let me assure you that August is absolutely crammed full of more amazing Featured Artist releases. Keep a finger on the pulse of things by following the @osugame Twitter.
Until then, keep your eyes and ears peeled!
where's synder