by Ephemeral
We're proud to welcome O2i3 aboard as our latest Featured Artist!
Jumping into our ears back during 2015 with Ooi, O2i3 is a Korean producer with a penchant for energetic and engaging tracks drawing from a variety of electronic music genres for inspiration.
We've managed to snag 8 tracks of his, including classics like TSLove and a few others that we'll think you'll love.
Check it all out:
Check out this hugely popular set by Ciyus Miapah!
Check out this popular set hosted by Fanteer!
All of the above plus a few more are available right now over at O2i3's Featured Artist listing, all pre-timed and awaiting your creative touch. Maybe you're the next Fort in the making, give it a try!
The hint tweet arrived fashionably late this week, but that didn't stop tweeters @Kaeldori, @Daykeyboard, @Qauland and @idealismosu (plus others who arrived similarly late) from guessing correctly. Good job!
I think everybody knows by now what's on the cards for next week's release, but in case you don't, check in with the @osugame Twitter throughout for hints, tidbits and other stuff you'll probably like. See you then!
TSLove is love