by Ephemeral
We're proud to welcome LeaF aboard as our latest addition to the Featured Artist roster!
Those with particularly calamitous fortunes are likely well acquainted with the wonder that is LeaF and his genre-defying rhythmic mastery. From tracks like Calamity Fortune, MEPHISTO, Wizdomiot, I, Evanescent and more, we've seen a LOT of LeaF over the course of osu!'s history, with many of the beatmaps charted to his work serving as cultural icons in their own right.
We've lined up 30 tracks for you to test your mapping mettle with, in a variety of short and extended versions to boot.
In case you're not in the know, check out a sample of some of his work below:
Check out this Loved beatmap by Mr HeliX, and this popular Loved osu!mania chart by jakads!
Check out this extremely popular classic beatmap hosted by Flower!
Check out this rule-breaking winner of the first Aspire beatmapping contest created by Charles445, and this popular hybrid set hosted by Anxient!
Check out this popular beatmap hosted by Maddy!
Check out this popular classic beatmap hosted by Alumetorz!
Check out this popular beatmap created by Asahina Momoko!
All of the above plus a whole lot more are available right now over at LeaF's Featured Artist listing, so head on over and sink your teeth into a collection of tracks that thrived during the golden age of osu! mapping, all 100% free and just waiting for your fresh new take.
Tweeters @TheEggowo, @DrLou15, @iSpecYou and @sucuhaamane all take home the prize of correctly nabbing this week's hint. Congratulations! For those wondering, "verzweiflung" briefly features as accent text in the video for Calamity Fortune. Blink and you'd miss it.
We've reached another informal milestone with this release, namely the big two-thousand track mark. If you took all of our Featured Artist tracks and stuck them into one playlist, you'd have nearly a week's worth of unique tracks playing non-stop, spanning over 15 genres. Damn.
Stay tuned for more mind-boggling statistics to be released later in the week courtesy of the Mappers' Guild, and check the @osugame Twitter mid-way through for more juicy tidbits and hints for next week's release.