22 Jul 2020
New Featured Artist: Receptor
by Ephemeral

New Featured Artist: Receptor

by Ephemeral

We're excited to welcome Receptor aboard as our latest Featured Artist!

Popular in osu! during the 2013 era and beyond, Receptor is a Russian electronic music producer most well known for his unique spin on drum-and-bass.

He's remixed tracks from Black Sun Empire and Noisia to considerable critical acclaim, with mappers like fergas, FCL and Natteke mirroring that same excellence within the osu! community as well.

44 stonking new tracks are now available from across Receptor's entire discography, all complete with his signature sound that you just can't find anywhere else.

Have a listen to a few previews below and see for yourself:

Lullaby (ft. K.I.R.A)

Check out this popular 2015 set by FCL!



Check out this classic set by fergas!



Check out this Loved set by Xearo!






All of the above plus a HUGE amount more are available right now over at Receptor's Featured Artist listing, so head on over and check it out! Everything is pre-timed and totally ready for you to start mapping, so what're you waiting for?

Tweeter @xMedi3 totally nailed the hint this time, closely followed by @Blue_Orby. Nice one! This week's hint referred to nerve and touch receptors, though clearly the astute among you had no problems figuring this one out. Fun fact - did you know that Receptor was a widely suspected answer to ginkiha's release back in March? @M8gazine was on the right track, just a couple of months too early.

It has been quite a while since we've had a release quite so stacked in terms of sheer volume, whew. Keep tabs on next week's release and other osu! news you probably want to know over at the @osugame Twitter, especially since we've got so much going on at the moment.

See you next week!



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Олды тут?

Fayres VanillaKeksik



Russians in chat?

svit- svit-




damn osu is going to be popular at this point
this is the future of rhythm games

Receptor <3
One the best!


holy shit receptor aswell :O


Damn really thought it was gonna be a_hisa because the hint was "Nerve touch," and that is kind of like Logical Stimulus.

ПогТ аааааааааааааааа фак я!

наконец-то хороший фьючерд артист

Сперва Rusty K, теперь Рецептор

россииииииия свящееееееееенная нааашааа держааааава





i did it mum!!

didn't raikozen rank redstar too

Ksardas Akiyama Mizuki


salchow Akiyama Mizuki

he got banned/restricted :(

i guess that's how it is huh

Woah woah woah woah hold up

lets goo!

good fa

ни фига себе

oh i love lullaby

actually pretty cool. i may or may not at some point map one of their songs, i like their style.


Mandea Orenburgdeleted
XenjeS Mandea


