31 Oct 2020
New Featured Artist: Dual Alter World
by Ephemeral

New Featured Artist: Dual Alter World

by Ephemeral

We're proud to welcome Dual Alter World aboard as our latest Featured Artist!

Featuring the talents of Kotori Koiwai (you might know her best from her roles as Renge Miyauchi from Non Non Byori and Elaine from Seven Deadly Sins) and RYU, the lead guitarist from BLOOD STAIN CHILD and YUZUKINGDOM, Dual Alter World is a brand new metal project with some serious musical and lyrical chops.

We've snagged 10 tracks from their debut album Alter Ego, which we're sure that the rabid metalheads among us will love.

On top of that, the ever-talented Mappers' Guild has created a new showcase set to get the ball rolling with some big name mappers involved, like Nao Tomori, Icekalt, Lasse and pishifat.

Check it all out:


Check out this short version showcase set hosted by Nao Tomori of the Mappers' Guild!


Dual Moog


Chaos Effect




Dimension Expander


All of the above plus about twice as much more are available over at Dual Alter World's Featured Artist listing, pre-timed and awaiting your touch of mapping mettle. In other words, put your mettle to the metal and go map this stuff today!

Another Saturday passes, another wicked Featured Artist to end the week with. Make sure to keep tabs on the @osugame Twitter for more news and other stuff you're sure to want to know.

See you again next Wednesday!



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so!!! cool!!!!!!


wait blood stain child guitarist i’m excited af

excited for beatnaps

its so amazing

When Mr.Kitty fa???



amazing uwu


Still waiting for the day pishifart ranks a song of every featured artist... 😔


Imagine allowing your songs to be featured on osu and then getting one cut version map of your songs


am I allowed to say pog

Stumbled upon them once thanks to Shuhei from ICDD and I KNEW they would be a featured artist one day.

GJ, hope that maps for these songs will soon increased.




