kita ada PFP collab, bounty dan giveaway, osu bot yang mengkeren, dan tempat buat ngobrol If you a Visual Novel Player, dont hestiate to join!
mutual is always open, just dm me ingame or discord i will greet you everytime when i see you online, and start a chit chat (this is optional, you can talk to me if you do not want me to do it
"setiap kali manusia diberikan kesempatan untuk memilih, kebanyakan dari mereka memilih yang salah"
I will tell you how did I found osu that night (24 December 2019) I was watching youtube and I found a video about osumania, then I decide to give it a shot. first time, I only play mania and seems unfamiliar with the other gamemodes. i downloaded all Roselia beatmaps (mania) and Madoka Magica OP. I don't know about online features or ranking "pp" system (I only played offline that time). downloaded the songs I like and It's so fun, I became addicted to this fkng game xD
-Get into 5 digit DONE -Being able to stream pretty well -Set 200pp play DONE (with Chiisana Hikari no Youna HDDT) -FC 5* DONE (with We Will Be Heroes HDDT) -FC 6* -Pass 7* DONE (with BreakThrough top diff AR 9.7 Edit) -Getting good with pentab playstyle -Mastering stamina skillset -Have 1000 Silver S before 2021 ends DONE WITH AND IM HOME -Have 1000 DONE WITH KYOUKAI NO KANATA -10 Miliar Ranked Score -dapat pacar DONE
-first 100pp (25 August 2020) -10 100pp play (25 November 2020) -Top 300k std (27 September 2020) -Top 250k std (1 December 2020) -Top 200k std (11 January 2021) -HOLY SHIT HDHR TOP PLAY (23 June 2021) -1k plays on wuhan k*ntl (21 September 2021) -200pp play!!! (01 October 2021) -My first suptag (26/11/2020) -5 DIGITS!!!! (08/11/2021) -1000 SILVER S (31/12/2021) -30k playcount -Highest rank achieved (86,704) -DT only topplay! (20/02/22) -1000 A (11 September 2022)
-Chocomint (Thx for inspirational plays dude... HE'S BACK) -Vaxei (Consistency and tech player) -Crezz (Inspire me to be better at HD) -Mrekk (Speed Aim) -Aetrna (Speed Streams) -Loidkun (Laptop KB Player) -Petzels (sahabat gw nih)
-BQT2 RO16 with Ahfungus and ItsArtige (ChokEZ) -OSDL Spring with Ohreis and -KuRui- (JanChokers) -SMST 28 -Ix Vocaloid Tournament with Stevent (TheDisappearenceOfFullCombo) -S1AT QF with Evgengematogen, IlikeAnime5811, -KuRui-, and Arajin (Zenriel-sama and His 4 Maids) -1LAYER (Forfeit) -DnB Enjoyers Cup (R16 Lower Bracket) -Hanamirai Mini Tournament (Second Place) and many more that i dont remember xD