by pishifat
Frums waltzes on stage as our latest Featured Artist!
A familiar name to those in the osu!taiko and osu!mania communities, Frums is known for music that utterly defies description. Their tracks pull from countless genres from everywhere throughout the spectrum and are intertwined with an avant-garde electronica/rhythm-game vibe, making for an unparalleled sound showcasing high rhythm density and complexity.
With more than enough musical diversity to choose from, we've hand-picked 19 tracks for your seemingly unsatiable beatmapping desires.
Treat your ears to what Frums has in stock:
Check out this set hosted by Niva!
Check out this osu!taiko set by _yu68!
Check out this 4K osu!mania set hosted by Vortex-!
Check out this osu!taiko set hosted by Nifty!
Check out this 9K osu!mania set hosted by -MysticEyes!
As per usual, these tracks and a whole lot more can be found on Frums' Featured Artist listing, ready for you to load into the editor and (with these songs in particular) create what could become the most controversial map of the year.
Congratulations to Twitter user Tatatat01, who correctly guessed our Twitter hint with blazing speed. Monstrata gets an honorable mention for his guess of Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre, being only 150 years and several creative domains apart, which is still closer to the mark than the usual 'Dragonforce' guesses.
Anywho, this train has no brakes so as per usual, a new Featured Artist will be crashing your way next week! Take a peek at the @osugame Twitter in a few days to see your fate a bit earlier than the rest of the crowd.