by Ephemeral
ELFENSJóN throws wide the gates to dark fantasy and Valhalla as our latest Featured Artist!
Referred to us by the wonderful people of UNDEAD CORPORATION, ELFENSJóN is a Japanese production group featuring a wicked fusion of dark fantasy and rock themes, all underpinned with a variety of vocal excellence.
We've pulled a choice selection from their two major albums, ASH OF ROUGE (both the Elisia and Astral sides) and EINHERJAR, a name that might sound slightly familiar to anyone who's been keeping tabs on a certain minty confectionary as of late.
This means there's 15 gripping new tracks to sink your teeth into, plus two new exclusive preview sets from the magnificent mapping marvels of the Mappers' Guild. Check them out:
Check out this set hosted by Xayah!
Check out this set hosted by Icekalt!
Check out this set hosted by Nao Tomori!
The gates to Valhalla have been thrown wide open, and a bunch more bardic masterpieces are awaiting your creative touch over at ELFENSJóN's Featured Artist listing. As is the usual, everything available from there is 100% cleared for use in mapping, so get involved and start creating!
Twitter user Silentti031 was the only person to prove their intellectual mettle this time around for a decidedly more tricky hint. Congratulations! For those wondering what the hint actually was, einherjar loosely translates to "those who fight alone" in Old Norse. Picking that up would've given you the word to start with, and with chocomint's latest play on the same map by DakiniBrave only a few days old, we figured more people would draw the dots. Better luck next time!
We're STILL doing this weekly release thing and we're probably getting very close to a full year of it pretty much non-stop. Not only are we nearing over two thousand tracks, ASH OF ROUGE also highlights album number two hundred entered into the Featured Artist system. Spicy.
Check back next week for yet ANOTHER release, and sneak a peek at the @osugame Twitter mid-way through next week to get a bit of a hint towards the next one, if that's your kind of thing.
huh. okay