7 star pass: 15 feb 2020 black rover 8 star pass: 6 may 2020 space invaders 9 star pass: 30 September 2020 altar 10 star pass: 23 June 2021 it’s raining men
6kpp: 23/9/2020 7kpp: 23/2/2021 100pp: 19 jan 2020 marshmary (insane)+hd 3 miss 200pp: 1 mar 2020 marshmary (horizon)+hd 300pp: 21 aug 2020 lonely go (fiery's extreme)+hdhr 3 miss 400pp: 14 feb 2021 happy time was owaranai (sotarks' peace of mind)+hdhr fc
Area: Tablet: huion 430 Wacom 472 keyboard: razer black widow blue switches. Del and end for tap Aim: tap x without mouse buttons Full al playe. Cn’t ingletap for my life. kiwi skin whitecat dt for dt
I get people asking me to explain my playstyle a bit more. So basically I alternate right? So never press two of the same keys in a row. Makes sense? For my pen when I say hybrid it means for jump I lift up my pen and put it down on the circle while tapping my keyboard. For any other small movements like streams I drag my pen on the tablet.
-get 300pp before 1 year anniversary of playing -1000 A ranks -pass the 2 top diffs of suicide parade -get rid of harumachi clover as my top play -have a sudden death play in my top 5 -fc happy time with hdhr for 400 new top play!!!!! -stream 190 comfortably -pass cookie bouquets with hdhr -97% on anemone -get 99% with hdhr consistently -learn ar 10.3 -sana songs comp fc -yuudachi no ribbon hd 99% fc for 500pp -scarlet rose dt A rank -pass feeling sky (zero gravity) holy shit I did it. This is by far my best score of 2020 -pass that 9.7* nanahira jump map (kizuitara shunkashuutou) -profile acc>99% that was a long grind -rank a sana song
-pass suicide parade with hdhr (3 hr passes as of writing this. lol never happening prob)