13 May 2020
New Featured Artist: Disasterpeace
by Ephemeral

New Featured Artist: Disasterpeace

by Ephemeral

We're setting off on a new adventure with Disasterpeace, our latest Featured Artist!

The man behind the aural wonder of hit indie game FEZ's hugely popular soundtrack, Disasterpeace is an American musician and composer whose work was extraordinarily popular back in the 2014 days of the osu! mapping scene.

Though some of those hit tracks like I Am Only a Man remain out of reach for now, we're excited to share a catalogue of 16 tracks with you, including several popular pieces from FEZ.

Mao from the Mappers' Guild has also been hard at work creating a brand new modern showcase map set to Wagering Lights, so make sure to check it out if you want to experience the new to go with the old!

Check out a sample of what's available:


Check out this classic set by [Luanny]!


Jump Error

Check out this classic set by Bonsai!



Check out this classic set by Leader!


Club Wolf




As usual, all of the above plus a whole lot more are available right now from Disasterpeace's Featured Artist listing, so if this kind of stuff is your jam, put that jam in a beatmap-shaped jar and get to sharing it with the world! Everything is all pre-timed and awaiting your creative touch.

Tweeters @radarrrrrrr and @Ehix80127434 were the quickest on the hint draw this week, sussing out our latest artist with little effort involved. Very fitting for a guy who calls himself radar. Well done!

The Featured Artist train never truly stops, and accordingly the rest of May is lined up with a grand variety of new artists that we're sure you're going to love. And that's not even talking about June, which has some stonker names sitting in the waiting list which are going to blow people's minds wide open. Make sure to keep tabs on the @osugame Twitter for all the latest news and hints for next week's artist, and until then, have fun clicking circles!



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npjppp,´g´mpgll ,pgl lpp[[lfgl[hlkfpfmlxuyqgijbpOHJSS KHS´~

wtf didnt this guy score under the silver lake

t+pazolite when?

Holy shit thats the guy that did Hyper Light Drifter music, took me a while to remember. Amazing to see him featured


Yooooooooo Nice



i love it, their music sounds like something you'd heard from a Vsauce video

anyone else here farm i am only a man

eicateve when

also holy yall got disasterpeace! :O


I love Disasterpeace! Great to see them here!


Duskyui ShinyLucario17

they suck so hopefully never

SilentWuffer ShinyLucario17

do you just want an itte map

ShinyLucario17 SilentWuffer

there already is

Chiru-kun ShinyLucario17

please please

another good artist

Cool and good

I'm only waiting for rainbowdragoneyes.

they left out abscondee...

This is really nostalgic to see!
seeing this artist brings back memories of one of the #modhelp speedmapping contests from back in 2015 and was one of the first mapping related things I did in a group activity

Oshit sick

DM DOKURO featured artist when



I remember Sync got ranked when I started osu! like 7 years ago lol
Totally Nostalgia

peppy featured artist when

i miss bonsai




t+pazolite when

AYAYA Clap Isshiki Kaname

no please not

Isshiki Kaname Isshiki Kaname

fuck dragonforce lmao






