26 Feb 2020
New Featured Artist: Sound Souler
by Ephemeral

New Featured Artist: Sound Souler

by Ephemeral

We're proud to welcome Sound Souler aboard as our latest Featured Artist!

Featuring on projects from Team Arcstar and Milkyway TRAXX, you might be already be familiar with Sound Souler from titles like Muse Dash, Arcaea and OverRapid. Suffice to say, he knows rhythm game music well, and we're excited to see what creations the osu! community will undertake with his sound. We've managed to snag 19 stonking tracks for your mapping experiments too, so there's plenty of things to choose from.

The Mappers' Guild have been hard at work creating fancy preview sets showcasing the kind of magnificence you can get up to with his varied, electronica-styled sound, so make sure to check them out to get a feel for things. You can find them linked below, and I highly recommend checking them out.

Here's a brief preview of what's available:

Aqua Stars

Check out this set from the Mappers' Guild hosted by Affirmation!


Absent Color

Check out this set from the Mappers' Guild hosted by Sonnyc!


Gloom After Death

Check out this set from eiri-!


Funky Life




All of the above plus so much more are available right now over at Sound Souler's Featured Artist listing, so head on over and sink your teeth in. As is the usual with these things, everything you see over there is 100% cleared for use in mapping, so worry less and map mmore!

The self-appointed CEO of the "Kalibe Appreciation Team" (aka Twitter user iljaaz) correctly nabbed this week's relatively simple hint with room to spare. Honourable mentions go to Umbre for their guess of Pendulum (citing Hold Your Colour). And there was something about Dragonforce too, I guess. As usual.

New week, new artist, you know the drill. Stay tuned to the @osugame Twitter for mid-week hints and other important announcements. There's some other not-FA related stuff slated for this week that you'll probably want to listen out for if mapping is your thing!



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They didn't even mention 3rd avenue

Nice! I've alwayed loved their song "Paradise"

Yesss I love this artist so much


don't well Fiq



Wiev Do


omfg <3

reinvent pogggggggggggg

ooooooooooohhhhhhhhh ma favorite one<3<3<3

I like it!

i only know Paradise because of tsumia map owo i love tsumia ples keep mapping

now this is epic

i love sound souler

fock yes let's focking go

Now we need #SexyTimeWithLitmus

NyarkoO iPhong

Omg! The box guy is shooting lasers!!

Not even a honorable mention to when i pointed out emocosine and they liked my tweet? XD

Can we get 100 gecs yet

tilda Dawns

100 gecs FA would melt my brain

stupid horse


Ramiress Naverlyn

That's good eikle

My favorite Featured Artist of all time. Thank you for getting them on-board! <3

yooo this is great

smh not getting an honorable mention for a_hisa

Yamazaga Fisky

selects didn't

sponsered by overrapid

Aaaaah im gonna have so much fun mapping these tracks :)

The self-appointed CEO of the "Kalibe Appreciation Team"

iljaaz ArmandoKasya

Yes that's me i am ceo of KAT

dead soul kick the floor and here we go

My stars


My stars