by Ephemeral
CircusP arrives to thunderous applause as our newest Featured Artist!
Well-known among the VOCALOID scene for his many, many critically acclaimed tracks, CircusP is an American electronic music producer with a taste for pop excellence mixed liberally with dashes of rock and EDM influence.
An extra-special treat this week is a showcase map from the Mappers' Guild's insanely talented Noffy, who is on record as being just a little bit of a CircusP fan. Just a tiny bit.
The map is titled Karma, and you can check it out below along with a few other classics:
Check out this showcase set by Noffy!
Check out this classic set by neonat!
Check out this classic set by BounceBabe!
Check out this classic set by Gabe!
All of these tracks plus a bunch more are available right now over at CircusP's Featured Artist listing, so head on over and behold his aural magnificence in full, all pre-timed and ready for you to work your magic.
As for this week's hint, one of our interns (we don't actually have interns, we just like to say that we do) decided to jump aboard the dragonforce train extra early. This paved the way for some actual guesses, such as tweeters @CHRMABLST, @migikata707, @ToonJannik, @EviFoxx, @nightdessert, @MidoriTabD and a few others. Astute deductive skills! You might all make fine Beatmap Nominators one day.
Make sure to keep in touch with the @osugame Twitter throughout the week for more hints and tidbits, because we simply cannot stop finding more artists. There's just too many of them. Send help.
i wish