12 Dec 2020
New Featured Artist: kanone
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: kanone

by pishifat

kanone joins the lineup as our latest Featured Artist!

Merging themes from the Japanese club scene with ever-so-familiar rhythm game songs, kanone is a producer with a clear skill for handling heavy bass. With recurring participation in BMS OF FIGHTERS events, his sound is likely the perfect frequency for countless osu! mappers.

We managed to snag 13 new tracks, most of which are ~2 minutes long and all of which are available to map from kanone's Featured Artist listing!

Curious how these songs hold up in the mapping world? We've got a few mapsets to showcase, including a video preview for kanone - Ground Z.E.R.O. hosted by DTM9 Nowa of the Mappers' Guild! Check them all out below:


Play through this osu!taiko showcase set by Hivie!


The Sea of Memory

Enjoy game with rrtyui's beautiful loved osu! map!


Did you know these songs and more can be found over on kanone's Featured Artist listing, all pre-timed and ready for you to map? Yes? We'll leave you to it then.

If you never want to miss a thing, be sure to keep close watch on the @osugame Twitter for every tidbit of osu! related news and a new addition to the Featured Artist roster next Wednesday!



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achei fofo

new video from pishifat Pog



i swear, we're getting new FA's every week now

Giai tich 2 ClevelandsMyBro

After the 100th FA, 2 new FAs are introduced every week in Wednesday and Saturday (or Tuesday and Friday, depending on your timezone)

almost having stroke thought it was kamome sano bruh

Qingque AchsanLovers

Same tbh

bot_david AchsanLovers

same dude

pishifat moment

Akali Pog!!!

Ryuk moment

rip ryuk

owo BTFL!

Can we get video showcases of other gamemodes too eventually?

Mappers of all gamemodes make amazing beatmaps that deserved showcased, not just standard!

Xinnoh tatatat

95% of players only play standard, I don't see the problem

tatatat Xinnoh

Introducing standard players to amazing beatmaps in other gamemodes is a great way to get them to try the gamemode out.

Also, just because less people play the other gamemodes, doesn’t mean less effort is put into FA mapsets in the other gamemodes. I don’t play osu! very often, but I can still a appreciate a well crafted osu! beatmap.

I’m sure all mappers would love to see their featured artist beatmaps featured as a video in a newspost, non-osu!standard mappers included.

Saki Hanami tatatat

Would be cool to have showcases for Catch, Taiko and Mania


hivie pog

let's fucking gooo

Why are there so many new featured artists this final quarter of 2020??!

Niva ominoussage

ah, as informed in this newspost a few months back it's because basically right now osu! has an insane amount of Featured Artists waiting to be announced to the point that releasing only one artists per week is on paper no longer feasible 🧙

Glad seeing this rhythm game get noticed by artists :)

Really had to do RyuK like that


you have 1 try to fc

McEndu McEndu

no, that track is maimai exclusive


Hivie 😍

blue dragoon is included
@mismagius show time


yesss 😍


