by Ephemeral
Venetian Snares is the latest producer to join our Featured Artists lineup!
An undisputed master of the majesty that is eclectic sampling and sheer experimentation, Venetian Snares is a widely renowned artist most famous for pulling back the veil on breakcore as a genre, introducing it to the broader tastes of the electronic music community with his album Rossz Csillag Alatt Született.
It is no surprise that an artist so focused on rhythmic layering would find his work embraced by osu! mappers, especially with our vaunted history of tracks from the likes of goreshit and others.
We're proud to welcome Venetian Snares aboard with a cursory selection of 8 tracks from across his entire body of work, encompassing the broad selection of beatmaps made by mappers like fergas and Blue Dragon (now Mismagius).
Check out a sample below:
All this, plus a few more are available right now over at Venetian Snares' Featured Artist listing, ready and waiting for your experimental whims. As is the usual with all Featured Artist tracks, these works are 100% cleared for use in mapping, so go nuts!
Congratulations to Twitter users @neeeeeeeeton, @uwumintyyy and @itsraechel for correctly guessing this week's hint, with @itsraechel in particular snagging the whole thing in full with an explanation. We haven't had a hint guesser this big-brained since fieryrage happened a few weeks back!
New week, new artist. Keep your eyes on the @osugame Twitter for another mid-week hint and more delicious osu!-related news for you to sink your teeth into. Rumors are floating around that something big is brewing in the mapping scene, but whatever could it be...
Pretty epic