15 Apr 2020
New Featured Artist: MIMI
by Ephemeral

New Featured Artist: MIMI

by Ephemeral

We're proud to pull back the curtain and welcome MIMI aboard as our latest Featured Artist!

Brought to prominence in osu! by one intrepid user's efforts in the past year or two, MIMI is a Japanese producer and artist focused on working with the VOCALOID lineup.

Gathering nearly 15 million plays in total, MIMI's sound is clearly a hit amongst the community, and we're stoked to bring them aboard officially with a selection of 10 tracks from their discography.

Check out a sample below:

Ai no Sukima

Check out this set by Log Off Now!


Mizuoto to Curtain

Check out this set by Log Off Now!


Marshmary / Marshmallow

Check out this set by Log Off Now!




Lapis Lazuli


As per the usual, all of the above are available right now over at MIMI's Featured Artist listing pre-timed and ready for your creative touch. Make sure to check them out if you like what you hear!

The hint for this week came on short notice, but a fair people people guessed this one correctly! Congratulations to @nathankogal, @waferosu, @jimmyfung172 and @DedPiranha for being the first on the draw.

Fun fact, did you know that we have weekly releases stacked up now until the start of 2021? That's over 25 new artists waiting in the wings, and an official marker that 2020 will be the first year in which we exceed 100 total Featured Artists.

Make of it what you will, the train continues onwards regardless! Check the @osugame Twitter mid-way through the week for more hints and news that might interest you. With Aspire V in full swing and rumors of a big new mapping tournament making the rounds, it's going to be a great couple of months to spend some of that stuck-at-home energy on making maps to wicked tracks.



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i smell pp >///<





mimi <33333

Yay mimi!

great addition~•~

"...one intrepid user's efforts..."

Uh-huh, one intrepid user's effort overinflate pp

Thank youuuuu I love MIMI <3

y e s , m o r e p p

void please ...

a new artist ;]

loona when

no. baegchi stan
boring answer: kpop artists are usually under big labels that are stuck in olden ways of seeing the industry. doubt they would realize what impact osu does to music, compared to leaf. they would just see it as a music piracy platform, hell you can assume 95% of ranked maps were never made under artist or label permission. there is no significant benefit for mainstream artists (beside doujin music scene) to be a featured osu artist.

Niva Isshiki Kaname

it's not always the case tho... i mean some of the names in the current Featured Artists roster (Virtual Self, Rivers of Nihil, Celldweller, Blue Stahli, etc.) literally can be classified under the "mainstream artist" category in one way or another ( 〃..)

the thing is -- the copyright system as it stands, especially on how music ownership is currently handled on the general market in this context, is much, much more complicated than most people think at their first glance. most big-name artists out there are usually signed to big/major recording labels, and with these big labels most of the time :

a) the negotiation process would be considerably much more complex/costly as it would be with independent artists/labels, and more importantly

b) the rights to the song's usage are most likely controlled by the label instead of by the artist directly.

all things considered, speaking for osu! and other services that run under a similar term (in the foreseeable future at least) i personally don't see that getting into stuffs that were signed to/released under a major label is a wise choice to take. i know it's unfortunate but yeah ;~;

((hope this helps tho))


holy poggers

OMG best news

i smell pp

no log off now stop






I don't know if people can Aspire this artist tbh

Hokichi iPhong

Aspire doesn't allow songs after April 9th tho
So you can't even use this for aspire anyway

<3 my girl Hasoone Mikoo

noice !!!!





Nice header image.

Nice header image.

DrLou NekomusuMae

Nice header image.

Nice header image.



Best b-day gift, thanks!~


wowwwwww nice nice!!

Log Off Now, the MIMI mapper.

Check out this Featured Artist by Log Off Now!

yo thats insane bro... finally some good music!!

Moko Genjuro


Remyria Genjuro


t ctb Remyria

really isn't that good. all the featured artist songs aren't very good in my opinion. But I dislike almost every song on this game so my opinion really isn't that important.

Mili when

Yorushika when


Yorushika when