You've had your say, and now the votes are in! Check out which beatmaps were the Community Favorites of 2019!
Just to remind you, the top-voted map for each mode will become the Community Favorite of 2019 and earn their mapper (or set host) a shiny badge detailing how much everybody loves their work, plus 6 months of osu!supporter to tie it all off. The top ten finalists of each mode will also receive 3 months of osu!supporter to commemorate their near victory.
There's lots of maps to churn through, so let's get straight into the results:
1421 voters woke up to Awaken's set for DECO*27 - Ghost Rule. This should come as little surprise to anyone, since the set had been sitting at both the top of the favorites list and the most played beatmaps ranking for a solid quarter of a year.
Well done to Awaken and his collaborators-in-arms!
View the full voting results here.
87 voters favored Kqrth's most esoteric ritual of all — the set for Nog - Aether Ritual.
View the full voting results here.
Back at it again this year, 83 voters showed their true colours and approved of Ascendance's set for Chroma - I.
Ascendance has been solidly at the top of these votes for four years running now, so clearly he's doing something right!
View the full voting results here.
295 voters gobbled up the tasty streams from riunosk's set for xi - Blue Zenith.
View the full voting results here.
Thank you to everybody who took the time out of their day to vote! It's never easy to pick out only ten, especially when the average osu! player experiences hundreds of maps throughout each year.
Full voting results can be viewed in spreadsheet form here.
See you this time next year to check out what the next decade of osu! has in store!