10 Feb 2020
Community Choice 2019: Results
by Ephemeral

Community Choice 2019: Results

by Ephemeral

You've had your say, and now the votes are in! Check out which beatmaps were the Community Favorites of 2019!

Just to remind you, the top-voted map for each mode will become the Community Favorite of 2019 and earn their mapper (or set host) a shiny badge detailing how much everybody loves their work, plus 6 months of osu!supporter to tie it all off. The top ten finalists of each mode will also receive 3 months of osu!supporter to commemorate their near victory.

There's lots of maps to churn through, so let's get straight into the results:


1421 voters woke up to Awaken's set for DECO*27 - Ghost Rule. This should come as little surprise to anyone, since the set had been sitting at both the top of the favorites list and the most played beatmaps ranking for a solid quarter of a year.

Well done to Awaken and his collaborators-in-arms!


View the full voting results here.


87 voters favored Kqrth's most esoteric ritual of all — the set for Nog - Aether Ritual.


View the full voting results here.


Back at it again this year, 83 voters showed their true colours and approved of Ascendance's set for Chroma - I.

Ascendance has been solidly at the top of these votes for four years running now, so clearly he's doing something right!


View the full voting results here.


295 voters gobbled up the tasty streams from riunosk's set for xi - Blue Zenith.


View the full voting results here.

Thank you to everybody who took the time out of their day to vote! It's never easy to pick out only ten, especially when the average osu! player experiences hundreds of maps throughout each year.

Full voting results can be viewed in spreadsheet form here.

See you this time next year to check out what the next decade of osu! has in store!



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even a month later, im still not over blue zenith beating overkill. mania was hella disappointing, lots of sv maps that were just really amazing like newspapers for magicians didnt even make top 30. even maps like shironaga star jet and stardust prism didnt break top 100. people must really only care for pp seeing how blue zenith won and the crow/nanamori are up there

No Sayonara waltz, No Asphyxia, No Character and no veil in the top 50, and yet somehow AaaAaAAa did get in. lol

Sad as it is to see farm maps pop up here, it's honestly kind of expected. To be blunt, I'd actually be more disturbed if there WEREN'T any farm maps up here. I may be some trashy 6 digit that's only been around for 8 months, but that's more than enough time to take notice of how deeply pp is currently rooted into the community. With people basically maining generic farm maps left and right, praising Sotarks for the pp they get. Then when they see a map that breaks the mundane in a way they don't like, they shit on it. AR 8? "Shit map" Rythmically complex? "Shit map" Utilises various elements and breaks the norms? "Shit map."

Now, I realise, of course, that this doesn't apply to all farmers, some are open-minded. Others don't really main farming, but just wanna pad for pp every here and there. Etc. You get the general idea of the community at this point.

With all this established, it's no big surprise that farm maps would end up here.

But looking at it from a different perspective, at least there's hope. The fact that maps like Alexithymia and The Sun, The Moon, The Star, and Kan Saete Kuyashiiwa ended up on the leaderboard, (albeit being below farm maps, but still,) goes to show that the more creative part of the community is still alive. People still appreciate good maps and vote regardless of pp.

The people treat such an unavoidable fact as the end of the world. And while yes, I'm not as delighted as you are to see these maps up there, and yes, there should be efforts made to appreciate unique maps more, we should also appreciate the fact that creative maps still hold their place here.

Instead of thinking "A farm map nearly won, that is legitimately sad" think "Wow, a good map actually took first place despite how obsessed with pp people are. Maybe there is a silver line to this cloud."

Generic maps may be booming now what with the map meta, but creative maps are as lively as ever, too. It's just a tad harder to find them because, well, they're kinda buried.

Anyway, I kind of rambled on for a bit. I know alot of people might not really think the best of this comment because of how naïve and different it is, and I know that some may ignore me based off my status as a 6 digit, but I just wanted to put my two penny worth into this whole thing. Even if I am a little late.

I hope this may have lightened people's moods a little over these results in general.

Thank you, and have a nice day.

Ramiress __Naru__

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short quaver
square jump bass slut

those maps imo are not fun at all, probably only got voted cause it gave pp. I wish more people voted for things like Overkill map by Sotarks which was genuinely quite fun to play. At least geragera is up there i guess.

yukic Igniteous

inferno was the og and i genuinely think it is fun to play



Lott Issuko

Yes, I'm very sorry to said that this osu! community loves pp farming map, so the best map would always be the most pp farm map.

dj TAKA - quaver by Sotarks with 1248 votes.

How does Blue Zenith get first place for mania ??? did only farmers vote or something

The winner in standard is kinda ok, at least its not farm map/10. But I think the hype around it plays a big part on it winning since it was loved then ranked. could've been better but at least ringtone size map didnt win and kan saete kuyashiwa got 3rd.

FAMoss deadslayer322

definitely agree with this

the only reason probox didn't win was cuz of the fact that the map wasn't ranked till October 27th, if it would've been ranked earlier we would've seen a difference.

Mun Merami Fox

generally maps ranked later in the year are fresher in people's minds for community choice and thus see more attention and voting

For next year, remove the fact that we can vote for a map only if we played it.

Edit : I would love to vote for Overkill but I haven't played it for example

that doesnt help, 6 digits will still vote for farm maps


We should be glad that Awaken changed his loved map to ranked or else quaver would be map of the year

Ew ew ew ew ew

Ясно блять, поленились сделать фулл версию карт за которые голосовали как в прошлом году, хуею с ленивого осу стаффа :v

Tankuwi Gordon123

А ты не фигей. (: Они там морондреда и хейли выбрали в качестве элит номинаторов.

What's the phrase... "Disappointed but not surprised"

Ratchet0203 Kotori on osudeleted
Kotori on osu Ratchet0203

Then change the rules
where only ranks above #100000 can vote

im so glad quaver didnt win...

RedcXca Ratchet0203

Also rip catch

good job, taiko people. i expected that of you :)


im gonna map pp and see if i get into 2020 community choice

l1mi Minion24

I think the majority of those who voted for those maps actually like them pp or not. Some unranked maps are mapped with an offset wrong by +20ms.. looks terrible and are mapped in constant 1/2 even if the song itself are in 1/6 and they still manage to get popular. For many players the simplicity seem to be very important so I cant see that "pp maps" wont win next year as well.. the strongest contender to pp mapping is problably meme maps but im pretty sure we know what kind of map that will win next year as well and its not going to be some Angelhoney map.

Blue Zenith in Mania is acually a masterpiece and should be map of the decade

yetii DrLou

why not make it map of the millenia while we're at it

riunosk yetii

hey there don't do that

i wonder how results for taiko will change if we'll just delete all votes from 0 to 3k pp players

It actually hurts to see farm maps in the top 10

Surprised to even see my map on this newspost. Thanks for the votes!!!

Very happy to see that Colorful made it to 11th.
But Last Goodbye and Bass Slut (also quaver), YEEESSSSS (There is something with Fatfan Kolek's maps that makes my brain happy)
Bad guy, take a hint and start again are also maps that I'm glad to see on the list.
Congratulations everyone!

A lot of people already have called you a pp farmer and whatever, but you really aren't by looking at your top plays. Usually people anywhere under 100k have Non-S ranks in their top ranks.
Just keep enjoying the game and don't let people bully you into changing your opinion :)

Kotori on osu Mejiro Ardan

6 digit comforting 6 digit

Minion24 Kontry

shut up pp farmer come back when you will learn about quality maps

Kontry Minion24

me? farmer?
Dude I have 700 pp in total and I've played this game for barely two months. Nothing to worry about :)

toybot Kontry

so these are the players that get quaver to 2nd

_Eyad toybot

imagine farm maps on community choice, what a corrupt age we live in

YE BOYS #894, no anime or pp so I should try and work on that if I want to make maps everyone enjoys!

cerule Skidooskei

make pp

ngl ghost rule literally sounds like when you run your nails on the rubber part of your backpack and it makes that wUBwUBWUBwuwb sound

phew not sotarks pp

thanks for the supporter kqrth

Thank You For Everyone Who Vote My Map <3

Will Do My Best To Get Into Top 10 In The Next Community Choice !

I thought Delis would get that. Well... almost!

When none of the maps you voted for made it...

Pyo linkfire

:( same

same, but that's because i tried to vote on the 5th but it was already closed

5amgamer linkfire

lmao thats me

farm popularity contest with some cool maps in between i guess

won for the 4th year in a row! thanks everyone for your support!

Kontry Ascendance

That's absolutely amazing, congratulations! :D
(I'm fairly new here so I didn't know that lol)

JBHyperion Ascendance

ok you can stop and give everyone else a chance now (:

taiko top 2 is an insult to the entire mode and everyone who's part of the actual community

Kaeldori Greenshell

that's why I voted for aether ritual, if a farm map needs to win it shouldn't be a std set

Lights Greenshell

Same for osu!mania

The Home Depot Theme Song better be in Community Choice 2020.

Hell yeah. Ghost rule rules

sleepwalking peaceGiant


surprisingly solid results (for standard at least), good job community 🙌

sad ghost rule won std :( congrats to the rest

taiko is a joke

Mihaugoku LimeDimeNine

it's been a joke for a while now


