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A lot of fun!
wtf is this
very cool map
this isn't *6.45 D:
Give me a convert of any live-version song and I wouldn't be able to distinguish it from this mess.
by brain can't handle the snapping
yu said d k k k k k kk k kkkk k k k k kkk k kdkk k kk k k k k k kkkkkkk k k k k k kkk
this might be the most insane 6* map I've ever seen
guess I'll never understand reading... Well then, bye, I'm back to playmore'ing.
finally FCd the weird snappings part... better late than never
Probably the hardest 6.45* I've ever played on ranked section. Map is also godlike, good job.
god map
god in heaven
Yu68 is here? :o
bro this map is exactly how i pictured it to be... it's perfect