std I've been playing std inconsistently for years. I may go inactive out of nowhere, and then come back a few months / a year later, and then go inactive again, and then-
Most proud play: Ikanaide near-FC, but I know I can pull something even better off with more practice.
Current goals how to get more consistent at using the correct finger for ending bursts how to accuracy how to hidden how to high AR how to hardrock
Specs Keyboard: Gamakay k87 with Gateron Yellow & Kailh Polia switches, Ducky blue & coral keycaps. Tablet: Gaomon s620. I use OpenTabletDriver. Mouse: Glorious Model O-. (area in osu!lazer is slightly different)
About my grip I default to an abnormal pen grip, so my stamina and the fact I always tense up when playing really turned me away from playing actively. It's a little better now. I'm actually not that much worse than tablet with mouse, but I enjoy using tablet more, so I put up with the grip problems.
Mapping I have mapped before, scrolling down to Beatmaps you can see that, but Funk Hole is the only semi-decent one. Even then, none of them are very good. I made like two 4key maps in Quaver. They're okay. Mapping is kinda fun, I've always been a little interested in mapping for rhythm games, but osu! isn't my favorite game to map for. If I ever start mapping again, it will probably be for a different game.
Gamemodes Standard is fun, and I'm sure the vast majority of you already know that. Taiko is okay. Not my favorite, although I've played it the least. Mania is enjoyable, I like VSRGs in general. CTB, I surprisingly like. It's much less focused on rhythm, but enjoyable nonetheless.