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Featured Artists

Featured Artists (FA) are music artists that have worked with osu! to make a selection of their tracks available for use in beatmaps and background music in the osu! World Cup live streams.

The website's Featured Artist listing showcases each involved artist. Each artist's page houses general information about their music and a list of their tracks licensed for use in osu! accompanied by pre-timed .osz files for beatmapping.

The osu! team sometimes collaborates with artists to create new tracks for use in osu!, called osu! originals. These are labelled as such in the Featured Artist catalogue.


Additions to the Featured Artist library are selected indirectly by the osu! community. If mappers create and rank beatmaps for an artist, the osu! team may reach out to the artist to discuss the Featured Artist program. However, some artists are occasionally invited to become Featured Artists based on other factors, such as their expected appeal to osu!'s mapping audience.

All songs in the Featured Artist program are non-exclusively licensed for use in osu!. Details for musicians who wish to join the Featured Artists can be found in the music licensing article.


New Featured Artist releases per year:

  • 2016: 8
  • 2017: 11
  • 2018: 12
  • 2019: 31
  • 2020: 65
  • 2021: 101
  • 2022: 104
  • 2023: 65
  • 2024: 58
  • 2025: to be determined

New Featured Artists are announced weekly on osu!'s news feed. Most announcements include a list of the artist's licensed songs and a link to their Featured Artist page, though some announcements are paired with mapping contests or beatmaps created by the Mappers' Guild.

Community usage

Beatmappers are encouraged to create maps for Featured Artist tracks. These tracks are provided with timing data and are already cleared for use within osu!, allowing users to immediately jump into mapping without worry. The work-in-progress development build of osu!, dubbed osu!(lazer), will mark these maps prominently in-game.

All mapping contests published on the community contest listing, such as the Monthly Beatmapping Contest and the Mapping Olympiad, require participants to map Featured Artist songs. Some community-run contests utilise these songs as well.

To promote mapping Featured Artist content, members of the community created the Mappers' Guild, giving mappers an MMO-style quest system that they can participate in with other mappers. Prizes are rewarded for creating and ranking beatmaps, including three tiers of profile badges. Mappers can join the guild by visiting the Mappers' Guild website. As of April 2023, mappers can also discuss all things related to Featured Artist beatmap creation at the #featured-artists channel in the osu! Discord server.

If a pre-timed .osz from the Featured Artist listing has errors of any kind, they can be reported on this forum thread.

Featured Artists with an osu! account can be identified by a cyan "Featured Artist" user title and a user group badge that reads FA to show their involvement.

The Featured Artist group page lists all such accounts, while the Featured Artist listing lists all Featured Artists.

User Artist
_Xyris_ Xyris
633397 633397
69_de_74 69 de 74
7_7 7_7
A__ A?
Absolute Zero 0 K
antiPLUR antiPLUR / Internet Death Machine
ERA Akiri Akiri
aquellex Aquellex
Ardolf Ardolf
BigMoist10 The Gentle Men (member of)
BilliumMoto BilliumMoto
Cinamoro Cinamoro
creosu Creo
cYsmix cYsmix
Darkney Darkney
debisco DeBisco
DJ Raisei DJ Raisei
Doomsday Doomsday
Down Down
erikmcclure Erik McClure
exyl_sounds Exyl
Geoxor Geoxor
happy30 happy30
Helblinde Helblinde, Fractal Dreamers (member of)
hikota hikota
hornshoes Strelitzia (member of)
kanki2 Lime / Kankitsu
Kardashevband Kardashev (member of)
KeybladeMaster xiiiac13
kitazawakyouhei Kitazawa Kyouhei
Kommisar Kommisar
Krimek Krimek
KryDotExe Kry.exe
Kurokotei Kurokotei
LandRoot LandRoot
Ludicin Ludicin
Matrix cygnus
Miraie miraie
Nakagawa-Kanon Rabbit House
nakanojojo Nakanojojo
Namirin *namirin
nekodex nekodex
niu arx niu arx / Dictate
onumi onumi
passchooo passchooo
pandaeyesosu Panda Eyes
Pandize Pandize
ptar124 ptar124
Raveille SiLiS
Redside Redside
Ritorikal Ritorikal
Rose Quartz Rose Quartz
rtnario LEAF XCEED Music Division
SAMString SAMString
Shadren Shadren
skymuted Fractal Dreamers
sotuiofficial Rising Sun Traxx (founder)
Sparxe Sparxe
sugosugiii sugosugiii
synthion Synthion
Sydosys Sydosys
takehirotei takehirotei
TEAM BARD Will Stetson
tephe tephe
thenewlimee Raimukun
tieff tieff
tomspicy tomspicy
Trainer LOLXD Trina Lydia
uselet uselet
WangleLine WangleLine
water watering
weary2007 WEARY
WyvernP WyvernP
xorsizer Symholic (member of)
YuugenP rN
Zenpakuwu Zenpaku
ZytrxZX MetaHumanBoi