18 Mar 2023
New Featured Artist: Down
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: Down

by pishifat

Down is living proof that the osu! editor is just a stepping stone towards becoming a music producer.

...as if VINXIS, tieff, happy30, Kurokotei, and Nakagawa-Kanon weren't enough proof already.

Down is a beatmapper-turned-musician whose first steps into music production came from the A Labour of Love beatmapping contest, where he designed a questionable remix for the classic Kuba Oms - My Love. Since then, he's branched out into every genre known to man, taking influence from different composers and designing primarily Touhou arrangements in all sorts of styles.

Down's Featured Artist listing has 13 songs for you to experiment with, more than half of which are named after mappers.

You probably know Down from his beatmap Ekoro (yes, that's the name of the song). This tune blatantly showcases Down's love for rhythmic complexity in a way that only a mapper could imagine. See what we mean through this play set by Ekoro (we're talking about the player this time!), then try out any of these other maps:

Down - Ekoro

Check out the map from the video above hosted by Down, who also produced the song!


Down - Chosun

Maybe try this beatmap created by Down for the Korean Open Rank Draft Tournament or this osu!taiko rendition hosted by woosungko!


Down - Solo Cup

Play this map created by Down for DUO CUP: KOREA 2022!


Down - Duo Cup

Give a second attempt to this map also created by Down for DUO CUP: KOREA 2022!


Down - Trio Cup

Yep, there's a third one!


Down - Luscent

Try out this map created by someone you could probably guess!


Down - Yamangomcpro6th

Aaaaaaaaand check out this map hosted by past (previously known as Yamang)!


Down - Down

Can we perhaps interest you in the cult classic Down - Down [Down], as mapped by Down?


Start mapping any song above (and more) from Down's Featured Artist listing! If your name is something like UberFazz, Halfslashed, Lince Cosmico, or DeviousPanda, the Ranked section is waiting for your debut.

It's the weekend, which means there's two more Featured Artists to look forward to next week! Glue your eyes to the @osugame Twitter for more details and we'll see you again very very very soon.



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Hey, his songs are pretty cool! Maybe he could try mapping something now, like that II-L guy!

he is good


Cool artist

(beatmap by) Down - (play by) Ekoro


About time this happened good stuff down

Farfocele BadussyHD



down - down [down] by down

People hating but I liked it

Down - Yamangomcpro6th's map link redirects to past's profile.

no hate but theres no way u could ever call these "music"

-Kori Laquarius

"no hate but this ain't music to me"

Konomi Laquarius

i think you may be deaf because when i press the play button there is definitely music

joeshiesty Laquarius


Jacob Laquarius

sounds like music to me

the prices are down


down syndrome

coolishic Faath

honestly i'd be pissed off if you said it because i got bullied by that fucking word too many times.

Farfocele coolishic

hi coolishic

FINALLY congrats (i love Ekoro (and Ekoro map is not bad at all))


down - down [down]




coolishic uwuJun

hold up.


cool mapper and cool songs, pog

the 🐐

i love down

The reveal of [Down] Down by Down mapped by Down during OWC2022 will forever be etched in my memory.

MiguelATC Jagdblume

i feel ya, legendary moment

Baby are you down, down, down, down down? (Down, down)
Even if the sky is falling down? (Down, down)


That's cool :D


Fact: In Ekoro, the 1/9 snap is only used once

Baby are you Down - Down (Down) [Down]


Theedoo Lince Cosmico

i do not recall you Mapping, So, Yes.

tity Lince Cosmico

Can't believe you still have 0 Lince Cosmico maps

Theedoo tity

ur name is titty lol

Down sama

Down does not feel like a real word anymore

make your bets: who's the next osu! player/mapper to become featured artist?


Megafan overdahedge2015

i believe in the 7_7


so glad he’s a FA now, one of my first maps I ever played was Rihan Rider by Down. very cool to see how far he’s come, congrats Down

Luschka when


very nice!

finally, congrats to Down



where's Down - My Love Remix in the listing

(congrats on FA, down)


Look how big that W is for down

Congrats on FA Down!!


Look how big that W is for down

Congrats on FA Down!!