by pishifat
Melodic black/death metal band WINTERHORDE takes a step into our library of Featured Artists.
WINTERHORDE's music is everything a metalhead could ask for: high-tempo, high-intensity, and abundantly dense with drums. Stream-focused metal mapping (which should really be called blast beatmapping) is their speciality, as made crystal clear by maps like Chronic Death and Worms of Soul.
Wrench your mind around the 6 tracks we've picked up for WINTERHORDE's Featured Artist listing, all pre-timed and ready for your Ctrl
+ Shift
+ F
Experience WINTERHORDE's sound for yourself:
Check out the map from the video above hosted by kiwies!
Or try this other ultra difficult marathon hosted by iamtickrate!
WINTERHORDE's Featured Artist listing has even more songs for you to smash your keyboard along to. Pick whichever suits your fancy and design your own finger-demolishing canvas of chaos (also known as a beatmap).
Our next Featured Artist might be a day late for... undisclosed reasons. Keep an eye on the @osugame Twitter for when it drops, and maybe watch this weekend's MWC 7K for... similar undisclosed reasons.
Stay tuned.