by chromb
The beatmap pack scene is taking off in 2023 with a number of all-new categories and some new talent to boot!
What's the one thing better than a beatmap? More beatmaps.
For this reason, the engineers over at the osu! beatmap pack factory have been working hard to scale up operations in order to deliver high-quality packs right to your doorstep, and their new line-up is sure to excite you!
But first, we'd like to welcome some new talent into the beatmap packing business, namely Shige-Tori[a], who has for a long while catalogued existing packs in an exhaustively expansive unofficial spreadsheet. We'd also like to give a somber and grateful farewell to Stefan, who has kept the lights on at the beatmap pack assembly line for many, many years with his tireless toil.
"What are beatmap packs", you ask? They are collections of hand-picked beatmaps that you can download in bulk from one place, instead of tediously looking around to find them all. The beatmap pack listing even tracks your completion on each one!
"Why would you complete beatmap packs?" Well, most of them do absolutely nothing (not to discourage any completionists out there), but a special few may give you a shiny reward...
Now, let's stop asking questions and take a look at the new beatmap pack categories:
Project Loved has been bringing some of osu!'s finest creations to your screens since 2016, and the time has come to bring some HIGH-DENSITY LOVED GOODNESS to your songs folder. Each pack contains a selection of each season's greatest hits, as chosen by the Loved captains themselves.
Show them some love over at the Project Loved pack listing, and perhaps even earn some shiny goodies while you're at it!
For years people have been asking the question, "where can I find a nice selection of easy-to-download mappools from past tournaments?". Turns out the answer has been found, as tournament packs are now alive and kicking! Enjoy some sensible Quarterfinal pools, or test your limits with a Grand Final pool from any of the most hype tournaments to have graced the game.
For now, the focus is on getting all of the World Cup mappools uploaded, but expect to see other tournaments joining them very soon!
Give yourself a challenge over at the tournament pack listing today!
To this day, there are only 14 mappers who have reached the incredible milestone of creating one hundred (or more) Ranked beatmaps, so after some light interrogation of these industrious creators, we're excited to bring you the all-new Centurion packs! Each pack represents a selection of a given Centurion's most beloved creations, namely the beatmaps they're most proud of making.
These packs can be found in the themed pack listing, so why not give them a spin?
In addition to the packs, all of the mappers to have achieved this ridiculous milestone have also been granted an exquisite new profile badge (many thanks to Tanza3D for the design).
In particular, for their astounding dedication to the creation of beatmaps, the entire team would like to extend utmost congratulations to DJPop, Andrea, ztrot, Sotarks, Lasse, Nao Tomori, Annabel, Ascendance, Nevo, Faputa, Genjuro, Ryuusei Aika, Secre and SMOKELIND!
That's all we have for the moment, but keep your eyes peeled for new pack-related things in the future!