29 Aug 2023
Changes to the Mappers' Guild
by pishifat

Changes to the Mappers' Guild

by pishifat

The doors are wide open. Contribute to Featured Artist mapping and earn some cool stuff in the process through the Mappers' Guild!

Not sure what the Mappers' Guild even is? You're not alone.

The Mappers' Guild is a community of mappers who create maps from the Featured Artist catalogue and earn rewards for their efforts. Since its inception, this MMO-inspired project expanded to its own website and now includes a bunch of other mapping-related opportunities!

This article covers new additions to the Mappers' Guild since our last update. Skip to any section you're interested in:

Priority quests

Quests allow mappers to collaborate on simple objectives tied to each Featured Artist, like "Create and rank at least 2 mapsets of songs by artist, each hosted by a different user".

Priority quests take that a step further, offering more complex objectives that aren't necessarily tied to one Featured Artist's music!

These new-style quests function differently from normal quests too. Here are the important differences:

  • Anyone can participate in priority quests. Unlike normal quests, you don't need to claim priority quests in advance.
  • Quests are tiered by difficulty:
    • Tier 1 bronze icon (easiest, most common, and lowest reward)
    • Tier 2 silver icon
    • Tier 3 gold icon
    • Tier 4 platinum icon (hardest, least common, and highest reward)
  • Depending on the quest's completion conditions, multiple users can earn prizes for the same quest.
  • Priority quests don't last forever. Maps can be added to priority quests until a deadline is met or a beatmap completes the quest.

Check out these new quests from the priority quest listing. It explains basically everything that we can't fit in this article!

Priority quest rewards

As the name implies, these quests are a bit more special than ordinary quests, and we're offering some special rewards in turn!

To start, maps associated with priority quests earn bonus progress towards Mappers' Guild profile badges. This is handled with a complicated point-based system, which you can read about here if you're really invested.

Tier 1 badge Tier 2 badge Tier 3 badge Tier 4 badge

On top of that, anyone who completes a priority quest also receives a customised keychain based on a pattern in their winning beatmap!


Depending on your country, shipping this may be difficult or impossible. pishifat (the dude writing this article) will be creating and shipping these individually, so don't expect the same efficiency as a professional production studio. :)

And on top of all of that, we're also offering a new profile badge to anyone who completes 3+ priority quests.

Priority quest badge

The priority quest listing details more about prizes and will always have a few active quests running at any given time, so participate in whichever you're interested in!

Ranked map requirement lifted

Previously, you needed at least 3 Ranked maps to host beatmaps and earn rewards in the Mappers' Guild. Those days are over.

As of this change, anyone can participate in the Mappers' Guild!

This includes:

If you're a newer mapper looking to get started with the Mappers' Guild, feel free to ask questions in the osu! Discord server's #mappers-guild channel!

Smaller changes

Most changes to the Mappers' Guild aren't too glamorous. Here's a few highlights from the past year:

Beatmap Nominator modding points

Up until now, modders would earn 1 Mappers' Guild point for each map they mod.

Some Beatmap Nominators have requested their points for modding to scale according to beatmap length, since anyone who nominates a beatmap is guaranteed to have modded the full mapset.

That said, anyone who nominated a Mappers' Guild beatmap has earned points relative to their modding efforts. This includes cases when a user forgot to add themselves as a modder too!

Notifications and invites removed

Anyone who engaged with the Mappers' Guild before could tell you that these were annoying. So now they're gone.

Automatic quest dropping

It's no secret that a lot of quests are inactive. There's no major penalty for this, but to give other users a chance, any quest that is inactive for a year is dropped and made available to the public.

Party leader can compensate points for other users

To claim certain quests, each party member would need to spend some points. Some users have 0 available points though, so they can't take quests.

Instead of completely locking users out of quests, the party leader can now compensate for another user's lack of points by spending more of their own points.

Major contributors

A ton of people are involved in the Mappers' Guild, but some stand out above the crowd. Below are some of the top contributors to the guild! (More specifically, this is anyone who's contributed 10+ difficulties to Ranked Featured Artist maps since last July... and SMOKELIND, who focused on total Ranked maps instead.)

User Modes Ranked beatmaps Ranked difficulties
Hinsvar osu! 15 65
Faputa osu!taiko, osu!mania 7 43
FAMoss osu!mania 9 40
Deif osu!, osu!catch 10 31
Jemzuu osu!, osu!catch 7 29
HEAVENLY MOON osu!taiko 10 28
Hivie osu!taiko 6 27
KyeX osu!taiko 5 27
Cynplytholowazy osu!, osu!taiko, osu!mania 7 25
JBHyperion osu!catch 5 24
skolodojko osu!taiko 3 17
Verti osu!catch 3 16
op45667 osu!taiko 4 16
Ayesha Altugle osu! 2 15
AJT osu! 5 15
Antti osu!taiko 4 15
Kukkai osu!catch 3 15
Alchyr osu!taiko 6 14
autofanboy osu!catch 4 14
Garden osu! 3 14
allein osu! 4 14
meiqth osu!taiko 3 14
Boaz osu!taiko 5 14
Nytrocide_ osu! 4 14
PandaHero osu! 4 13
Daycore osu! 3 13
GIGACHAD osu!taiko, osu!catch 3 13
BlackBN osu!taiko, osu!catch 3 13
Burak osu!taiko 3 13
Lasse osu! 3 12
ZiRoX osu!catch 3 12
M a r v o l l o osu!, storyboarder 2 12
frozz osu! 2 12
Down osu! 3 12
Horiiizon osu!taiko 2 12
arcpotato osu!taiko 1 12
Strategas osu! 4 11
-Rustyy osu!catch 1 11
cai_ji_ccc osu!mania 2 11
Annabel osu!taiko 2 10
DeviousPanda osu! 2 10
Iceluin osu! 1 10
PaRaDogi osu! 4 10
Eyenine osu!taiko 2 10
Ph0eNiiXZ osu!taiko 4 10
-NoName- osu!mania 2 10
Unlucky_w osu!, osu!catch 3 10
SMOKELIND osu! 8 8

While these folks may be in the spotlight, there's a lot of other people in the Mappers' Guild who contribute too. If you're one of them, thanks for the help!



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so basically, for the small price of completing a priority quest, I can have a permanent physical reminder of how shitty patterns I make

sounds fire

(but actually, cool changes, thanks for your work y'all)

meh, ranked will never changes

finally anyone can join


osu! is just a charity project at this point. Its just so good to see people working for so little profit. Love you guys.

vodit51321 dicloflom

always has been

Hi who want to bn my mpg quest

maybe ill try to rank a map for once lol

mbc when

fowwo fowwo

please pishi. i've been going through withdrawals

pishifat fowwo

in a week mark your calendar

Yo I'm famous

pls make FELT a featured artist and i will max out this thing


Just asking how are you going to filter the "Underappreciated Artists" artist list or other detailed quests because surely the applicable featured artists shouldn't be any and handing the search task to the mapper is an unnecessary burden. Wouldn't it better if it shows either list of applicable artist (for Underappreciated Artists) or applicable songs (for Monthly Beatmapping Contest returns...?)?

Saturnalize Saturnalize


List of eligible artist (updated per August 31): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iTriT3kBE4nMP1HU-2hNQFuwKZ9UzYZJ/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=111053104330115158044&rtpof=true&sd=true

old: if anyone wondering if you can search it yourself: yes you can on beatmap listing
For Underappreciated Artists make sure the "featured artist" tag is enabled (below search bar) with the following search:
artist=[artist name] ranked>=2022-08-29
now idk if song outside of FA list is also considered, but since we're going official route i just want to play safe

-Flashlight- Saturnalize

should be 2022-08-29 btw

finally mpg for everyone

this actually gives me motivation to start work on more mpg stuff, this is cool as hell

No more ranked map requirement, holy hell

How many times can you complete a quest? As an individual

pishifat tatatat


i want to map rankable stuff :sob:

just do it

Datcty Randomness64


very nice

wtf those keychains are cool af

It's happened

You guys know its basically impossible to not reach rank 250,000 in taiko or catch right? Just play like 5 easy difficulties. Also I’d say most 4K mania maps are below 5.5*. Not much of metal for “babies”

The criterias REALLY need to be adjusted and tailored to each game mode.

pishifat tatatat

it's been adjusted! people from #mappers-guild in the osu server gave some input on this already

-Kori tatatat

tf does this have to do with the mappers guild

yukic -Kori

its a requirement for one of the priority quests

-Kori -Kori

also its not a criteria thing its literally just not as many players as in std

isle tatatat


hey siri how do i rank a map

noname the demon :moanSleep:

-NoName- ERA Basil

I'm not a demon

ANYONE CAN JOIN MG???????????????????

Ty smokelind for carry

omg I'm on TV




