11 Mar 2023
New Featured Artist: SWORD OF JUSTICE
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: SWORD OF JUSTICE

by pishifat

SWORD OF JUSTICE slices their way through our Featured Artist library.

Spanning more than two decades, SWORD OF JUSTICE is a solo project launched by guitarist Toshinori Hiramatsu in 2002 and inspired by video game music from the 80's and 90's.

SWORD OF JUSTICE arrived in osu! during 2009 thanks to a simple beatmap of Happy Birthday to You, well before many of you may have even realised the game existed! Since then, their newer music has made it to the limelight through Glacial Blaze and Asmodeus's mapping machinations, forever cementing their place in osu!.

7 modern classics are ready for mapping from SWORD OF JUSTICE's Featured Artist listing!

Check it all out:

SWORD OF JUSTICE - Glacial Blaze

Play through the map from the video above hosted by Adinda!



Or try this marathon also hosted by Adinda!


SWORD OF JUSTICE - Happy Birthday to You

Go back to the roots of osu! with this old-school map hosted by alvisto!


SWORD OF JUSTICE's Featured Artist listing has something you'd never expect: pre-timed beatmap templates for every new song. If you've ever wanted an alternative to begging your mapping friends to time your maps whenever you want to create one, we've got you covered.

And if you're looking for even more music, there's two more Featured Artist releases next week! We'll cover them over on the @osugame Twitter, so use that knowledge however you'd like, and we'll see you soon.

Stay tuned.



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Metal <3


add metal BNs


When are we getting SWORD OF JUSTICE - Sword of Justice [Sword of Justice] mapped by Sword of Justice

"too many mods" :skull:

MyAngelSatania Gengar9nn

ur so brainwashed by posting skull emoji you didnt realize this isnt discord

kajxqeirscl MyAngelSatania

who hurt you?

Gengar9nn MyAngelSatania

i know its not discord i dont use discord

luschka when

1x speed


overmod? never heard of it

another metal artist and no metal BNs 🙄

only ones we have are apo11o, marvollo and pishifat basically

Kaly Skubi

i will be a metal BN (if i get to be a BN)

if only mazzerin is a BN

Simacoul Indomi-chan

Mazzerin would be the best Metal BN ngl

another metal artist let's goooooo



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