by RockRoller
Do you think you've got what it takes to help select the best skins of 2022? Get involved and cast your votes today!
Ever since skinning was first introduced to osu! many years ago, a sprawling and ever so creative community has been evolving and expanding around it. Many thousands of skins have been created in the past 15 years with a myriad of styles and artists coming and going, but until now the community has never had an official vote to determine the best made in a given year.
Now's your chance to become a part of history in this first-of-a-kind skin competition!
All skins that have been released during 2022 and have been added to the compendium are eligible to compete, including contest & podium entries. Everyone gets 15 votes each to cast, and you can spend as many or as few as you like.
The top-voted entry will receive a unique profile badge based on their entry and 3 months of osu!supporter for their victory, while the remaining finalists will receive 1 month of osu!supporter each.
We urge you to check out the sheer amount of creativity that various artists have put into their works throughout the year, with 290 skins that have been submitted to the skinning forums (and 136 of them being added to the compendium) all just waiting to make their home in your client as your new main skin.
Click here to get involved and vote for 2022's Skin of the Year!
The voting will remain open for 14 days after this post goes up, closing officially on the 23rd of February. Hopefully, that should be enough time to go through the catalogue and pick your favourites.
Thanks to everyone who submitted their hard work to the compendium, and good luck!
# ChillMegumin 1.1 # -