17 Jul 2018
New Featured Artists: antiPLUR & Nakanojojo
by Ephemeral

New Featured Artists: antiPLUR & Nakanojojo

by Ephemeral

We're proud to announce the addition of two new Featured Artists to the roster, antiPLUR and Nakanojojo! Check them out!

A departure from the norm, this time we've got two brand new artists to share with you. Each one currently has four tracks available on their listing, for a total of eight new tracks altogether.

Let's dive right in!


A memorable name for some of our older players, antiPLUR came to the attention of the osu! community in 2015 with his track Speed of Link, which proceeded to blow everybody's minds.

Taking a distinctly unique twist on classic 8-bit console sounds, antiPLUR's work tends to be blisteringly quick and incredibly catchy, posing itself as excellent fuel for the endless fires of higher-level play.

Check out a brief preview of the four tracks we have available from him below, and if you like what you hear, check out his Featured Artist listing for pre-timed beatmap files!


Clockwork Spooks


One Life Left to Live





Bursting into the osu! scene earlier this year with a joint artist-mapper collaboration, Nakanojojo's work highlights perhaps one of a very small number of times in osu!'s decade-long history where the creators of a track and beatmap have worked closely together to create something entirely new and wonderful.

A slightly slower-paced take on the the traditional anime-inspired sound, Nakanojojo's pieces are often airy and vocal, featuring his signature breath-y lyrics set to a sound harnessed and honed by some of the eminent names in Japanese music production.

Don't take my word for it, check out a sample from each of the four tracks we now have available on his Featured Artist listing:

Bittersweet (feat. Kuishinboakachan a.k.a Kiato) (Game Mix)


Kagami (鏡)


Nouryoku Shadakedo Mirai Nante Yomenai (能力者だけど未来なんて読めない)




As with all Featured Artist releases, these new tracks are 100% free for use in creating osu! beatmaps, so worry less, and map more!

We're excited to keep expanding the Featured Artist roster with a variety of sounds and styles, and the astute among you may have already noticed a few hints as to where the future leads in that regard.

We'll say only this much - the next release is bound to be very delightful.



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play every audio on here and make it into beatmap

speed of link

why is speed of link slowed and pitched down?

Cielbami birbieee

because that's the speed of the original unedited track

birbieee Cielbami

w o a h it sounds a lot better sped up lmao


Nakanojojo!!!! i'm so glad

>very delightful

Globglogabgalab confirmed?

Rad- Joe Castle

Grandayy mashups confirmed, ProBox's marathon is bound to be ranked any minute now.

but Camelia...

Wtf.. speed of link



mega F for respect

now we need neko hacker

is that a jojo reference?

t+pazolite or camellia please

Greydus Isshiki Kaname

camellia can't do it, but he doesn't care if his songs are used by the osu!community

huu Isshiki Kaname

Unsure about t+pazolite, but Camellia is bound to a contract with Konami, so the chances of him being a featured artist are slim. (unless things have changed since this info is kinda old?)

e: jesus christ this aged like milk, even in 2018.



PopCircles Overs_word


No EPROMancer ;-;

Would be nice to have volume control for the next one, because as much as I like to hear this music at 100+ decibel, I don't think it's doing much good to my ears

Maemi no Yume GrilledCheeese

the volume is normal with peaks at 0db. Services like Spotify and Youtube turn down everything to -3.0db (aprox.), so we can easily be used to listening things at -3.0db, but when something is actually at 0db we feel as if it was exploding out of control. But don't take my word for it, download VoiceMeeter and see for yourself.
When we master a song, we are actually making sure the track never goes above 0db and that it spend more time as possible at 0db without distorting. The consequence is that it feels really much more louder. But every electronic music is like this. You can compare the mastering of antiPLUR with Nakanojojo (Yunomi mastering), it's about the same loudness.

Who the fuck is nakanojojo

Lulu- RockStyle

Bursting into the osu! scene earlier this year with a joint artist-mapper collaboration, Nakanojojo's work highlights perhaps one of a very small number of times in osu!'s decade-long history where the creators of a track and beatmap have worked closely together to create something entirely new and wonderful.

A slightly slower-paced take on the the traditional anime-inspired sound, Nakanojojo's pieces are often airy and vocal, featuring his signature breath-y lyrics set to a sound harnessed and honed by some of the eminent names in Japanese music production.

Don't take my word for it, check out a sample from each of the four tracks we now have available on his Featured Artist listing:

nakanojo YES


those first 2 seconds of speed of link
some juicy streamss

cAmElLiA cOnFiRmEd?

still waiting for that

Speed of antiPLUR

[Ping] [Ping]

Also Nakanojojo's song sounds interesting

speed of link what a year

Oh, finally antiPLUR.


