by Ephemeral
The grandfather of rhythm gaming music arrives to osu! in style as our latest Featured Artist, complete with an accompanying set of 8 ranked maps from the Mapper's Guild!
It was once said by peppy himself that a game simply isn't a rhythm game unless it has Cranky in it. For years, this title has eluded us (although he did prominently feature in osu!stream) - but no longer! Today, we welcome Cranky as our latest Featured Artist.
Cranky is such a major fixture of rhythm gaming music that we can't even really begin to do his legacy justice, so we'll just let his work speak for him.
The musical genius behind countless entries in many other rhythm games, dating back as far as rhythm games go yet spanning to recent aracde hits like SOUND VOLTEX, jubeat plus and more, Cranky's work is the very definition of diverse, spanning across dozens of genres and sounds while always retaining those core hits that help drive rhythm games as a whole.
Don't take my word for it, visit his Featured Artist listing and check it out!
To usher him in, the Mappers' Guild have been hard at work creating an ensemble of 8 freshly Ranked beatmaps for your playing pleasure:
Download the full pack of all eight maps! or check out all existing ranked beatmaps featuring cranky's music to be more selective.
Beyond these fine tracks, there are over 70 more for a total of 79 tracks available for mapping in osu!, all pre-timed and raring to go on his Featured Artist listing.
Cranky's addition as our 23rd Featured Artist also denotes a big milestone for the project - we now have over 500 tracks totalling nearly 30 hours of non-stop musical goodness totally free for use in osu! mapping. The hype doesn't stop here however, we will continue our journey to expand the Featured Artist listing until it requires pagination and a search system to navigate!
we've got some more tracks coming in the near future, but chandelier should be on there soon, hold tight!
edit: the king's back in the house, or on the ceiling, as it were. thanks for letting us know!