20 Mar 2018
Featured Artist Track Updates
by Ephemeral

Featured Artist Track Updates

by Ephemeral

As announced with Trial & Error's release, we're proud to present thirty new tracks from some of our amazing Featured Artists, including IAHN, yuki., Helblinde, dark cat, Loki/Thaehan, Rin/Function Phantom and the Fractal Dreamers!

Without further ado, let's dive into what's new:


We've got three new tracks lined up from IAHN in his classic electronic style. Check out his Featured Artist listing for the download links and more info!

All In One


Burn Out


Feel It



Two brand new, osu! exclusive tracks arrive with this update from yuki. Check out his Featured Artist listing for more details and links to the beatmap files for the new tracks!



Hello! World (feat. setsunan)



We're delighted to offer mappers the tracks from Omnia Vanitas, Helblinde's latest EP, offering four new songs to test your mapping mettle with.

Do you have what it takes to bend these tracks to your will? Check out Helblinde's Featured Artist listing for download links and more information!

Omnia Vanitas


Elder Hymn




Devourer of All


dark cat

It turns out that we've had a lingering track sitting nice and snug in the Featured Artist archives since the project's inception, just waiting to be released.

Still just as hot as it was when we first got it, there's now one new catstep track for dark cat lovers to feast on.

Download the new track over at dark cat's Featured Artist listing!

hot chocolate



Back again under the Thaehan alias with his latest EP, OMGWTF !, our favourite EDM master brings ten new tracks to the fray, featuring sounds from some much-loved franchises!

Check out Loki/Thaehan's Featured Artist listing for download links and more information!

Angry Birds Epic (Remix)




Final Boss II






Insert Coin




Mega Man 2 Medley






Rin/Function Phantom

We're still hard at work trying to acquire the remainder of Rin's absurdly excellent musical lineup, including tracks from his Ocelot alias and the rest of his Function Phantom works.

For now, we have only one track to offer from his Function Phantom alias, but boy, is it a good one!

Variable (Function Phantom)


Fractal Dreamers

The journey continues on through the soundscapes of the Fractal Dreamers, and we're proud to announce that a selection of tracks from their latest EP, Everything For A Dream is now available as a part of this update.

If you've been watching the MWC7K World Cup, you might already be familiar with Fata Morgana - as an ending snippet is featured as the 'applause' finisher at the end of each match.

This means eight brand new tracks of varying intensity and composition to play around with. Check out the Fractal Dreamers Featured Artist listing for more information, and download links!

Blue Haven


Celestial Horizon


Crossing the Waterscape




Everything for a Dream


Fata Morgana


The Singing Swan


With Every Wanderer's Breath


All the tracks listed above are completely free to use for mapping in osu! and any game mode therein, so worry less, and map more!

There's bound to be something for everyone, but just in case there isn't, keep your eyes and ears peeled for a series of brand new releases happening very soon - and remarkably close to home, too!



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blog it

osu! will die when it gets too big and gets DMCAd, this is good

Omnia vanitas ❤


That Megaman 2 Medley is absolutely blasting


dark cat!!

<3 dark cat is back! :D

overpowered sounds so sick, love this stuff

hot chocolate <3

I bet somebody will map that 38 sec track.

Unconquered on Helblinde's page says 139bpm, but its 140bpm

I have a question, didn't Helblinde made all of his songs free to use recently? I don't see why we can't just put of all his albuns/songs under the alias of "Helblinde" available on his FA page. But I honestly don't have much info about FA so maybe there's a reason?

I wonder what does that "remarkably close to home" could mean...



yuki. :3

Helblinde ΟωΟ

Rin's track exceeds expectation.

Holy Cat!!

Very nice, I do like how osu! is slowly stepping away from copyright, maybe we might get official lan tournaments with featured artist songs.

Still waiting on antiPLUR tho, am hyped to see what is to come with him.

Xinnoh Nyanaro

soon 👀

overpowered and superpower

much power

that thaehan songs....
i died ~

holy crap this is literally the best wave of songs to ever hit the featured artist line up, keep it up


Nice :o

Fractal Dreamers <3

function phantom yesssssss


function phantom yesssssss