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nice mapping !
Topic Starter

caren_sk wrote:

nice mapping !
どうもありがとう :3
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heyo, id be willing to map an extra to fill up the gap, since ive already mapped this badly once before ^-^
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toybot wrote:

heyo, id be willing to map an extra to fill up the gap, since ive already mapped this badly once before ^-^
Please!! :)
thats my boy
Topic Starter
I think that Freeze map got frozen. :roll:
Hey <3

  1. 01:01:628 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I think if you rotate the triple a bit you can make a better flow ~ e.g. (rotate -35)
  2. 01:17:431 (6,7) - Maybe ctrlg+g and move (7) a bit up?
  3. 01:25:735 (2) - ctrl+g and a bit down would fit in the previous pattern but I see what you did there
  4. 01:32:297 (1,2,3) - Make those a bit better curved? It could look a bit smoother
  5. 02:34:172 (2,3) - fix blanket
  6. 02:47:967 (2,3,4,5) - imo the flow is a bit harsh here - Maybe ctrl+g on (3) and reposition (4,5) and make (6) curved?
  7. 03:27:342 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - I feel like this has to be mapped differently
    03:27:342 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1) - FIrst part feels way to slow for the following jumps 03:29:351 (2,3,4,5) - I would try to map the vocals more since they're intensifying at that point (if that is a word :^) )
  8. 03:59:217 (4,1) - I would use a triple like before
  9. 04:06:315 (3) - overmapped? I cant hear it
Hope I could help a bit out :>

Good luck :D
Topic Starter

Domi200 wrote:

Hey <3

  1. 01:01:628 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I think if you rotate the triple a bit you can make a better flow ~ e.g. (rotate -35) Actually the flow I made is the one I wanted. I think it plays pretty good to go a bit on a straight line but you know...not to much neither lol
  2. 01:17:431 (6,7) - Maybe ctrlg+g and move (7) a bit up? fixed, good point.
  3. 01:25:735 (2) - ctrl+g and a bit down would fit in the previous pattern but I see what you did there Ye, not a bad idea, but then 01:26:003 (3) - would be a bit random.
  4. 01:32:297 (1,2,3) - Make those a bit better curved? It could look a bit smoother Might be true, but then it would have a bad overlap with 01:31:092 (3,4) - and that wouldn't fit my style
  5. 02:34:172 (2,3) - fix blanket fixed
  6. 02:47:967 (2,3,4,5) - imo the flow is a bit harsh here - Maybe ctrl+g on (3) and reposition (4,5) and make (6) curved? Honestly, I found the flow pretty good, but I really like your idea, so I took it anyway lol
  7. 03:27:342 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - I feel like this has to be mapped differently
    03:27:342 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1) - FIrst part feels way to slow for the following jumps 03:29:351 (2,3,4,5) - I would try to map the vocals more since they're intensifying at that point (if that is a word :^) ) Fixed a bit the first part, but the second is I think good this way, the back and forth pattern is pretty fast, and when the vocal intensifies, I cut it so it gives even more impact, I think
  8. 03:59:217 (4,1) - I would use a triple like before It wasn't a triple :O 03:55:199 (1) -
  9. 04:06:315 (3) - overmapped? I cant hear it Well it is for the sake of playability
Hope I could help a bit out :>

Good luck :D
Thank you very much! It was actually very helpful.
- s a k o -
nice maps, i hope this maps will get qualified soon :)
Hi, I'm for your mod req.
There is only one thing in which I can help, is it a little logy offset, which imo should be in 1615
Topic Starter

ReFaller wrote:

Hi, I'm for your mod req.
There is only one thing in which I can help, is it a little logy offset, which imo should be in 1615
As I told you, the offset has been checked by two people already and told me the good one was 1628.
Thanks for your check though, I'll still try to get another confirmation.
[Random short mod] (you theft my idea xDD)
I only mod this because i love mod and this song (and i am mapping it xDD)

Rules and Notes:
-I give notes for the diffs
-If your map are too good, the kudo you give me i will gonna throw to your map :)
-If you need faqs or advices PM on osu!.exe :3
-*WARNING* Marked - Optional

Put another combo colors in the kiai times hurt the eyes of the new players
00:11:270 (4) - Offset goes here :3


Aimod- Why the fu** you have a lot of kiai problems in aimod? are only 3!? please fix this

00:15:556 (3) - Use that beat doesnt end sliders there and here 00:16:628 (4) - and here 00:17:699 (2) - you can use mor sliders and circles for that beats or here 00:25:199 (4) - and here, well you have a lot of problems with this beats, if you want i can put any single beat you have this error if you want PM in osu.exe

00:29:485 (2) - Why? this? erase it or put more sliders
00:30:824 (3) - This looks ugly and its overlapped and end in a strong beat
00:49:842 (1,2,3,4) - This is are A LOT OF CIRCLES for an easy
00:57:342 (1) - Fix this, looks really ugly
01:03:770 (1) - use 2 sliders, because this ends in strong beat :o
01:11:270 (1) - This is a really good slider, but ends in strong beat fix this and here 01:13:413 (3) - and here ._. 01:17:699 (3) - why you continue doing this!? 01:19:842 (1) - i'am gonna kill you! 01:21:985 (3) -
01:26:270 (3) - The strong beat thing
01:30:556 (1) - STRONG BEATS!!
01:32:699 (3) - fix this!

Okay, men you gonna make me cry
This easy is so bad structurated :(
men learn a little more of strong beats
well i think you catch the idea of the Strong Beats DONT END SLIDERS THERE!!!
your map needs more work for rank
Here you are doing an unrank map
Here is the note
Note: F

Consider remap the easy diffbecause have A LOT of strong beat errors in compose so, learn a little more, if you doesnt catch the idea of the strong beats thing PM in osu!.exe if you wanna a full mod edit the easy diff and i will mod the else :) see ya!
Topic Starter

Trent83 wrote:

[Random short mod] (you theft my idea xDD) The map is a year old though..
I only mod this because i love mod and this song (and i am mapping it xDD)

Rules and Notes:
-I give notes for the diffs
-If your map are too good, the kudo you give me i will gonna throw to your map :)
-If you need faqs or advices PM on osu!.exe :3
-*WARNING* Marked - Optional

Put another combo colors in the kiai times hurt the eyes of the new players Would be cool if you would have specify which color should be changed. But I just (re)testplayed it 0% dim with osu default skin and it's just fine (not to mention that even a new player can play at 25% dim something like that I think).
00:11:270 (4) - Offset goes here :3 The way it is now is exactly the same as what you're pointing out since i's a downbeat. I didn't put it here because I want to map the part before xD


Aimod- Why the fu** you have a lot of kiai problems in aimod? are only 3!? please fix this Can't be fixed. It's because of the fountains (that doesn't really need to be nerfed here tbh.)

00:15:556 (3) - Use that beat doesnt end sliders there and here 00:16:628 (4) - and here 00:17:699 (2) - you can use mor sliders and circles for that beats or here 00:25:199 (4) - and here, well you have a lot of problems with this beats, if you want i can put any single beat you have this error if you want PM in osu.exe I think it's just fine... I have nothing to add as it is playable, the flow feels natural and it follows in the music what I want... Not sure what's your problem, my Easy isn't that different comapred to other sets.

00:29:485 (2) - Why? this? erase it or put more sliders Listen closely to the music and you'll hear that it's following th same sound as 00:28:413 (1) -
00:30:824 (3) - This looks ugly and its overlapped and end in a strong beat "looks ugly" is really subjective, why is it ugly? and this shape is pretty popular overall. Also, it's an Easy diff mapped on 1/1 really high BPM (so I tried to mapped it as it was half BPM) it's obvous that some sliders will end on strong beats.
00:49:842 (1,2,3,4) - This is are A LOT OF CIRCLES for an easy Ye well, it's a square!
00:57:342 (1) - Fix this, looks really ugly Once more your point is really subjective. Why is it ugly? Anyways, I went for a regualr waveshaped as I don't really mind here.
01:03:770 (1) - use 2 sliders, because this ends in strong beat :o Yes, on purpose, it's an easy high bpm, I don't want to overdo it.
01:11:270 (1) - This is a really good slider, but ends in strong beat fix this and here 01:13:413 (3) - and here ._. 01:17:699 (3) - why you continue doing this!? 01:19:842 (1) - i'am gonna kill you! 01:21:985 (3) - Well, as I told you on previous point. I have to do this in order to make it playable for new players as an Easy (on the same bpm, try to not make the star rating goes higher than 1.50 without doing that! (Little recall, higher than 1.50, the diff becomes a Normal, no more an Easy). On easy and normal difficulties, you don't have to map every sound, it's just approximative, and the downbeats are what's easier to play in this game as it is...well a strong beat so easy for everyone to spot.
01:26:270 (3) - The strong beat thing I could add a note on this one as there is a little break after but I think the reverse gives a great feedback of the way I perceive the music here
01:30:556 (1) - STRONG BEATS!! ~nope
01:32:699 (3) - fix this! nope~~

Okay, men you gonna make me cry
This easy is so bad structurated :( I think you don't know yet how an easy is supposed to be mapped, especially for a high bpm song tbh.
men learn a little more of strong beats
well i think you catch the idea of the Strong Beats DONT END SLIDERS THERE!!! Please... on Easy it's just fine to do it. I'd say it's even a good thing as the rythme becomes really easy.
your map needs more work for rank I'll suppose you just checked the easy diff, if you check for example the Freeze diff, you'll see that no sliders aare ending on downbeat (except when I want to!!)
Here you are doing an unrank map It's not.
Here is the note
Note: F That's sad man

Consider remap the easy diffbecause have A LOT of strong beat errors in compose so, learn a little more, if you doesnt catch the idea of the strong beats thing PM in osu!.exe if you wanna a full mod edit the easy diff and i will mod the else :) see ya! I can't believe that someone actually had the guts to tell me to remap a full diff after mapping a noisy music of more than 4 minutes SIX TIMES (from easy to Freeze, thanks to ranking criteria with their broken star ratings). Not to mention that the easy is just fine for that matter, that's not the diff I like the least in this set for sure.
Thanks for your time checking it, really appreciated. After that... Well, my replies explain my conclusion. "Don't end slider on downbeats" that's just a theory that doesn't even apply on Easy diffs (maybe even normals at some ponts). And I mean it's not an absolute rule for extra etc. neither. You should check "Freeze" diff as it the main spot of the set tbh.
well when we're talking about easy
maybe you should consider a few minor points about it
01:01:628 (1,2,3) - 03:17:699 (1,2) - these are the only rhythms in 4 min of play time of your map that require the player to click 1/1 notes, the rest is entirely built around 2/1, it would make more sense with the entire concept of the map if you somehow simplified these more

the rest is your comboing being a bit messy for my tastes but i can imagine you making up reasoning for each of them so discussing that seems useless

in freeze i'd urge you to reconsider the 1/3 you basically invented in the beginning as well as 1/6 extends like 04:09:128 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - i think 3/4 sliders work just as well and they are effectively way more common than what you're doing so they're a bit more predictable as 3/4 sliders imo.
Topic Starter

Okoratu wrote:

well when we're talking about easy
maybe you should consider a few minor points about it
01:01:628 (1,2,3) - 03:17:699 (1,2) - these are the only rhythms in 4 min of play time of your map that require the player to click 1/1 notes, the rest is entirely built around 2/1, it would make more sense with the entire concept of the map if you somehow simplified these more Kinda fixed the second one the best I could... And for the first one I don't know I find it too strong to not map it...

the rest is your comboing being a bit messy for my tastes but i can imagine you making up reasoning for each of them so discussing that seems useless

in freeze i'd urge you to reconsider the 1/3 you basically invented in the beginning as well as 1/6 extends like 04:09:128 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - i think 3/4 sliders work just as well and they are effectively way more common than what you're doing so they're a bit more predictable as 3/4 sliders imo. Changed first part for 1/2. Kinda liked the way they played but well.. About the 1/6 I actually changed them for 1/8, no way they;re 1/4. I wanted to put them 1/8 from the start but I found easier to play it with 1/6... And since the begnining was 1/3 it was a recall. But now they're 1/8 it's not like a big premiere anymore.
Thank you very much!! Please, tell me what you're think about the modifications if you have some time.
Bon, alors mod en fr ^^


00:16:628 (1) - Fais un jump un poil plus grand afin d'éviter l'overlap

00:28:413 (1,2) - Garde le même patterne mais tente de faire une blanket, ca rendera peut être plus sympathique ^^

00:29:485 (1,2) - Même chose ici

00:51:449 (3,1) - Tente de faire une blanket

01:00:556 (1,3) - Overlap qui rend le moment pas très joli, mets tes deux slider de manière a ce qu'ils soient parallèles.

01:05:913 (1,3) - Refais les côtés de ta blanket, et si ce n'est pas une blanket, fais en une.

01:13:815 (2,3) - Le jump est peut être un peu extrême pour un moment comme ca ou le joueur a besoin de pas mal de concentration.

01:24:128 (1,2) - Evite de stacker, voire même fais un jump.

01:26:270 (1) - Redescend un peu le cercle, car c'est limite au niveau de la grille :/

01:30:288 (4,1) - Ta blanket parait un peu bizarre, si tu peux réctifie un peu ;)

01:31:628 (1,2) - Fait une blanket

01:38:190 (2,3,4) - Evite les stack jumpés comme ca, ca rend le cercle 4 très difficile a repérer, change de patterne ou déplace un peu le cercle 4 pour qu'il soit plus visible.

01:49:038 - Ajoute un cercle

02:43:681 (1,1) - Enlève les New Combos

03:12:878 (3,4,1,2) - Rythme très dur a repérer pour le joueur

03:35:110 (1,1,1) - Enlève les New Combos

Voila :3
Bonne chance pour ta map ! :D


00:52:520 (3,4) - i think it would be more appropriate ( or )

01:30:556 (1) - make it more smooth ( )

02:43:681 (1,1,1) - maybe ?

03:16:895 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - so more suitable for music

04:08:057 (1) - make it more smooth

00:25:200 (1,2) - ?

01:10:601 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - maybe 01:11:270 (1) - place like this?


00:04:842 (1) - place the object slightly above the slider

00:15:556 (1) - place like this?

00:27:878 (5,6,7,8,1) -

00:49:976 (2,3,4,1,2) - make it look like a star

00:52:520 (1,2) - i think it would be more appropriate ( or )

02:35:913 (1) - move down

02:53:994 (1) - I personally do not like sliders that go in a straight line but it is a matter of taste

good luck
Topic Starter

Dono027 wrote:

Bon, alors mod en fr ^^


00:16:628 (1) - Fais un jump un poil plus grand afin d'éviter l'overlap Mais j'aime bien l'orverlap!

00:28:413 (1,2) - Garde le même patterne mais tente de faire une blanket, ca rendera peut être plus sympathique ^^ Je prefere comme ca pour le coup, toutes les diffs ont ce genre de pattern et c'est ce qui fait pour moi la singularite du set xD

00:29:485 (1,2) - Même chose ici Ici y a pas de probleme pour le coup je pense, c'est pas un blanket, c'est meme pas centre

00:51:449 (3,1) - Tente de faire une blanket C'est assez comme c'est

01:00:556 (1,3) - Overlap qui rend le moment pas très joli, mets tes deux slider de manière a ce qu'ils soient parallèles. Ils sont toujours pas paralleles mais fix l'overlap, ok

01:05:913 (1,3) - Refais les côtés de ta blanket, et si ce n'est pas une blanket, fais en une. fixed un poil pas la peine que ce soit un blanket de la mort qui tue en mode slider arc de cercle etc. Je trouve ca degoutant.

01:13:815 (2,3) - Le jump est peut être un peu extrême pour un moment comme ca ou le joueur a besoin de pas mal de concentration. J'aime beaucoup le flow ici

01:24:128 (1,2) - Evite de stacker, voire même fais un jump. Aucun probleme avec le stack ici, ca rend les choses beaucoup plus facile et le flow est cool

01:26:270 (1) - Redescend un peu le cercle, car c'est limite au niveau de la grille :/ Mais en gameplay y a pas de soucis

01:30:288 (4,1) - Ta blanket parait un peu bizarre, si tu peux réctifie un peu ;) J'ai deplace un tout petit peu mais ce sera jamais parfait

01:31:628 (1,2) - Fait une blanket je pense avoir fixed un petit peu

01:38:190 (2,3,4) - Evite les stack jumpés comme ca, ca rend le cercle 4 très difficile a repérer, change de patterne ou déplace un peu le cercle 4 pour qu'il soit plus visible. Mais j'aime bien ^^

01:49:038 - Ajoute un cercle Je pourrais mais c'est pas ce que je veux suivre ici

02:43:681 (1,1) - Enlève les New Combos No way

03:12:878 (3,4,1,2) - Rythme très dur a repérer pour le joueur Nah ca passe

03:35:110 (1,1,1) - Enlève les New Combos No way!

Voila :3
Bonne chance pour ta map ! :D
Merci bien!

Chiyuyu wrote:



00:52:520 (3,4) - i think it would be more appropriate ( or ) I know what you mean but what I'm following is clearly not some 1/4 beats

01:30:556 (1) - make it more smooth ( ) fixed it a bit (as much as I could) good point!

02:43:681 (1,1,1) - maybe ? Not a bad idea but I prefer mine here ^^

03:16:895 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - so more suitable for music The triple on white tick doesn't sound that great to me.

04:08:057 (1) - make it more smooth fixed a bit

00:25:200 (1,2) - ? I take it ^^

01:10:601 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - maybe 01:11:270 (1) - place like this? Ok!


00:04:842 (1) - place the object slightly above the slider fixed a bit I think o.o

00:15:556 (1) - place like this? Nah I don't like the overlap here and I actually really like this pattern probably the only one on this diff rofl

00:27:878 (5,6,7,8,1) - fixed a bit ><

00:49:976 (2,3,4,1,2) - make it look like a star Not a bad point at all but right it feels more like a circle and I like it

00:52:520 (1,2) - i think it would be more appropriate ( or ) Same as previous diff

02:35:913 (1) - move down fixed, good point

02:53:994 (1) - I personally do not like sliders that go in a straight line but it is a matter of taste fixed a tiny bit

good luck
Thank you very much!
Ayy m4m
00:03:770 (1) - This would be better if it was vertically flipped.
00:11:003 (1) - Set this to 1/8 instead of 1/4,like at01:46:092 (3).
00:11:270 (1,2) - This shouldn't really stack with the sliders.
00:12:342 (1) - This would sound better if it were a finish.
00:13:949 (4) - Maybe split this into two beats.
00:14:485 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - These should arrange in a square formation.
00:15:556 (1) - Hit finish?
00:16:360 (5,6) - These beats would be better if in a horizontal pattern like at 00:15:824 (2,3).
00:16:628 (1) - Hitfinish.
00:17:699 (1) - ^
00:18:971 (2) - Delete this beat and move 00:19:038 (3) farther from the slider.
00:28:413 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,1,1,2,1,2,3,4,5) - I feel this would be better as a few streams with some kicksliders,like this:

Note that this is a bad example and that you can do much better than what I did.
00:40:869 (1,1,1) - I would make these beats instead of kicksliders.
00:48:636 (5) - This should be deleted.
00:49:842 (1) - Put this into the square,kick 00:50:378 (5) out of that square,add a New Combo,and give 00:50:378 (5) to the triangle shape at 00:50:511 (1,2,3) to make it a square.Something like this.
00:51:985 (1,2,3,4) - Turn this into a square shape.
00:55:065 (7) - Put this farther from the other circle.
01:25:199 (4) - NC this and remove the NC at 01:25:467 (1).
01:26:806 (1) - NC here.
01:28:145 (1) - This could have a hitsound attached to it.
01:28:413 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - These would sound better with finishes attached to them.
01:37:253 (2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3) - Kinda red but mostly blue,but these shouldn't overlap.
01:57:699 (1) - This seems a whole lot better if it were put at 01:57:878 and lengthened to two markers on the 1/3 base,like this:

02:05:378 (1) - This would be better if it were a slider like at 02:05:645 (2).
02:23:592 (1) - NC.

That's it.Good luck with the rank! :)
Topic Starter

-Nishiki- wrote:

Ayy m4m
00:03:770 (1) - This would be better if it was vertically flipped. I disagree, the flow wouldn't be that great and if I flipp vertical the whole pattern would feel unbalanced as it is like the basis of 00:02:699 (1,2,3,4) -
00:11:003 (1) - Set this to 1/8 instead of 1/4,like at01:46:092 (3). But the rhythme in the music is totally different though! (I wanted to put 1/8 tbh, but it would be overmapped).
00:11:270 (1,2) - This shouldn't really stack with the sliders. Why that?
00:12:342 (1) - This would sound better if it were a finish. There's already a finish
00:13:949 (4) - Maybe split this into two beats. It's already 2 beats. You mean 2 circles? I'm just following the melody here, the beats arent as strong as 00:14:485 (1) - here
00:14:485 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - These should arrange in a square formation. Why?
00:15:556 (1) - Hit finish? There's already a finsh
00:16:360 (5,6) - These beats would be better if in a horizontal pattern like at 00:15:824 (2,3). I think both ways are cool
00:16:628 (1) - Hitfinish. There's already one
00:17:699 (1) - ^ ^
00:18:971 (2) - Delete this beat and move 00:19:038 (3) farther from the slider. Why? The rythme sounds cool to me
00:28:413 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,1,1,2,1,2,3,4,5) - I feel this would be better as a few streams with some kicksliders,like this: Would be overmapped and would actually kill the real music that intensifies here 00:32:163 (1) -
Note that this is a bad example and that you can do much better than what I did.
00:40:869 (1,1,1) - I would make these beats instead of kicksliders. Why? I think they represent pretty well how the music gets nervous
00:48:636 (5) - This should be deleted. Why? There's crearly a beat
00:49:842 (1) - Put this into the square,kick 00:50:378 (5) out of that square,add a New Combo,and give 00:50:378 (5) to the triangle shape at 00:50:511 (1,2,3) to make it a square.Something like this. The suggestion isn't bad but I really make my way as I think it looks neat and fits the music just great
00:51:985 (1,2,3,4) - Turn this into a square shape. Not a bad idea but I don't want bad overlaps on my map. So meanwhile 00:52:119 (2,3) - are going parallel to 00:51:717 (4) -
00:55:065 (7) - Put this farther from the other circle. Why? The music feels stopped so no need to create a unwanted movement just because.
01:25:199 (4) - NC this and remove the NC at 01:25:467 (1). Why? I think I'm correct here The music intensify here 01:25:467 (1) -
01:26:806 (1) - NC here. Looks better without, the NC would kinda show a new NC that isn't existant so I don't want to put one
01:28:145 (1) - This could have a hitsound attached to it. There's a clap
01:28:413 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - These would sound better with finishes attached to them. They have finishes, each on them.
01:37:253 (2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3) - Kinda red but mostly blue,but these shouldn't overlap. Can you explain why? I think those patterns are a big + to the map as they're original and fit the song. Why shall it be almost necessary to you?
01:57:699 (1) - This seems a whole lot better if it were put at 01:57:878 and lengthened to two markers on the 1/3 base,like this: I disagree I'm just following the music here
02:05:378 (1) - This would be better if it were a slider like at 02:05:645 (2). Rhythme is the same though!
02:23:592 (1) - NC. For the same reason as above, I don't like the NC that much here

That's it.Good luck with the rank! :)
Thank you very much for the check!
I should also mention that moving the preview point should be moved to 01:27:878.It seems more fitting than the current preview point.
Topic Starter

-Nishiki- wrote:

I should also mention that moving the preview point should be moved to 01:27:878.It seems more fitting than the current preview point.
All my Omoi's maps are following the same basis for preview point. It may not be THE chorus, but it's still a really strong part of a song, and I'd like to give the surprise to the player (also miku's voice is really noisy so a preview point here doesn't really want to download the map). Thanks for the last suggestion as well as the kudosu!

Is it ok?

it's ok

01:49:172 (2) - change slider to circles
03:43:413 (1) - I would have change sniper to slider and remade this sliders 03:45:288 (1,2,3,4) - something like this

00:48:369 (3,4) - mb should swap it
02:00:824 (1,2,3,4) - move it or rotate a bit

00:30:288 (1,2) - use slider here instead circle
02:27:878 (3) - Ctrl+H
03:43:011 - put circle here
03:46:494 (2,1) - stack it

I didn't tried to chenk the last two diffs, cuz it's too hard for me(sorry)

So your map looks very good, i hope it soon will get rank. And because my mod is weak I give you a star<3
Topic Starter

SushiDOTO wrote:


Is it ok? It's adisable but it's ok!

it's ok

01:49:172 (2) - change slider to circles I would but since it's on red ticks, I don't want to make it too tricky for new players.
03:43:413 (1) - I would have change sniper to slider and remade this sliders 03:45:288 (1,2,3,4) - something like this That's a pretty cool pattern you're suggesting but I like the way the spinner is following the music here

00:48:369 (3,4) - mb should swap it On the timeline you mean? If yes, no xD The slider on the red tick wouldn't be catchy at all I think
02:00:824 (1,2,3,4) - move it or rotate a bit Slightly rotated

00:30:288 (1,2) - use slider here instead circle The 2 beats are strong enough for 2 circles only I think
02:27:878 (3) - Ctrl+H Highly disagree here, love the flow xD
03:43:011 - put circle here Not a bad point, but I'd like to keep doing with my 1/1 on this part to give more impact on the 1/2 of this part 03:43:413 (1) -
03:46:494 (2,1) - stack it It gives more flow this way though

I didn't tried to chenk the last two diffs, cuz it's too hard for me(sorry) Freeze is the better diff though! XD No problem!

So your map looks very good, i hope it soon will get rank. And because my mod is weak I give you a star<3 Thank you very much!
Thanks for your time as well as the star!


  1. 00:10:735 (1,1) - Increase SV here because the tempo is a lot faster than 00:10:199 (1,1) - here and they look the same.
  2. 01:05:913 (1,2) - That's a flow break
  3. 01:26:806 (9,10,11,12,13,14) - Make it a bit smoother
  4. 01:48:770 (1) - This note appears earlier than in the previous patterns, stacking it on 01:48:235 (3) - makes it unreadable.
  5. 02:08:458 - This part is audible enough to map
  6. 02:19:306 (1,2,1) - Here you should emphasize 02:19:708 (1) - this note;
  7. 02:32:163 (3,4,5) - This pattern has bad flow..
  8. 03:19:842 (1,3) - Stack them

  1. 00:54:529 (2) - I would stack this note to 00:54:663 (3) - . It feels more rhythmical imo
  2. 00:55:199 (1,2,3,4) - ^ This way I would unstack some notes from this pattern
  3. 01:58:413 (1) - There's no reason to place a spinner here. Try to use repetitive sliders instead
  4. 02:33:503 (2) - Since you're following the vocal here and it sounds so different from 02:32:699 (1) - this, you should place NC
  5. 02:37:520 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1) - Why copying parts? :/ At least try to flip it horizontally
Good luck with this map!

Have a star ^_^
Topic Starter

Exile- wrote:



  1. 00:10:735 (1,1) - Increase SV here because the tempo is a lot faster than 00:10:199 (1,1) - here and they look the same. The movement is already a lot faster and the fact that they look the same is the purpose :p
  2. 01:05:913 (1,2) - That's a flow break I admit that the flow doesn't look that great... On the other hand, I find it ok to play it, same with testplays I saw..
  3. 01:26:806 (9,10,11,12,13,14) - Make it a bit smoother How? XD
  4. 01:48:770 (1) - This note appears earlier than in the previous patterns, stacking it on 01:48:235 (3) - makes it unreadable. I checked the whole pattern, really, really conscientiously and everything is readable with osu! standard skin. Most of people would break here 01:46:092 (3) - cause it's surprising, but they can pass second try and... as I said it's actually readable so yep.
  5. 02:08:458 - This part is audible enough to map You mean just the beats? It would be way too empty, I don't like it ><
  6. 02:19:306 (1,2,1) - Here you should emphasize 02:19:708 (1) - this note; I won't touch this pattern EVER xD best of the map.
  7. 02:32:163 (3,4,5) - This pattern has bad flow.. No, it's really good I think, stole it from my masterflow mapper.
  8. 03:19:842 (1,3) - Stack them Fixed!

  1. 00:54:529 (2) - I would stack this note to 00:54:663 (3) - . It feels more rhythmical imo I know what you mean. But on the other hand it gives more impact to the stop right before 00:55:199 (1) -
  2. 00:55:199 (1,2,3,4) - ^ This way I would unstack some notes from this pattern I stacked it for the reason you said just above though xD As they're no following "break" I find them pretty cool stacked.
  3. 01:58:413 (1) - There's no reason to place a spinner here. Try to use repetitive sliders instead I was about to change it, but I came to the conclusion that I find the spinner giving a pretty nice feedback of the music actually. I like the fact that you wait for the spinner, for a really nervous part. It gives way more impact than sliders.
  4. 02:33:503 (2) - Since you're following the vocal here and it sounds so different from 02:32:699 (1) - this, you should place NC On the (2) you mean? Wouldn't make that much sense to have 3 single combo here. :S
  5. 02:37:520 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1) - Why copying parts? :/ At least try to flip it horizontally Because tired, flipping would break the flow
Good luck with this map!

Have a star ^_^

Thanks for the mod, and the star!
About your suggestion on the extra, I don't think I'll change the stream... It's an extra after all!
hello from my queue Ill only mod the hardest 3 diffs its not that i dont want to but im really shit modding below that its only blankets and shit, and i hate that, i only mod below that if i actually need to :/

  1. 00:02:699 (1,1) - first point is a blanket yaaaaaaaaaaas loving this already (im being mean to myself)
  2. 00:04:172 (2) - how about moving this to x:92 y:88 and this 00:04:708 (4) - to x:232 y:168 it doesnt look bad and it gives a nice feeling onto entering the slider with that beat in the back ground 00:04:708 (4,1) - like you hear this double note sort of thing
  3. 00:08:458 (2,3,4,1) - ^ same thing not the same positions doe just like the idea
  4. 00:10:199 (1,2) - consider thisif you wish ofc without the NC, since if you listen at 25% you hear that strong whoosing sound dont ignore that man notes dont fit here
  5. 00:11:003 (3,1) - ik why the kiai time is here to put emphasis on the change of music but i mean do you necesarly need it? its up to you since there are more of these but its your choice if you want to change that or not, the effect isnt long anyway so i mean eh
  6. 00:13:681 (2,3) - just a little polish on the overlap
  7. 00:23:324 (2) - this is on the down beat or whatever you call that like you havent done it here 00:23:592 (3,4) - so idk your choice
  8. 00:48:235 (2,1) - overlap fix that a little bit
  9. 00:58:815 (2,3,4) - if you want consider 00:59:217 (4) - moving this so that it blankets at the same spot as this one 00:58:949 (3) - with the circle
  10. 00:58:815 (2) -
  11. 01:10:735 (1) - Nc maybe because of that beat change its pretty strong imo, but hey again ignore this since im shite at NC
  12. 01:59:485 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - here you gave those notes a pretty ok overlap, but here 02:01:895 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - you increased the space between them why? the beat is still the same
  13. 02:08:056 (1) - i dont think a break here fits bud just leave it blank since the singing is still there and the beat hasnt changed much also you could add something here 02:10:199 because of the strong beats
  14. 02:12:342 (1) - dont think this kiai flash fits here what so ever the tune hasnt changed much
  15. 03:00:020 (3,1) - blanket boi
  16. 03:01:628 (1) - how about x:64 y:256 ? its a new combo and it will make the note stand out more
  17. 03:35:913 (1) - here i realised all of your SV are 1, why? anyway here increase the SV to at least 1,2 even more if you wish since the tune gets so much more agressive at this point, that sort of thing should really be emphasised imo seriously

  1. 00:13:413 (1) - x:148 y:244 so that its emphasised a little, and the break between the next slider will be a kind of a warning to the player not to click as fast at this point, consider this for the rest of sliders and jumps similar to this
  2. 00:17:699 (1) - same as before not the same position doe but DS can be similar
  3. 00:23:458 (4) - the change of sound happens here so i'd suggest making a NC here
  4. 00:23:458 (4) - ctrl+g maybe
  5. 01:38:994 (2,3,4,5) - for the full part of that nya nya nya sound you only make jumps here, why?
  6. 02:10:199 - as in insane you can start mapping here and delete that break
  7. 02:37:922 (2,3,4,5) - again as previosuly only one jumpy section out of all of the nya nya nya's
  8. 03:01:628 (1) - x:200 y:120 maybe since it is the last note why not make it a bit jumpy
  9. 03:01:628 (1) - ctrl+g this since basicly that will be a double and it will make it easier for the player to hit it like that
  10. 03:35:913 (1) - again the SV thing dude emphasise that cmon man :(
  11. 04:05:244 (3,1,2) - make this a jumpy section since current state doesnt quite fit the music considering previosuly on the other kiai times you did do some jumps you could also give this some jumps :)
  12. 04:11:270 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - holy shit i would highly clasify this as an overmap tbh, either nerf this (DS) or create some sort of nice star patterns

  1. I would recommend increasing the AR to 9.6 since it is a pretty fast song and 9,4 may seem really slow for the players that will play this, imo 9,6 is far more fitting
  2. 00:10:869 (1) - i would strongly recommend ctrl+g this it would nicelly fit as well, if you apply this change the DS so that it is similar in some way
  3. 00:23:056 (1,3) - you could blanket these note give the slider some purpose in being the shape it is now
  4. 00:42:074 (4,1) - why did you give this a huge jump here, whilst 00:44:217 (4,1) - is so much smaller, the beat calms a little bit but not that far for it to be spaced so diffrently
  5. 00:55:735 (3) - x:124 y:328 remember the thing in the previous insane or extra diff about those note slider things, in this diff i would strongly recommend applying them since the song is really fast and these could cause a lot (i mean a lot) of misses, which could also be frustrating to play imo without any sort of warning from the mapper. At some point in Extra you done this sort of thing where you did put the circle before the slider but that wasnt really needed. So yh your chouce but in this diff i think it would matter the most
  6. 01:01:895 (3,1,2) - imo this is awkaward to hit/play i would consider changing this, its the fact that 01:01:895 (3,1) - these 2 notes are stacked which once again will put people off and cause misses imo
  7. 01:03:235 (3,4) - why is the spacing different from 01:04:306 (3,4) - ? ive had a few repeats the beat doesnt change why would that need to then?
  8. 01:12:610 (3,2,3) - remember when i told you in insane when you could try something like blanketing both of the sliders 01:12:610 (3,3) - with the same part of the note, to give it some visual impact look-ish thing, you could try this here as well. This would also add some $tyl3 P0int5 yeno
  9. 01:48:770 (1) - i dont think this note fits here, try extending the slider to the white note in the old place of the note and just extend it to the next white tick. Something like this
  10. 01:51:717 (5,1) - this is what i was on like earlier this shouldnt be stacked like this
  11. 02:08:056 (1) - remember the break thing, see here imo you should keep it since it gives the player some rest
  12. 02:10:969 - buuuut i still think mapping should start here for this since there is a strong drum hit sound that just like giving the feeling of "something is missing here"
  13. 02:47:029 (2,3) - you could fix this blanket here a little bit
  14. 03:01:360 (6) - this at x:224 y:268 and 03:01:628 (1) - x:124 y:168 since this note 03:01:628 (1) - should have a space of its own imo since the tune is dying out ever-so slowly
  15. 03:17:967 (1) - right there is a weird timing point problem since there is 0,25 and like on the next red tick its 0,5, any reason for this. Also i may be modding but i'm really curious of how you can make the timing points go below 0,5 i would be really happy if you told me :)
  16. 03:30:155 (2,3,4) - maybe increase these to DS 2x if you want since its that like move intense signing going on, and the DS between 03:30:289 (3,4) - is different check that out if you dont like changing the DS to 2
  17. 03:35:913 (1) - ooooh the SV change here although for this i would recommend 1,4 since you used 1,2 for the previous kiai time and the beat in this one really increases as in intesity and like difficulty imo
  18. 03:48:101 (3,4) - make the jump between these bigger i'd suggest
  19. 03:58:146 (5,2) - this overlap is pretty weird unless you meant it idk, imo its pretty weird (maybe its cause i dont like overlaps as big :P)
  20. 04:03:770 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - i personally dont like this, try doing something similar to 04:01:628 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - although on those ones the DS isnt the same but what im trying to say is per every red tick make a decent jump since there is like that sound i dont know how to explain it tbh but eh

Man i hope i pointed something out that you may find usefull :/ sorry if i didn't

Also have a star, people want want some sort of Snow Drive to be ranked and this diff looks promising imo so why not help the people and you see this map :)
Topic Starter

Cooldue7 wrote:

hello from my queue Ill only mod the hardest 3 diffs its not that i dont want to but im really shit modding below that its only blankets and shit, and i hate that, i only mod below that if i actually need to :/

  1. 00:02:699 (1,1) - first point is a blanket yaaaaaaaaaaas loving this already (im being mean to myself) It's really not visible in game play :p
  2. 00:04:172 (2) - how about moving this to x:92 y:88 and this 00:04:708 (4) - to x:232 y:168 it doesnt look bad and it gives a nice feeling onto entering the slider with that beat in the back ground 00:04:708 (4,1) - like you hear this double note sort of thing Really good idea BUT I'm afraid it's going to create confusion as the DS wouldn't be constant!
  3. 00:08:458 (2,3,4,1) - ^ same thing not the same positions doe just like the idea ^ also I like the pattern really much here
  4. 00:10:199 (1,2) - consider thisif you wish ofc without the NC, since if you listen at 25% you hear that strong whoosing sound dont ignore that man notes dont fit here To me it's more the end of the sound than an added sound. I'm not sure a 1/2 is welcome here. Also, I think the 1/1 here accentuate those 2 strong notes even more.
  5. 00:11:003 (3,1) - ik why the kiai time is here to put emphasis on the change of music but i mean do you necesarly need it? its up to you since there are more of these but its your choice if you want to change that or not, the effect isnt long anyway so i mean eh It's definetly needed to me ya :p The music calls for a kiai I think, I just didn't put the whole section on kiai to not overdo it, but a fountain is welcome
  6. 00:13:681 (2,3) - just a little polish on the overlap mh ok why not
  7. 00:23:324 (2) - this is on the down beat or whatever you call that like you havent done it here 00:23:592 (3,4) - so idk your choice Ah you mean the beats are getting stronger? I could map only circles here but it's only insane I don't want it to be too hard. Did the same here 00:14:485 (1) - imo
  8. 00:48:235 (2,1) - overlap fix that a little bit Does it overlaps? xD
  9. 00:58:815 (2,3,4) - if you want consider 00:59:217 (4) - moving this so that it blankets at the same spot as this one 00:58:949 (3) - with the circle But then I would loose the blanket with 00:58:413 (1) -
  10. 00:58:815 (2) -
  11. 01:10:735 (1) - Nc maybe because of that beat change its pretty strong imo, but hey again ignore this since im shite at NC Ye I'm not sure to agree here, it would feel a bit random and not constant
  12. 01:59:485 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - here you gave those notes a pretty ok overlap, but here 02:01:895 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - you increased the space between them why? the beat is still the same The beat is still the same, but it's to give some variety to this part. The movement as well as the speed stays the same Juste the pattern change emplacement! Why do I change it here? Because the vocal, them, changes quite a bit!
  13. 02:08:056 (1) - i dont think a break here fits bud just leave it blank since the singing is still there and the beat hasnt changed much also you could add something here 02:10:199 because of the strong beats The point is good, but it feels way too empty to me, I don't like it (not to mention that meanwhile the drain is going down ><
  14. 02:12:342 (1) - dont think this kiai flash fits here what so ever the tune hasnt changed much I Think it's getting really nervous here though xD That bridge is what I prefer on this song btw so I'd rather highlight it.
  15. 03:00:020 (3,1) - blanket boi fixed!
  16. 03:01:628 (1) - how about x:64 y:256 ? its a new combo and it will make the note stand out more too confusing to me ><
  17. 03:35:913 (1) - here i realised all of your SV are 1, why? anyway here increase the SV to at least 1,2 even more if you wish since the tune gets so much more agressive at this point, that sort of thing should really be emphasised imo seriously It's just an insane, I don't want to make it too hard yet :c The section is intensify by the fact there's more 1/2

  1. 00:13:413 (1) - x:148 y:244 so that its emphasised a little, and the break between the next slider will be a kind of a warning to the player not to click as fast at this point, consider this for the rest of sliders and jumps similar to this I'd rather move it around x128 y220 but since I didn't use that form that much I don't feel the urge to change it
  2. 00:17:699 (1) - same as before not the same position doe but DS can be similar same ^
  3. 00:23:458 (4) - the change of sound happens here so i'd suggest making a NC here Nope the strong beats starts here 00:23:592 (1) -
  4. 00:23:458 (4) - ctrl+g maybe You meant "J" ? If yes that's waaaay to rough for an insane even an extra it would be a pain to play XD if not I didn't get you sorry :c
  5. 01:38:994 (2,3,4,5) - for the full part of that nya nya nya sound you only make jumps here, why? I feel that the music is really intense here
  6. 02:10:199 - as in insane you can start mapping here and delete that break But the break would be too small so a bit confusing maybe. I prefer staying constant between all the diffs here, it's safer xD
  7. 02:37:922 (2,3,4,5) - again as previosuly only one jumpy section out of all of the nya nya nya's Same ^
  8. 03:01:628 (1) - x:200 y:120 maybe since it is the last note why not make it a bit jumpy It does look nice. But since the music gets suddenly calmer I don't feel that something a bit jumpy is that much welcome
  9. 03:01:628 (1) - ctrl+g this since basicly that will be a double and it will make it easier for the player to hit it like that I don't understand??
  10. 03:35:913 (1) - again the SV thing dude emphasise that cmon man :( I didn't do it on Freeze neither, would feel weird to do it on the easier diffs. I think that considering the previous pattern there's already a notion of speed up sooo ya, no need to overdo it.
  11. 04:05:244 (3,1,2) - make this a jumpy section since current state doesnt quite fit the music considering previosuly on the other kiai times you did do some jumps you could also give this some jumps :) There's a pretty big jump from (3) to (1). Also, I think it does fit the music as the stacked notes represents ummm that guitar or w/e instrument it is XD
  12. 04:11:270 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - holy shit i would highly clasify this as an overmap tbh, either nerf this (DS) or create some sort of nice star patterns Overmap??? Why?? I like the pattern the way it is :c

  1. I would recommend increasing the AR to 9.6 since it is a pretty fast song and 9,4 may seem really slow for the players that will play this, imo 9,6 is far more fitting Gotta think about it. The point is interesting but from what I saw on testplays it wasn't such a big deal, so yep, I'll see. Also it does feel proportional with other diffs this way.
  2. 00:10:869 (1) - i would strongly recommend ctrl+g this it would nicelly fit as well, if you apply this change the DS so that it is similar in some way But this pattern is a call back to 00:10:199 (1,1) - :c
  3. 00:23:056 (1,3) - you could blanket these note give the slider some purpose in being the shape it is now There's already a puprose: A slider in a middle of 2 triangles.
  4. 00:42:074 (4,1) - why did you give this a huge jump here, whilst 00:44:217 (4,1) - is so much smaller, the beat calms a little bit but not that far for it to be spaced so diffrently It's 1/4, not that much of a jump and plays really good. I'd increase the second pattern's spacing but I'm afraid it's going to much on a side so the section will loose its balance as it is pretty symmetric.
  5. 00:55:735 (3) - x:124 y:328 remember the thing in the previous insane or extra diff about those note slider things, in this diff i would strongly recommend applying them since the song is really fast and these could cause a lot (i mean a lot) of misses, which could also be frustrating to play imo without any sort of warning from the mapper. At some point in Extra you done this sort of thing where you did put the circle before the slider but that wasnt really needed. So yh your chouce but in this diff i think it would matter the most I'm following the vocal. Oh also, Freeze diff is the example, not extra not insane !
  6. 01:01:895 (3,1,2) - imo this is awkaward to hit/play i would consider changing this, its the fact that 01:01:895 (3,1) - these 2 notes are stacked which once again will put people off and cause misses imo I know it is awkward, and this is the purpose! as it creates a nice feedback of the music
  7. 01:03:235 (3,4) - why is the spacing different from 01:04:306 (3,4) - ? ive had a few repeats the beat doesnt change why would that need to then? It doesn't change that much in game, but if I had to give a reason it would be the vocal. The first one it keeps singing, but on the second one there's a little pause. I'd change it but since those patterns are perfectly overlaped/blanket I prefer not touch it for such a detail :c
  8. 01:12:610 (3,2,3) - remember when i told you in insane when you could try something like blanketing both of the sliders 01:12:610 (3,3) - with the same part of the note, to give it some visual impact look-ish thing, you could try this here as well. This would also add some $tyl3 P0int5 yeno But both sliders are already blanket ? I find the pattern really nice the way it is tbh xD
  9. 01:48:770 (1) - i dont think this note fits here, try extending the slider to the white note in the old place of the note and just extend it to the next white tick. Something like this It's for the sake of readability!
  10. 01:51:717 (5,1) - this is what i was on like earlier this shouldnt be stacked like this But it gives more flow like this imo
  11. 02:08:056 (1) - remember the break thing, see here imo you should keep it since it gives the player some rest Same nothing's interesting here
  12. 02:10:969 - buuuut i still think mapping should start here for this since there is a strong drum hit sound that just like giving the feeling of "something is missing here" same, I think I found a nice way to make it natural actually which was already pretty hard thing by itself
  13. 02:47:029 (2,3) - you could fix this blanket here a little bit Not meant to be a perfect blanket, it';s fine this way
  14. 03:01:360 (6) - this at x:224 y:268 and 03:01:628 (1) - x:124 y:168 since this note 03:01:628 (1) - should have a space of its own imo since the tune is dying out ever-so slowly Nope, it's really confusing and kills my flow
  15. 03:17:967 (1) - right there is a weird timing point problem since there is 0,25 and like on the next red tick its 0,5, any reason for this. Also i may be modding but i'm really curious of how you can make the timing points go below 0,5 i would be really happy if you told me :) Oh yes, I wonder if it's a real problem as the slider stays under 0.25... The second timing is just here for the hitsound. Gotta check it with bns or smthing. You can change below 0.50 by searching the the line in the notepad (file -> open osu in notepad)
  16. 03:30:155 (2,3,4) - maybe increase these to DS 2x if you want since its that like move intense signing going on, and the DS between 03:30:289 (3,4) - is different check that out if you dont like changing the DS to 2 I made the DS constant nice point. Not moving for DSx2 here though, a bit too much I'm not even sure about the flow of this pattern
  17. 03:35:913 (1) - ooooh the SV change here although for this i would recommend 1,4 since you used 1,2 for the previous kiai time and the beat in this one really increases as in intesity and like difficulty imo 1.4 feels way too much, I'd use it really on little occasion and for only 1 slider.
  18. 03:48:101 (3,4) - make the jump between these bigger i'd suggest Let's stay constant, the diff is already pretty hard sooo ye
  19. 03:58:146 (5,2) - this overlap is pretty weird unless you meant it idk, imo its pretty weird (maybe its cause i dont like overlaps as big :P) Kinda agree but didn't find another way to put it and keeping the same patterns that I really like btw xD Sooo keeping it. I don't think it kills the neat of the map as it is the only one like this.
  20. 04:03:770 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - i personally dont like this, try doing something similar to 04:01:628 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - although on those ones the DS isnt the same but what im trying to say is per every red tick make a decent jump since there is like that sound i dont know how to explain it tbh but eh Same as extra, it does follow the guitar (or w/e) and the patterns are cool I think xD

Man i hope i pointed something out that you may find usefull :/ sorry if i didn't

Also have a star, people want want some sort of Snow Drive to be ranked and this diff looks promising imo so why not help the people and you see this map :)
A few interesting points! Lots of red, but don't worry, as I already told you opinions are always welcome. The thing is when I do something, I mean it so to change my mind you gotta have massive argument XD.

Anyway that was a nice check, that's for sure!
Thank you for your mod, the time you spent for it, as well as your star. Really appreciated!


  1. 00:05:378 (1,2) - It should have same ds. like 00:04:842 (1,2) - cus rhythm is the same
  2. 00:03:770 (1,2) - Why this and 00:04:306 (1,2) - This is not duplicate ? I mean 00:04:708 (2) - Have other ds. :/
  3. 00:02:699 (1,4) - => 00:03:503 (4) - x 152 plox
  4. 00:17:431 (5,6) - CTRL+G pls
  5. 00:17:967 (2,4) - ^
  6. 00:18:971 (2,3) - x 417|133 y
  7. 00:40:869 (1,1,1) - Its really cool but it should be sliders 1/4 imo it work really fine
  8. 00:48:235 (3,4) - Correct blanket
  9. 00:51:717 (4) - It should be same slider like earlier 00:50:913 (1,2,3) - same like this and pls correct ds. for 00:51:449 (3,4) - Cus its not the same like 00:50:913 (1,2) - :C
  10. 00:52:721 - There is missing note .-. i know what u wanted to make but u shlould do sth with 00:52:520 (1,2) - and add note there, slider should be nice
  11. 00:57:275 (8) - Overmap .-.
  12. 00:58:949 (3,4) - Its not the same ds. like 00:58:413 (1,2) - .-. Correct all thing like that pls cus its mistake if u wont keep consistency map
  13. 01:06:181 (2) - This place for circle is weird a little
  14. 01:11:806 (1,2) - AGAIN u know what to do :^)
  15. 01:12:476 (2,3) - Correct blanket
  16. 01:13:011 (2,3) - ^
  17. 01:36:985 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - This part is a little bad imo like Idk what to map this lets duplicate XD
  18. 01:53:860 (4,2) - Correct blanket
  19. 01:56:003 (2) - This circle is other then 01:55:467 (2) - there u should make duplicate 01:55:199 (1,2)
  20. 02:00:556 (1,2) - Its curve as fuck XDDDD
  21. 02:04:306 (3,4) - End of sliders are not stacked
  22. 02:35:913 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Again this weird part
  23. 02:53:324 (3) - Its off the map .-. Correct this cus u can got dq for it
  24. 02:53:592 (4,5) - Correct blanket
  25. 03:41:672 (3) - This overlap is ugly :/
  26. 03:57:074 (1,2) - Why u changed ds. if rhythm is the same ?


  1. 00:06:181 (6,8) - It shouln't be stacked threre imo cus its other rhythn and back to this place can be confuse
  2. 00:11:538 (3,6) - Correct blanket
  3. 00:13:413 (1) - It should be slider imo :/
  4. 00:17:699 (1) - ^ and other the same
  5. 00:20:378 (1,2) - Correct blanket
  6. 00:49:574 (4) - Why u used other rotate there ?
  7. 00:55:467 (2,1) - A little curve blanket
  8. 00:58:949 (3,4) - Correct ds with 00:58:413 (1,2)
  9. 01:03:770 (1,2,3) - Its curve XDDD I mean its not same rotate :v
  10. 01:17:967 (2,3) - Correct blanket
  11. 01:38:324 (2,1) - ^
  12. 01:50:913 (1,3) - ^
  13. 02:06:717 (6,1) - ^
  14. 02:14:752 (2,3) - ^
  15. 02:47:029 (2,3) - ^
  16. 03:22:253 (2,1) - ^
  17. 03:35:913 (1) - Stack it ? :v
  18. 03:37:788 (2,3) - ^

I will continue mod later :3
Topic Starter

Asserin wrote:



  1. 00:05:378 (1,2) - It should have same ds. like 00:04:842 (1,2) - cus rhythm is the same fixed
  2. 00:03:770 (1,2) - Why this and 00:04:306 (1,2) - This is not duplicate ? I mean 00:04:708 (2) - Have other ds. :/ Wow, I have no clue, fixed!!
  3. 00:02:699 (1,4) - => 00:03:503 (4) - x 152 plox You meant Y ! Fixed!! Placed it also on the middle of the screen, was slightly unbalanced.
  4. 00:17:431 (5,6) - CTRL+G pls Mh ok, I get why.
  5. 00:17:967 (2,4) - ^ Nope, flow is good, pattern is good, I won't change it
  6. 00:18:971 (2,3) - x 417|133 y Fixed !!
  7. 00:40:869 (1,1,1) - Its really cool but it should be sliders 1/4 imo it work really fine fixed for now, I might change my decision with testplays
  8. 00:48:235 (3,4) - Correct blanket fixed a bit
  9. 00:51:717 (4) - It should be same slider like earlier 00:50:913 (1,2,3) - same like this and pls correct ds. for 00:51:449 (3,4) - Cus its not the same like 00:50:913 (1,2) - :C Disagree on it. I put the slider on 1/4 for the momentum which renders pretty great. I fixed just a bit the DS, really just a bit. I think it's a problem that is not a real problem. It doesn't change anything in gameplay and it's barely visible.
  10. 00:52:721 - There is missing note .-. i know what u wanted to make but u shlould do sth with 00:52:520 (1,2) - and add note there, slider should be nice I think that if I want the same 1/8, adding a note would kill the playability though, and I want to go with those 1/8 x)
  11. 00:57:275 (8) - Overmap .-. It's to emphasize, it plays great and sounds really good to me.
  12. 00:58:949 (3,4) - Its not the same ds. like 00:58:413 (1,2) - .-. Correct all thing like that pls cus its mistake if u wont keep consistency map The pattern is different. It's not like if the pattern was unbalanced like this :
  13. 01:06:181 (2) - This place for circle is weird a little It doesn't seem to be a problem in gameplay from what I saw (and what I can play).
  14. 01:11:806 (1,2) - AGAIN u know what to do :^) Same, the spacing would kill the pattern. The flow is really good too I think so I won't touch it.
  15. 01:12:476 (2,3) - Correct blanket I think it's fine, it looks nicer this way than a perfect blanket tbh
  16. 01:13:011 (2,3) - ^ ^
  17. 01:36:985 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - This part is a little bad imo like Idk what to map this lets duplicate XD Following the music, the music "duplicates" too. I think the patterns are pretty original by themselves as well.
  18. 01:53:860 (4,2) - Correct blanket Is it wrong? o.o
  19. 01:56:003 (2) - This circle is other then 01:55:467 (2) - there u should make duplicate 01:55:199 (1,2) There's no beats on the second one (you used this style all over the map I just modded! xD)
  20. 02:00:556 (1,2) - Its curve as fuck XDDDD wut? what's wrong?
  21. 02:04:306 (3,4) - End of sliders are not stacked Fixed just a bit, can't do much better as it automatically unstack :c
  22. 02:35:913 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Again this weird part I like it :c You mentionned all the parts I like but not the one that I had some doubts for 03:27:342 (1) - XD
  23. 02:53:324 (3) - Its off the map .-. Correct this cus u can got dq for it Was it really off? Anyway, fixed.
  24. 02:53:592 (4,5) - Correct blanket It's ok this way, it adds some style
  25. 03:41:672 (3) - This overlap is ugly :/ I made the overlap more obvious (as it wasn;t overlapped enough to me actually) Looks neater (to me)
  26. 03:57:074 (1,2) - Why u changed ds. if rhythm is the same ? Fixed


  1. 00:06:181 (6,8) - It shouln't be stacked threre imo cus its other rhythn and back to this place can be confuse I don't think it's confusing at all and it follows the idea that I make of the music here. Which is a coming back and forth
  2. 00:11:538 (3,6) - Correct blanket It's ok, slider is gone when there's the triple anyway
  3. 00:13:413 (1) - It should be slider imo :/ Not if I follow the melody
  4. 00:17:699 (1) - ^ and other the same same
  5. 00:20:378 (1,2) - Correct blanket It's fine this way. I think those kind of blankets give some style and atmosphere to the map.
  6. 00:49:574 (4) - Why u used other rotate there ? I'm not sure to get it, the rotation is constantly -30
  7. 00:55:467 (2,1) - A little curve blanket It's fine this way
  8. 00:58:949 (3,4) - Correct ds with 00:58:413 (1,2) Nothing's wrong with DS
  9. 01:03:770 (1,2,3) - Its curve XDDD I mean its not same rotate :v I dont understand and I don't see any problem here o.o
  10. 01:17:967 (2,3) - Correct blanket corrected just a bit.
  11. 01:38:324 (2,1) - ^ ^
  12. 01:50:913 (1,3) - ^ I think it's fine
  13. 02:06:717 (6,1) - ^ Better without blanket
  14. 02:14:752 (2,3) - ^ corrected just a bit
  15. 02:47:029 (2,3) - ^ ^
  16. 03:22:253 (2,1) - ^ ^
  17. 03:35:913 (1) - Stack it ? :v Custom stack gives a better impression
  18. 03:37:788 (2,3) - ^ It is already stacked?

I will continue mod later :3
some irc on the highest diff
2016-02-19 03:56 Rumia-: 00:10:467 (1,1) - i think better remove this nc
2016-02-19 03:57 Rumia-: because it bugs reading , plus its on intro
2016-02-19 03:57 Rumia-: 00:11:003 (1) - this one is reverse , people could easily mistaken as a 1/4 slider as well
2016-02-19 03:58 Yales: Mhh I see.. On the other hand, I kinda like the "
2016-02-19 03:58 Yales: "electric" style here
2016-02-19 03:58 Yales: mhh
2016-02-19 03:58 Yales: I guess better without ye
2016-02-19 03:59 Rumia-: 00:32:431 (1) - the same instrument , without any specific emphasis , shouldnt be nc i guess
2016-02-19 03:59 Yales: but the vocal is starting here
2016-02-19 04:00 Yales: I'm obivously following the music
2016-02-19 04:00 Yales: but it's to make a little difference at least
2016-02-19 04:01 Rumia-: mhm ok
2016-02-19 04:01 Rumia-: 00:48:636 (5) - im wondering why would u suddenly catch this one when you are consistently mapping slider> circle
2016-02-19 04:02 Rumia-: the map stucture is really well imo , just some playablity issues i guess
2016-02-19 04:03 Yales: 2 reasons: 1. I think it seperates the 2 section pretty nicely. 2nd, more technique, if we follow the beats, there's one on this red tick but not on the ones before
2016-02-19 04:03 Rumia-: i dont mean its not playable , some parts are just hard to read due to the nc spams or some stuffs
2016-02-19 04:03 Yales: Alright !
2016-02-19 04:03 Yales: I see
2016-02-19 04:04 Rumia-: 01:22:253 (1) - nc like these
2016-02-19 04:04 Rumia-: is what i meant
2016-02-19 04:04 Yales: I really like them though xD
2016-02-19 04:04 Yales: It makes the pattern looks way lighter
2016-02-19 04:05 Yales: and about this one specifically it start on the same "ko" so I think a new NC renders pretty cool x)
2016-02-19 04:05 Rumia-: but yea u didnt do it consistently on later part
2016-02-19 04:05 Yales: 02:19:038 (1) - and this one (aside the fact that it makes the pattern lighter it's for constanticity)
2016-02-19 04:05 Rumia-: sometimes it do affect reading because players assume nc as a beat change or sv change
2016-02-19 04:07 Yales: mh i see
2016-02-19 04:08 Rumia-: nc spams could be a good use , but they are usually used on special pattern
2016-02-19 04:08 Rumia-: which sometimes kills the ds ( for gimmicky purpose)
2016-02-19 04:08 Rumia-: but your map is well-flow it doesnt gimmick much ( other than the svs)
2016-02-19 04:09 Rumia-: should be fine to nc on svs
2016-02-19 04:09 Rumia-: 03:11:136 (1,2,3) - 03:11:806 (1,2,3,4) - inconsistent distance
2016-02-19 04:10 Yales: I do love the NCs going by 2 though as RLC is using a lot recently too, it electrifies the pattern and make it lighter
2016-02-19 04:10 Yales: oh yes
2016-02-19 04:10 Yales: gotta fix it!
2016-02-19 04:11 Rumia-: yea but i think he didnt use as much as u did lol
2016-02-19 04:11 Rumia-: tbh its too much ncs but its fine on most of the part
2016-02-19 04:12 Rumia-: but sometimes people could confused
2016-02-19 04:13 Rumia-: 04:11:003 (1) - like this nc shouldnt be needed
2016-02-19 04:13 Rumia-: there are earlier part with the same one i might missed
2016-02-19 04:13 Rumia-: 04:11:271 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - also for the sliders that u extended , lower the vloume of the tail
2016-02-19 04:14 Yales: 04:11:003 (1) - Ah for this one I don't mind removing it, I actually placed it to help the player cause new timing but well
2016-02-19 04:14 Yales: okay
2016-02-19 04:14 Yales: 5% is ok right?
2016-02-19 04:14 Rumia-: idk i think 15% is already enough to mute them
2016-02-19 04:15 Yales: (ye definetly gonna remove that last NC!)
2016-02-19 04:15 Rumia-: 5% might cause dq xD cuz yknow people
2016-02-19 04:15 Yales: okay !
2016-02-19 04:15 Rumia-: r just arent satisfied with people
2016-02-19 04:15 Yales: ya, the 5% is a bit controversial xD
2016-02-19 04:16 Rumia-: 03:59:149 (5) - o i cant hear this
2016-02-19 04:16 Rumia-: the only triplet that is inaudible
2016-02-19 04:17 Yales: ah, yep indeed sounds better without
2016-02-19 04:17 Rumia-: i dont really have much problems playing this diff
2016-02-19 04:18 Rumia-: (except the stream part because im bad loool
2016-02-19 04:18 Rumia-: so i guess it should be good
2016-02-19 04:18 Yales: Yayy!
2016-02-19 04:19 Rumia-: i think bn would point out about NCs too but you should be prepared for those
2016-02-19 04:19 Rumia-: some that might bothers with reading issues should be considered to make your map more enjoyable :D
2016-02-19 04:19 Yales: I'll try to reduce them a bit yes
2016-02-19 04:20 Yales: OH
2016-02-19 04:20 Yales: making things clear
2016-02-19 04:20 Yales: 01:46:092 (3) - this is readable right ?
2016-02-19 04:20 Rumia-: ok thats it for n-----
2016-02-19 04:20 Rumia-: o
2016-02-19 04:21 Rumia-: for nomods and hr should be
2016-02-19 04:21 Rumia-: might cause reading issue for HDs
2016-02-19 04:21 Yales: ah, gotta recheck it with hd just in case then, thanks
2016-02-19 04:21 Yales: the slider pops pretty fast so I was a bit worried x)
2016-02-19 04:22 Rumia-: 01:48:770 (1,2) - ah i just noticed your instrument went versa
2016-02-19 04:22 Yales: what do you mean?
2016-02-19 04:22 Rumia-: should be ctrl g ?
2016-02-19 04:22 Rumia-: 01:49:172 (1,2) - since these are the same instrument
2016-02-19 04:23 Rumia-: assume the buzz slider should be on 01:48:770 - instead
2016-02-19 04:23 Yales: Ah, place the slider reverse before? I think it would cause a real problem to play tbh
2016-02-19 04:23 Rumia-: 01:49:038 - a circle here to indicate the snare
2016-02-19 04:24 Rumia-: but they have 1/2 gaps so it should be fine!
2016-02-19 04:24 Yales: alright!
2016-02-19 04:27 Rumia-: 01:57:699 (1) - btw i dont think this one snapped on 1/12
2016-02-19 04:28 Rumia-: should be just a 1/4 reverse on the red tick ?
2016-02-19 04:28 Yales: I clearly hear some 1/3 though
2016-02-19 04:29 Rumia-: but i think its better to keep consistent as a 1/2 gap since its barely audible anyway
2016-02-19 04:29 Yales: which makes sense with the following 01:58:413 (1) -
2016-02-19 04:29 Rumia-: people wont expect it either imo
2016-02-19 04:29 Rumia-: yea the part onwards was correctly made
2016-02-19 04:30 Rumia-: or another solution you could
2016-02-19 04:30 Rumia-: place the slider at 01:57:878 -
2016-02-19 04:31 Yales: does it really affect gameplay? I added the reverse to made it more playable even though it was unexpected, also I think it's a good way to say "be careful, 1/3 incoming"
2016-02-19 04:31 Rumia-: so it could emphasis the vocal
2016-02-19 04:31 Rumia-: yea the reverse if you press it late
2016-02-19 04:31 Rumia-: it could break combo
2016-02-19 04:31 Rumia-: since people must have expect it as a 1/2 gap
2016-02-19 04:32 Yales: 01:57:699 (3) - the beat here is too heavy to be ignored ><
2016-02-19 04:32 01:57:699 - *
2016-02-19 04:32 Rumia-: o
2016-02-19 04:32 Rumia-: maybe i explained it wrong
2016-02-19 04:32 Rumia-: i mean it to be like
2016-02-19 04:33 Rumia-: 01:57:610 (2) - since this object is nicely at the same vocal
2016-02-19 04:33 Rumia-: so switching this to vocal emphasis for this part works nice either
2016-02-19 04:34 Rumia-: adding to the point that 01:58:413 (1,1,1,1) - these vocal also were mapped on the 1/3s so i think its a good solution
2016-02-19 04:34 Yales: mhhh
2016-02-19 04:35 Yales: it does bother me a little bit :c
2016-02-19 04:35 Rumia-: well its your decision to make anyways :p im just giving out ideas
2016-02-19 04:35 Yales: ^^
2016-02-19 04:35 Rumia-: anyway that is my last point i guess , i should rlly be sleeping rn
2016-02-19 04:36 Rumia-: xD
2016-02-19 04:36 Yales: ahhh sorry
2016-02-19 04:36 Yales: Thank you veryy muchhh !!!!
2016-02-19 04:36 Yales: Rly appreciated ! (Go post the irc before sleeping! :D)
2016-02-19 04:36 Rumia-: np!
2016-02-19 04:36 Rumia-: alright
Topic Starter

Rumia- wrote:

some irc on the highest diff
2016-02-19 03:56 Rumia-: 00:10:467 (1,1) - i think better remove this nc
2016-02-19 03:57 Rumia-: because it bugs reading , plus its on intro
2016-02-19 03:57 Rumia-: 00:11:003 (1) - this one is reverse , people could easily mistaken as a 1/4 slider as well
2016-02-19 03:58 Yales: Mhh I see.. On the other hand, I kinda like the "
2016-02-19 03:58 Yales: "electric" style here
2016-02-19 03:58 Yales: mhh
2016-02-19 03:58 Yales: I guess better without ye
2016-02-19 03:59 Rumia-: 00:32:431 (1) - the same instrument , without any specific emphasis , shouldnt be nc i guess
2016-02-19 03:59 Yales: but the vocal is starting here
2016-02-19 04:00 Yales: I'm obivously following the music
2016-02-19 04:00 Yales: but it's to make a little difference at least
2016-02-19 04:01 Rumia-: mhm ok
2016-02-19 04:01 Rumia-: 00:48:636 (5) - im wondering why would u suddenly catch this one when you are consistently mapping slider> circle
2016-02-19 04:02 Rumia-: the map stucture is really well imo , just some playablity issues i guess
2016-02-19 04:03 Yales: 2 reasons: 1. I think it seperates the 2 section pretty nicely. 2nd, more technique, if we follow the beats, there's one on this red tick but not on the ones before
2016-02-19 04:03 Rumia-: i dont mean its not playable , some parts are just hard to read due to the nc spams or some stuffs
2016-02-19 04:03 Yales: Alright !
2016-02-19 04:03 Yales: I see
2016-02-19 04:04 Rumia-: 01:22:253 (1) - nc like these
2016-02-19 04:04 Rumia-: is what i meant
2016-02-19 04:04 Yales: I really like them though xD
2016-02-19 04:04 Yales: It makes the pattern looks way lighter
2016-02-19 04:05 Yales: and about this one specifically it start on the same "ko" so I think a new NC renders pretty cool x)
2016-02-19 04:05 Rumia-: but yea u didnt do it consistently on later part
2016-02-19 04:05 Yales: 02:19:038 (1) - and this one (aside the fact that it makes the pattern lighter it's for constanticity)
2016-02-19 04:05 Rumia-: sometimes it do affect reading because players assume nc as a beat change or sv change
2016-02-19 04:07 Yales: mh i see
2016-02-19 04:08 Rumia-: nc spams could be a good use , but they are usually used on special pattern
2016-02-19 04:08 Rumia-: which sometimes kills the ds ( for gimmicky purpose)
2016-02-19 04:08 Rumia-: but your map is well-flow it doesnt gimmick much ( other than the svs)
2016-02-19 04:09 Rumia-: should be fine to nc on svs
2016-02-19 04:09 Rumia-: 03:11:136 (1,2,3) - 03:11:806 (1,2,3,4) - inconsistent distance
2016-02-19 04:10 Yales: I do love the NCs going by 2 though as RLC is using a lot recently too, it electrifies the pattern and make it lighter
2016-02-19 04:10 Yales: oh yes
2016-02-19 04:10 Yales: gotta fix it!
2016-02-19 04:11 Rumia-: yea but i think he didnt use as much as u did lol
2016-02-19 04:11 Rumia-: tbh its too much ncs but its fine on most of the part
2016-02-19 04:12 Rumia-: but sometimes people could confused
2016-02-19 04:13 Rumia-: 04:11:003 (1) - like this nc shouldnt be needed
2016-02-19 04:13 Rumia-: there are earlier part with the same one i might missed
2016-02-19 04:13 Rumia-: 04:11:271 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - also for the sliders that u extended , lower the vloume of the tail
2016-02-19 04:14 Yales: 04:11:003 (1) - Ah for this one I don't mind removing it, I actually placed it to help the player cause new timing but well
2016-02-19 04:14 Yales: okay
2016-02-19 04:14 Yales: 5% is ok right?
2016-02-19 04:14 Rumia-: idk i think 15% is already enough to mute them
2016-02-19 04:15 Yales: (ye definetly gonna remove that last NC!)
2016-02-19 04:15 Rumia-: 5% might cause dq xD cuz yknow people
2016-02-19 04:15 Yales: okay !
2016-02-19 04:15 Rumia-: r just arent satisfied with people
2016-02-19 04:15 Yales: ya, the 5% is a bit controversial xD
2016-02-19 04:16 Rumia-: 03:59:149 (5) - o i cant hear this
2016-02-19 04:16 Rumia-: the only triplet that is inaudible
2016-02-19 04:17 Yales: ah, yep indeed sounds better without
2016-02-19 04:17 Rumia-: i dont really have much problems playing this diff
2016-02-19 04:18 Rumia-: (except the stream part because im bad loool
2016-02-19 04:18 Rumia-: so i guess it should be good
2016-02-19 04:18 Yales: Yayy!
2016-02-19 04:19 Rumia-: i think bn would point out about NCs too but you should be prepared for those
2016-02-19 04:19 Rumia-: some that might bothers with reading issues should be considered to make your map more enjoyable :D
2016-02-19 04:19 Yales: I'll try to reduce them a bit yes
2016-02-19 04:20 Yales: OH
2016-02-19 04:20 Yales: making things clear
2016-02-19 04:20 Yales: 01:46:092 (3) - this is readable right ?
2016-02-19 04:20 Rumia-: ok thats it for n-----
2016-02-19 04:20 Rumia-: o
2016-02-19 04:21 Rumia-: for nomods and hr should be
2016-02-19 04:21 Rumia-: might cause reading issue for HDs
2016-02-19 04:21 Yales: ah, gotta recheck it with hd just in case then, thanks
2016-02-19 04:21 Yales: the slider pops pretty fast so I was a bit worried x)
2016-02-19 04:22 Rumia-: 01:48:770 (1,2) - ah i just noticed your instrument went versa
2016-02-19 04:22 Yales: what do you mean?
2016-02-19 04:22 Rumia-: should be ctrl g ?
2016-02-19 04:22 Rumia-: 01:49:172 (1,2) - since these are the same instrument
2016-02-19 04:23 Rumia-: assume the buzz slider should be on 01:48:770 - instead
2016-02-19 04:23 Yales: Ah, place the slider reverse before? I think it would cause a real problem to play tbh
2016-02-19 04:23 Rumia-: 01:49:038 - a circle here to indicate the snare
2016-02-19 04:24 Rumia-: but they have 1/2 gaps so it should be fine!
2016-02-19 04:24 Yales: alright!
2016-02-19 04:27 Rumia-: 01:57:699 (1) - btw i dont think this one snapped on 1/12
2016-02-19 04:28 Rumia-: should be just a 1/4 reverse on the red tick ?
2016-02-19 04:28 Yales: I clearly hear some 1/3 though
2016-02-19 04:29 Rumia-: but i think its better to keep consistent as a 1/2 gap since its barely audible anyway
2016-02-19 04:29 Yales: which makes sense with the following 01:58:413 (1) -
2016-02-19 04:29 Rumia-: people wont expect it either imo
2016-02-19 04:29 Rumia-: yea the part onwards was correctly made
2016-02-19 04:30 Rumia-: or another solution you could
2016-02-19 04:30 Rumia-: place the slider at 01:57:878 -
2016-02-19 04:31 Yales: does it really affect gameplay? I added the reverse to made it more playable even though it was unexpected, also I think it's a good way to say "be careful, 1/3 incoming"
2016-02-19 04:31 Rumia-: so it could emphasis the vocal
2016-02-19 04:31 Rumia-: yea the reverse if you press it late
2016-02-19 04:31 Rumia-: it could break combo
2016-02-19 04:31 Rumia-: since people must have expect it as a 1/2 gap
2016-02-19 04:32 Yales: 01:57:699 (3) - the beat here is too heavy to be ignored ><
2016-02-19 04:32 01:57:699 - *
2016-02-19 04:32 Rumia-: o
2016-02-19 04:32 Rumia-: maybe i explained it wrong
2016-02-19 04:32 Rumia-: i mean it to be like
2016-02-19 04:33 Rumia-: 01:57:610 (2) - since this object is nicely at the same vocal
2016-02-19 04:33 Rumia-: so switching this to vocal emphasis for this part works nice either
2016-02-19 04:34 Rumia-: adding to the point that 01:58:413 (1,1,1,1) - these vocal also were mapped on the 1/3s so i think its a good solution
2016-02-19 04:34 Yales: mhhh
2016-02-19 04:35 Yales: it does bother me a little bit :c
2016-02-19 04:35 Rumia-: well its your decision to make anyways :p im just giving out ideas
2016-02-19 04:35 Yales: ^^
2016-02-19 04:35 Rumia-: anyway that is my last point i guess , i should rlly be sleeping rn
2016-02-19 04:36 Rumia-: xD
2016-02-19 04:36 Yales: ahhh sorry
2016-02-19 04:36 Yales: Thank you veryy muchhh !!!!
2016-02-19 04:36 Yales: Rly appreciated ! (Go post the irc before sleeping! :D)
2016-02-19 04:36 Rumia-: np!
2016-02-19 04:36 Rumia-: alright
Thank you very much for the check!I fixed all the points except the 1/3 thingy and the combo colors for reasons I mentionned (at the exception of this one04:10:735 (1) - ). 01:48:770 (1) - Didn't fix this neither as I really like the way they play here. So that single note will stay here to support the cymbals!
hi m4m from my queue - sorry, I was sick this week so the mod got delayed a bit :(

would love to see this ranked soon.
I nc different than you in higher diffs i notice lol, so uh i'll only point out those who bugged me reading etc.

  1. hp6? You have a lot of 1/4 sliders which give you not enough hp if you hit them and if you miss 2 u ded. jk, its not that harsh but gaining hp again.
  2. 01:11:270 (1,1) - I missread that multiple times to be ctrl+g and it plays more innutitive that way.
  3. 02:32:431 (5) - current flow suggests ctrl+g as a better solution.
  4. 03:41:271 (1,2,3) - looks very cramped can you give 3 more space maybe?
  5. 04:11:271 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - I wondered why u never silenced the ends? I mean u don't have to xd, but the clapping at the ends is super annoying to hear. Just a personal thing tho.
  1. AR9.3 felt better for me in playtest.
  2. 00:40:869 (1,1,1) - it was actually harder to read for me bcs u ncd this.
  3. 02:03:235 (1,2,3) - I'd reduce the spacing a bit since you have bigger spacing before for 1/1 pause between the notes and suddenly 1/2 snapping with exact same distance might be confusing for some people.
  4. 03:35:913 (1) - make same overlap like 02:44:217 (2) - here? with the slider being after the circle i mean. just a stylish thing lol

    nice can't find more.
  1. 01:38:458 (4) - stack properly.
  2. 03:35:913 (1) - ^
    04:02:968 (2) - uhm clap?
    04:04:039 (2) - ^same
  3. 04:13:480 - delete that line it has no effect whatsoever

  1. 00:19:306 (3,4) - imo this flows better with 2 two 1/2 sliders since the sounds you map to occur every 1/2 beat and not 1/1 like 00:18:770 (1,2) - here
  2. 00:20:913 (1) - tbh i think you should just stay with overlaping this completely like you did 00:14:351 (4,1) - here (just for consistency)
  3. 00:33:770 (1) - its funny how this section is actually harder to play than in the hardest diff xd - just bcs you used distance snapping.
  4. 00:55:467 (2,3,4) - it's quite confusing that you use this double stack never again (u kinda have to know it's there if you play hidden) even though it fits the vocal well.
  5. 01:15:288 (3) - same like before.
  6. 01:50:645 (1) - idk i feel like you should do it like in insane having a reverse here. I know its hard diff, but alone it should be fine.
  7. 02:45:556 (1) - this barely overlapping here doesn't look good imo, maybe make it like the others or just stack it.
  8. 03:11:806 (1) - that nc is kinda weird tbh or idk why u ncd this. How about not Ncing this at all?
  9. 03:23:458 (2,3) - why u change the stlye of how you overlap this? i kinda don't get that :(
  10. 03:33:770 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I'd make 03:33:770 (1,2,3,4) - sliders and 03:34:842 (1,2,3,4) - leave them as circles. You want to emphasize the first ones not as much as the others. You already do that well with the spacing you choose, but I feel like with the sliders it makes it more intiutive for the player.
  11. 04:10:199 (1,2) - uh why no whistles when you use them for exact same sound 04:09:931 (4) - here.

nice set - sorry couldn't find more :( - I guess thats a good thing actually.
feels ready for me - most things are just objectively in my opinion.

Good Luck! o/
Topic Starter

Feb wrote:

hi m4m from my queue - sorry, I was sick this week so the mod got delayed a bit :(

would love to see this ranked soon. Me too !! XD
I nc different than you in higher diffs i notice lol, so uh i'll only point out those who bugged me reading etc.

  1. hp6? You have a lot of 1/4 sliders which give you not enough hp if you hit them and if you miss 2 u ded. jk, its not that harsh but gaining hp again. Gotta think about it, but I think it's pretty much appropriate (it was 8 at the beginning!)
  2. 01:11:270 (1,1) - I missread that multiple times to be ctrl+g and it plays more innutitive that way. Aa, I don't think there's a really reading problem here tbh, it flows pretty great imo. I really like the pattern actually, I don't want to change it xD But yes, to be honnest I don't have problem on this one so yep
  3. 02:32:431 (5) - current flow suggests ctrl+g as a better solution. I think the pattern flows great!
  4. 03:41:271 (1,2,3) - looks very cramped can you give 3 more space maybe? I think that if I would have gave (3) "more space" the flow with 03:41:806 (4) - would be exactly what I don't want. BUT I agree that it wasn't that neat (even though I actually liked the idea of the pattern) so I actually put (3) on the other side of 03:41:271 (1) - and I think it looks and plays way better now!
  5. 04:11:271 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - I wondered why u never silenced the ends? I mean u don't have to xd, but the clapping at the ends is super annoying to hear. Just a personal thing tho. Fixed with previous mod ^^ wait.. there's no clapping at the end? Do you think the claps at the beginning of the sldiers are too loud? Or is it ok now? If you come check my answer let me know please xD
  1. AR9.3 felt better for me in playtest. Mhh, I don't mind changing it buuut, I don't think it's that much of a difference and now it's proportional between Insane, Extra and Freeze soo, I'd like to keep it if most of people are fine with it.
  2. 00:40:869 (1,1,1) - it was actually harder to read for me bcs u ncd this. It's to electrifies the pattern as the music feels really spontaneous! The NC doesn't, indeed, help the reading but I feel that it's kinda the effect I want as well (as long as it's still readable at the end!)
  3. 02:03:235 (1,2,3) - I'd reduce the spacing a bit since you have bigger spacing before for 1/1 pause between the notes and suddenly 1/2 snapping with exact same distance might be confusing for some people. Fixed in another way
  4. 03:35:913 (1) - make same overlap like 02:44:217 (2) - here? with the slider being after the circle i mean. just a stylish thing lol It was like this but someone suggested me to change it like this and I think it looks way better in gameplay this way! And it "feels" that it flows better this way I think (it's obviously just a feel, the movement is the same).

    nice can't find more. Nice, I was a bit worried about this diff as it's the last one I made so I got pretty bored XD
  1. 01:38:458 (4) - stack properly. OOPS
  2. 03:35:913 (1) - ^ Ah, I prefer the custom stack here ! It's pretty much the same as the one you pointed out in Extra!
    04:02:968 (2) - uhm clap? Fixed!
    04:04:039 (2) - ^same Fixed!
  3. 04:13:480 - delete that line it has no effect whatsoever It does, end of the kiai after the fountain :p

  1. 00:19:306 (3,4) - imo this flows better with 2 two 1/2 sliders since the sounds you map to occur every 1/2 beat and not 1/1 like 00:18:770 (1,2) - here Right, good point
  2. 00:20:913 (1) - tbh i think you should just stay with overlaping this completely like you did 00:14:351 (4,1) - here (just for consistency) But I also did some other customs stacks 02:45:556 (1) - etc. I don't think it's a real problem, those stacks are omnipresent in the set even though they're not always present.
  3. 00:33:770 (1) - its funny how this section is actually harder to play than in the hardest diff xd - just bcs you used distance snapping. Mhhh... I kinda feel that if I would stack as I did in Freeze for example, the pattern would be more technique to hit, so actually way harder.
  4. 00:55:467 (2,3,4) - it's quite confusing that you use this double stack never again (u kinda have to know it's there if you play hidden) even though it fits the vocal well. Added another one at the beginning by fixing another point, maybe it'll be better then... I agree that it does fit the vocal that's why I don't really want to change it lol
  5. 01:15:288 (3) - same like before. same ^
  6. 01:50:645 (1) - idk i feel like you should do it like in insane having a reverse here. I know its hard diff, but alone it should be fine. Idea is good but I feel that the slider starting on red tick like this for a hard isn't catchy at all though I prefer keeping this pattern the way it is, just to be safe.
  7. 02:45:556 (1) - this barely overlapping here doesn't look good imo, maybe make it like the others or just stack it. Ahh I really like it though XD
  8. 03:11:806 (1) - that nc is kinda weird tbh or idk why u ncd this. How about not Ncing this at all? Fixed !
  9. 03:23:458 (2,3) - why u change the stlye of how you overlap this? i kinda don't get that :( It was for dumb reasons, fixed.
  10. 03:33:770 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I'd make 03:33:770 (1,2,3,4) - sliders and 03:34:842 (1,2,3,4) - leave them as circles. You want to emphasize the first ones not as much as the others. You already do that well with the spacing you choose, but I feel like with the sliders it makes it more intiutive for the player. I get what you mean but I don't think that the sliders are fitting that much I'm not sure how to explain it but it feels that the vocal are going a bit out of the constant flow the chorus made here. And I'm showing it with the 1/1 circles.
  11. 04:10:199 (1,2) - uh why no whistles when you use them for exact same sound 04:09:931 (4) - here. fixed

nice set - sorry couldn't find more :( - I guess thats a good thing actually.
feels ready for me - most things are just objectively in my opinion.

Good Luck! o/
Thank you very much! Your mod was really helpful!
I hope you got better! o/
04:11:271 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - that's what i meant! yep that's cool now.
I meant the sliderends hitting on the next head produced a "claping" sound which was not nice for the ears, but now its cool :^D
Topic Starter

Feb wrote:

04:11:271 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - that's what i meant! yep that's cool now.
I meant the sliderends hitting on the next head produced a "claping" sound which was not nice for the ears, but now its cool :^D
02:24:261 - before this point there isnt streams at all, there are some triples like 02:21:918 - 02:22:052 - could be a stream but rest is just overmapped so heavily... and from 02:25:199 - drums sound more like 1/3 tbh you can hear 2 beats between upbeats, not 3. same for extra
02:43:413 (1,2,3) - no need to end on 1/8, 1/4 is enough at this high bpm. adding some more ms to acc is better than this tbh and simlar patterns the same
02:04:842 (1,2,3,4,1) - 02:46:360 (3,4,5,6,1) - 02:50:645 (4,5,6,7,1) - overmap, triple is enough
03:14:485 - same as before, there are some triples and like 1 possible stream, rest is just overmapped, you should know why. same for extra

00:10:199 - increase volumen on all diffs here, like freeze is fine. right now is basically unaudible

01:58:413 (1,1,1) - sounds much better like tbhxd right now the main melody is stopping in every slider, which doesnt sound good

00:53:056 (3) - - and the other one after - dont use multi reverse at this difficulty, and even high bpm. you can get the same effect with 1 reverse less and plays much much better

most of those sections with lines <40~50% volumen are quite hard to hear cuz you use hitsounds that are sooo similar to the music (in addition that the music is loud lul). increasing those lines by 10% would be niceeee

i just pointed out the most noticiable stuff so ya, if you don't want to change the overmapped parts, i'll say glllll
Topic Starter

Milan- wrote:

02:24:261 - before this point there isnt streams at all, there are some triples like 02:21:918 - 02:22:052 - could be a stream but rest is just overmapped so heavily... and from 02:25:199 - drums sound more like 1/3 tbh you can hear 2 beats between upbeats, not 3. same for extra
02:43:413 (1,2,3) - no need to end on 1/8, 1/4 is enough at this high bpm. adding some more ms to acc is better than this tbh and simlar patterns the same
02:04:842 (1,2,3,4,1) - 02:46:360 (3,4,5,6,1) - 02:50:645 (4,5,6,7,1) - overmap, triple is enough
03:14:485 - same as before, there are some triples and like 1 possible stream, rest is just overmapped, you should know why. same for extra

00:10:199 - increase volumen on all diffs here, like freeze is fine. right now is basically unaudible

01:58:413 (1,1,1) - sounds much better like tbhxd right now the main melody is stopping in every slider, which doesnt sound good

00:53:056 (3) - - and the other one after - dont use multi reverse at this difficulty, and even high bpm. you can get the same effect with 1 reverse less and plays much much better

most of those sections with lines <40~50% volumen are quite hard to hear cuz you use hitsounds that are sooo similar to the music (in addition that the music is loud lul). increasing those lines by 10% would be niceeee

i just pointed out the most noticiable stuff so ya, if you don't want to change the overmapped parts, i'll say glllll
Thank you very much for checking the set (sorry for the spam as well haha)

About Freeze, I'm pretty sure the streams aren't overmapped. There's a drumroll (This is also why you can't say if it's 1/4, 1/3 or 1/2). But there is clearly a drumroll. That part is really intense so EVEN IF there wasn't a drumroll, the part would call for a stream as it DOESN'T sound overmapped here. I was pretty sure of myself but I still collectedlots of opinions to be really sure from average players, to top players, including mappers, as well as people who has a really nice approach of music in general), Answers? 100% told me it's fine. (I have the screenshots if needed xD)

About this one 02:05:177 (2,3,4,1) - There's no beat, indeed, but considering the "background" of the music I think it's totally appropriate. Same goes for 03:14:150 (2,3,4,5,6) -
Then about 02:50:645 (4,5,6,7,1) - and 02:46:360 (3,4,5,6,1) - The explanation I'm going to make also apply for the points above. Well, this one is overmapped. Yet I don't like this expression as I don't think it sounds like some 1/16 on a calm 130 bpm songs. And also, the fact that you're suggesting me to change for triples proves that the definition itself of "overmapped" is really subjective ;) But I don't think it's a bad thing to map as I did. Overmapping this way can add some speed up to the rhythme to help you show what you want to show in the music. I can give you a few maps that used this techniques and are still big big masterpiece! ( Yousei Teikoku - Hades: The Rise -> (Talk about Bikko's and thelewa's score: 3x 100 on a map full of 5 circles burst totally overmapped [I guess it didn't sound that bad right]). And please, PER PITY, don't tell me "but it's old" Because the last thing I want to map, is those maps full of triangles that all look the same nowadays. )
So.. Yes, to me, they keep the speed and doesn't even sound awful or something. I didn't overused them and placed at some wisely choosen spots. So tell me, why shall I change something that I like for the sake of a word which has a definition that nobody in this game seem to get???

About the 1/8 sliders. They're clearly not 1/4. I tried and it sounds really, really bad. I also think that, considering the burst of the music, 1/8 is more approriate and accurate to the music. Players are also used to hit 1/8 sliders for this kind of sound.

After that, gotta fix the hitsounds as requested, interesting point.

Also fixed this part 01:58:413 (1) - on insane as suggested

Fixed the reverses on Normal diff.

To finish, I'd like to thank you a lot for the time you spent as well on this set (it's the second time you're modding it!!) and I'd also like to thank you for accepting my request to check it!!
M4M of 1 diff...

And sorry, I know I'm not a good enough player to play this diff that well, but I think what I said applies. (Only get 20-30 combos)

00:08:458 (2,1) - why is the spacing so small between these 2 compared to all the previous combos?
00:08:994 (2,1) - ^
00:30:288 (1,1,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2) - Felt weird to go something super easy like a short slider stack all the way back to full blown jumps when the music doesn't really change much.
00:32:699 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - with your hp7 drain this section really takes away from your hp. Please add more notes or lower the drain
00:50:913 (1,2,3,4) - these sliders are really slow in comparison to the speed needed to do the previous jumps 00:49:842 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - You should probably speed them up a bit
01:36:985 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - because of your tick rate 1, this section plays really strangely.With tick rate 1, I just need to do about half the slider to get the 300, wait a period of time to hit 2, and then accelerate to hit 3, and then go slightly slower to hit 1. However, the music mostly has the stresses on 1 or 2 (depending which phrase), which is pretty much the opposite of your pattern. You should probably rearrange these notes.
02:54:931 (4,1) - this felt a bit weird since I think it is the only slider that leads directly away from the next note in this section. Ruined the flow for me
03:43:146 (4) - flows a little bit better if you put 4 under the end of 3 (you can move 5 further to keep the jump distance)

Wish I had the skill level to pass this map. It feels fun from my current skill level.
Topic Starter

blissfulyoshi wrote:

M4M of 1 diff...

And sorry, I know I'm not a good enough player to play this diff that well, but I think what I said applies. (Only get 20-30 combos)

00:08:458 (2,1) - why is the spacing so small between these 2 compared to all the previous combos? To me, what it matters on this pattern is that the spacing after the slider is x2. Before, it can be x4 or x1 the impact stays the same in my point of view.
00:08:994 (2,1) - ^
00:30:288 (1,1,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2) - Felt weird to go something super easy like a short slider stack all the way back to full blown jumps when the music doesn't really change much. I don't think the sliders stacked are that easy, but it has less movement for sure. Just showing the intensity of the drums, might sound a bit exagerate but I think it's a good transition between 2 totally different sections (not to mention that one of them is really slow :c)
00:32:699 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - with your hp7 drain this section really takes away from your hp. Please add more notes or lower the drain Mhh, interesting... I don't dislike drain section, they're part of the challenge (also, from what I can play, that part was passable with hr od10). After that, the hp bar goes down yes, but just before the kick sliders were supposed to made it full. And at the middle of the section there's 3 other kick sliders which makes the hp bar full again. But well, I'm not against lowering the drain, just need a bit more opinions (at the beginning the drain was 8 so.. :D)
00:50:913 (1,2,3,4) - these sliders are really slow in comparison to the speed needed to do the previous jumps 00:49:842 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - You should probably speed them up a bit Mhh.. I feel that the jump just before is too harsh actually, so the slower sliders are kinda welcome (the spacing is the same though so I don't think there's a problem of constanticity!)
01:36:985 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - because of your tick rate 1, this section plays really strangely.With tick rate 1, I just need to do about half the slider to get the 300, wait a period of time to hit 2, and then accelerate to hit 3, and then go slightly slower to hit 1. However, the music mostly has the stresses on 1 or 2 (depending which phrase), which is pretty much the opposite of your pattern. You should probably rearrange these notes. Wooo, I didn't even know that XD I just put tick rate 1 because everyone's doing it XD ! I've learned something. After that I'm not sure to agree with your point. From what I can testplay, as well as the testplays I saw, because the sliders have a high SV the player tends to fully follow it. I think you just stop at the middle of the slider, when they're pretty small/slow. So I don't know, I don't really have this problem tbh. I really like the pattern which might not be that much objective imo XD. I'll keep in mind your opinion for sure though!
02:54:931 (4,1) - this felt a bit weird since I think it is the only slider that leads directly away from the next note in this section. Ruined the flow for me Mhh, that's good to know. But I don't think it kills the flow. To me, it just changes the flow, not in a bad way.
03:43:146 (4) - flows a little bit better if you put 4 under the end of 3 (you can move 5 further to keep the jump distance) Didn't want to put (5) too much away from the next slider, but your point is fair enough, gotta work on that!

Wish I had the skill level to pass this map. It feels fun from my current skill level.
Some interesting points!
Thank you very much!

  1. 00:10:467 (1) - 00:10:869 (1) - Removing NC's could help with identifying the rhythm change, since the section here just sounds like two combo's, not 4 lol.
  2. 00:15:824 (2,3) - I don't think this jump is warranted...
  3. 00:19:306 (5,6,7,8) - Try and emphasize these drum hits more. Make the jump from 00:19:038 (3,4) - smaller because 4 doesn't really fit in... so having the same spacing makes the other circles feel not as important (even though musically theyre much stronger).
  4. 00:30:288 (1,1,1) - Idk. This doesn't seem like a good design choice imo :P.
  5. 00:32:699 (1,2,3,1) - etc... This part is really cool though
  6. 02:07:119 (2,3,4) - This just looks kinda weird... Can you make the triplet linear?
  7. 02:21:315 - 02:24:128 - Yea this still sounds overmapped... The parts that sound warranted are 02:24:328 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - . The rest just a really light and ambiguous drum roll and not something that has a very definitive snapping. It just sounds nothing like 01:24:395 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - and not nearly as distinctly 1/4.
  8. 03:11:404 (3,4,5) - Not liking this switch to kicksliders xP. What you did with 03:10:735 (1,2,3,1) - was a lot better imo.
  9. 03:14:485 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - There's such a distinct 1/2 rhythm here but your rhythm choice is frankly all over the place here xP.
  10. 03:41:672 (3) - Can you position this elsewhere, the position is quite awkward and it feels like you ran out of room or something on the screen xP.
  11. 04:09:128 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - Keep your spacing consistent.
  12. 04:11:271 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - Okay this just isn't a good way to emphasize those notes imo...

  1. 00:14:619 (2,4,2,4) - I don't really see the necessity of these 1/2's... 1/2 sliders would have worked just as well here without feeling forced since there isn't a clear 1/2 beat in the song right here. 00:19:306 (5,6,7,8) - Here is good though since it's well supported.
  2. 00:40:869 (1,1,1) - NC spam isn't necessary :P.
  3. 01:26:940 (7,8,9,10,11,1) - The shape of that ending part of the stream just looks quite off :S.
  4. 02:02:163 (3,4,5,6) - 1/2 sliders here would help maintain intensity. Right now it just feels empty.
  5. 02:35:780 (4,1) - Wish you broke your spacing structure here to create a jump. It just feels really inconsistent compared to 02:37:252 (2,1) -
  6. 03:17:967 (1) - No slow slider?
  7. 03:27:208 (8,1) - Same as earlier.
  8. 03:44:485 (1,2) - Why not Ctrl+G them and follow vocals? It just feels really off right now. I don't even normally map to vocals but they just feel so crucial here.
  9. 04:11:270 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - 1/2 sliders to maintain rhythmic density.

  1. 00:52:520 (3,4) - You could just use 1/4 repeats here imo. Switching from 1/2 to 1/8 is a bit of a jump in slider-lengths.
  2. 01:31:895 (2,3) - This jump isn't emphasizing much, but it's detracting from the next downbeat.
  3. 01:35:645 (3,1) - You should space them further if you want a 1/1 gap because this looks like a 1/2 jump atm due to how soon this pattern follows 01:34:842 (1,2) -
  4. 02:31:628 (1) - Would look better if you made them mroe parallel (tail and head sections)
  5. 02:47:431 (3,4,1,2) - The instruments are at a high pitch here. Idk, for me this means it's still quite intense. Use 1/2 sliders and stuff so it dosn't feel as empty.
  6. 03:27:342 (1,2,3,4) - This is so undermapped, makes me sad :P.
  7. 03:34:842 (1,1,1,1) - No need for NC spam here. You don't spam them on Extra or Freeze anyways.

  1. 00:08:994 (3,4) - This spacing just looks too close together :P. You can use a higher spacing here imo.
  2. 01:02:699 (1,3) - Can they not be so close? xP. Looks cramped lol.
  3. 01:11:003 (4,1) - If you could incorporate this into a blanket, it would look pretty nice.
  4. 03:29:217 (6,1,2,3,4) - You ignore the vocals so hard here just to follow a rhythm that is literally the metronome xP. 1 2 3 4.

  1. Nothing inherently wrong here, but the diff feels more like a typical Easy with the very occasional 1/2 sliders. It doesn't even contain any 1/2 clicking rhythm. What I mean by 1/2 clicking rhythm is anything that looks something like this in terms of note density. Players are forced to click twice in half a beat.
  2. Since none of that even occurs in the Normal, I think theres a rhythm gap between Normal > Hard :P.

  1. 00:57:342 (1) - This wave slider just looks really ugly :P. There are a variety of ways to do wave sliders, but this technique is best for long wave sliders (spanning more than half the screen)
  2. 01:30:556 (1,3) - These sliders not being parallel really hurts the pattern.
  3. 02:24:128 (1) - Slider. Okay quite a few of them look off so please fix them.
Alright, good luck!
Topic Starter

Monstrata wrote:


  1. 00:10:467 (1) - 00:10:869 (1) - Removing NC's could help with identifying the rhythm change, since the section here just sounds like two combo's, not 4 lol.
  2. 00:15:824 (2,3) - I don't think this jump is warranted... It really doesn't destabilize me in gameplay
  3. 00:19:306 (5,6,7,8) - Try and emphasize these drum hits more. Make the jump from 00:19:038 (3,4) - smaller because 4 doesn't really fit in... so having the same spacing makes the other circles feel not as important (even though musically theyre much stronger). I think that having a bunch of 1/4 is way more stronger than just increasing spacing. Also, I'd say it's rather the sound of the drums that changes rather than the intensity
  4. 00:30:288 (1,1,1) - Idk. This doesn't seem like a good design choice imo :P. It difinetely is to me.
  5. 00:32:699 (1,2,3,1) - etc... This part is really cool though Not sure what's wrong?
  6. 02:07:119 (2,3,4) - This just looks kinda weird... Can you make the triplet linear? I think it looks really floyw though
  7. 02:21:315 - 02:24:128 - Yea this still sounds overmapped... The parts that sound warranted are 02:24:328 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - . The rest just a really light and ambiguous drum roll and not something that has a very definitive snapping. It just sounds nothing like 01:24:395 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - and not nearly as distinctly 1/4. I asked mutliple people, to be really sure, and they all told me this sounds like a steam, and I agree with them. spamming 1/2 here would just feel way too empy.
  8. 03:11:404 (3,4,5) - Not liking this switch to kicksliders xP. What you did with 03:10:735 (1,2,3,1) - was a lot better imo. Not sure to get it?
  9. 03:14:485 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - There's such a distinct 1/2 rhythm here but your rhythm choice is frankly all over the place here xP. I'm fine with my rhythm
  10. 03:41:672 (3) - Can you position this elsewhere, the position is quite awkward and it feels like you ran out of room or something on the screen xP. It's not positionned out of place..
  11. 04:09:128 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - Keep your spacing consistent. Fixed
  12. 04:11:271 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - Okay this just isn't a good way to emphasize those notes imo... Why? I think it sounds nice though. And it reproduces the logo of "Omoi".

  1. 00:14:619 (2,4,2,4) - I don't really see the necessity of these 1/2's... 1/2 sliders would have worked just as well here without feeling forced since there isn't a clear 1/2 beat in the song right here. 00:19:306 (5,6,7,8) - Here is good though since it's well supported. Same than Freeze, ]I think it's more the sounds of the drums that changed, rather that the intensity.
  2. 00:40:869 (1,1,1) - NC spam isn't necessary :P. It is. To electrfies the pattern
  3. 01:26:940 (7,8,9,10,11,1) - The shape of that ending part of the stream just looks quite off :S. Fixed a bit
  4. 02:02:163 (3,4,5,6) - 1/2 sliders here would help maintain intensity. Right now it just feels empty. It's to give more impact on 02:03:235 (1) -
  5. 02:35:780 (4,1) - Wish you broke your spacing structure here to create a jump. It just feels really inconsistent compared to 02:37:252 (2,1) - Fixed
  6. 03:17:967 (1) - No slow slider? No, most people tends to break, or almost break first try on freeze.
  7. 03:27:208 (8,1) - Same as earlier. Fixed
  8. 03:44:485 (1,2) - Why not Ctrl+G them and follow vocals? It just feels really off right now. I don't even normally map to vocals but they just feel so crucial here. Okay
  9. 04:11:270 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - 1/2 sliders to maintain rhythmic density. And my stream with a drumroll but "not a blatant one" were overmapped... I don't understand. Anyway, the whole map is kind of 1/2. Sometimes it's better to make things easier in order to give more impact.

  1. 00:52:520 (3,4) - You could just use 1/4 repeats here imo. Switching from 1/2 to 1/8 is a bit of a jump in slider-lengths. I don't know, I'd rather stay constant with the other diff. Not to mention that what I'm trying to show via those sliders is clearly not some 1/4 rhythm.
  2. 01:31:895 (2,3) - This jump isn't emphasizing much, but it's detracting from the next downbeat. My bad, got out of place, fixed.
  3. 01:35:645 (3,1) - You should space them further if you want a 1/1 gap because this looks like a 1/2 jump atm due to how soon this pattern follows 01:34:842 (1,2) - Right, fixed.
  4. 02:31:628 (1) - Would look better if you made them mroe parallel (tail and head sections) Fixed a bit
  5. 02:47:431 (3,4,1,2) - The instruments are at a high pitch here. Idk, for me this means it's still quite intense. Use 1/2 sliders and stuff so it dosn't feel as empty. I feel that those 1/1 are another way to show how intense it is, instead of just spamming 1/2 the whole map. Everything is intense in this song anyway. XD
  6. 03:27:342 (1,2,3,4) - This is so undermapped, makes me sad :P. I don't know, focusing on stronger beats. Maybe I'll change it.
  7. 03:34:842 (1,1,1,1) - No need for NC spam here. You don't spam them on Extra or Freeze anyways. Talking about intensifying pattern, I like to use every tool at my dispostion.

  1. 00:08:994 (3,4) - This spacing just looks too close together :P. You can use a higher spacing here imo. Fixed just a bit... I guess
  2. 01:02:699 (1,3) - Can they not be so close? xP. Looks cramped lol. Same
  3. 01:11:003 (4,1) - If you could incorporate this into a blanket, it would look pretty nice. Okay, Fixed
  4. 03:29:217 (6,1,2,3,4) - You ignore the vocals so hard here just to follow a rhythm that is literally the metronome xP. 1 2 3 4. lol, idk, maybe I'll change it.

  1. Nothing inherently wrong here, but the diff feels more like a typical Easy with the very occasional 1/2 sliders. It doesn't even contain any 1/2 clicking rhythm. What I mean by 1/2 clicking rhythm is anything that looks something like this in terms of note density. Players are forced to click twice in half a beat.
  2. Since none of that even occurs in the Normal, I think theres a rhythm gap between Normal > Hard :P.
    Blame the star rating.

  1. 00:57:342 (1) - This wave slider just looks really ugly :P. There are a variety of ways to do wave sliders, but this technique is best for long wave sliders (spanning more than half the screen) Fixed, looks way better now *-*
  2. 01:30:556 (1,3) - These sliders not being parallel really hurts the pattern. You mean ctrl+h? I don't know know I prefer this way I think, I don't really see what's wrong.
  3. 02:24:128 (1) - Slider. Okay quite a few of them look off so please fix them. Yep, fixed them all
Alright, good luck! Ye... I need it.
Thanks for the mod!

  1. I know from your mods that you are a fan of high AR, however I really think some of the ARs in this mapset are set too high. Mappers often think high BPM requires high AR but in reality your mapping style isn't hard to read at all with slightly lower AR, I would even say it reads better. What I suggest is the following:
    1. Extra could use AR9, only some simple jump and stream patterns here.
    2. Insane is what bothers me the most. AR9 for a map like this? AR8.5 is much better here if you ask me.
    3. Hard could also use AR7.5 or even AR7.

  1. 00:32:699 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Actually this section is very boring to play for this difficulty level. Don't get me wrong, I am a big fan of undermapping and the rhythm is perfectly fine here it's just that this section requires almost no cursor movement due to slider leniency, and the movement it requires seems to come at the wrong times. These groups of objects 00:33:503 (3,1,2) - 00:34:574 (3,1,2) - etc. all play like a one-measure long stack and the only emphasis in this section is on those beats 00:33:503 - 00:34:574 - etc. What I would recommend is either having a jump before the big white ticks instead (which would mean stacking two circles under the slider and then have the jumps) or replacing the 1/2-sliders with circles somehow. Just try to create a more interesting cursor movement that emphasizes the music better.
  2. 01:36:985 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - So why does this pattern emphasize every second white tick (by repetition) when the music clearly repeats every 3 white ticks.. You did it much better all the other times this part comes up in the music so this one really sticks out and should be changed somehow. Try to making something similar to 02:35:913 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ?
  3. 03:11:136 (1) - Hmm this slider fits the music well however I think it harms playability. This map is supposed to be difficult to play however what I enjoy about it is that it generally has very simple patterns that are easy to understand, it doesn't throw around with weird spacing or rhythms etc. This slider is the only thing in the map that doesn't fit this rhythm simplicity because it starts on a red tick and is located in the middle of a 1/4-section. Getting into streams / 1/4-rhythms after red-tick-sliders is kind of hard and I recommend you to change the rhythm around here to something more regular, like this: (cursor position is where the slider originally started)
  4. Actually, I love this diff, it's so much fun to play (well I just played it once because I just came back from work and my hand hurts a bit, but it's already fun to look at and move the cursor to the map in edit).. I really like the 'overmapped' stream and the 1/8 gimmicks you used, they fit the song well for me, I wouldn't worry about those. Just the issues above are what still bothers me a bit.

  1. 00:15:958 (3) - I'd recommend to move this slider 1/2 tick later so that it starts on the white tick. You can have a circle stack on 00:15:824 - instead then: I just don't really see a reason why that slider starts on the red tick right now, it would follow the beat and melody much better if you change it. Same applies for 03:57:744 (3) -
  2. 01:15:556 (1,2,1,2) - That intense jump / antijump pattern caught me by surprise. It's much harder to play than it looks like because of the really fast movement required in between the combos. I think ctrl+g on 01:15:824 (1,2) - would help a lot to make this more intuitive.
  3. 01:36:985 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - I find these patterns underwhelming in this difficulty. It's not even so much that you are undermapping - in Freeze you had such a cool idea (repeating patterns to emphasize the repeated vocals) and here it's mapped just like the rest of the chorus. Same applies for the rest of this difficulty, when this music shows up again, except for 03:44:485 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - which is very well done. Note: This basically applies for Insane too.
I found the other diffs fine as they are (except what was already mentioned in the mods of the other diffs). I have to agree with Monstrata though that Normal could use some 'real' 1/2 to improve the difficulty spread.

Alright so I explained many issues more in-depth than I normally would. The reason is that I see some miscommunication happening between the previous modders and you. They brought up some valid points that were important to them and you often replied very short and a bit meaningless (best example is Monstrata's concern about the difficulty spread). So to solve this problem I tried to give longer explanation but I expect the same from you when you reply and deny - to give proper reasoning for your denial.

Seeing how much effort you already put into this mapset, fixing up the spread issue and the other issues shouldn't be a problem for you. I am willing to bubble this mapset if the spread issue gets fixed and if you provide reasonable explanations for everything you denied from this mod. :3
Topic Starter

Desperate-kun wrote:


  1. I know from your mods that you are a fan of high AR, however I really think some of the ARs in this mapset are set too high. Mappers often think high BPM requires high AR but in reality your mapping style isn't hard to read at all with slightly lower AR, I would even say it reads better. What I suggest is the following:
    1. Extra could use AR9, only some simple jump and stream patterns here.
    2. Insane is what bothers me the most. AR9 for a map like this? AR8.5 is much better here if you ask me.
    3. Hard could also use AR7.5 or even AR7. Fixed them all (7.5 for hard) I hope it's still ok with the new patterns... I guess so :O

  1. 00:32:699 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Actually this section is very boring to play for this difficulty level. Don't get me wrong, I am a big fan of undermapping and the rhythm is perfectly fine here it's just that this section requires almost no cursor movement due to slider leniency, and the movement it requires seems to come at the wrong times. These groups of objects 00:33:503 (3,1,2) - 00:34:574 (3,1,2) - etc. all play like a one-measure long stack and the only emphasis in this section is on those beats 00:33:503 - 00:34:574 - etc. What I would recommend is either having a jump before the big white ticks instead (which would mean stacking two circles under the slider and then have the jumps) or replacing the 1/2-sliders with circles somehow. Just try to create a more interesting cursor movement that emphasizes the music better. Ah, I get your point in a way that when I ask a top-player to play it, at this part I'm always a bit scared that he finds it boring and just quit it xD. On the other hand it really fits the idea I have of the music here. First of all, changing the 1/2 for some circles is no-go because I really want a faster rhythm from 00:41:270 (1) - . And then I tried your suggestion of stacking both notes under the reverse 00:33:235 (2,3) - but, to me at least, it feels that it gives less impact actually. 00:33:235 (2) - Stacked because it's really low, it's basically just the vocal right. 00:33:503 (3) - There's a pretty audible beat here so I use this opportunity to change position. And I insist on "changing position" to me it's almost like this beat was here for this reason lol. Instead of moving your cursor constantly, try to stay at the position of 00:33:235 (2) - and "jump" to that (3) at the last moment.. It's pretty much the flow I have in mind. After that, you don't move at all, in a way that it will give more impact to the movement (as little it is) on the 1/2 here 00:33:770 (1) - A bit hard to explain but... ye, hope you got me xD
  2. 01:36:985 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - So why does this pattern emphasize every second white tick (by repetition) when the music clearly repeats every 3 white ticks.. You did it much better all the other times this part comes up in the music so this one really sticks out and should be changed somehow. Try to making something similar to 02:35:913 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ? Mhh, a bit sad to change the pattern but sounds fair enough. Fixed, I hope it's good enough though *-* Those patterns are kinda hard to create xD ! BUT Remapping the extra diff gave me an idea, so I also remapped this part 03:27:342 (1) - on freeze that I've always found a bit poor of flow.
  3. 03:11:136 (1) - Hmm this slider fits the music well however I think it harms playability. This map is supposed to be difficult to play however what I enjoy about it is that it generally has very simple patterns that are easy to understand, it doesn't throw around with weird spacing or rhythms etc. This slider is the only thing in the map that doesn't fit this rhythm simplicity because it starts on a red tick and is located in the middle of a 1/4-section. Getting into streams / 1/4-rhythms after red-tick-sliders is kind of hard and I recommend you to change the rhythm around here to something more regular, like this: (cursor position is where the slider originally started) Really nice point *-* (maybe that's what monstrata wanted to say as well but didn't get it). Fixed it in another way, a bit. We'll see if that works too!
  4. Actually, I love this diff, it's so much fun to play (well I just played it once because I just came back from work and my hand hurts a bit, but it's already fun to look at and move the cursor to the map in edit).. I really like the 'overmapped' stream and the 1/8 gimmicks you used, they fit the song well for me, I wouldn't worry about those. Just the issues above are what still bothers me a bit.

  1. 00:15:958 (3) - I'd recommend to move this slider 1/2 tick later so that it starts on the white tick. You can have a circle stack on 00:15:824 - instead then: I just don't really see a reason why that slider starts on the red tick right now, it would follow the beat and melody much better if you change it. Same applies for 03:57:744 (3) - Right, sounds fair, indeed: fixed both!
  2. 01:15:556 (1,2,1,2) - That intense jump / antijump pattern caught me by surprise. It's much harder to play than it looks like because of the really fast movement required in between the combos. I think ctrl+g on 01:15:824 (1,2) - would help a lot to make this more intuitive. Kinda disagree here. First of all, it would flow really bad with the next slider, but that's not the main reason why I don't want to change it. I think that the flow as it is here represents a bit better the music. The way you're suggesting is a really circular movement, I don't think that's what the music calls for here. The music feels really "electrfied" and this pattern represents pretty well this I think. Also, the vocals seem to repeat the same tone/pitch each 1/2 ticks. So going twice from bottom to the top represents this as well (from this percpective you could tell me that I could have kept going on with this pattern and...yes I could have done it but it would be too hard imo xD)
  3. 01:36:985 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - I find these patterns underwhelming in this difficulty. It's not even so much that you are undermapping - in Freeze you had such a cool idea (repeating patterns to emphasize the repeated vocals) and here it's mapped just like the rest of the chorus. Same applies for the rest of this difficulty, when this music shows up again, except for 03:44:485 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - which is very well done. Note: This basically applies for Insane too. Fixed, insane as well... Gotta recheck if everything's fine on insane ><
I found the other diffs fine as they are (except what was already mentioned in the mods of the other diffs). I have to agree with Monstrata though that Normal could use some 'real' 1/2 to improve the difficulty spread. I added a few "triple-like" I wonder if it's enough, I told you (should have told monstrata too ><) IRC why I didn't do it from the get-go, you told me it was ok if it gets hard icon, but rating is still going high pretty fast, added like 2 or 3 and it took 0.5 ... So yep, I hope it's enough ><

Alright so I explained many issues more in-depth than I normally would. The reason is that I see some miscommunication happening between the previous modders and you. They brought up some valid points that were important to them and you often replied very short and a bit meaningless (best example is Monstrata's concern about the difficulty spread). So to solve this problem I tried to give longer explanation but I expect the same from you when you reply and deny - to give proper reasoning for your denial.

Seeing how much effort you already put into this mapset, fixing up the spread issue and the other issues shouldn't be a problem for you. I am willing to bubble this mapset if the spread issue gets fixed and if you provide reasonable explanations for everything you denied from this mod. :3
Once more thank you very much!!
02:35:913 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - in Extra is missing hitsounds. Fix that and I'll blebub.
Topic Starter

Desperate-kun wrote:

02:35:913 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - in Extra is missing hitsounds. Fix that and I'll blebub.
Oops, I was sure I did them o.o
Topic Starter
Need to pop bubbled because found a unsnapped in extra, and do a IRC with mapper Rebubbled

2016-03-08 10:53 smallboat: Well, I has no new map need to be modded now. Are you call me check this map?
2016-03-08 10:53 Yales: If possible!
2016-03-08 10:56 Yales: Music is a bit noisy, and it's a big set... But that would help me a lot x)
2016-03-08 10:57 smallboat: This sound like fine to me, not bad
2016-03-08 10:57 smallboat: ACTION is editing [ Omoi - Snow Drive [Extra]]
2016-03-08 10:57 smallboat: 01:54:663 (1) - hey, unsnapped?
2016-03-08 10:57 smallboat: : )
2016-03-08 10:57 Yales: wuuut ><
2016-03-08 10:57 Yales: fixing , just saw there were another note unsnapped.. how i.i
2016-03-08 10:58 smallboat: okay
2016-03-08 10:58 smallboat: i will reb it and you call D-kun to do qua it?
2016-03-08 10:58 Yales: sure!
2016-03-08 10:59 smallboat: why i see have the unsnapped in insane?
2016-03-08 10:59 smallboat: aimod
2016-03-08 11:00 Yales: in insane too o.o I have clue why, fixing
2016-03-08 11:00 smallboat: Freeze too
2016-03-08 11:02 Yales: alright, fixed them all, thanks, really have no clue how that happened tbh
2016-03-08 11:04 smallboat: okay i still are checking xD
2016-03-08 11:04 Yales: sure ~ !
2016-03-08 11:16 smallboat: ENH fine
2016-03-08 11:17 Yales: yay!
2016-03-08 11:26 smallboat: In Extra (00:48:636 (5) - ), maybe can del this note make it play better, feel this note drum sound not so previous imo
2016-03-08 11:28 Yales: mhh, what about if I put it around x16 y116? It would add more flow. It bothers me to not map it because I can hear the beat so it feels a bit empty
2016-03-08 11:28 smallboat: okay sure
2016-03-08 11:29 smallboat: 01:26:270 (4) - NC not the same with Freeze, want keep it?
2016-03-08 11:29 Yales: Okay fixed :D
2016-03-08 11:29 Yales: ah, good point...
2016-03-08 11:30 smallboat: yes let you consider it
2016-03-08 11:30 Yales: I think I'm going to add a NC indeed!
2016-03-08 11:30 Yales: would make sense!
2016-03-08 11:30 smallboat: okay agree~
2016-03-08 11:31 Yales: fixed ^^
2016-03-08 11:48 smallboat: Accidently the Freezz diff has no problem want say imo o.o
2016-03-08 11:48 smallboat: So specail style
2016-03-08 11:48 smallboat: special
2016-03-08 11:48 Yales: Is it a good thing .. or not? :x
2016-03-08 11:49 smallboat: yes good :D
2016-03-08 11:49 Yales: Yayy! Happy x)
2016-03-08 11:49 smallboat: x )
2016-03-08 11:50 smallboat: Okay already confirm unsnapped are fix
2016-03-08 11:50 Yales: yep, and updated the points above as well
2016-03-08 11:52 smallboat: okay confirm
Akiyama Mizuki
YES YES YES it's happening
Topic Starter
Yaaaay !

Thank you very much !! :3
congrats yales!
Congratz bro you did it!
Nice. Just when I thought "Why no ranked Snow Drive maps?"

I like the other version of the song better though. But this is good nonetheless
Congratz :D
Asahina Momoko
gratz :oops:
oh it's ranked
pretty cool.
Late but congrats ;D
Cool! <3
Congratz :)
Hate to be the guy here but I see a big flaw in this map's spread (and mp3 quality) despite the fact that the star difficulty shows a good spread.

Easy SV: 0.60
Normal SV: 1.00
Hard SV: 1.50

Insane SV: 1.60
Extra SV: 1.70
Extreme SV: 2.00

? Maybe this is just me but in a 224 BPM, this is such a massive difference. I personally think that this is a no brainer. to have such a massive SV gap between each lower difficulties in 224 BPM but apparently some people see it as fine which i don't understand.. even by just looking at auto play the map, hard and normal have such a HUGE difference in gameplay. hello am i the only who thinks this way. I think the only reason why the spread seems fine according to the star difficulty is because the system doesn't really consider SV? only how far the objects are placed between each other.
don't bully qualified mappers

Enon wrote:

don't bully qualified mappers
Might as well not have a qualified section, right? Just rank every map that is given a heart! Also I'm not bullying or anything, I'm expressing what I think about the map, and how it can be better. How is that bullying?

I also forgot to mention what's the point of having 4 combo colors with is barely different? or am i color blind
Topic Starter

Bearizm wrote:

I also forgot to mention what's the point of having 4 combo colors with is barely different? or am i color blind
Why does the color "gray" even exist? We have "white" after all.

"Might as well not have a qualified section" ... There were none not a long time ago and the majority will agree that it was better that way... Just sayin'


Thanks guys for your support :D (Sorry to not map the version some people seem to prefer, but that's not my case and there's already a map of it anyway >.<)

Yales wrote:

Bearizm wrote:

I also forgot to mention what's the point of having 4 combo colors with is barely different? or am i color blind
Why do the color "gray" even exist? We have "white" after all.
Because they're different, but that's not my point, is it? I mean, you're given the option to have more than 1 combo color for a reason... I get it if it's a pair of similar colors, but 2 pairs? 2-3-4 is very similar so I couldn't see any reason to have just 1 pair. if it's uhm... say as an example; light and dark grey with light and dark blue then i get it, that's cool imo. of course u gotta do the color hax to make it work. Also, you forgot to address my first post here.

Oh again, insane and extra has the exact same OD eventhough they're different by a margin. Ever consider of reducing the OD by 1 on ENHI diffs? I think it would be better that way, wouldn't it?
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To be honnest I find hard to give a proper answer because your point has... no point.

The fact there's 4 colors won't be heavier in your folder anyway. I don't know what I have to explain between shades of blue (cyan/blue), and shades of pink (purple/pink). It's some colors you can also find in the background, but they're totally readable on it. Can you explain me the point of your remark please? What's really disturbing you in it? I mean, being questioned about the utility of shades of color isn't something that has to deal with osu! but with school...?

About your first point. Normal and hard diff both respect the DS. And as you said "the system doesn't really consider SV? only how far the objects are placed between each other." So, therefore, it does take into account the SV (as the DS is on both diffs 1.00 or something). Since DS is based on SV.
I suggest you to have a look on other sets around this BPM. You'll see that it usually takes the same gap from normal to hard. (Here's a few I could quote. etc.) Not that much of a difference with my set right?

Also, the od is high enough to avoid notelock.

You could have made those kind of research before coming grumbling here (and basically asking me to map another diff) on a set of 6 diffs, 4 minutes drain time that I fully mapped by myself... I'm totally willing to get feedback, it's even appreciated but at least put the form. Cause when you say "I hate to be that guy" ... actually you love it don't you?
Personally I think the spread is fine. The gap between Normal and Hard is indeed high, but the gap between Easy and Normal is equally big (there is a HUGE difference in density and speed). From Hard up to Freeze the gaps are much smaller, since the set is more focused on the higher difficulties.

The combo colors seem different enough to me.

I don't find this disqualify-worthy at the moment but if another QAT disagrees feel free to do it of course.

Yales wrote:

You could have made those kind of research before coming grumbling here (and basically asking me to map another diff) on a set of 6 diffs, 4 minutes drain time that I fully mapped by myself... I'm totally willing to get feedback, it's even appreciated but at least put the form. Cause when you say "I hate to be that guy" ... actually you love it don't you?
Wow, calm down. You seem a little bit salty there. If you didn't see my point in my post then idk what to say to you.. And sorry that I didn't do my "research", cba to do some "research". I only do this type of thing when I see something outrageous which is almost never nowadays. I know you put a shit ton of effort in this since you mapped every difficulty and got a lot of pages in this thread, but understand that if you get this type of feedback in the qualification process, it's pretty damn normal. Anyways, if you don't want to change them at least change the terrible mp3 as some mentioned in the disqus comments. It's really bad. Should be easy to bring back up...

@Desp I've always thought spreads are supposed to be balanced throughout all the difficulties being made (?)
seems mp3 is really low quality >:

Idk if there is another source for mp3, anyways I took one from:

Check and judge yourself , or maybe someone else can provide a better one :P

Also Insane and Extra diff have the same OD :(

Bearizm wrote:

Might as well not have a qualified section, right? Just rank every map that is given a heart! Also I'm not bullying or anything, I'm expressing what I think about the map, and how it can be better. How is that bullying?

I also forgot to mention what's the point of having 4 combo colors with is barely different? or am i color blind
heyy just joke D:
So this actually got qualified. Hm hm.
Judging by its spectrograph the mp3 isnt even 128 kbs and jitters a lot of stuff around lol
a bit of offtopic D:

I'm here not to feedback but with another question. What you guys think, is this can be somewhat accurate gaps for this beatmap?

Enon wrote:

heyy just joke D:
ahaha sorry D:!!

Sieg wrote:

a bit of offtopic D:

I'm here not to feedback but with another question. What you guys think, is this can be somewhat accurate gaps for this beatmap?
Agreed. This is what I see.
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My MP3 also comes from niconico. but idk

@bearizm alright, edited to put the drama out.
PS: Yuii- made me salty though :D

@sieg if you're talking about the icons of the map. It was like that but BNs themselves told me it wasn't accurate enough. So I guess it should have those icons..(?)
calm down, I told you my opinion, you answered. I'm ok with that.. May not change my mind about the spread but hey, I don't want any dramas especially with the fact you answered me with a certain degree of hostility (kind of my fault as well which I guess I owe you an apology with my semi-agressive criticism) and that this isn't the appropriate place for it.

good luck.
@Yales icons? no, who cares about icons. It's about gaps between difficulties shown as distances
Yales yes your mp3 can be from the same source, but hear the quality difference


I'm not the best encoding audio, but someone maybe can get an even better one from nicovideo, unless you want to keep a really low quality one. I wouldn't talk too much about the spread, but I have same feeling as Beazrim and Sieg
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Natsu wrote:

Yales yes your mp3 can be from the same source, but hear the quality difference and the enconde difference



I'm not the best encoding audio, but someone maybe can get an even better one from nicovideo, unless you want to keep a really low quality one. I wouldn't talk too much about the spread, but I have same feeling as Beazrim and Sieg
If people think it's worth a DQ, fine! That's not a bad point after all. (I wonder why I took so many mods though, but well)

For the spread... I just can't take it. Sorry. I mapped the whole thing just to rank "freeze" in a way that it, at least, follow the ranking criteria... If after that there's some unspoken rules... I'm just like "no"
... If you want to get an idea of the feel I have about this set. Try to drink 4L of millk at once... no fun
If the mp3 is going to be changed, you might as well use the one the artist put up as a free download on piapro (it's 192kbit too), even though it's pretty similar to Natsu's version in terms of audio quality. Probably the best 192kbit mp3 avaiable as it from an "official" source
I don't even speak any Japanese, but it only took a few minutes to create an account and download

Yales wrote:

For the spread... I just can't take it. Sorry. I mapped the whole thing just to rank "freeze" in a way that it, at least, follow the ranking criteria... If after that there's some unspoken rules... I'm just like "no"
... If you want to get an idea of the feel I have about this set. Try to drink 4L of millk at once... no fun
Well yes, I think this kind (EN--HI--E) of spreads should be acceptable, the gap can be treated as "alright" for pair of difficulties while every single difficulty by itself is matching the ability of majority of this level player base, which is the case here. Though attitude "I mapped the whole thing just to rank top difficulty" is so-so. Also, the set is quite good (:
Alright, it seems better to fix the mp3 quality. I have to admit that I thought the mp3 was supposed to be that blurry since it fits the style of the song well, I didn't check that the original doesn't sound like this.

Please fix everything else that you think needs fixing.


About the spread:

I don't know how you guys come to the conclusion that the gap between Easy and Normal is low, it's as big as the gap between Normal and Hard looking at the incredibly low density of Easy. The spread imo is more like:
(relying on actual difficulty of the maps, not star rating)

Bearizm wrote:

@Desp I've always thought spreads are supposed to be balanced throughout all the difficulties being made (?)
Then why do mapsets with 5 Extra difficulties get ranked? Things like E--N---------H-----I are bad because the Normal could clearly be harder to create a more polished spread (just an example) but the spread here is reasonably focused on the higher difficulty-tier.
If the spread rule change that was proposed and hugely dismissed by the community a few weeks ago got through, this would be an issue, but as it is right now, not really.
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Okay, changed mp3.
Also nerfed Insane's od to 7.5
I took a look again, spread seems a bit borderline, but should be fine tho ;)
Rebubbled :3
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Thanks Natsu for the recheck as well as D-kun for the rebubububle.

Desperate-kun wrote:

Bearizm wrote:

@Desp I've always thought spreads are supposed to be balanced throughout all the difficulties being made (?)
Then why do mapsets with 5 Extra difficulties get ranked? Things like E--N---------H-----I are bad because the Normal could clearly be harder to create a more polished spread (just an example) but the spread here is reasonably focused on the higher difficulty-tier.
If the spread rule change that was proposed and hugely dismissed by the community a few weeks ago got through, this would be an issue, but as it is right now, not really.
Good point. I am guilty of my own words then. Haha oops.

bearizm for bn
Confirm mp3 quality and agree OD changed in Insane . Let it do again. Re-qualified!
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