
Omoi - Snow Drive

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2016年6月13日 at 16:24:21

Artist: Omoi
Title: Snow Drive
Tags: snowdrive alyssa sakurai hatsune miku vocaloid Synthesizer Rock
BPM: 224
Filesize: 7615kb
Play Time: 04:13
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.46 stars, 243 notes)
  2. Extra (5.28 stars, 1089 notes)
  3. Freeze (6.05 stars, 1227 notes)
  4. Hard (3.3 stars, 718 notes)
  5. Insane (4.26 stars, 817 notes)
  6. Normal (2.27 stars, 405 notes)
Download: Omoi - Snow Drive
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
You can also dl the map with the video here.

Omoi - Nee William
Omoi - Snow Drive
Omoi - Totsugeki Zenya no Dance
Omoi - Teo
Omoi - Hey William (New Translation)


  • [General]
  1. offset is slightly wrong, 00:11:270 (1,2,3,4) - here you can see it well i guess. everything+15 (1628 timing point) should fit quite well
  2. disable the letterbox since it cuts off mikus head during the break, except it was intentional
  3. here is a compressed version of your bg
  4. your drum-hitclap / normal-hitclap sound has a 10ms delay -> fixed this one for you

  • [that one diff]
  1. while i totally agree with those right here 00:10:735 (1,1) - i have to disagree with these two 00:10:199 (1,1) - since the "scratch" sound ends both times at the red tick. So using 1/2 sliders for these two would be the better choice imo
  2. 00:02:699 (1,2,3,4) - not sure why excactly you snapped them to 1/3. throughout the whole diff you snapped those sounds to 1/2 ticks so you should probably stick to it and do it aswell here. This obv also applies to the following combos in the beginning
  3. generally your style focuses on aesthetic which is totally fine imo but still you should atleast try to space significant beats a bit further or more sophisticated and not sacrify them for the sake of the pattern
    examples: 00:13:413 (1) - 00:15:556 (1) - 00:20:913 (1) - 00:59:217 (4,1) - 01:00:288 (5,1) - 01:36:851 (4,1) - ...
  4. related to the previous point you sometimes use a ridiculously high ds for sounds which arent even worth emphasizing, again i think this is fine as long as you stay in a specific frame
    00:15:824 (2,3,4) - 3 is extremly emphasized even though there is almost nothing in the song, whereas 4 is quite strong (in comparison) but you choose a 1.1 ds. this one is way batter 00:16:360 (5,6,1)
    00:25:199 (1,2,3,4) - ^
    00:19:842 (1,2,3) - ^
    its up to you if you want to ignore some logic for the sake of beautiful pattern
  5. 00:32:565 (2,1) - could get some more spacing since it somehow stops the momentum you created with those huge 1/4 slider jumps. Also it should be more emphasized than the previous objects.
  6. 00:40:199 (1,2,3) - feels a bit strange imo, because you havent really followed the vocals in that "calm" part you simply added a jump on every clap sound. So i would reduce the spacing here a bit or even remove the circles. If you want to keep them - stacking them on the 1/4 sliders looks badass imo
  7. 00:52:721 - senpai drum-chan wants to get noticed - 00:52:989 - this one also / not sure if something like this would be a pain in the ass, but atleast you wouldnt skip any strong drums
  8. 00:56:003 (4) - that extended slider doesnt really fit, since the vocal here 00:56:136 - is way stronger thatn here 00:56:203 - the slider follows basically nothing :x - also applies to 01:03:235 (3) - ..
  9. 01:05:913 (1,2,3,4) - spacing 1 - 2 looks too similar too 3 - 4, increase the jump to 4 :>
    also 01:22:922 (1,2) - 01:00:556 (1,2) - ^ :< there are some more spacings with the same problem
  10. not sure if its clever to ignore these claps here 01:46:895 - 01:45:824 - .. something like this looks fine too and doesnt really change the idea you had here
  11. 01:59:485 (1) - i like the idea of this part but try to reduce the ds at some points, since it's hart to catch whether there is a 1/4 or 1/2gap - 02:00:824 (2,3) - 02:01:895 (2,3) - 02:03:235 (3,4) - .. a 4-5 ds at every new combo should be fine imo, but not within the combo
  12. 02:24:663 (1,2,1,2) - thats evil :< its the only time you hid ´something like this behind a stream, would probably be better if you place them in the lower range and rerange the stream a bit imo
  13. 02:57:074 (4,1,2,1,2,1,2) - that pattern feels very awkward since the jump to 1 is extremly brief and then you continue moving into the same direction with a way faster movement so you can catch the 2. You can either place 4 further up there or you change the direction of the movement
    this also applies to the following combos obv
  14. 03:17:967 (1) - halving the bpm isnt rankable :p you can simply change the ds to 0.25 in the txtfile. Also would like to mention that this extremly slowdown /momentum break will almost guarantee a sliderbreak, if you havent played the map yet. It's up to you
  15. 03:51:984 (1) - same bpm issue, but the slowdown should be fine in this case
  16. 04:09:127 (1,2,3,4) - ... cmon simply snap this to 1/4 like u usually did :y - referes to the whole ending
  17. 04:12:341 (1,2,3,4) - since the music intensifies here you can add some more spacing between those sliders, remember this part here 01:59:485 (1) -

that's pretty much everything i found, stick to your style ghjsad i love it
gl ranking this
Topic Starter

Saut wrote:


  • [General]
  1. offset is slightly wrong, 00:11:270 (1,2,3,4) - here you can see it well i guess. everything+15 (1628 timing point) should fit quite well
  2. disable the letterbox since it cuts off mikus head during the break, except it was intentional
  3. here is a compressed version of your bg
  4. your drum-hitclap / normal-hitclap sound has a 10ms delay -> fixed this one for you

Fixed everything, thanks for the good work ! o/

  • [that one diff]
  1. while i totally agree with those right here 00:10:735 (1,1) - i have to disagree with these two 00:10:199 (1,1) - since the "scratch" sound ends both times at the red tick. So using 1/2 sliders for these two would be the better choice imo I'm following the same sound though, it could actually be 1/8 but it would pop out way too fast.
  2. 00:02:699 (1,2,3,4) - not sure why excactly you snapped them to 1/3. throughout the whole diff you snapped those sounds to 1/2 ticks so you should probably stick to it and do it aswell here. This obv also applies to the following combos in the beginning I'll see if someone else mention it but no change for now cause I think this is 1/3. The rest of the diff is mapped 1/2 because there's a beat at each red tick unlike this part.
  3. generally your style focuses on aesthetic which is totally fine imo but still you should atleast try to space significant beats a bit further or more sophisticated and not sacrify them for the sake of the pattern
    examples: 00:13:413 (1) -Nope because 00:13:145 (6,7) - goes down then 00:13:413 (1) - goes up. The flow marks the strong beat I think. 00:15:556 (1) - Not sure what's wrong with this one. There's the NC, it's a slider after multiple single notes so it clearly marks a new pattern00:20:913 (1) - I'm pretty sure NC + single note makes it strong enough. It would be a problem if this note was like the end of a slider. If you think there's not enough space with 00:20:645 (5) - I disagree, because the slider introduce the note. 00:59:217 (4,1) - I don't find the flow that great here, but still. It goes up/down until the slider you mentionned wich goes horizontal so the flow truly marks the new pattern01:00:288 (5,1) - same here. The flow is way better here though it sort of feel that youo have to bring back (1) which is the effect intended. 01:36:851 (4,1) - Flow could be improved somehow here too I guess, but still. After lots of singles the slider that marks no the new section, no problem for me here....
  4. related to the previous point you sometimes use a ridiculously high ds for sounds which arent even worth emphasizing, again i think this is fine as long as you stay in a specific frame
    00:15:824 (2,3,4) - 3 is extremly emphasized even though there is almost nothing in the song, whereas 4 is quite strong (in comparison) but you choose a 1.1 ds. this one is way batter 00:16:360 (5,6,1) It's sort of an anti-jump (I'm pretty sure it has another name in this case but I forgot). Anyway I don't think it plays bad from what I saw on replays and from what I can play. Also the good example you gave led to a new pattern so it's still different.
    00:25:199 (1,2,3,4) - ^ Not sure what's wrong here except that this pattern doesn't look that good xD ! If it's the DS still I arranged it a bit.
    00:19:842 (1,2,3) - ^ Definetly no problem here. The flow is good, it gives the impression of repetetive pattern (00:19:842 (1,4) - ) as I'm following the same kind of sound. (a bit similar as this 00:24:128 (1,1) - I guess the flow is better in the first case though !)
    its up to you if you want to ignore some logic for the sake of beautiful pattern
  5. 00:32:565 (2,1) - could get some more spacing since it somehow stops the momentum you created with those huge 1/4 slider jumps. Also it should be more emphasized than the previous objects. maybe but no. It plays really, really great this way and it looks cool! The spacing is already pretty hard on the whole pattern, adding a higher SV to introduce a really slow part doesn't sound that great to me.
  6. 00:40:199 (1,2,3) - feels a bit strange imo, because you havent really followed the vocals in that "calm" part you simply added a jump on every clap sound. So i would reduce the spacing here a bit or even remove the circles. If you want to keep them - stacking them on the 1/4 sliders looks badass imo Mhh... Removing the circles nope cause it would be odd. especially with the next sliders. stacking could look badass yes, I like the idea, but I also like the fact the sliders are in the middle of this triangle...It doesn't play that bad neither. So I won't change it for now, I'll keep in mind the idea though.
  7. 00:52:721 - senpai drum-chan wants to get noticed - 00:52:989 - this one also / not sure if something like this would be a pain in the ass, but atleast you wouldnt skip any strong drums Well, the previous sound is way more stronger (I even changed to 1/8, I'll see what people think about it) but yes, I already thought about a way to still fits those drums but couldn't find anythig better than what I did in my opinion.
  8. 00:56:003 (4) - that extended slider doesnt really fit, since the vocal here 00:56:136 - is way stronger thatn here 00:56:203 - the slider follows basically nothing :x - also applies to 01:03:235 (3) - .. I really like the way it emphasizes it though. About your second example, it's for the sake of constanticity and yet I don't find it bad because the vocal seem to extend but it's quickly cut by 01:03:503 (4) -
  9. 01:05:913 (1,2,3,4) - spacing 1 - 2 looks too similar too 3 - 4, increase the jump to 4 :> Increased a bit yes, we'll see if it's enough.
    also 01:22:922 (1,2) - Did it on purpose. Why? Because RLC did it and I freaking love it. 01:00:556 (1,2) - ^ This one looks pretty obvious though:< there are some more spacings with the same problem
  10. not sure if its clever to ignore these claps here 01:46:895 - 01:45:824 - .. something like this looks fine too and doesnt really change the idea you had here Not sure neither. But no change for now because. 1. The first 2 sounds are way stronger. 2. The reverse might be unreadable if I add a note 1/1 from it xD I keep your example under the hand though.
  11. 01:59:485 (1) - i like the idea of this part but try to reduce the ds at some points, since it's hart to catch whether there is a 1/4 or 1/2gap - 02:00:824 (2,3) - The flow makes it ok to follow 02:01:895 (2,3) - here too 02:03:235 (3,4) - Gotta change patterns from there though, I agree... a 4-5 ds at every new combo should be fine imo, but not within the combo I think it the NC won't help the readability of the rythme cause with the short Ncs you might expect a new rythme.
  12. 02:24:663 (1,2,1,2) - thats evil :< its the only time you hid ´something like this behind a stream, would probably be better if you place them in the lower range and rerange the stream a bit imo This stream it's pretty hard mostly because of the bpm. The sliders aren't actually really hidden by the stream in gamplay. I know the pattern is still evil though, but... hey! This is extra! (I do really like the pattern too).
  13. 02:57:074 (4,1,2,1,2,1,2) - that pattern feels very awkward since the jump to 1 is extremly brief and then you continue moving into the same direction with a way faster movement so you can catch the 2. You can either place 4 further up there or you change the direction of the movement It's actually somehow playable even if I agree that it looks weird. Also your example is really cool so I take it. (the first one. I would have take the second one if you didn't suggested the first one too xD)
    this also applies to the following combos obv Just reduced it a bit. It's ok if 02:58:011 (2) - doesn't follow the direction of 02:58:413 (1,2) - since I wanted to created a sort of mirror pattern.
  14. 03:17:967 (1) - halving the bpm isnt rankable :p you can simply change the ds to 0.25 in the txtfile. Also would like to mention that this extremly slowdown /momentum break will almost guarantee a sliderbreak, if you havent played the map yet. It's up to you Fixed, as captin1 also told me to do! Actually the slow down plays pretty good here, I saw no break here.
  15. 03:51:984 (1) - same bpm issue, but the slowdown should be fine in this case ^ I saw 1 or 2 breaks here though, but well, that's the music :c
  16. 04:09:127 (1,2,3,4) - ... cmon simply snap this to 1/4 like u usually did :y - referes to the whole ending I think it should be 1/8 though. I just put 1/6 cause 1/8 might be hard and since I played with the 1/3 at the beginning... !
  17. 04:12:341 (1,2,3,4) - since the music intensifies here you can add some more spacing between those sliders, remember this part here 01:59:485 (1) - Except that there's 1/6 here !! (for now) (also it reproduces the logo of Omoi (in a bad way but w/e) ).

that's pretty much everything i found, stick to your style ghjsad i love it
gl ranking this

Oh well, lots of red, I'm sorry. I would lie if I say your mod wasn't helpful though. First of all, the few points I fixed were really important. Then the points I didn't fix wasn't useless. It gave me a nice feedback to what I might change later if it turns out it's really needed (or if I finally just change my mind). Thank you very much!

And thanks for the stars too!
Just. Beautiful.
Asahina Momoko
wow goood :)
Whoa awesome map! Good luck
eeaaaaaagf m4m plz

  1. 00:17:431 (5,6) - i'd ctrl g these. The vertical movement is more natural in that way
  2. 00:19:842 - the clap pattern from here to 00:24:128 - sounds a bit bad imo. As they dont really follow the music, they are just there. Try listening to the snares again
  3. 00:27:878 (5) - add clap
  4. 00:27:878 (5,6,7,8,1) - the music on that pattern gets stronger. Decreasing the distance doesn't fits the music very well imo (in addition, you could move 00:28:413 (1) - more to the left, like x226y309, to create a better circular flow.)
  5. 00:58:145 (1) - i believe you dont need this nc, same 01:09:663 (1) - 03:10:199 (1) - 04:02:163 (1) - 04:03:770 (1) -
  6. 01:10:467 (2,3) - distance is a bit too short for what you've done so far in this section. Try moving (2) around x290y134?
  7. 01:10:869 (1,3) - claps instead of whistles sound better imo. (also from 01:02:699 - till this point, i found the 1/1 clap spam quite annoying and unfitting. Every 2/1 fits more as this is a "calm part". The same on this part 01:15:556 - altho i dunno.. it just sounds annoying on my end as those claps doesn't fit the music very well)
  8. 01:22:922 (1) - this whistle on slider body tho, i dont think it was on purpuse xd
  9. 01:48:770 (1,2) - this has the same rhythm as 01:48:235 (3) - 01:47:163 (3) - 01:46:092 (3) - but you decided to map it differently. It's quite annoying cuz the sound on 1 and 2 is pretty much muted so i end hitting 2 way too early or late. You should reconsider using a 1/8 from (1), (or increase the hs volumen, i barely hear it hue)
  10. 01:53:860 (4) - rather use a 1/4 slider and add a note at the end instead of using sliderend to cover those kind of beats.
  11. 02:15:288 (4,1,2,3) - distance looks a bit random here, even tho it may makes sense, you make me think it doesnt, aaaaaaaa like the distance between 02:15:556 (1,2) - is big, but then 02:15:690 (2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2,1,2) - all this is normal. Not sure how it may plays but try x357y154?
  12. 02:43:681 (2) - i'd use whistle instead of clap on head. it's the same sound as 02:43:949 (3) - so it makes sense. similar here 03:34:842 (1,2,3,4) - would be nice if all 4 had the same hs
  13. 03:44:485 (1) - try ctrl+g? or just move 03:44:351 (8) - more away from (1). i feel like you're loosing a lot of emphasis by putting that slider so close to 8
  14. 03:55:065 (8,1) - same here^
  15. 01:59:485 - shouldnt these sliders end on 1/6(? like you do that on similar rhythms
  1. od -0.5? Like your extra is 8
  2. 00:15:288 (4,1) - 00:23:860 (4,1) - you should add more distance between these. The pattern is like increasing distance, and the music too, but then you stop on (1), which feels really forced and awkward.
  3. 00:30:824 (3,4) - eh i'd merge these into a 1/1 slider, so you're not clicking a "ghost" note
  4. 00:50:645 (4) - 00:51:717 (4) - using slider tails to cover big beats, in higher diffs, is a bad thing nowadays it seems. Try to avoid that using 2 circles instead, or 3/4 sliders or something else
  5. 01:38:592 (5,6,1) - jumps should be placed towards big beats, instead of simple offbeats. I mean, jump between 6-1 makes more sense than jumping between 5-6
  6. 01:42:878 (3,2) - this little overlap is rather ugly /w\ do you mind moving stuff?
  7. 02:23:056 - would be nice if a circle were here, just for hitsound purpuses
  8. 02:49:574 (3,4,1) - this rhythm is a bit weird imo, try something like this? the idea is to follow the guitar(or whatever instrument it is) much better and avoid using tail for strong beats, ya.
  9. 03:27:074 (1) - why this nc ? doesnt seem necessary
  10. 03:35:645 (1,1) - move this a bit more down like x407y311, cuz auto stack messes the straight line you try to make
  1. 00:30:824 (5,1) - same as insane. This isnt really important xd but it just feels a bit empty while playing
  2. 00:40:735 (3,1) - can you blanket? this looks bit ugly ;w,
  3. 01:24:128 (3) - nc?
  4. 02:53:860 (4,1,2) - this sounds more like this to me 02:54:395 - doesnt sound really important and fit more with slider tail
  5. 03:17:431 - i think you should add a 1/2 slider here, otherwise it sounds kinda empty just having 03:17:699 (1) - for vocals
  1. try +1 hp/od. The spreed 3/4/7 doesnt look very good
  2. 00:28:949 (2,1) - ehhm this sounds really empty. Try using the snares for the rhythm instead, sounds cooler. like here or just use 3/2 gaps or whatever. same with 00:31:092 (1) -
  3. 02:06:985 (3) - try this? the rhythm you're using sounds weird >w<
  4. 02:48:503 (4,2) - these should have the same rhythm imo. Kinda weird to hear just 1 being 1/2
  5. 03:21:717 (4,1) - this stack is quite random. You dont really stack anything in the whole map and may end confusing people
  6. You'll probably have to get rid of those 1/2 multi repeaters
  1. 00:53:056 (2) - you should really avoid doing this at this level x.x it's so confusing for newbies. and specially in this map where the sv is so low
  2. 03:17:699 (1,2) - i'd avoid using this 1/1 stack, you have done stack before but 2/1. and also you barely use 1/1 in the whole map, so i think it'd be better to move these notes away
cool, waiting to see the harder insane o

Milan- wrote:

cool, waiting to see the harder insane o


Maybe the diff spread between Insane and Snow is too high, but I'm not sure, ask a BN about it


00:02:699 (1,2,3,4) - Are you sure this is 1/3? So weird, the following part (00:11:270 - and so on) has the same beats but it's 1/2. I tried to change your sliders into 1/2 and it sounds well, too... I'm not sure about it so ask other mods.
00:03:770 (1,2,1,2) - Sounds a bit weird to be honest, 1/3 (or 1/2) rhythm here would be maybe boring but it would fit better in my opinion
00:10:199 - Until this point, same as above
00:48:636 (5) - If you want to be consistent with the previous rhythm, you should remove this note
00:50:645 (2,3) - 1/2 here sounds a bit strange, I suggest you to put a slider here, like you did here 00:51:717 (4,1)
00:58:145 (1,2) - Why a NC here?
01:19:038 (3,4) - I don't like these sliders, they are both straight and stacked, I'd make curved sliders here, if I were you, they would look better. If you don't want to change these, stack them properly
01:22:253 (1,2) - Same as above, why NC?
01:28:011 (1) - I'm 99% sure this note should be 1/2 earlier, on 01:27:878 -
01:48:770 (1,2) - In my opinion it sounds much better if you use a single 1/8 slider here and delete that note and that 1/2 pause
01:57:878 - This pause feels weird... I think you should start this awesome pattern 01:58:413 - here
02:19:038 (1,2) - Same stuff about NC
02:26:940 (1) - Same as 01:28:011
02:35:645 (1,2) - NC. This applies on all NCs like this, from now on I won't point it out anymore, just go through the map and change everything, if you want to, of course.
04:11:270 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I'd increase the spacing here, they are the final notes, plus, the song gets more intense here, compared to 04:09:128 (1,2,3,4,1,2)


00:03:770 (1,2,3,4) - Same stuff I pointed out in Snow diff
01:00:556 (1,3) - This overlap looks ugly to me
01:59:485 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - This is weird, you put 3 notes combos in the first part and 2 notes combos in the second part, even though the sound exactly the same...
02:23:056 - Add a note with finish here and let the spinner begin 1/4 later?
03:30:154 (4,5,6,1) - I don't like this curve, you should re-arrange these notes and make a more circular pattern


00:40:735 (3,1) - I don't usually point out blankets, but this is really ugly, fix it please
01:01:628 (1,2) - Uhm, the second slider should start on 01:01:895 - At the moment it sounds werid, since it starts on a red tick


02:42:878 (4,1) - Make these symmetrical?
03:12:342 (1,2,3,4) - This is a copy-paste of the previous pattern, I suggest to change it into something better


01:02:431 (2,3) - I suggest avoiding to stack objects in easy diffs, they can be confusing for newbies. This applies on every stacked object in this diff


Really awesome map, congratulations. Good luck for ranking :D
Topic Starter

Milan- wrote:

eeaaaaaagf m4m plz

  1. 00:17:431 (5,6) - i'd ctrl g these. The vertical movement is more natural in that way That's not the flow I have in mind though
  2. 00:19:842 - the clap pattern from here to 00:24:128 - sounds a bit bad imo. As they dont really follow the music, they are just there. Try listening to the snares again I don't know, I guess I'll have to work on the hitsounds, but it says this way for now because I actually don't dislike it, and if I really follow the claps in the music it doesn't feel constant anymore.
  3. 00:27:878 (5) - add clap added
  4. 00:27:878 (5,6,7,8,1) - the music on that pattern gets stronger. Decreasing the distance doesn't fits the music very well imo (in addition, you could move 00:28:413 (1) - more to the left, like x226y309, to create a better circular flow.) I don't think it's that much stronger, the square represents the strong part but the next section is still lighter to me.
  5. 00:58:145 (1) - i believe you dont need this nc, same 01:09:663 (1) - 03:10:199 (1) - sort of fixed this one 04:02:163 (1) - 04:03:770 (1) - They are a part of the pattern, they look better and lighter this way, and it's always easier to read this way.
  6. 01:10:467 (2,3) - distance is a bit too short for what you've done so far in this section. Try moving (2) around x290y134? It still represents pretty the idea I make of this part of the music and it doesn't change that much the gameplay neither.
  7. 01:10:869 (1,3) - claps instead of whistles sound better imo. fixed (also from 01:02:699 - till this point, i found the 1/1 clap spam quite annoying and unfitting. Every 2/1 fits more as this is a "calm part". The same on this part 01:15:556 - altho i dunno.. it just sounds annoying on my end as those claps doesn't fit the music very well) didn't fix the other points because they're still adding some speed to the rythme
  8. 01:22:922 (1) - this whistle on slider body tho, i dont think it was on purpuse xd ye fixed
  9. 01:48:770 (1,2) - this has the same rhythm as 01:48:235 (3) - 01:47:163 (3) - 01:46:092 (3) - but you decided to map it differently. It's quite annoying cuz the sound on 1 and 2 is pretty much muted so i end hitting 2 way too early or late. You should reconsider using a 1/8 from (1), (or increase the hs volumen, i barely hear it hue) No because it would be unreadable. And I also really like the way it plays right now I increased volume a bit on (1)
  10. 01:53:860 (4) - rather use a 1/4 slider and add a note at the end instead of using sliderend to cover those kind of beats. fixed
  11. 02:15:288 (4,1,2,3) - distance looks a bit random here, even tho it may makes sense, you make me think it doesnt, aaaaaaaa like the distance between 02:15:556 (1,2) - is big, but then 02:15:690 (2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2,1,2) - all this is normal. Not sure how it may plays but try x357y154? changed it in another way. I'll see if it's better. Actually no, I might change it if someone else complains about it but I find the flow better this way.
  12. 02:43:681 (2) - i'd use whistle instead of clap on head. it's the same sound as 02:43:949 (3) - so it makes sense. similar here 03:34:842 (1,2,3,4) - would be nice if all 4 had the same hs Yep, forgot to change it, it sounds way better now
  13. 03:44:485 (1) - try ctrl+g? or just move 03:44:351 (8) - more away from (1). i feel like you're loosing a lot of emphasis by putting that slider so close to 8 Moved (8) slightly away, might eventually be enough for the empasize.
  14. 03:55:065 (8,1) - same here^ I made it a bit more away but didn't fix as you wanted, I like the way it is and this spacing makes the player more focused on it which might end up with the same feel actually
  15. 01:59:485 - shouldnt these sliders end on 1/6(? like you do that on similar rhythms Nope, it's not the same rythme, I think. The 1/4 here sounds pretty much ok, while putting 1/4 instead of the 1/6 sounds just bad.
  1. od -0.5? Like your extra is 8 fixed
  2. 00:15:288 (4,1) - 00:23:860 (4,1) - you should add more distance between these. The pattern is like increasing distance, and the music too, but then you stop on (1), which feels really forced and awkward. Yep, I managed to add some distance.
  3. 00:30:824 (3,4) - eh i'd merge these into a 1/1 slider, so you're not clicking a "ghost" note fixed, somehow
  4. 00:50:645 (4) - 00:51:717 (4) - using slider tails to cover big beats, in higher diffs, is a bad thing nowadays it seems. Try to avoid that using 2 circles instead, or 3/4 sliders or something else I know but I'd still like to follow the melody here.
  5. 01:38:592 (5,6,1) - jumps should be placed towards big beats, instead of simple offbeats. I mean, jump between 6-1 makes more sense than jumping between 5-6 Yes, but I sincerly think it plays really good the way it is here.
  6. 01:42:878 (3,2) - this little overlap is rather ugly /w\ do you mind moving stuff? yes sure lol
  7. 02:23:056 - would be nice if a circle were here, just for hitsound purpuses fixed
  8. 02:49:574 (3,4,1) - this rhythm is a bit weird imo, try something like this? the idea is to follow the guitar(or whatever instrument it is) much better and avoid using tail for strong beats, ya. changed in another way, I'll see if it's any better
  9. 03:27:074 (1) - why this nc ? doesnt seem necessary yes fixed
  10. 03:35:645 (1,1) - move this a bit more down like x407y311, cuz auto stack messes the straight line you try to make Yes, way better now
  1. 00:30:824 (5,1) - same as insane. This isnt really important xd but it just feels a bit empty while playing Mh.. Considering this is a hard I like the "simplified" rythme here, a lot, it plays awesome with DT too x)
  2. 00:40:735 (3,1) - can you blanket? this looks bit ugly ;w, yes, my bad
  3. 01:24:128 (3) - nc? yep yep
  4. 02:53:860 (4,1,2) - this sounds more like this to me 02:54:395 - doesnt sound really important and fit more with slider tail I guess the way you suggest is more accurate considering the fact that you hit the strong beat, but still, I don't like the empty tick right after the slider in this case
  5. 03:17:431 - i think you should add a 1/2 slider here, otherwise it sounds kinda empty just having 03:17:699 (1) - for vocals yes, ok
  1. try +1 hp/od. The spreed 3/4/7 doesnt look very good fixed
  2. 00:28:949 (2,1) - ehhm this sounds really empty. Try using the snares for the rhythm instead, sounds cooler. like here or just use 3/2 gaps or whatever. same with 00:31:092 (1) - It was like this but changed for the sake of star rating...
  3. 02:06:985 (3) - try this? the rhythm you're using sounds weird >w< Yes, way better lol
  4. 02:48:503 (4,2) - these should have the same rhythm imo. Kinda weird to hear just 1 being 1/2 I don't mind changing it, but I really think it sounds better this way, because 02:48:503 (4) - is way more stronger, I think.
  5. 03:21:717 (4,1) - this stack is quite random. You dont really stack anything in the whole map and may end confusing people I find it pretty neat though, there's nothing behind.. I'll change if somelse complains about it though.
  6. You'll probably have to get rid of those 1/2 multi repeaters we'll see then i.i
  1. 00:53:056 (2) - you should really avoid doing this at this level x.x it's so confusing for newbies. and specially in this map where the sv is so low well, I'm not really sure how to fix it
  2. 03:17:699 (1,2) - i'd avoid using this 1/1 stack, you have done stack before but 2/1. and also you barely use 1/1 in the whole map, so i think it'd be better to move these notes away I thought it was actually helpful in gameplay lol, fixed anyway !
cool, waiting to see the harder insane o uhghghghgh one day, maybe. I'll do my best to go without >.>

RikiH_ wrote:



Maybe the diff spread between Insane and Snow is too high, but I'm not sure, ask a BN about it Yes, might be a problem, we'll see.


00:02:699 (1,2,3,4) - Are you sure this is 1/3? So weird, the following part (00:11:270 - and so on) has the same beats but it's 1/2. I tried to change your sliders into 1/2 and it sounds well, too... I'm not sure about it so ask other mods. 1/2 would work too, but 1/3 is cool too. Also you're wrong, there's no beats in the intro (except when I mapped 1/1) while from here 00:11:270 (1) - there's definetly something at the red tick
00:03:770 (1,2,1,2) - Sounds a bit weird to be honest, 1/3 (or 1/2) rhythm here would be maybe boring but it would fit better in my opinion As I said in previous point the 1/1 are following the beats, the 1/3 the synthe
00:10:199 - Until this point, same as above ^
00:48:636 (5) - If you want to be consistent with the previous rhythm, you should remove this note Well, I know what you mean but I'm just following the music, and the previous part is already long enough lol
00:50:645 (2,3) - 1/2 here sounds a bit strange, I suggest you to put a slider here, like you did here 00:51:717 (4,1) You're not wrong but I still think this is perfect atmosphere for this part
00:58:145 (1,2) - Why a NC here? NCs are part of the pattern. Also it's always pleasant in term of readability to put 1/2 NCs
01:19:038 (3,4) - I don't like these sliders, they are both straight and stacked, I'd make curved sliders here, if I were you, they would look better. If you don't want to change these, stack them properly I think they're already stacked properly? I don't know... I like them, I'm not changing them though.
01:22:253 (1,2) - Same as above, why NC? same as above. such an electric pattern xD
01:28:011 (1) - I'm 99% sure this note should be 1/2 earlier, on 01:27:878 - Nope I'm following the beat. not the breathing of miku (does she even breath wtf)
01:48:770 (1,2) - In my opinion it sounds much better if you use a single 1/8 slider here and delete that note and that 1/2 pause Would be unreadable
01:57:878 - This pause feels weird... I think you should start this awesome pattern 01:58:413 - here Nope, following the music not the voice, it wouldn't have enough feedback at all
02:19:038 (1,2) - Same stuff about NC same
02:26:940 (1) - Same as 01:28:011 same
02:35:645 (1,2) - NC. This applies on all NCs like this, from now on I won't point it out anymore, just go through the map and change everything, if you want to, of course. Not changing my position on them ^^
04:11:270 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I'd increase the spacing here, they are the final notes, plus, the song gets more intense here, compared to 04:09:128 (1,2,3,4,1,2) I still need to think about the last 4 sliders, if I want to make them faster or increase spacing, but still... I don't want to change the diagram. Also, to follow your own idea, I'd say no, because the spacing might not be that much bigger from the previous sliders, but the SV is way higher which makes a hugh difference already in playmode.


00:03:770 (1,2,3,4) - Same stuff I pointed out in Snow diff I think this is enough simplified here
01:00:556 (1,3) - This overlap looks ugly to me Made it more clear. (it's still an overlap though)
01:59:485 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - This is weird, you put 3 notes combos in the first part and 2 notes combos in the second part, even though the sound exactly the same... I guess this is questionable but still, the NCs offer some variety that the rythme doesn''t.
02:23:056 - Add a note with finish here and let the spinner begin 1/4 later? fixed
03:30:154 (4,5,6,1) - I don't like this curve, you should re-arrange these notes and make a more circular pattern Mh I kinda like it actually (1) is breaking the cruve but not the flow, I think.


00:40:735 (3,1) - I don't usually point out blankets, but this is really ugly, fix it please fixed
01:01:628 (1,2) - Uhm, the second slider should start on 01:01:895 - At the moment it sounds werid, since it starts on a red tick it's not natural to start slider on red tick but it's acceptable if it follows the music, which is the case here.


02:42:878 (4,1) - Make these symmetrical? They're more like ctrl+g I don't think it's a bad thing I improved the shape of (1) in a way it looks like (4) though.
03:12:342 (1,2,3,4) - This is a copy-paste of the previous pattern, I suggest to change it into something better Well.. I still think it fits the music the way it is, I find it pretty fun the fact it repeats.


01:02:431 (2,3) - I suggest avoiding to stack objects in easy diffs, they can be confusing for newbies. This applies on every stacked object in this diff Yes, it's not recommended, but still it stays pretty neat here.


Really awesome map, congratulations. Good luck for ranking :D Thanks ! Sorry didn't make that much changements, but thanks for the check!
Thanks guys, that was helpful, I'll mod your maps as soon as possible !
Natsuki Nanaka
Really NICE map


PS. Pro mapper. : D
M4M plz

00:47:699 (1,2) - You can change like here 00:57:342 (1) - Maybe here it is better to insert sliderwave
04:09:128 (1,2,3,4) - I think that two sliders would look better

01:58:413 (1,1) - I think this arrangement of notes looks better 03:40:199 (1,2) - 03:44:485 - I think there need another slider
02:22:654 - You can add 2 circles
02:46:494 - Here, too, you can add a circle
03:16:628 - And then, there would have looked good 2nd spinner
03:17:967 (2) - Instead of circle, you can put a sliderwave with reduced 2 times speed
03:51:985 (1) - ^

I dunno what to pay attention to here =)
Good luck
Topic Starter

FCL wrote:

M4M plz

00:47:699 (1,2) - You can change like here That would touch (4) so nope, nothing's wrong in my way. 00:57:342 (1) - Maybe here it is better to insert sliderwave Why?
04:09:128 (1,2,3,4) - I think that two sliders would look better It's a square.. I don't know what's wrong with the look of a square.

01:58:413 (1,1) - I think this arrangement of notes looks better Mind the gap !!! You can't put notes right after spinner in easy/normal ! It's confusing. 03:40:199 (1,2) - It looks nice but the flow feels pretty bad though. 03:44:485 - I think there need another slider Mind the gap !!!
02:22:654 - You can add 2 circles I could... But I'd still prefer to focus on the vocal here.
02:46:494 - Here, too, you can add a circle There's no beat
03:16:628 - And then, there would have looked good 2nd spinner Won't be rankable, cause ninja spinner (that goes under 3000 by auto) and 2nd spinner usually plays awful
03:17:967 (2) - Instead of circle, you can put a sliderwave with reduced 2 times speed I let it for extra, it can be an easy sliderbreak and I don't see how the flow could be cool the things are set up here.
03:51:985 (1) - ^ Sounds better here, but still, the end of the slider should finish on 1/4 and I don't really want it for my hard diff. I guess I'll think about those last 2 points, but since there's nothing wrong in my way, I might not change it anyway.

I dunno what to pay attention to here =)
Good luck
Thanks for checking !


  1. comme je te l'avais dis en pm, une Insane plus dur devra être nécessaire, enfin, une diff entre l'Insane actuelle et l'Extra quoi. D:
Septembre dit : ton drain à 8 :(

  1. 00:33:770 (1) - pour tous les patterns similaire, je trouve ça réellement dommage de rendre 00:33:904 - 00:34:038 - passif en simple arrow/fin de slider. étant donné que le son avec la guitare est quand même assez strong et est quand même assez dominant sur cette partie.
  2. étant donné que tu a l'air de chercher à follow la melody, ça me fait personnellement bizarre de ne pas avoir un "hold" içi 00:51:315 - . Peut être serait il mieux d'avoir un circle à la place de 00:51:181 (2) - afin de pouvoir ajouter un "hold" via un slider sur le red tick melody.
  3. 01:20:779 (1,2) - j'aurais plutot tendance à faire en sorte que (2) soit simplement un slider 1/2 afin de rendre la note vocal içi clickable : 01:21:449 - . Tout en gardant le sentiment de rester appuyer sur la longue note vocal via le slider 1/2 d'içi 01:21:181 - . J'aurais aussi plutot tendence à rendre la timeline différente entre les 2 notes 01:20:779 (1,2) - . Etant donné que le 1er slider à une note vocal sur son début, mais pas sur sa fin, tandis que le 2eme slider, a une note vocal au début et à la fin.
  4. 01:22:922 (1,2) - 02:17:565 (1,2) - 02:19:708 (1,2) - ^
  5. 02:08:190 - je trouve ça personnellement dommage de faire un break plutot que de mapper la melody.
  6. 02:57:342 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - Je sais pas ce que t'en pense, mais perso, je pense que plutot d'avoir un spacing bien constant entre eux, le mieux serait de l'avoir en spacing qui augmente. Etant donné que la melody donne un sentiment d'augmentation, d'élévation. Un truc dans ce genre
  7. 02:58:413 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - ^ pareil, mais plutot en diminuant je pense.

  1. 00:17:565 (4,1) - 00:26:137 (4,1) - 03:59:351 (4,1) - j'aurais tendance à faire un jump entre ces 2 notes, un peu comme içi 00:13:279 (4,1) - .
  2. 00:33:770 (1) - j'aurais tendance à te faire la même réflexion que sur l'Extra D:
  3. 00:50:110 (2,3,4) - J'aurais plutot tendance à vouloir change la timeline dans ce style la afin de mieux suivre la melody. Etant donné que ton slider içi 00:50:645 (4) - est clairement pour la melody.
  4. 00:51:181 (2,3,4) - plus ou moins la même chose étant donné que la melody est similaire.
  5. 02:43:413 (1,1,1) - Perso je préfère ces 3 notes avec un sampleset normal + whistle.
  6. 02:45:556 (1) - étant donné que tu cherchais à suivre la melody, ce slider ignore complétement la melody qu'il y a içi : 02:45:958 - .

J'pense que c'est tout ôwô
good luck \o
Tiny rant on the "i dont care, there wont be a 5.x diff"

Im one of those inbetweeners. I can probably play the Extreme if I tryhard, but I dont always feel like it. Insane is too easy and boring.
Adding HD? Still too easy. The map isnt really what I'd consider as jumpy (maybe for someone below my level), so there is no difficulty added.
Adding HR? AR10 on a 4.5 Star maps isnt neccessarily fun. OD10 is forced and HP9.8 doesnt really give you any freedom in missing stuff if you cant read AR10 (add the increased OD to that as well and youre basically effed).

Want a map that is in the 190-210PP range? Well, wrong set for you.

To add to that, Insane -> Snow has a rather big gap in terms of jumps. That also feels like a kick in the butt for someone inbetween. (Lets ignore the Spinner -> Deathstream "upgrade" on 02:23:056 (1) - for now)

Just a little heads up.

Note: Jump strain is usually alot less in value compared to speed, so a .2 jump change is probably somewhat comparable to .5 speed change(? maybe even more) Actually, let me also add this here to show the jump difference, spread wise, even more. You want to look at the "Average" value on the Jump strain graph

Also, if QATs go nazi on 4:59 Minute songs, then they will also go nazi on a 1.81 I -> X "spread"

Just ... get a gd or something. It wont hurt you, but improve the set quality by alot.
Topic Starter

Kin wrote:



  1. comme je te l'avais dis en pm, une Insane plus dur devra être nécessaire, enfin, une diff entre l'Insane actuelle et l'Extra quoi. D:
Septembre dit : ton drain à 8 :( Je vois pas trop le probleme, le drain est pardonable meme avec hr

  1. 00:33:770 (1) - pour tous les patterns similaire, je trouve ça réellement dommage de rendre 00:33:904 - 00:34:038 - passif en simple arrow/fin de slider. étant donné que le son avec la guitare est quand même assez strong et est quand même assez dominant sur cette partie. Je trouve que l'effet donne est bon comme ca, d'autant plus que du coup ca donne plus d'impact a la prochaine partie 00:41:270 (1) -
  2. étant donné que tu a l'air de chercher à follow la melody, ça me fait personnellement bizarre de ne pas avoir un "hold" içi 00:51:315 - . Peut être serait il mieux d'avoir un circle à la place de 00:51:181 (2) - afin de pouvoir ajouter un "hold" via un slider sur le red tick melody. Ah, j'aime pas du tout comme ca rend, d'autant plus que juste avant il y a le square qui suit pas la melodie.
  3. 01:20:779 (1,2) - j'aurais plutot tendance à faire en sorte que (2) soit simplement un slider 1/2 afin de rendre la note vocal içi clickable : 01:21:449 - . Tout en gardant le sentiment de rester appuyer sur la longue note vocal via le slider 1/2 d'içi 01:21:181 - . J'aurais aussi plutot tendence à rendre la timeline différente entre les 2 notes 01:20:779 (1,2) - . Etant donné que le 1er slider à une note vocal sur son début, mais pas sur sa fin, tandis que le 2eme slider, a une note vocal au début et à la fin. Non, et c'est un non categorique, il y a peu de 1/1 dans cette map et s'ils y en a ici c'pas par hasard. Ils donne parfaitement l'effet de lenteur que je recherche pour aller avec le vocal. Ces sliders sont pour moi un grois + a la map.
  4. 01:22:922 (1,2) - 02:17:565 (1,2) - 02:19:708 (1,2) - ^ ^
  5. 02:08:190 - je trouve ça personnellement dommage de faire un break plutot que de mapper la melody. Je pensais la meme chose en mappant, mais en realite il y a 2 notes puis rien, c'est surtout awkward de pas mettre de break ici, puis j'aime assez la facon dont j'ai recupere la chose avec 02:11:404 (1,2,1,2) -
  6. 02:57:342 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - Je sais pas ce que t'en pense, mais perso, je pense que plutot d'avoir un spacing bien constant entre eux, le mieux serait de l'avoir en spacing qui augmente. Etant donné que la melody donne un sentiment d'augmentation, d'élévation. Un truc dans ce genre
  7. 02:58:413 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - ^ pareil, mais plutot en diminuant je pense. L'idee est bonne. J'y penserai mais pas de changement pour le moment, j'aime assez le cote metronome du pattern.

  1. 00:17:565 (4,1) - 00:26:137 (4,1) - 03:59:351 (4,1) - j'aurais tendance à faire un jump entre ces 2 notes, un peu comme içi 00:13:279 (4,1) - . ok
  2. 00:33:770 (1) - j'aurais tendance à te faire la même réflexion que sur l'Extra D: de meme
  3. 00:50:110 (2,3,4) - J'aurais plutot tendance à vouloir change la timeline dans ce style la afin de mieux suivre la melody. Etant donné que ton slider içi 00:50:645 (4) - est clairement pour la melody. Encore une fois, vraiment pas fan du slider sur le half beat
  4. 00:51:181 (2,3,4) - plus ou moins la même chose étant donné que la melody est similaire. ^
  5. 02:43:413 (1,1,1) - Perso je préfère ces 3 notes avec un sampleset normal + whistle. ok pour le whistle mais pas pour le normal
  6. 02:45:556 (1) - étant donné que tu cherchais à suivre la melody, ce slider ignore complétement la melody qu'il y a içi : 02:45:958 - . J'aime assez la facon dont ca sonne, puis ca reste un nouveau pattern.

J'pense que c'est tout ôwô
good luck \o
Merci beaucoup, je mod ta map au plus vite !!

Yauxo wrote:

Thanks for checking.
Unless someone comes by himself with the required rating and a diff well structured I won't make a new one. For reasons I already said. I already gave what I had to give for this song.

Yauxo wrote:

Also, if QATs go nazi on 4:59 Minute songs, then they will also go nazi on a 1.81 I -> X "spread"
If the set doesn't change and QATs go nazi on this even after what I said. I'll answer by the same level and add that deathstream instead of the spinner. Like seriously... I heard you, and from that, I might accept a GD if someone made one. But QATs...They are the last I want advise from.

I don't mind making this insane harder, but then the gap will be too high from hard to insane which is way more problematic in this way.
Hi M4M from your modding Q
My map btw :

  1. Your diff spread is fine imo. I have a big diff gap as well -w-
  2. Disable widescreen support (song setup -> design), it's only used for storyboard
  3. This song have (unofficial maybe, dunno) MV right? Why don't you add it?

  1. 00:17:163 (1) - you can curve this the other way so it'll blanket (2) furthermore, if you don't change, you can still make the shape better.
  2. 00:33:770 (2) - Actually for Easy, a circle would work better but considering you used a lot of it, I think you won't change.
  3. 00:41:270 (2) - I would prefer to NC here instead of here 00:40:199 (1) - because that's where the new verse start. I think it make more sense.
  4. 00:53:056 (2) - I think for high speed BPM song like this, avoid using 1/2 interval... Maybe you could use 1 1/2 slider instead. it'll still cover up nicely.
  5. 00:57:342 (1) - Maybe this wasn't mean to be slider wave but I think it's better to keep it as slider wave...
  6. 01:30:556 (1) - Try making the straight part before red anchor and after red anchor parallel. It'll looks better
  7. 01:32:699 (3) - ^
  8. 01:48:770 (4) - Not really necessary, just suggestion; but maybe NC because the sound you followed change? Like you did here 01:58:413 (1) -
  9. 02:21:985 (2,3) - I'm pretty sure it'll fit the song (vocal) better if you ctrl+g this.
  10. 02:43:413 (1,2) - why don't simply use 1/1 reverse slider? .-.
  11. 03:19:306 (3) - NC here because you just passing a big white tick that indicates the start of chorus.
  12. 04:05:913 (3,5) - The tail could be blanketed better.
  13. Nice map since you mainly use simple rhythm. Fix your slider waves xD

  1. The SV feels pretty fast for Normal...
  2. 00:03:770 (3,4,1) - usually I make it like this so (3) blanketing (1)'s tail, while (1) blanketing (4) and making a nice triangle shape. But since I changed (3)'s shape, you might want to change 00:02:699 (1) - as well.
  3. 00:27:342 (3) - It would be nice if you move this downward a bit to make a smoother flow from (2) since the current flow is broken, but nah, it's minor, it's alright if you don't tho.
  4. 00:28:413 (1,2,1,2,3,1) - These seems off .-. Try to change 00:28:413 (1) - into a circle and move everything else up until 00:31:092 (1) - 1/1 tick forward then add circle here 00:31:628 to fill the gap. Should fit better.
  5. 00:50:378 (2,3) - Make these two identical? .-. or at least you could make (3) blanketing (2)'s head.
  6. 02:05:645 (5,1) - blanket~
  7. 02:30:556 (3) - Would look better if you simply stack it with (2) imo
  8. 02:31:628 (1) - If you do so ^ you can stack this with (3)'s tail the DS should be alright after that.
  9. 02:46:628 (1) - Make it reverse here 02:47:029 and add a note at big white tick.
  10. 03:12:342 (1,2,3,4) - It feels weird because you are using the same pattern .-. maybe use different pattern from before? Like curving everything the other way? or whatever you like.
  11. 03:17:967 (2) - Personally I don't like this slider's shape xD
  12. 03:25:199 (1) - curve the other way so it could blanket (2)? kinda ruin the flow from (4) tho :/
  13. 04:04:842 (1) - Remove NC, unnecessary.
  14. 04:08:056 (1) - ^

  1. HP 5?
  2. OD 6
  3. 02:00:824 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - I'd rather have it keep it's square shape but make it spin and maybe increase the jump a little..
  4. 02:03:770 (1,3) - Almost overlapped, don't look good imo, maybe move (3) a bit.
  5. 02:05:645 (4,1,2,3,4) - this looks like broken star shape :/ why don't make it into star shape?
  6. 02:41:003 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Maybe make them spin...
  7. 03:41:538 (2) - Make the start and the end parallel.
  8. Nice hard ^^

I'll end this here since my map is 5 mins long (the drain is 4 mins tho) with only two diffs, so I think this would be fair :3
Cool song btw -w-
Good luck~^^
no kd , maybe no helpful ,


00:48:369 (3) - delete

01:45:020 (3,4) - maybe a little far

01:58:011 - no so fit after this to use just a spinner

02:45:556 (1) - strack ?


00:40:467 and 00:40:735 add note ?

00:52:520 (3,4) - wrong 1/8 ,rhythm : 00:52:520 and 00:52:654 and 00:52:721

01:49:038 add note

01:50:511 (1) - move to 01:50:712 ?

03:35:645 (1,1) - strack ?
Hi my mod for M4M (hopefully :3).

Consider changing the preview point to 02:27:074 - Makes the preview a little longer and saa sounds really cool :3

The background feels a little unfitting in my opinion. Obviously I'm not suggesting you change it however if you are open to other backgrounds let me know and I can show you a few that came to mind :3


Consider raising OD to 8.5. This is a 6 star extra and it should be a lot more rewarding than a harder insane/lower extra. Plus most people who can play this well have pretty good UR or at least should.

00:41:270 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I understand that this is a slower section because it's a verse however this small section at 00:40:735 (3,1,1,1) - really builds up the tension in the next 16 bars. What I am suggesting is adding notes in the empty red ticks after each slider note combination (from thisto this and so on) so it can complement the previous build-up and also serve as a good transition to the prechorus that starts at 00:49:842 (1) -

02:08:190 - 02:11:270 - I could see this section being mapped a lot more than having a break here. Or at the very least add some notes (sounds)on 02:08:190 - and 02:08:458 - and then have the break.

03:11:337 (2) - Could probably just stack it over the sliderhead. Otherwise standardize the spacing to 1.8x like you did for 03:13:614 (2,3) -

03:15:020 (3) - Triple here sounds overbearing considering there is also a triple note here 03:15:422 (5,6,1) - Consider changing slider 3 into 2 notes. Either that or get rid of 03:15:489 (6). This will probably mean rearranging some patterns but it sounds better.


If you changed the OD on the above diff consider changing this one to OD8.

01:26:270 (1) - This is okay too but you could also consider adding a note here and then starting the spinner.

03:00:422 (4) - ctrl up and ctrl left one time. Note should be at 484 | 64 so the pattern looks like a cleaner triangle while the spacing stays consistent.

03:16:895 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - Something about this pattern makes it really offputting. Something about 03:17:297 (3) - doesn't feel right to me. The pattern I hear is 1 123 1 123 1 1 1 but the pattern I play is 1 123 123 123 1 1. It might look nice because its like a triforce triangle but I think you should consider a different pattern here maybe (just a rough example) something like this (2 is still a slider/reverse) Where in this pattern your fingers are doing like a more consistent tapping pattern (can't really explain it because I think it sounds confusing lol but its like a 12 - 12 1 -1 tapping lol if this doesnt make sense I'll try to clear it up here or in pm)

03:30:556 (1,2,3) - Move these together to 268 / 176 so 4 5 and 6 flow more naturally to 1. The symmetry between 3 and 1 also stays like you can see here

Didn't really see any issues on the easier diffs honestly. Maps are honestly very well made (no surprise lol) and I'd definitely play it even though I personally don't like omoi's vocaloid stuff that much :P
Topic Starter

hanyuu_nanodesu wrote:

Hi M4M from your modding Q
My map btw :

  1. Your diff spread is fine imo. I have a big diff gap as well -w- -w-
  2. Disable widescreen support (song setup -> design), it's only used for storyboard yep fixed
  3. This song have (unofficial maybe, dunno) MV right? Why don't you add it? gotta add it i guess yes

  1. 00:17:163 (1) - you can curve this the other way so it'll blanket (2) furthermore, if you don't change, you can still make the shape better. I don't like the flow, fixed the shape a bit though
  2. 00:33:770 (2) - Actually for Easy, a circle would work better but considering you used a lot of it, I think you won't change. I'll change if someone else complains about it too
  3. 00:41:270 (2) - I would prefer to NC here instead of here 00:40:199 (1) - because that's where the new verse start. I think it make more sense. yes, fixed
  4. 00:53:056 (2) - I think for high speed BPM song like this, avoid using 1/2 interval... Maybe you could use 1 1/2 slider instead. it'll still cover up nicely. fixed
  5. 00:57:342 (1) - Maybe this wasn't mean to be slider wave but I think it's better to keep it as slider wave... mh I don't know I like this shape
  6. 01:30:556 (1) - Try making the straight part before red anchor and after red anchor parallel. It'll looks better fixed
  7. 01:32:699 (3) - ^ fixed
  8. 01:48:770 (4) - Not really necessary, just suggestion; but maybe NC because the sound you followed change? Like you did here 01:58:413 (1) - I find the changement in your second example way more intensive, I try to not overdo the NC in Easy.
  9. 02:21:985 (2,3) - I'm pretty sure it'll fit the song (vocal) better if you ctrl+g this. fix
  10. 02:43:413 (1,2) - why don't simply use 1/1 reverse slider? .-. fixed
  11. 03:19:306 (3) - NC here because you just passing a big white tick that indicates the start of chorus. fixed
  12. 04:05:913 (3,5) - The tail could be blanketed better. fixed
  13. Nice map since you mainly use simple rhythm. Fix your slider waves xD I kinda like my waves :c

  1. The SV feels pretty fast for Normal... Well considering there's also an easy diff, i think it's fine, also the rythme is pretty easy for a normal
  2. 00:03:770 (3,4,1) - usually I make it like this so (3) blanketing (1)'s tail, while (1) blanketing (4) and making a nice triangle shape. But since I changed (3)'s shape, you might want to change 00:02:699 (1) - as well. fixed, differently though
  3. 00:27:342 (3) - It would be nice if you move this downward a bit to make a smoother flow from (2) since the current flow is broken, but nah, it's minor, it's alright if you don't tho. Might give some DS trouble :c
  4. 00:28:413 (1,2,1,2,3,1) - These seems off .-. Try to change 00:28:413 (1) - into a circle and move everything else up until 00:31:092 (1) - 1/1 tick forward then add circle here 00:31:628 to fill the gap. Should fit better. fixed
  5. 00:50:378 (2,3) - Make these two identical? .-. or at least you could make (3) blanketing (2)'s head. fixed
  6. 02:05:645 (5,1) - blanket~ fixed
  7. 02:30:556 (3) - Would look better if you simply stack it with (2) imo fixed
  8. 02:31:628 (1) - If you do so ^ you can stack this with (3)'s tail the DS should be alright after that. did it in my own way
  9. 02:46:628 (1) - Make it reverse here 02:47:029 and add a note at big white tick. fixed Actually nope, for rating's sake
  10. 03:12:342 (1,2,3,4) - It feels weird because you are using the same pattern .-. maybe use different pattern from before? Like curving everything the other way? or whatever you like. taking that idea it's nice
  11. 03:17:967 (2) - Personally I don't like this slider's shape xD i guess it can be improved, did some modifications but it's still the same though lol
  12. 03:25:199 (1) - curve the other way so it could blanket (2)? kinda ruin the flow from (4) tho :/ ye ok, i take that
  13. 04:04:842 (1) - Remove NC, unnecessary. fixed
  14. 04:08:056 (1) - ^ fixed

  1. HP 5? sounds a bit too low
  2. OD 6 same here, for both, I might put 5.5 or 6.5 if someone else complains about it i don't know lol
  3. 02:00:824 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - I'd rather have it keep it's square shape but make it spin and maybe increase the jump a little.. I like how it ends up by a triangle
  4. 02:03:770 (1,3) - Almost overlapped, don't look good imo, maybe move (3) a bit. fixed
  5. 02:05:645 (4,1,2,3,4) - this looks like broken star shape :/ why don't make it into star shape? improved a bit the shape
  6. 02:41:003 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Maybe make them spin... I kinda like the way it is now
  7. 03:41:538 (2) - Make the start and the end parallel. fixed
  8. Nice hard ^^

I'll end this here since my map is 5 mins long (the drain is 4 mins tho) with only two diffs, so I think this would be fair :3 yep yep sure
Cool song btw -w-
Good luck~^^
Thanks for the helpful mod, I'll mod your map as soon as possible !

moonlightleaf wrote:

no kd , maybe no helpful ,


00:48:369 (3) - delete nah it's fine

01:45:020 (3,4) - maybe a little far it intensifies here it plays just fine

01:58:011 - no so fit after this to use just a spinner i think it does fit

02:45:556 (1) - strack ? custom stack always better


00:40:467 and 00:40:735 add note ? not enough feedback

00:52:520 (3,4) - wrong 1/8 ,rhythm : 00:52:520 and 00:52:654 and 00:52:721 well you may have a point, but still, i'm just accentuate that part instead of the 1/4 that is less intensive

01:49:038 add note Not a note I want to map, that's not what I'm following

01:50:511 (1) - move to 01:50:712 ? Nope o.o mapping the beats here.

03:35:645 (1,1) - strack ? No, custom stack looks better IG.
Thanks for checking!!

Side wrote:

Hi my mod for M4M (hopefully :3).

Consider changing the preview point to 02:27:074 - Makes the preview a little longer and saa sounds really cool :3 I prefer a non-vocal preview point.

The background feels a little unfitting in my opinion. Obviously I'm not suggesting you change it however if you are open to other backgrounds let me know and I can show you a few that came to mind :3 I like it e.e But thanks!


Consider raising OD to 8.5. This is a 6 star extra and it should be a lot more rewarding than a harder insane/lower extra. Plus most people who can play this well have pretty good UR or at least should. fixed

00:41:270 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I understand that this is a slower section because it's a verse however this small section at 00:40:735 (3,1,1,1) - really builds up the tension in the next 16 bars. What I am suggesting is adding notes in the empty red ticks after each slider note combination (from thisto this and so on) so it can complement the previous build-up and also serve as a good transition to the prechorus that starts at 00:49:842 (1) - Nah. This part is barely more intense than 00:32:699 (1) - this one. I already add a circle compared to that one. the 1/8 kickslider are here to make a transition not to start something full 1/2 in any case

02:08:190 - 02:11:270 - I could see this section being mapped a lot more than having a break here. Or at the very least add some notes (sounds)on 02:08:190 - and 02:08:458 - and then have the break. IU wanted to map it but there's nothing to map in this section actually, that's why i put a break here. and if I map the sounds you suggest me, the empty ticks in between feel really awkward.

03:11:337 (2) - Could probably just stack it over the sliderhead. Otherwise standardize the spacing to 1.8x like you did for 03:13:614 (2,3) - I don't have prroblem here, I prefer lowering the sv to catch the slider in a better way, it doesnt change that much in gameplay anyway.

03:15:020 (3) - Triple here sounds overbearing considering there is also a triple note here 03:15:422 (5,6,1) - Consider changing slider 3 into 2 notes. Either that or get rid of 03:15:489 (6). This will probably mean rearranging some patterns but it sounds better. I changed hitsounds instead lol, the emphasize that gives the triple is ok i think.


If you changed the OD on the above diff consider changing this one to OD8. fixed

01:26:270 (1) - This is okay too but you could also consider adding a note here and then starting the spinner. fixed

03:00:422 (4) - ctrl up and ctrl left one time. Note should be at 484 | 64 so the pattern looks like a cleaner triangle while the spacing stays consistent. fixed

03:16:895 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - Something about this pattern makes it really offputting. Something about 03:17:297 (3) - doesn't feel right to me. The pattern I hear is 1 123 1 123 1 1 1 but the pattern I play is 1 123 123 123 1 1. It might look nice because its like a triforce triangle but I think you should consider a different pattern here maybe (just a rough example) something like this (2 is still a slider/reverse) Where in this pattern your fingers are doing like a more consistent tapping pattern (can't really explain it because I think it sounds confusing lol but its like a 12 - 12 1 -1 tapping lol if this doesnt make sense I'll try to clear it up here or in pm) I'm just cutting the stream I don't know :c Like your way sounds nice. But I like mine too, I don't know :c You're accentating the vocal while I just stick with the beats. Not sure what's better. I'll see if someone else mention it, i'll change it in your way.

03:30:556 (1,2,3) - Move these together to 268 / 176 so 4 5 and 6 flow more naturally to 1. The symmetry between 3 and 1 also stays like you can see here fixed

Didn't really see any issues on the easier diffs honestly. Maps are honestly very well made (no surprise lol) and I'd definitely play it even though I personally don't like omoi's vocaloid stuff that much :P
Thanks for the mod, interesting stuff. I'll mod your map as soon as possible !
nice map
Hi~ M4M from your queue~ ><

This map is really well made! It makes it so hard to find stuff to mod! x3

  1. 00:01:627 - Add a note here maybe? There's a significant enough beat here for one.
  2. 00:27:878 (3,1) - Blanket is a bit sloppy. ><
  3. 01:28:145 - Missing a note for the vocal here~
  4. 02:27:074 - Another missing note for vocal
  5. 02:46:628 (3) - Curve this slider maybe? ><
That's all I could suggest~ >< Overall it's really well mapped!

  1. 00:01:627 - Same as Easy; A note here maybe?
I couldn't find anything else I could suggest. >.<

  1. 00:01:627 - Note? ><
  2. 00:23:056 (1,2,1,2) - This session of jumps are hard to see imo. ><
  3. 01:45:556 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - These feel too far for a Hard map. ><
  4. 04:04:842 (1,2,1,2) - Mentioned earlier. ><
Overall the Hard is really good! It's just that some parts feels a bit harder than a normal hard. ><

  1. 00:01:627 - Note? ><
  2. 01:09:396 (2,4) - Ctrl G? o.o
  3. 01:21:985 (1,2) - I think Copy-pasting (1) and then Ctrl H+J would be nice, it also makes it symmetrical~
  4. 02:28:145 (4) - Ctrl G?
This insane is soo good! >< Even though I'm terrible at playing, I enjoyed it. x3

  1. 00:01:627 - Note? ><
  2. 00:17:431 (5) - Too low! It's touching the meter at the bottom. ><
  3. 00:17:967 (2,4) - Ctrl G?
  4. 01:11:538 (2) - Ctrl G?
  5. 02:26:270 (1,1) - Also touching the meter at the bottom. Too low.
  6. 02:27:074 (1,1) - Switch the direction of one of them? ><
Even though I can't play this, I can tell this map is amazing! >////< Good job~ These are just suggestions based on what I see in the Editor. x3

Hope my mod helped!
Topic Starter

Victorica wrote:

Hi~ M4M from your queue~ ><

This map is really well made! It makes it so hard to find stuff to mod! x3 Thanks!

  1. 00:01:627 - Add a note here maybe? There's a significant enough beat here for one. I'll answer here for every diffs lol. The sound sounds like a spinner I agree. But on Extra it doesn't go up 3k which is unrakable I think so on easier diffs it's not doable at all. And just a note would sound bad I think. So yes.. I guess it's a minor thing I don't know.
  2. 00:27:878 (3,1) - Blanket is a bit sloppy. >< Mehhh, it's fine :')
  3. 01:28:145 - Missing a note for the vocal here~ It's an easy high BPM, the gap in the timeline would be too short and then unexpected.
  4. 02:27:074 - Another missing note for vocal ^
  5. 02:46:628 (3) - Curve this slider maybe? >< I think it flows better the way it is now; and I don't dislike the shape of the pattern
That's all I could suggest~ >< Overall it's really well mapped! Thanks o/

  1. 00:01:627 - Same as Easy; A note here maybe? Already answered.
I couldn't find anything else I could suggest. >.< No problem!

  1. 00:01:627 - Note? ><
  2. 00:23:056 (1,2,1,2) - This session of jumps are hard to see imo. >< Oh yeah? I think it does play pretty good though. I won't change it; it's my style. Also, it's like a really little spike on the diff and it's pretty much appreciated...probably.
  3. 01:45:556 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - These feel too far for a Hard map. >< Mhh. The distance map is respected though
  4. 04:04:842 (1,2,1,2) - Mentioned earlier. >< Same
Overall the Hard is really good! It's just that some parts feels a bit harder than a normal hard. >< I found it pretty standard though; I don't know xD. Thank you anyway!

  1. 00:01:627 - Note? ><
  2. 01:09:396 (2,4) - Ctrl G? o.o Nope would break the best pattern of the map rofl lol
  3. 01:21:985 (1,2) - I think Copy-pasting (1) and then Ctrl H+J would be nice, it also makes it symmetrical~ It's a copy paste but only Ctrl+H, your idea is good; but I like my flow too x)
  4. 02:28:145 (4) - Ctrl G? Mh.. Once more it's not a bad idea but... I like my flow too; like you do the same movement pretty fast 02:27:878 (3,4) - to finally do the same movement but you hold it 02:28:413 (1) - ... Hard to explain a bit but ya..
This insane is soo good! >< Even though I'm terrible at playing, I enjoyed it. x3 Glad you like it

  1. 00:01:627 - Note? ><
  2. 00:17:431 (5) - Too low! It's touching the meter at the bottom. >< Honestly? That's the least of my problem XD. It's an optional thing, and it would mess up the whole pattern.
  3. 00:17:967 (2,4) - Ctrl G? Nah; not that your idea is bad but I'll stick with my pattern it's just fine.
  4. 01:11:538 (2) - Ctrl G? ^ also the flow with 01:11:806 (1) - if I would Ctrl+G would be terrible
  5. 02:26:270 (1,1) - Also touching the meter at the bottom. Too low. Same
  6. 02:27:074 (1,1) - Switch the direction of one of them? >< Nah it plays just fine; and it gives something new, because I already did what you're suggesting here 01:28:145 (1,1) - ^^
Even though I can't play this, I can tell this map is amazing! >////< Good job~ These are just suggestions based on what I see in the Editor. x3 Thanks :3

Hope my mod helped!
Didn't make any changement sorry ._. Your points were ok but on them, my way to do doesn't feel wrong neither so I prefer to stick with my own style.

Thanks for checking anyway! It's always appreciated!
m4m from #modreqs


00:11:270 (1) - the jump from 20% to 70% hitsound volume is quite big, consider adding one or two other volume sections inbetween
00:11:003 (3) - rotate the end of the slider a little bit more to the right
00:27:342 (1,2,3,4) - could use some hitsounding
00:32:364 (7,8,1) - angle between 7 and the slider is quite sharp, consider making it more like this
00:34:842 (1) - seems to be a bit too far down, consider moving this and the pattern before a little bit upwards
==> 00:36:985 (1) - this is way better
00:45:556 (1) - again a bit too far down
00:50:645 (4) - 00:51:717 (4) - consider adding a whistle or sth to those
01:02:699 (1) - move to 104/76 or snap to 01:02:431 (5) -
01:18:503 (2) - could use whistle to fir the loud+high vocals
01:26:806 - 70% hs volume here
01:27:342 - 80% here
01:58:413 (1) - 01:59:128 (1) - making those repeating 1/3 would make them fit the instrumental better, maybe even make 01:58:770 (1) - a single
02:46:628 (1,2) - those need some effects (whistle or sth)
02:48:770 (1,2) - those maybe too
02:50:913 (1,3) - ^
02:51:985 (1) - ^
02:53:056 (1) - consider upping the hs volume at this point as it gets more intense
03:01:628 (1) - have you considered putting a long slider or spinner here? ~ until before 03:03:770 might fit the drawn out instrumental thingy better
03:13:145 (4) - move to 160/92 or snap to end of 3
03:13:681 (2) - move to 376/140
03:14:552 (1) - consider ramping up the volume on this spinner in 1 or 2 steps
03:16:895 (1) - 60% seems too low considering how loud the vocals are relative to other parts of the song
03:35:378 (1,1) - swap the hitsounds of those
03:38:056 (1) - this and many other of the long sliders that are mapped to the vocals could use some hitsounding
03:51:985 (1) - maybe add a break. tbh it feels fine either way, lol
04:11:003 (4) - whistle on the second repeat feels pretty random
04:13:413 there could probably be another note here, but it might piss people off ...

plays nicely overall
M4M from your modding queue

  1. 01:02:431 (2,3) - Stacks like this one is not reccomended in Easy. People who just started playing osu will get confused when seing a stack. I think that stacks should be putten in Normal and diffs harder than normal.
  2. 01:10:199 (2,3,1) - How about a triangle?
  3. 02:39:128 (3,4,1) - ^ Use the slider end of 3, the circle of 4 and slider head of 1
  4. 04:05:913 (3,4) - Blanket is off
  1. 00:57:342 (3,4) - Blanket
  2. 01:43:145 (2,3) - ^
  3. 02:50:645 (4,1,2) - Trangle?
  1. 00:15:556 (1,3) - Stack is a bit off

This was all I could find. Sorry for making it a small mod ;__;

This beatmap has a very nice flow (Even I who sucks at flow understands that the flow in this map is good)

Good luck with ranking
Topic Starter

Lasse wrote:

m4m from #modreqs


00:11:270 (1) - the jump from 20% to 70% hitsound volume is quite big, consider adding one or two other volume sections inbetween Well the music is pretty intense too
00:11:003 (3) - rotate the end of the slider a little bit more to the right I like this way
00:27:342 (1,2,3,4) - could use some hitsounding There's already some hitsounds right? Added a whistle though
00:32:364 (7,8,1) - angle between 7 and the slider is quite sharp, consider making it more like this Ok why not
00:34:842 (1) - seems to be a bit too far down, consider moving this and the pattern before a little bit upwards's not offscreen, that really doesn't bother me
==> 00:36:985 (1) - this is way better
00:45:556 (1) - again a bit too far down ^
00:50:645 (4) - 00:51:717 (4) - consider adding a whistle or sth to those there's already a clap on both
01:02:699 (1) - move to 104/76 or snap to 01:02:431 (5) - mhh, okay looks neater now'
01:18:503 (2) - could use whistle to fir the loud+high vocals there's a clap aready
01:26:806 - 70% hs volume here Nah, I understand what you mean with the point below too but 70 is for kiai-like, it's the max
01:27:342 - 80% here This would be the highest sound of the map, it's really not meant to be
01:58:413 (1) - 01:59:128 (1) - making those repeating 1/3 would make them fit the instrumental better, maybe even make 01:58:770 (1) - a single a single would be too confusing and the movement stays the same. the way i did just use more space on the screen.
02:46:628 (1,2) - those need some effects (whistle or sth) They already have some finish/clap/whistle
02:48:770 (1,2) - those maybe too Exactly same hitsounds
02:50:913 (1,3) - ^ ^
02:51:985 (1) - ^ ^
02:53:056 (1) - consider upping the hs volume at this point as it gets more intense Well, I could but to me, this is already at max 70% after that it doesn't fit with the music. Also it's the same part though.
03:01:628 (1) - have you considered putting a long slider or spinner here? ~ until before 03:03:770 might fit the drawn out instrumental thingy better Spin wouldn't fit. Slider... I might have think about it, I forgot but I think it would be meh. I prefer let the note 'resonate'
03:13:145 (4) - move to 160/92 or snap to end of 3 Nope, same style than 03:13:681 (2) -
03:13:681 (2) - move to 376/140 Nope cause the flow is way better here
03:14:552 (1) - consider ramping up the volume on this spinner in 1 or 2 steps The idea is cool, but the music doesn't actually get louder
03:16:895 (1) - 60% seems too low considering how loud the vocals are relative to other parts of the song I'm not mapping the vocal but the drums, I thought that was actually too loud
03:35:378 (1,1) - swap the hitsounds of those Actually removed claps and added whistles instead
03:38:056 (1) - this and many other of the long sliders that are mapped to the vocals could use some hitsounding But they have some hitsounds.. You mean on the whole slider? That would sound pretty bad to me. I'm following the voice but I'm mapping the music, that's a nuance.
03:51:985 (1) - maybe add a break. tbh it feels fine either way, lol No, not natural to finish on red tick, especially after a slider, i would use this technique on special occasion only and not here. It feels empty IMO.
04:11:003 (4) - whistle on the second repeat feels pretty random It is not. The drums are different in the music than the first slider.
04:13:413 there could probably be another note here, but it might piss people off ... Yes, I personally hate that last note after spinner xD.

plays nicely overall

nadapan wrote:

M4M from your modding queue

  1. 01:02:431 (2,3) - Stacks like this one is not reccomended in Easy. People who just started playing osu will get confused when seing a stack. I think that stacks should be putten in Normal and diffs harder than normal. It's not recommended but it's fine. I think it's readable like it's neat enough and fits the music just fine.
  2. 01:10:199 (2,3,1) - How about a triangle? It's already a triangle right?
  3. 02:39:128 (3,4,1) - ^ Use the slider end of 3, the circle of 4 and slider head of 1 ^
  4. 04:05:913 (3,4) - Blanket is off It's fine
  1. 00:57:342 (3,4) - Blanket fixed
  2. 01:43:145 (2,3) - ^ It's a copy paste of this 01:42:342 (1) - the pattern would be ugly with a blanket.
  3. 02:50:645 (4,1,2) - Trangle? It is already.
  1. 00:15:556 (1,3) - Stack is a bit off It is not :o

This was all I could find. Sorry for making it a small mod ;__;

This beatmap has a very nice flow (Even I who sucks at flow understands that the flow in this map is good)

Good luck with ranking
Thanks for checking guys!
YO From The Queue

Modding Normal Only Because Lazy Kinda Long Song.

  1. 00:09:128 (1,2) - Change To 1 Reverse Slider And A Note
  2. 00:31:628 (3) - Flow Looks Weird For Me
  3. 01:01:628 (3) - Maybe Move This A Bit. It May Confuse Beginner Because This Appear Right Where The Early Slider Ends.
  4. 01:50:645 (3) - NC?
  5. 02:27:342 (2) - NC?
  6. 02:30:556 (3) - This Looks Better imo If It Is Same Shape With 02:28:413 (4)
  7. 03:10:199 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Remap? This Is Boring :v
  8. 03:18:770 - Downbeat Should Map With Something Clickable
  9. 03:34:842 (1,2) - One Slider And 2 Notes?
  10. 03:51:985 (1) - Change To 2/1 Slider
This Is Good Map, I Can't Find Much
But Hope That Helps Anyway :3
Topic Starter

Deppyforce wrote:

YO From The Queue

Modding Normal Only Because Lazy Kinda Long Song.

  1. 00:09:128 (1,2) - Change To 1 Reverse Slider And A Note The idea is pretty cool but I'd like to keep the single notes on the strong melody only for this part.
  2. 00:31:628 (3) - Flow Looks Weird For Me I think it's ok
  3. 01:01:628 (3) - Maybe Move This A Bit. It May Confuse Beginner Because This Appear Right Where The Early Slider Ends. I guess it's neater this way though..I don't know
  4. 01:50:645 (3) - NC? I find the followpoint helpful here for beginners.
  5. 02:27:342 (2) - NC? Yes, fixed.
  6. 02:30:556 (3) - This Looks Better imo If It Is Same Shape With 02:28:413 (4) Good idea, but I like the wave too for some variety.
  7. 03:10:199 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Remap? This Is Boring :v I don't find it boring, I find it cool. It's to train people to play big black really early rofl.
  8. 03:18:770 - Downbeat Should Map With Something Clickable Well, this is normal diff, it would be awkward in a different way.
  9. 03:34:842 (1,2) - One Slider And 2 Notes? Mh, I think the reverse fits pretty nice
  10. 03:51:985 (1) - Change To 2/1 Slider Not enough feedback, I don't like it.
This Is Good Map, I Can't Find Much
But Hope That Helps Anyway :3
Thanks for checking, some nice points I'll need to think a bit more about it!
hi there o/ from your m4m queue

  1. Hi, I'm sure this has already been mentioned but: I'd highly suggest a filler difficulty in between the Insane diff and Freeze diff. This is mainly because the insane diff pretty much consists of DS'ed 1/2 circles while on the other hand the Freeze diff is largly 224 bpm medium to large jumps. A player who can easily SS the Insane would likely not have the required aim and/or stamina to pass even half of Freeze, not to mention the intense density that occurs in the map with 1/4s, 1/4 sliders and 1/2 jumps later on in the map + AR 9.4.


  1. 00:53:056 (1,2,3) - Imo, you should make this part have a bit larger spacing. The intensity in this part is just as strong, if not stronger than the previous parts such as 00:49:842 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - where you used 2.10x~ spacing.

  2. 01:01:628 (1,2,3,1,2) - I find myself losing quite a bit of momentum at the 1/2 stack from the 1/4 slider into the 1/2 slow down here. Consider making these 01:01:895 (3,1) - more spaced out/ or convert into 1/2 slider?

    if you decide to make it more spaced out: try stacking this circle 01:02:029 (1) - onto the slider head of 01:01:092 (3) - and ctrl+g this slider: 01:02:163 (2) -
    This way the momentum build up by the previous 1/2 circles and 1/4 sliders isnt suddenly lost for no reason.

  3. 01:27:208 (1) - I think you should get rid of the repeat and instead add a circle on the large white tick for better emphasis.
    Try moving the stream to somewhere here if you decide to change this:
    code for the stream
  4. 02:00:824 (2,3) - 02:03:770 (1,2,3,4) - Imo these areas flowed kinda awkwardly.
  5. 03:51:985 (1) - this slowdown may be a little bit too sudden imo. Imagine how angry one would be breaking here after fcing the entire map :((

    Rest of the map looks good!

  1. 00:50:645 (4) - 00:51:717 (4) - consider making the ends clickable with a 3/4 + circle? :) Imo plays better this way.
    No other complaints about this diff. Solid diff!

Good luck!~
Topic Starter

byfar wrote:

hi there o/ from your m4m queue

  1. Hi, I'm sure this has already been mentioned but: I'd highly suggest a filler difficulty in between the Insane diff and Freeze diff. This is mainly because the insane diff pretty much consists of DS'ed 1/2 circles while on the other hand the Freeze diff is largly 224 bpm medium to large jumps. A player who can easily SS the Insane would likely not have the required aim and/or stamina to pass even half of Freeze, not to mention the intense density that occurs in the map with 1/4s, 1/4 sliders and 1/2 jumps later on in the map + AR 9.4 I'll add it only if someone is willing to make one..


  1. 00:53:056 (1,2,3) - Imo, you should make this part have a bit larger spacing. The intensity in this part is just as strong, if not stronger than the previous parts such as 00:49:842 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - where you used 2.10x~ spacing. I put (3) a bit more on the side yes.

  2. 01:01:628 (1,2,3,1,2) - I find myself losing quite a bit of momentum at the 1/2 stack from the 1/4 slider into the 1/2 slow down here. Consider making these 01:01:895 (3,1) - more spaced out/ or convert into 1/2 slider?

    if you decide to make it more spaced out: try stacking this circle 01:02:029 (1) - onto the slider head of 01:01:092 (3) - and ctrl+g this slider: 01:02:163 (2) -
    This way the momentum build up by the previous 1/2 circles and 1/4 sliders isnt suddenly lost for no reason. I understand what you mean but I think I prefer the way it is now. I really want to show the transition in the music here so I really don't want to add a jump.

  3. 01:27:208 (1) - I think you should get rid of the repeat and instead add a circle on the large white tick for better emphasis.
    Try moving the stream to somewhere here if you decide to change this: That would be the logic. But I like this way as well. I think the reverse gives just as much impact as a note here. And the stream would start way too far :(
    code for the stream
  4. 02:00:824 (2,3) - 02:03:770 (1,2,3,4) - Imo these areas flowed kinda awkwardly. Prolly because of the spacing but the flow is good here. Well, I don't mind change it but didn't come up with something better than that.
  5. 03:51:985 (1) - this slowdown may be a little bit too sudden imo. Imagine how angry one would be breaking here after fcing the entire map :(( Well... a 0.5x SV feels way too fast though.

    Rest of the map looks good!

  1. 00:50:645 (4) - 00:51:717 (4) - consider making the ends clickable with a 3/4 + circle? :) Imo plays better this way. That's the logic as well but I'd like to follow the melody rather than the beats here.
    No other complaints about this diff. Solid diff!

Good luck!~
Thank you very much!
Looking nice :D
Topic Starter

Secretpipe wrote:

Looking nice :D
Then Bubble it!

Thank you <3
This is out of my range to mod. Im not used to mod such a high bpm D: >w<

Instead take my stars :3
Topic Starter

Come[Back]Home wrote:

This is out of my range to mod. Im not used to mod such a high bpm D: >w<

Instead take my stars :3
Ok no problem, thanks for the stars !
HP feels a bit high to me on freezing difficulty, I feel like 6.5-7 would be better

00:32:699 (1) - 00:40:735 (3) - - it feels really easy to die in places like this due to the hp drain, not sure if this is what you intended though.

I don't really have any modding experience so feel free to ignore this, its just how it felt to me

amazing map btw, really really looking forward to it, it's so fun to play! (i die on the deathstreams though) other than that it feels so well made
Topic Starter

Espeon wrote:

HP feels a bit high to me on freezing difficulty, I feel like 6.5-7 would be better

00:32:699 (1) - 00:40:735 (3) - - it feels really easy to die in places like this due to the hp drain, not sure if this is what you intended though.

I don't really have any modding experience so feel free to ignore this, its just how it felt to me

amazing map btw, really really looking forward to it, it's so fun to play! (i die on the deathstreams though) other than that it feels so well made
Here's how I see it.

00:32:699 (1) - This is like a drain section, but if you can pass the map, or even pass the part just before, there's no way you will miss here and fail, because besides the fact that the density is really low, it's really easy to accurate this part (slider) and honestly, even with hardrock I don't find the HP going down that low. We're far from the drain section of this map

00:40:735 (3) - I suppose you're talking about the next 3 sliders? If yes, they're not impossible to hit first try, but I do agree they can be surprising and you might fail pretty fast if you miss it. On the other hand it's just 3 sliders without that big spacing that gives a huge amount of HP if you hit it correctly.

After that, if you look at the set it goes Hard: 6 Insane: 7 Freeze : 8 Sounds pretty legit. The gap is a bit higher from normal to hard but it's still a good balance not to mention that a light-extra diff is demanded.
I was personally used to test the first 45% percent of the map with hardrock without that much trouble about the HP so...yep. No change for now at least.

Thanks for checking!
nice mapping !
Topic Starter

caren_sk wrote:

nice mapping !
どうもありがとう :3
Topic Starter
heyo, id be willing to map an extra to fill up the gap, since ive already mapped this badly once before ^-^
Topic Starter

toybot wrote:

heyo, id be willing to map an extra to fill up the gap, since ive already mapped this badly once before ^-^
Please!! :)
Natteke desu
thats my boy
Topic Starter
I think that Freeze map got frozen. :roll:
Hey <3

  1. 01:01:628 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I think if you rotate the triple a bit you can make a better flow ~ e.g. (rotate -35)
  2. 01:17:431 (6,7) - Maybe ctrlg+g and move (7) a bit up?
  3. 01:25:735 (2) - ctrl+g and a bit down would fit in the previous pattern but I see what you did there
  4. 01:32:297 (1,2,3) - Make those a bit better curved? It could look a bit smoother
  5. 02:34:172 (2,3) - fix blanket
  6. 02:47:967 (2,3,4,5) - imo the flow is a bit harsh here - Maybe ctrl+g on (3) and reposition (4,5) and make (6) curved?
  7. 03:27:342 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - I feel like this has to be mapped differently
    03:27:342 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1) - FIrst part feels way to slow for the following jumps 03:29:351 (2,3,4,5) - I would try to map the vocals more since they're intensifying at that point (if that is a word :^) )
  8. 03:59:217 (4,1) - I would use a triple like before
  9. 04:06:315 (3) - overmapped? I cant hear it
Hope I could help a bit out :>

Good luck :D
Topic Starter

Domi200 wrote:

Hey <3

  1. 01:01:628 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I think if you rotate the triple a bit you can make a better flow ~ e.g. (rotate -35) Actually the flow I made is the one I wanted. I think it plays pretty good to go a bit on a straight line but you know...not to much neither lol
  2. 01:17:431 (6,7) - Maybe ctrlg+g and move (7) a bit up? fixed, good point.
  3. 01:25:735 (2) - ctrl+g and a bit down would fit in the previous pattern but I see what you did there Ye, not a bad idea, but then 01:26:003 (3) - would be a bit random.
  4. 01:32:297 (1,2,3) - Make those a bit better curved? It could look a bit smoother Might be true, but then it would have a bad overlap with 01:31:092 (3,4) - and that wouldn't fit my style
  5. 02:34:172 (2,3) - fix blanket fixed
  6. 02:47:967 (2,3,4,5) - imo the flow is a bit harsh here - Maybe ctrl+g on (3) and reposition (4,5) and make (6) curved? Honestly, I found the flow pretty good, but I really like your idea, so I took it anyway lol
  7. 03:27:342 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - I feel like this has to be mapped differently
    03:27:342 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1) - FIrst part feels way to slow for the following jumps 03:29:351 (2,3,4,5) - I would try to map the vocals more since they're intensifying at that point (if that is a word :^) ) Fixed a bit the first part, but the second is I think good this way, the back and forth pattern is pretty fast, and when the vocal intensifies, I cut it so it gives even more impact, I think
  8. 03:59:217 (4,1) - I would use a triple like before It wasn't a triple :O 03:55:199 (1) -
  9. 04:06:315 (3) - overmapped? I cant hear it Well it is for the sake of playability
Hope I could help a bit out :>

Good luck :D
Thank you very much! It was actually very helpful.
- s a k o -
nice maps, i hope this maps will get qualified soon :)
Hi, I'm for your mod req.
There is only one thing in which I can help, is it a little logy offset, which imo should be in 1615
Topic Starter

ReFaller wrote:

Hi, I'm for your mod req.
There is only one thing in which I can help, is it a little logy offset, which imo should be in 1615
As I told you, the offset has been checked by two people already and told me the good one was 1628.
Thanks for your check though, I'll still try to get another confirmation.
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