23:26 *Nevo is editing [https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1554404 ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - Blood Circulator [Extra]] 23:26 Nevo: ok in this map 23:26 Nevo: quack 23:26 Nevo: :< 23:27 Mentee: wait 23:27 Mentee: im getting black squares 23:27 Mentee: my osu is bugged 23:27 Nevo: LOL 23:27 Mentee: hold on 23:27 Nevo: LMFAO 23:29 Mentee: ok 23:29 Mentee: i is 23:29 Mentee: here 23:29 Nevo: ok so im guessing you know what a measure is 23:29 Mentee: yes 23:29 Mentee: `i hope 23:29 Nevo: big white tick to big white tick 23:30 Mentee: ya 23:30 Nevo: most songs have something called phrases (i think its the right word dont quote me on that) 23:30 Nevo: also dont use that in mods 23:30 Nevo: xD 23:30 Mentee: ya 23:30 Nevo: phrases are usally like 8 measures 23:30 Nevo: for example 23:30 Nevo: 00:58:373 (1) - to 01:08:537 (6) - 23:30 Nevo: and 01:08:865 (1) - to 01:19:029 (7) - 23:30 Nevo: are 2 phrases 23:31 Nevo: monstrata calls them hyper measures 23:31 Mentee: ok 23:31 Mentee: owo 23:31 Nevo: (idk the actually word) 23:31 Nevo: XD 23:31 Nevo: but notice this! 23:31 Nevo: 00:58:373 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 23:31 Nevo: slider slider circle circle circle 23:31 Nevo: 00:59:685 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 23:31 Nevo: circle circle circle circle circle circle slider slider 23:31 Mentee: QUQ 23:32 Nevo: 01:00:996 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 23:32 Nevo: slider slider circle circle circle 23:32 Nevo: 01:02:308 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 23:32 Nevo: circle circle circle circle circle circle slider slider 23:32 Nevo: and so on and so on 23:32 Mentee: :thonking: 23:32 Nevo: because songs (most of the time) 23:33 Nevo: repeat in a ABABABAB 23:33 Nevo: like rhythm 23:33 Mentee: my ears hurt from this song 23:33 Mentee: ok 23:33 Nevo: within their phrases 23:33 Nevo: XD 23:33 Nevo: its a stupidly repeative song 23:33 Nevo: so its perfect 23:33 Nevo: XD 23:33 Nevo: but try to remember that 23:33 Mentee: can i 23:33 Mentee: go like 23:34 Nevo: yeah im sorry for my random lecture 23:34 Nevo: xD 23:34 Mentee: more than just a-b rhythm 23:34 Mentee: i can go like 23:34 Mentee: a-b-c 23:34 Mentee: OWO 23:34 Nevo: abcabc 23:34 Nevo: you should be doing like 23:34 Nevo: abcdabcdefabcdhfeh 23:34 Nevo: like it should be consistent! 23:34 Mentee: ! 23:34 Nevo: honestly you shouldnt be doing ababababab 23:34 Nevo: as its boring and dumb 23:35 Nevo: but also remember that not the whole song repeats itself 23:35 Mentee: lol i need to zoom out my tick 23:35 Mentee: i cant even see the sliders 23:35 Nevo: and its always fine to break consistency as long you have some consistency :3c