00:58:573 (58573|1,58692|1,58812|1,58872|0,58931|1,58991|0) - Quite awkward to play with this anchor, feels intrusive. Consider moving 00:58:931 (58931|1) - to col 3
01:03:354 - The gameplay could improve, it is very straining on the left hand especially with 01:03:712 (63712|1,63832|1,63951|1,64071|1,64190|1,64310|1) - this long anchor.
Consider switching 01:03:533 (63533|1,63593|2) - and move 01:03:832 (63832|1) - to col 3. This plays a lot better for me
01:25:645 (85645|2) - If the 1/4 notes are for the piano, think this should be removed. The piano stops here
01:29:290 (89290|1) - Col 3? I think the long bias on the left does not fit the music here in my opinion
01:40:406 - Very straining on the left hand here, mainly most of your anchors fall on col 2 and 1 which makes the transition to 01:41:362 - a lot more rough
Consider moving 01:40:525 (100525|1,100645|0) - one col to the right
01:42:677, 01:44:589, 01:46:501, 01:50:326, 01:52:238, 01:54:151, 01:54:390, 01:55:585 - From what I understand, the doubles are for the violin(?) in this section. I think these should be singles as they don't play here, and it makes the other doubles representing the violin not stand out that well.
02:21:700 (141700|0) - intended? There's no sound here, so I feel it's better to remove since there's the 1/4 kicks after
02:52:238 (172238|1) - col 1? It's a different key from 02:52:119 (172119|2,172358|2,172477|1) - so putting it in this trill doesn't feel fitting
03:19:131 (199131|0,199131|1) - More fitting to move this to the other hand, to make it like a mirrored variant of 03:17:696 -
04:18:971 (258971|1,259051|1,259210|1,259290|1,259449|1,259529|1,259688|1,259768|1) - oh goodness x.x I really think the doubles need to be rearranged here, there's way too much strain on one column here over the others which makes this very poor to play
05:10:406 (310406|2,310525|2,310645|2,310764|2,310884|2,311003|2,311123|2) - Think this anchor really gets in the way of how this pattern overall plays out, very awkward to hit for the right hand.
Consider 05:11:003 (311003|2,311063|3,311123|2,311182|3) - switching these around (ctrl+G) and move 05:11:302 (311302|2) - to col 4
Some more additional tags for this map that would be good!
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chordjack cj jumpstream js tech
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-> Artist/Romanised Artist:
takehirotei as ''Infinite Limit''
-> Title/Romanised Title:
Rules of the Chaos Dilemma
-> Source:
Expert Global Taiko Showdown 2022
-> Current Tags (FA? Contributors? MPG?):
01:25:567 (85567|2) - Should be removed to keep consistent with your 1/2 rhythms. See 01:17:920 - for example
01:22:037 (82037|2,82273|2,82508|2) - this anchor is uglyyyyyy can you move 01:22:273 (82273|2) - to col 4? more satisfying to play imo
[!] Hard diff has a bunch of misnaps of 1/3 that should be 1/2 or 1/4
00:06:076 (6076|1,6312|0) - This is not 1/3, put it in 1/2
00:06:939 (6939|0,7018|2) - same. I'm not sure if this is intended but this is a hard diff, you can definitely use some 1/4 here.
00:11:488 (11488|3) - this is 100% misnapped and should be in 1/2
00:13:606 (13606|3,13841|1,14076|2) -
00:37:057 (37057|0,37135|2), 00:44:586 (44586|1,44665|0) -
01:29:998 (89998|3,90076|0,90469|2,90547|0) -
01:45:527 (105527|0,105606|3) -
Replace with 1/4 patterns or just 1/2
00:09:449 (9449|3,9684|3,9920|3,10155|3,10390|3) - Long anchor here seems unnecessary, move 00:09:920 (9920|3) - to col 3?
00:19:331 (19331|2) - Move to col 2 to avoid 4 note anchor here
00:23:096 (23096|0) - same to col 2
00:29:684 (29684|0) - to col 2
00:31:155 (31155|2,31214|1) - one col to right? I think the streams here get a bit heavy on the inner columns and for the left side, would spread it out a bit
00:38:684 (38684|2,38743|1) - same
01:18:978 (78978|1) - Think it'd be cool to put this in col 1 so the jacks go back and forth for the vocal (a followup on 01:18:390 (78390|3,78508|3) -
01:17:390 (77390|2) - would move this to col 4 the transition from this to the next notes get a bit awkward since it's straining on col 3
01:19:273 (79273|2) - same
01:21:155 (81155|1), 01:24:920 (84920|1), 01:26:802 (86802|1) - same here but to col 1
00:08:861 (8861|3,8920|2,9096|2,9155|3,9331|3,9390|2) - The 1/4 streams here don't fit what's going on with the 1/4 hihats, the 1/4 should be where the doubles start, not leading to the doubles (similar to the diff above)
00:12:625 (12625|3,12684|2,12861|2,12920|3,13096|0,13155|1) - same
00:01:331 (1331|1,1331|3), 00:03:214 (3214|2,3214|0), 00:05:096 (5096|0,5096|1), 00:08:861, 00:10:743, 00:12:625 - should just be a single? No vocal here so not sure what these doubles are emphasizing
also 00:13:214 - missing a triple
00:32:978 (32978|2) - would be better in col 4 imo, a bit awkward in the inner columns with the streams
00:46:508, 00:50:273, 00:54:037 - should be a single
00:55:684, 00:57:567 - should be a double
Also 00:46:390 - this part in general is a bit biased on the left hand I'd probably rearrange this a bit so it's not all left trills like 00:46:508 (46508|0,46625|1,46743|0,46861|1,46978|0,47096|1,47214|0,47331|1) -
01:18:508 (78508|1) - Would be better in col 1 imo, 01:18:390 (78390|1,78508|1,78743|1,78861|1) - this is a little eh
01:19:096 (79096|0,79214|0,79331|0,79449|0) - this anchor is really awkward especially with the burst, move 01:19:214 (79214|0) - to col 4
01:20:390 (80390|0,80390|2,80861|0,80861|2), 01:22:743 - thhis should be a single, no vocal
01:34:508 (94508|2) - Move to col 4? You repeat the col 1 to col 3 jack a lot here it'd be nice to change it up a bit
01:42:037 (102037|1) - same but to col 1
00:07:802 (7802|0,7920|0) - Doesn't fit well to use the jack pattern here when you already use up col 1 for the long anchor right before it, so it doesn't stand out as a different rhythm. Would rearrange this a bit to avoid being grouped with the anchor.
00:33:155 (33155|3) - I think it'd be better to remove this and move 00:33:096 (33096|0) - to col 4, not only does the pattern currently feel a bit too biased on the left hand but saving the 1/4 notes for the more audible vocal would be more fitting imo
00:40:684 (40684|0) - same but 00:40:625 (40625|3) - to col 1
remove 00:35:625 (35625|3) and 00:43:155 (43155|0) - as well since too subtle? or nothing at all
00:37:684 (37684|2) - I'd move this to col 4 imo there's no reason to have all the streams stuck on the first three columns
00:46:508 (46508|1) - col 1? 00:46:155 (46155|1,46273|1,46508|1,46625|1) - this transition kinda dookie
00:54:037 (54037|1) - same
00:50:273 (50273|2), 00:57:802 (57802|2) - same but to col 4
00:52:743 (52743|0,52861|1,52861|0,52978|0,53096|1,53214|0,53214|1,53331|0) - ewwww rough left hand transition
maybe move both 00:52:861 (52861|0,53214|1) - of these notes to col 3?
01:21:331 (81331|0) - Plays better in col 2
01:22:743 (82743|1) - to col 4 for same reason
01:23:802 (83802|0) - to col 3
01:28:978 (88978|1) - to col 1
01:26:508 (86508|1,86625|1,86773|1,86861|1,86978|1) - noooo this is ugly anchor to play
move 01:26:625 (86625|1) - to col 3 and 01:26:978 (86978|1) - to col 1 maybe
01:31:449 - Would be better as double, you don't really use triples back to back in this diff so this will catch the player off guard (also the vocal is very weak here)
01:43:802 - why does the structure change here? There should be triples for every 1/1 beat with a vocal and doubles for vocal, and anything else a single like you did this entire section
00:08:508 (8508|1,8625|1,8743|1) - Why the sudden 3-note anchor here? Only time it happens for this rhythm
00:24:273 - the double died put it back
And 00:24:331 (24331|0) - should be removed for consistency
00:32:684 (32684|2) - should be removed, no 1/4 vocal (and again the streams here are really left handed)
00:40:684 (40684|2) - remove
00:33:684 (33684|1,33684|0,33743|3,33743|2,33802|0,33802|1,33861|2,33920|1,33920|3,33978|0,33978|2,34037|1,34037|3,34096|2) - this is a really big diff spike, I'd highly recommend removing the single notes in between if you want to keep the doubles or nerf the doubles to regular 1/2 jumpstream
00:41:214 - same
00:35:273 (35273|1,35331|3) - switch these so it's not super biased on the left hand
00:42:802 (42802|2,42861|0) - same
move 00:36:273 (36273|2,36390|0) - to col 4 and 3 respectively
00:36:743 (36743|1,36861|3) - to 1 and 2 respectively and switch 00:36:920 (36920|1,36978|3) -
Apply this same logic but mirrored for 00:43:802 - this part as well
00:18:096 - Not sure if double is intended, can't hear anything stronger here and it's the only double in this section
00:16:074 (16074|3) - This can be under the LN in col 2? Because the vocal is the same pitch as 00:16:411 (16411|1) -
01:05:119 (65119|3,65287|0) - Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think there's only one vocal here so 01:05:119 (65119|3) - this LN should be longer and the other LN should be removed. Similar to 01:06:130 (66130|2) - for example
Similarly, 01:15:062 (75062|2,75231|3) - only one vocal here?
If you agree, don't forget later kiais like 01:15:062 (75062|2,75231|3,108265|0,108433|3) and 01:58:208 (118208|1,118377|0) - and the last kiai
02:56:185 (176185|1) - Think this should be a 1/1 LN for vocal and 02:56:354 (176354|2) - a regular note?
00:24:753 (24753|2) - Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do not hear a sound at all, so I believe it's a ghost note and should be removed
00:57:871 (57871|1,57871|0,58377|2,58461|3,58546|1,58630|2,58714|3) - I do not understand the structure here
For example, 00:56:523 (56523|2,56523|0,56523|3,57029|1,57113|0,57197|2,57282|1,57366|0) - is following the vocal and its changes, but when it happens again at 00:57:534, the LNs are not there, but instead at 00:57:871 - where it does not align with the vocal changes, it feels "late" in a sense.
I think the LN placement should change a bit to reflect the vocal more clearly, unless there is something I'm missing.
If you agree, apply any changes to all similar patterns like 01:02:928 - and so on, including the later kiais.
00:43:377 (43377|1,43377|3) - I think it makes more sense to have the double LN at 00:43:714 - instead, because the vocal is higher there. It's weaker here.
00:54:501 (54501|0) - Just making sure if this is intended? It's the only instance of a staggered release that isn't a grace, seems like it would work fine as a 1/4 release. It's fine if intended.
01:08:742 (68742|2), etc..seems intended since I see it happen later on, but I'm not sure what these notes are for. Some clarification would be nice, otherwise right now I think these are better off removed since the vocal just repeats here
01:13:040 (73040|3,73208|0) - Should be stacked for consistency? Look at 01:10:343 (70343|0,70512|0) - for example
01:56:186 (116186|0,116355|3), 02:52:477 (172477|3,172646|0) - same
01:20:456 - Could just be me but I think the patterns here are a bit too focused on right hand here for a few seconds, move 01:21:467 (81467|3) - to col 1?
01:02:085 (62085|2,62253|2,62422|2,62590|2,62759|2) - This is a bit awkward on the right hand, long anchor here with many trill transitions. Move 01:02:422 (62422|2) - to col 2?
01:45:568 (105568|1) - same but to col 3
00:26:406 (26406|1) - Col 4? 00:26:406 (26406|2,26406|1,26506|2,26606|1) - this is a bit eh to play in the inner columns
Would also move 00:27:006 (27006|1,27106|2) - one col to right for cleaner gameplay as well
00:39:206 (39206|1) - col 4 as well
00:28:706 (28706|3,28806|3,28806|2) - I can see the intention but I think this is a bit iffy for a hard diff, consider moving 00:28:706 (28706|3) - to col 1 and 00:28:606 (28606|2) - to col 4 for a trill instead
This applies to all similar jacks after, but if you want to keep the jack like that I'd at least suggest making it so the double is two-handed and not on one hand so it's easier to hit.
00:42:006 (42006|0) - Reduce by 1/4? There's a clear fade out at 00:42:206, or add another LN there
00:45:706 (45706|1,45806|2) - Consider switching these and move 00:45:606 (45606|1) - to col 4, the current jack pattern is a bit rough for this diff
01:16:906 (76906|0,77006|1) - This and every LN like this after should be moved down 1/8 lower, this is very late with what you're following
This applies to ALL diffs above up to 01:22:806 -
01:23:206 (83206|1) - This and every LN after I think it's better to make these 1/2 LNs, more cleaner to release with the overall structure and this difficulty
01:28:806 (88806|2) - for this one in particular reduce the release by 1/8
01:29:106 (89106|1,89106|0) - same with these tbh ^
01:30:406 (90406|1,90406|0,90506|0,90606|1,90806|0,90806|1,90906|1) - Pretty rough transition to play mainly due to the col 2 strain, I'd move 01:30:606 (90606|1) - to col 3
01:31:906 (91906|3) - to col2 to avoid col 4 strain as well
01:33:406 (93406|2) - col 2
01:34:706 (94706|0) - col 2
01:41:406 (101406|2,101506|1,101606|2) - Would flip these, 01:41:006 (101006|2,101206|2,101406|2,101606|2) - this anchor is a bit ugly to play
01:59:006 (119006|2) - I'd move this to col 4, 01:59:006 (119006|2,119406|1) - to col 1 and 01:59:806 (119806|2) - to col 4 to use one hand trills for progression, since 02:02:006 - sounds more higher I think it'd be a nice detail to start off with less jacks then building up to this part where it's all jacks.
02:08:606 (128606|1,128706|1) - Would be better to move this to col 3 imo cuz this left hand bias with 02:08:406 (128406|0,128506|0,128606|1,128706|1,128806|0,129006|0,129106|0) - is a bit rough for this diff
02:09:706 (129706|3,129806|2) - How about switching these to emphasize the wub change with a one hand trill?
00:29:206 (29206|3) - Could just be me but I think extending this to 1/4 with the other LN would be cleaner visually and in gameplay
Applies to every similar LN after like 00:32:406 (32406|1) -
Would also move 00:29:606 (29606|2) - to col 4 cuz 00:29:606 (29606|2,29806|2,29906|2,30206|2,30306|2) - is a bit eh
00:44:406 (44406|1,44506|0) - Would be a lot better to play if these were switched imo, fits the rhythm better as well
01:33:006 (93006|3,93206|3,93306|3) - this transition kinda dookie cuz of the release gap, could you move the col 4 LN to col 2?
01:42:806 (102806|0,102856|1,103006|2,103056|3) - Feel like these would fit better if you extend them 1/8 longer
02:01:606 (121606|0,121706|0,121806|0,121806|3,121906|3,122006|3) - I see the intention but this was kind of a small diff spike imo, did not expect this the first time playing.
Consider moving 02:01:606 (121606|1) - to col 4, move 02:01:706 (121706|0,121806|0,121906|3) - all these to col 2 for a triple jack and remove the double in between
02:06:506 (126506|1,126606|2,126706|0) - Doesn't reflect the rhythm change that well imo, consider moving 02:06:506 (126506|1,126606|2) - to col 3 and 1 respectively
02:09:706 (129706|0) - Col 4 would be better, 02:09:506 (129506|0,129706|0,129806|0,130006|0,130106|0) - this plays pretty dookie
00:30:006 (30006|0,30006|1,30106|0,30206|1,30206|2,30306|0,30306|2,30406|0,30406|1) - Don't like how this plays out for the left hand, consider this?
You could probably do a similar pattern at 00:36:406 -
01:30:006 (90006|3) - Better to have this release in 1/6 imo, don't like the tight release gap from the LN to the note right above it
01:44:556 (104556|3) - Don't think the 1/8 makes sense here, no sound warrants it that I can hear
00:27:106 (27106|3,27206|3,27306|3) - This 3-jack anchor can be avoided, feels unnecessary. Just switch 00:26:906 (26906|3,27006|2,27106|3) -
00:33:406 (33406|2,33506|3) - same
00:28:206 (28206|0,28406|2) - Consider moving these to col 2 and 1 respectively, the patterns here are super biased on the right hand
00:34:606 (34606|0,34806|2) - same here
00:34:106 (34106|3,34206|0) - Would move these to col 3 and 4 respectively, the patterns here are way too heavy on the left columns
01:36:406 (96406|0,96456|2,96506|0,96556|2,96606|0,96656|2,96706|0,96756|2) - very harsh at this speed and a small diff spike, I would suggest moving 01:36:456 (96456|2,96556|2,96606|0,96706|0) - one col to right
01:36:806 - I love longjacks but unfortunately this is a big diffspike considering the entire chart does not even have jacks remotely this long, and I lose a lot of acc here. Please nerf them to 4-note jacks
01:42:306 (102306|0,102306|1) - I would recommend reducing these to 1/8 releases, the tight gap here is awkward
01:43:206 - This pattern is so awkward to play, I think it's mainly how the inner columns work in gameplay.
How about something like this?
Can alternate with this just fine and consistently use 3-note jacks for the repetition
On a side note maybe 01:43:606 - can change to be a short dumpstream to emphasize the music change here instead of chordjack? Feels odd to ignore it
01:46:006 - I think something like this would work instead as how this currently plays is super awkward with the doubles in between the longjacks
Would also move 01:45:006 (105006|3) - to col 3 and 01:45:406 (105406|1) - to col 4 for same reason
01:52:406 - From here, the coordination with 01:52:606 (112606|0,112606|2,113006|1,113006|3) - these doubles and so on are very awkward to properly play with the surrounding patterns.
It would be a lot better if, instead, you moved notes like 01:52:606 (112606|0,113006|3) - to the inner columns and not the outer ones. I find that this plays better while keeping your intentions.
Applies to all the later notes
The same issue happens with 01:55:806 (115806|1,116206|2) - but this time move them to the outer columns, apply to all similar notes after
02:01:306 (121306|1) - Remove? The sounds get a bit weaker here so using mostly doubles doesn't feel as fitting
02:14:401 - Thoughts on making the LNs end in 1/6 instead? Imo 1/8 here makes this annoying to repeatedly hold and release with such short gaps.
02:17:714 - Move the 142.5bpm timing point here so the metronome is aligned correctly
And add another 140bpm timing point at 02:21:101 - to align the metronome correctly as well. Don't forget the SV normalizations for both of them
You might get unsnapped warnings, just drag them around a bit to fix it
I have no idea where most of these tags come from, I'm removing the ones I'm pretty sure do not fit this song at all and duplicates that aren't needed. Feel free to re-add what you think fits but I might need an explanation if you do
and instrumental
for gd user and languagechordjack cj
to tags for patternsthree electronic instrumental pop hyperpop edm experimental dubstep glitchcore atmospheric colour color bass synthwave chillwave melodic kilotek willpwr chordjack cj
-> Artist/Romanised Artist:
-> Title/Romanised Title:
-> Source:
-> Current Tags (FA? Contributors? MPG?):
00:26:406 (26406|1) - Col 4? 00:26:406 (26406|2,26406|1,26506|2,26606|1) - this is a bit eh to play in the inner columns
Would also move 00:27:006 (27006|1,27106|2) - one col to right for cleaner gameplay as well
00:39:206 (39206|1) - col 4 as well
00:28:706 (28706|3,28806|3,28806|2) - I can see the intention but I think this is a bit iffy for a hard diff, consider moving 00:28:706 (28706|3) - to col 1 and 00:28:606 (28606|2) - to col 4 for a trill instead
This applies to all similar jacks after, but if you want to keep the jack like that I'd at least suggest making it so the double is two-handed and not on one hand so it's easier to hit.
00:42:006 (42006|0) - Reduce by 1/4? There's a clear fade out at 00:42:206, or add another LN there
00:45:706 (45706|1,45806|2) - Consider switching these and move 00:45:606 (45606|1) - to col 4, the current jack pattern is a bit rough for this diff
01:16:906 (76906|0,77006|1) - This and every LN like this after should be moved down 1/8 lower, this is very late with what you're following
This applies to ALL diffs above up to 01:22:806 -
01:23:206 (83206|1) - This and every LN after I think it's better to make these 1/2 LNs, more cleaner to release with the overall structure and this difficulty
01:28:806 (88806|2) - for this one in particular reduce the release by 1/8
01:29:106 (89106|1,89106|0) - same with these tbh ^
01:30:406 (90406|1,90406|0,90506|0,90606|1,90806|0,90806|1,90906|1) - Pretty rough transition to play mainly due to the col 2 strain, I'd move 01:30:606 (90606|1) - to col 3
01:31:906 (91906|3) - to col2 to avoid col 4 strain as well
01:33:406 (93406|2) - col 2
01:34:706 (94706|0) - col 2
01:41:406 (101406|2,101506|1,101606|2) - Would flip these, 01:41:006 (101006|2,101206|2,101406|2,101606|2) - this anchor is a bit ugly to play
01:59:006 (119006|2) - I'd move this to col 4, 01:59:006 (119006|2,119406|1) - to col 1 and 01:59:806 (119806|2) - to col 4 to use one hand trills for progression, since 02:02:006 - sounds more higher I think it'd be a nice detail to start off with less jacks then building up to this part where it's all jacks.
02:08:606 (128606|1,128706|1) - Would be better to move this to col 3 imo cuz this left hand bias with 02:08:406 (128406|0,128506|0,128606|1,128706|1,128806|0,129006|0,129106|0) - is a bit rough for this diff
02:09:706 (129706|3,129806|2) - How about switching these to emphasize the wub change with a one hand trill?
00:29:206 (29206|3) - Could just be me but I think extending this to 1/4 with the other LN would be cleaner visually and in gameplay
Applies to every similar LN after like 00:32:406 (32406|1) -
Would also move 00:29:606 (29606|2) - to col 4 cuz 00:29:606 (29606|2,29806|2,29906|2,30206|2,30306|2) - is a bit eh
00:44:406 (44406|1,44506|0) - Would be a lot better to play if these were switched imo, fits the rhythm better as well
01:33:006 (93006|3,93206|3,93306|3) - this transition kinda dookie cuz of the release gap, could you move the col 4 LN to col 2?
01:42:806 (102806|0,102856|1,103006|2,103056|3) - Feel like these would fit better if you extend them 1/8 longer
02:01:606 (121606|0,121706|0,121806|0,121806|3,121906|3,122006|3) - I see the intention but this was kind of a small diff spike imo, did not expect this the first time playing.
Consider moving 02:01:606 (121606|1) - to col 4, move 02:01:706 (121706|0,121806|0,121906|3) - all these to col 2 for a triple jack and remove the double in between
02:06:506 (126506|1,126606|2,126706|0) - Doesn't reflect the rhythm change that well imo, consider moving 02:06:506 (126506|1,126606|2) - to col 3 and 1 respectively
02:09:706 (129706|0) - Col 4 would be better, 02:09:506 (129506|0,129706|0,129806|0,130006|0,130106|0) - this plays pretty dookie
00:30:006 (30006|0,30006|1,30106|0,30206|1,30206|2,30306|0,30306|2,30406|0,30406|1) - Don't like how this plays out for the left hand, consider this?
You could probably do a similar pattern at 00:36:406 -
01:30:006 (90006|3) - Better to have this release in 1/6 imo, don't like the tight release gap from the LN to the note right above it
01:44:556 (104556|3) - Don't think the 1/8 makes sense here, no sound warrants it that I can hear
00:27:106 (27106|3,27206|3,27306|3) - This 3-jack anchor can be avoided, feels unnecessary. Just switch 00:26:906 (26906|3,27006|2,27106|3) -
00:33:406 (33406|2,33506|3) - same
00:28:206 (28206|0,28406|2) - Consider moving these to col 2 and 1 respectively, the patterns here are super biased on the right hand
00:34:606 (34606|0,34806|2) - same here
00:34:106 (34106|3,34206|0) - Would move these to col 3 and 4 respectively, the patterns here are way too heavy on the left columns
01:36:406 (96406|0,96456|2,96506|0,96556|2,96606|0,96656|2,96706|0,96756|2) - very harsh at this speed and a small diff spike, I would suggest moving 01:36:456 (96456|2,96556|2,96606|0,96706|0) - one col to right
01:42:306 (102306|0,102306|1) - I would recommend reducing these to 1/8 releases, the tight gap here is awkward
01:43:206 - This pattern is so awkward to play, I think it's mainly how the inner columns work in gameplay.
How about something like this?
Can alternate with this just fine and consistently use 3-note jacks for the repetition
On a side note maybe 01:43:606 - can change to be a short dumpstream to emphasize the music change here instead of chordjack? Feels odd to ignore it
01:46:006 - I think something like this would work instead as how this currently plays is super awkward with the doubles in between the longjacks
Would also move 01:45:006 (105006|3) - to col 3 and 01:45:406 (105406|1) - to col 4 for same reason
01:52:406 - From here, the coordination with 01:52:606 (112606|0,112606|2,113006|1,113006|3) - these doubles and so on are very awkward to properly play with the surrounding patterns.
It would be a lot better if, instead, you moved notes like 01:52:606 (112606|0,113006|3) - to the inner columns and not the outer ones. I find that this plays better while keeping your intentions.
Applies to all the later notes
The same issue happens with 01:55:806 (115806|1,116206|2) - but this time move them to the outer columns, apply to all similar notes after
02:01:306 (121306|1) - Remove? The sounds get a bit weaker here so using mostly doubles doesn't feel as fitting
02:17:714 - Move the 142.5bpm timing point here so the metronome is aligned correctly
And add another 140bpm timing point at 02:21:101 - to align the metronome correctly as well. Don't forget the SV normalizations for both of them
You might get unsnapped warnings, just drag them around a bit to fix it
I have no idea where most of these tags come from, I'm removing the ones I'm pretty sure do not fit this song at all and duplicates that aren't needed. Feel free to re-add what you think fits but I might need an explanation if you do
and instrumental
for gd user and languagechordjack cj
to tags for patternsthree electronic instrumental pop hyperpop edm experimental dubstep glitchcore atmospheric colour color bass synthwave chillwave melodic kilotek willpwr chordjack cj
00:16:074 (16074|3) - This can be under the LN in col 2? Because the vocal is the same pitch as 00:16:411 (16411|1) -
01:05:119 (65119|3,65287|0) - Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think there's only one vocal here so 01:05:119 (65119|3) - this LN should be longer and the other LN should be removed. Similar to 01:06:130 (66130|2) - for example
Similarly, 01:15:062 (75062|2,75231|3) - only one vocal here?
If you agree, don't forget later kiais like 01:15:062 (75062|2,75231|3,108265|0,108433|3) and 01:58:208 (118208|1,118377|0) - and the last kiai
02:56:185 (176185|1) - Think this should be a 1/1 LN for vocal and 02:56:354 (176354|2) - a regular note?
00:24:753 (24753|2) - Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do not hear a sound at all, so I believe it's a ghost note and should be removed
00:57:871 (57871|1,57871|0,58377|2,58461|3,58546|1,58630|2,58714|3) - I do not understand the structure here
For example, 00:56:523 (56523|2,56523|0,56523|3,57029|1,57113|0,57197|2,57282|1,57366|0) - is following the vocal and its changes, but when it happens again at 00:57:534, the LNs are not there, but instead at 00:57:871 - where it does not align with the vocal changes, it feels "late" in a sense.
I think the LN placement should change a bit to reflect the vocal more clearly, unless there is something I'm missing.
If you agree, apply any changes to all similar patterns like 01:02:928 - and so on, including the later kiais.
00:43:377 (43377|1,43377|3) - I think it makes more sense to have the double LN at 00:43:714 - instead, because the vocal is higher there. It's weaker here.
00:54:501 (54501|0) - Just making sure if this is intended? It's the only instance of a staggered release that isn't a grace, seems like it would work fine as a 1/4 release. It's fine if intended.
01:08:742 (68742|2), etc..seems intended since I see it happen later on, but I'm not sure what these notes are for. Some clarification would be nice, otherwise right now I think these are better off removed since the vocal just repeats here
01:13:040 (73040|3,73208|0) - Should be stacked for consistency? Look at 01:10:343 (70343|0,70512|0) - for example
01:56:186 (116186|0,116355|3), 02:52:477 (172477|3,172646|0) - same
01:20:456 - Could just be me but I think the patterns here are a bit too focused on right hand here for a few seconds, move 01:21:467 (81467|3) - to col 1?
01:02:085 (62085|2,62253|2,62422|2,62590|2,62759|2) - This is a bit awkward on the right hand, long anchor here with many trill transitions. Move 01:02:422 (62422|2) - to col 2?
01:45:568 (105568|1) - same but to col 3
01:25:567 (85567|2) - Should be removed to keep consistent with your 1/2 rhythms. See 01:17:920 - for example
01:22:037 (82037|2,82273|2,82508|2) - this anchor is uglyyyyyy can you move 01:22:273 (82273|2) - to col 4? more satisfying to play imo
[!] Hard diff has a bunch of misnaps of 1/3 that should be 1/2 or 1/4
00:06:076 (6076|1,6312|0) - This is not 1/3, put it in 1/2
00:06:939 (6939|0,7018|2) - same. I'm not sure if this is intended but this is a hard diff, you can definitely use some 1/4 here.
00:11:488 (11488|3) - this is 100% misnapped and should be in 1/2
00:13:606 (13606|3,13841|1,14076|2) -
00:37:057 (37057|0,37135|2), 00:44:586 (44586|1,44665|0) -
01:29:998 (89998|3,90076|0,90469|2,90547|0) -
01:45:527 (105527|0,105606|3) -
Replace with 1/4 patterns or just 1/2
00:09:449 (9449|3,9684|3,9920|3,10155|3,10390|3) - Long anchor here seems unnecessary, move 00:09:920 (9920|3) - to col 3?
00:19:331 (19331|2) - Move to col 2 to avoid 4 note anchor here
00:23:096 (23096|0) - same to col 2
00:29:684 (29684|0) - to col 2
00:31:155 (31155|2,31214|1) - one col to right? I think the streams here get a bit heavy on the inner columns and for the left side, would spread it out a bit
00:38:684 (38684|2,38743|1) - same
01:18:978 (78978|1) - Think it'd be cool to put this in col 1 so the jacks go back and forth for the vocal (a followup on 01:18:390 (78390|3,78508|3) -
01:17:390 (77390|2) - would move this to col 4 the transition from this to the next notes get a bit awkward since it's straining on col 3
01:19:273 (79273|2) - same
01:21:155 (81155|1), 01:24:920 (84920|1), 01:26:802 (86802|1) - same here but to col 1
00:08:861 (8861|3,8920|2,9096|2,9155|3,9331|3,9390|2) - The 1/4 streams here don't fit what's going on with the 1/4 hihats, the 1/4 should be where the doubles start, not leading to the doubles (similar to the diff above)
00:12:625 (12625|3,12684|2,12861|2,12920|3,13096|0,13155|1) - same
00:01:331 (1331|1,1331|3), 00:03:214 (3214|2,3214|0), 00:05:096 (5096|0,5096|1), 00:08:861, 00:10:743, 00:12:625 - should just be a single? No vocal here so not sure what these doubles are emphasizing
also 00:13:214 - missing a triple
00:32:978 (32978|2) - would be better in col 4 imo, a bit awkward in the inner columns with the streams
00:46:508, 00:50:273, 00:54:037 - should be a single
00:55:684, 00:57:567 - should be a double
Also 00:46:390 - this part in general is a bit biased on the left hand I'd probably rearrange this a bit so it's not all left trills like 00:46:508 (46508|0,46625|1,46743|0,46861|1,46978|0,47096|1,47214|0,47331|1) -
01:18:508 (78508|1) - Would be better in col 1 imo, 01:18:390 (78390|1,78508|1,78743|1,78861|1) - this is a little eh
01:19:096 (79096|0,79214|0,79331|0,79449|0) - this anchor is really awkward especially with the burst, move 01:19:214 (79214|0) - to col 4
01:20:390 (80390|0,80390|2,80861|0,80861|2), 01:22:743 - thhis should be a single, no vocal
01:34:508 (94508|2) - Move to col 4? You repeat the col 1 to col 3 jack a lot here it'd be nice to change it up a bit
01:42:037 (102037|1) - same but to col 1
00:07:802 (7802|0,7920|0) - Doesn't fit well to use the jack pattern here when you already use up col 1 for the long anchor right before it, so it doesn't stand out as a different rhythm. Would rearrange this a bit to avoid being grouped with the anchor.
00:33:155 (33155|3) - I think it'd be better to remove this and move 00:33:096 (33096|0) - to col 4, not only does the pattern currently feel a bit too biased on the left hand but saving the 1/4 notes for the more audible vocal would be more fitting imo
00:40:684 (40684|0) - same but 00:40:625 (40625|3) - to col 1
remove 00:35:625 (35625|3) and 00:43:155 (43155|0) - as well since too subtle? or nothing at all
00:37:684 (37684|2) - I'd move this to col 4 imo there's no reason to have all the streams stuck on the first three columns
00:46:508 (46508|1) - col 1? 00:46:155 (46155|1,46273|1,46508|1,46625|1) - this transition kinda dookie
00:54:037 (54037|1) - same
00:50:273 (50273|2), 00:57:802 (57802|2) - same but to col 4
00:52:743 (52743|0,52861|1,52861|0,52978|0,53096|1,53214|0,53214|1,53331|0) - ewwww rough left hand transition
maybe move both 00:52:861 (52861|0,53214|1) - of these notes to col 3?
01:21:331 (81331|0) - Plays better in col 2
01:22:743 (82743|1) - to col 4 for same reason
01:23:802 (83802|0) - to col 3
01:28:978 (88978|1) - to col 1
01:26:508 (86508|1,86625|1,86773|1,86861|1,86978|1) - noooo this is ugly anchor to play
move 01:26:625 (86625|1) - to col 3 and 01:26:978 (86978|1) - to col 1 maybe
00:08:508 (8508|1,8625|1,8743|1) - Why the sudden 3-note anchor here? Only time it happens for this rhythm
00:24:273 - the double died put it back
And 00:24:331 (24331|0) - should be removed for consistency
00:32:684 (32684|2) - should be removed, no 1/4 vocal (and again the streams here are really left handed)
00:40:684 (40684|2) - remove
00:33:684 (33684|1,33684|0,33743|3,33743|2,33802|0,33802|1,33861|2,33920|1,33920|3,33978|0,33978|2,34037|1,34037|3,34096|2) - this is a really big diff spike, I'd highly recommend removing the single notes in between if you want to keep the doubles or nerf the doubles to regular 1/2 jumpstream
00:41:214 - same
00:35:273 (35273|1,35331|3) - switch these so it's not super biased on the left hand
00:42:802 (42802|2,42861|0) - same
move 00:36:273 (36273|2,36390|0) - to col 4 and 3 respectively
00:36:743 (36743|1,36861|3) - to 1 and 2 respectively and switch 00:36:920 (36920|1,36978|3) -
Apply this same logic but mirrored for 00:43:802 - this part as well
00:58:573 (58573|1,58692|1,58812|1,58872|0,58931|1,58991|0) - Quite awkward to play with this anchor, feels intrusive. Consider moving 00:58:931 (58931|1) - to col 3
01:03:354 - The gameplay could improve, it is very straining on the left hand especially with 01:03:712 (63712|1,63832|1,63951|1,64071|1,64190|1,64310|1) - this long anchor.
Consider switching 01:03:533 (63533|1,63593|2) - and move 01:03:832 (63832|1) - to col 3. This plays a lot better for me
01:25:645 (85645|2) - If the 1/4 notes are for the piano, think this should be removed. The piano stops here
01:29:290 (89290|1) - Col 3? I think the long bias on the left does not fit the music here in my opinion
01:40:406 - Very straining on the left hand here, mainly most of your anchors fall on col 2 and 1 which makes the transition to 01:41:362 - a lot more rough
Consider moving 01:40:525 (100525|1,100645|0) - one col to the right
01:42:677, 01:44:589, 01:46:501, 01:50:326, 01:52:238, 01:54:151, 01:54:390, 01:55:585 - From what I understand, the doubles are for the violin(?) in this section. I think these should be singles as they don't play here, and it makes the other doubles representing the violin not stand out that well.
02:21:700 (141700|0) - intended? There's no sound here, so I feel it's better to remove since there's the 1/4 kicks after
02:52:238 (172238|1) - col 1? It's a different key from 02:52:119 (172119|2,172358|2,172477|1) - so putting it in this trill doesn't feel fitting
03:19:131 (199131|0,199131|1) - More fitting to move this to the other hand, to make it like a mirrored variant of 03:17:696 -
04:18:971 (258971|1,259051|1,259210|1,259290|1,259449|1,259529|1,259688|1,259768|1) - oh goodness x.x I really think the doubles need to be rearranged here, there's way too much strain on one column here over the others which makes this very poor to play
05:10:406 (310406|2,310525|2,310645|2,310764|2,310884|2,311003|2,311123|2) - Think this anchor really gets in the way of how this pattern overall plays out, very awkward to hit for the right hand.
Consider 05:11:003 (311003|2,311063|3,311123|2,311182|3) - switching these around (ctrl+G) and move 05:11:302 (311302|2) - to col 4
Some more additional tags for this map that would be good!
for semifinals
chordjack cj jumpstream js tech
for patterns in this map
the lick egts 2022 egts2022 semifinals semi-finals sf tb tiebreaker custom song electronic instrumental hardcore glitch hop jazz breakcore dubstep chordjack cj jumpstream js tech
Was told to look at this
I do also drop acc here, but to be honest I also drop on 00:52:151 and 02:20:768 so it's not that out of place for me, but it definitely sticks out with how it plays.
I think the gameplay itself can improve as it's not that fun to go through in contrast to everything else which is probably why it feels like a spike.
It's 02:30:935 (150935|0,151143|3,151351|0,151560|3) - etc... these LNs that mainly throw me off with the jacks, they are very awkward to coordinate when combined with the jacks. Maybe shortening them to 1/3 could improve this, and/or making it so the jacks are every 2 beats instead of 1 beat. These are just two ideas I thought of at the moment.