xd hello (!)
first off i want to say that i love this map, and i had a blast playing it, but there was one part that stuck out to me because of the difficulty (the funny quadwall at 05:07:261 - )
everything surrounding the kiai is relatively easy, and even when the song increases to 300-307 bpm, the map is pretty balanced out in terms of difficulty.
to me the problem arises on the kiai at 04:50:249 - .
it is definetely a bump in phisicality compared to the rest, and i believe the inclusion of heavily anchored handjacks is a bit detrimental to the gameplay (for example:
04:55:658 (295658|3,295658|1,295658|0,295760|3,295760|1,295760|0,295861|3,295861|2,295861|0,295963|3,295963|2,295963|0,296065|3,296065|2,296065|1,296167|3,296167|2,296167|1,296269|2,296269|1,296269|0,296371|2,296371|1,296371|0,296473|3,296473|1,296473|0,296575|3,296575|1,296575|0,296676|3,296676|0,296676|2,296778|3,296778|2,296778|0) - ) and 05:05:356 (305356|2,305356|3,305356|0,305457|0,305457|3,305457|1,305559|0,305559|3,305559|1,305660|0,305660|2,305660|1,305761|3,305761|2,305761|1,305863|0,305863|3,305863|2,305964|0,305964|2,305964|3,306065|1,306065|2,306065|3,306167|1,306167|3,306167|2,306268|0,306268|3,306268|2,306369|3,306369|1,306369|0,306471|0,306471|2,306471|1,306569|1,306569|3,306569|2,306668|3,306668|1,306668|0,306767|3,306767|2,306767|0,306866|1,306866|0,306866|2,306965|1,306965|2,306965|3) - ), you get the gist
there's also the funny quadwall xd
i also want to say that in a vaccuum, this increase in difficulty is ocmpletely warranted as the song is both much quicker and an octave higher, but there could be a better way to balance it out:
(this is 05:07:706 - 05:09:453 - )
in this example, what i did is i made the triple jacks less anchory and more visually "flowing", which i believe keeps the intention of representing the vocals via the jacks without being too harsh
and also i think it's worth nerfing the quadwall a bit like i did here (05:08:250 - 05:08:849 - )in the image.
you could also use other friendlier arrangements of handjacks like the following on other sections of the kiai, like the following:
i want to reiterate that i absolutely adore the map, this is just a suggestion that i think could greatly improve the gameplay of this section :3c