01:48:779 (108779|3,108779|0,108879|1,108879|2,108979|3,108979|0,109079|1,109179|2,109179|3,109279|1,109279|0,109379|2,109379|3,109479|0,109579|1,109579|3,109579|2) - this vocal pattern repeated itself 3 times in the song, but the 3rd you mapped completely diferent to the previous two.
Same suggestions from 2203077#4489476 is appliable here
00:51:179 (51179|3,51279|2,51379|0,51479|0,51479|1,51579|2,51579|3,51679|2,51679|3,51779|0,51779|1,51879|1,51879|0) - its quite unclear what rhythms are been emphasized in this pattern, doesn't feel to follow the chord usage you've been using the whole map. A suggestion of mine is making the rhythms like this:
Sorry for the first bit, I probably just forgot that i've checked your concerns earlier and thought that the map was already like this (ADHD brain goes brr). But moving on:
Your last standing concern is "unnecessarily complex" patterns. It is true that I focused much more in the map structure using the song mostly as a baseline for the patterning, but nowhere I can find, both in RC rules and guidelines that there's a "wrong" way to map a song. To explain it better, lets talk about some exemples of "unnecessarily complex".
"osu://edit/01:30:433%20(90433|1,90433|0,90602|0,90602|1) - why emphasize those to complex release gaps there. It's not even the start point of the vocal. Just a random and sudden complex pattern which doesn't fit well."
"04:24:029 to 04:45:602 to why in such resting section, you used more harder 1/6 release gap than other more intense sections.
Such design really confusing me, and it's just appear through out the map randomly."
Again, you don't need to agree with me and you even may dislike this map getting ranked, I don't mind. But vetoing what you don't like and saying its "unnecessarily complex" feels disrespectful not just for me, but for everyone envolved with this mapset. I shall ask for reconsideration.
"Additionally LNs plays awkward and don't fit the music, 1/8 gaps feel 'stick' and 'heavy', but synth is more disconnected, if you really want to express i think the better way is 1/4 -> 3/16 -> note or sth etc."
1/4 to 3/16 plays like the same, breaking the whole meaning of the patterning at using a bigger release, since with those tight releases you can't really cheese the LN without losing accuracy. You need to play those properly and that alone makes a huge emphasis that in my opinion fits the map as a whole.
"If it's for percussion sound then I don't understand why 01:40:377 (100377|3,100461|2) - are not lns"
"also arrangement of density are not reasonable, compared 01:39:534 - to 01:39:872 - , it looks like progression purpose, but turn to inverse then suddenly stop in the middle"
"00:24:029 (24029|2,24197|2) - 00:25:040 (25040|2,25209|3) - they have same pitch, but different expression"
"00:24:703 (24703|3,24872|3) - 00:25:714 (25714|1,25883|2) - also"
"Two sounds exist at the same time in this case and there is enough space to map, I think they can be expressed at the same time. Moreover, the music gradually increases, and the density becomes lower. It would be very chaotic if it suddenly switches to another expression"
"not said streams is not allowed but they just randomly put. I will just say I'm not saying can't, but this really trying to put down the ranked standard"
"oh I get it, but I still think they have significantly different density arrangement, 02:39:872 - just without that harmony sounds, can still buffed to reduce that difference"
sorry for the fragmented text i missclicked the ctrl key when writing it www
hello! so here again to answer some questions:
"can get it, but the problem is that it only follows the 'flow' but don't consider their experience of playing and consistency. I think which is also mentioned in gz's post and muse dash's post, they explained it clearly so I will skip this"
"I could fully understand that but,
first problem is that it feels too mess -- 01:19:647 - synth -> 01:20:321 - harmony -> 01:22:006 - vocal, mapper used three approaches to map in one part, don't think it's a good idea since music is quite unchanged in overall"
"Another one is that, is it worth emphasizing this with so many details? I don't think this is a very important part of the music, or a part worth emphasizing.
The synth is everywhere and then dropped by mapper at later part, which make it feel like it is overshadowing the main part."
about LN consistency in the section between 03:57:737 - 04:24:029
I think its a valid concern since its a bit too much freeform compared with what the song calls for, even in my interpretation of it.
As for 05:04:478, I've arranged to be more fitting of the overall 1/8 structure usage in the map, like the other transitions/bursts.
Now, for the elephant in the room, "Star rating bloating"
"1/4 gaps can work well as 1/8, while 1/8 has a risk to burst the SR, so we rarely seen it in most other maps' design"
1/4 gaps CAN work as well, that's the keyword here. Not the case for this chart, where heavy 1/4 usage is already present in almost every dense section. So, how do I emphasize the prevalent sounds in the music in a already dense as heck section? Messing with release gaps is one of the ways to do it without actively changing the density on the map. But, why 1/8 then?
1/8 gaps work here because I really avoid to use staggered releases with those and the gap itself isnt too strict because of the low bpm. A 6* 178bpm should be able to have a lot of leeway to explore technicalities like 1/8. And about the SR issue, 1/8 gaps arent as abusive and exploitable as other odd release gaps that are really common in ranked maps nowdays like 3/16 or 2/12 and its actually harder than those for the player, so I really don't issue whats your issue here. 1/4 COULD work, but so as 1/8 and so on.
And about the ending burst... As I said, thats nothing new as the ranked section goes, and the patterning is really straightforward, following the extended vocals + exquisite synth pattern that isnt found anywhere else in the song. I really don't see why it could become a issue, but for now I normalized the LN lengths and releases as mentioned in 2029303#4763481/12652823. I hope this can clarify your concerns and if its not, please lay down your concerns more clearly in the thread.