Lads, this is a veto.
This veto is going to be summarized in two main points, and is aimed at the top three difficulties of the set.
1: Repeated patterns of the same kind hurt the map's variety while also not representing the sounds they are trying to follow.
This one is aimed at specifically Reform's diff.
The patterns that are trying to represent these particular variations in bass are all in almost the exact same angle, have extreme spacing compared to the rest of the map, and have little to no variation throughout the map or within themselves. This goes against the bassline being very lowkey, but it also goes against the part of the music it's following.
Adding pictures for a more specific illustration:
This bass pattern is not static - it increases in pitch quite a lot before coming back down and resolving. However, the patterns that seek to represent it in this diff start out with almost the exact same spacing they peak or end in. Even assuming this bassline is so important and intense that it requires such spacing, the idea of it starting out at almost 95% of the peak spacing (when it should by all accounts build up as the bass in the song builds in pitch) just feels and looks bad. There's room for some less-than-favorable interpretations as to why this was done, but we'll leave that part out for now.
2: The song does not support the intensity / progression of difficulty within the top three diffs.
The song is too tranquil for the spacing displayed within the choruses of the top three diffs, especially considering the relative intensity of the outros afterwards. Considering the instrumentals and the overall vocal pitch and vibe, the usage of multiple fullscreen jumps or patterns emphasizing relatively small changes in the instrumental as huge jump chains is quite unfitting.
Reform's diff interprets bits such as 00:40:023 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - and 00:54:892 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - as extremely emphasized patterns in his map despite the relatively mild change in the bass and no percussion or much vocal support of said emphasis. What's even more weird is the fact that the bass pattern the diff emphasized so much in this chorus is present in the outro of the map but is completely glossed over and as a result, the difficulty progression ends up nonsensical compared to the song's.
PikA's diff maps the chorus (especially the second half) in such a way as to make almost every jump extremely big which goes against the song itself being, again, quite tranquil, while also harming any idea of contrast that could highlight changes in music or vocals. Immediately afterwards, it completely dies out in the outro despite the instrumentals staying largely the same which does not make sense given the song progression.
The top diff has a similar problem to PikA's diff but I think handles the jumps in the chorus with a bit more tact, as there is some difference in spacing and overall tries a bit harder to capture more nuance. However, the outro of the top diff still suffers from the same malus as PikA's outro, explained above.
Overall, the problem comes down to having ludicrous intensity due to either the presence of very calm vocals, or trying to hype up a very mild bassline which suddenly, in an outro that still has it, just gets completely ignored and has none of the spacing that it had prior.
To picture it, do you really think a song like this deserves a difficulty graph like this:
That's for the professional part of the veto.
Quick write-up: Does the audience just see everyone in this God-forsaken section racing to the bottom and cheer them on? Is this what you actually want? Maps with hardly any song justification or much representation outside of being tapped to the BPM of the song in question, shoving "difficulty" where the sun doesn't shine for "fun"? These being in very large quotation marks because they're stand-in words for others which nobody wants to admit to?
Damage done to the ranked section is permanent. No matter if or how we regret the things ranked before, anything ranked will almost surely stay ranked, forever. With lazer planning to rank rate changes, if this truly represents the maximized SR to real execution difficulty ratio, you'll be playing this forever if you wanna stay climbing. Forever doesn't seem that long until you're grown, but give it some thought.
At the very least, leave this sort of stuff to songs that actually properly support it. This is the second veto in recent times where someone tries to force the bar with a pool noodle of a song.
00:41:748 (1) - to 00:51:537 (1) - if we could add some more hitsounds in this section as it feels really empty rn
He changed stuff, it pushed it enough in the direction that I thought it should go, I didn't wanna push harder on some of the stuff I vetoed the map for, everyone was ok with it in that discussion, end of story. Think about what sort of behavior you're actually trying to incentivize here - someone who does not reply, does not relent, does not care about your opinion and will not try to justify himself or negotiate.
I don't wanna comment on the 2nd point, and I'll say the quick write-up u followed "the professional part of the veto" with is not very NAT-like of u
The part that I shared my opinion on the ranked section as it stands? Since I'm not here to have an opinion, I'm here to be the guy that poops on your cereal? Right.
Vetoes are such a fun system where you are expected to be 100% objective on a subjective matter, have to relent and compromise and if you do you're just a pussy and if you don't you are literally a nazi, and where you cannot share any of your opinions even though everyone else in the thread and world is expected to share theirs and simultaneously shit on you for the "opinion" you vetoed the map with.
This matter is settled. It has been settled with mapset host, GDers and the like. Everyone who I discussed with to post this veto either didn't care enough to be in the discussions, couldn't, or was content with the changes. Don't unsettle it again.
That's it for my replies here.
Adapting basen's argument here, drawing a line for one map that's hard to enforce for other maps is the wrong move. If we were to draw a line, it'd need to be appropriately enforced for every map equally. While the veto had good intentions and I still believe that there are problems in the map and that they weren't fully solved, there was some compromise from the mappers.
Considering I'm an NAT and am in a position to push change better than anyone else, I can relent my position here and just try to push structural change to appropriately draw that line. Vetoing this as I realized halfway through is quite pointless.
Also if you believe the map was just made worse by whatever we compromised on then I don't know what to tell you. The concerns were at least partially touched upon and partially fixed - it truly is bizarro world when someone vetoes something and is criticized for it but lifts the veto after diplomatically talking and coming to a compromise with the mappers and is criticized by the same people. If you want me to reopen the veto so much just veto it yourself dude.
2294787#4862804/12884002 You're welcome to believe whatever you want to believe.
I wanted to resolve the veto in a middle ground rather than forcing my views even further and I believe the changes at least went partly in the way to mend some of the issues I had. If you are so insistent on this I can always just stonewall vetoes, plant my boots firmly on the ground and leave them up to mediation next time this happens, but I reckon that's not what either of us wants from this, no?
@basen Vetoes exist so much in the context they are made that they can be disputed over and over again and reach different conclusions - they're a product of their environment and meta established at that time. Stuff like the Spelunker veto is living proof of that. The reasons for the veto stay the same but the people that interpret it and the context around it shifts to invalidate it.
why do we have to blatantly lie be so for fucking real for once, if you copy pasted the same exact reform diff at the same sr except all the jump spikes were replaced with some repeated gimmicky wide angle linear whatever the fuck instead of comfy optimized pp farm BUZZWORD BUZZWORD patterning, not only would you not care, you also wouldnt even have heard of this map in the first place, so no veto would be dropped onto the thread.
This seems like a couple leaps of logic - if I perceive a song as being deserving of a certain kind of map and difficulty and I see something completely different representing it, I'd call it, usually, bad (in my limited worldview). If enough people see it that way, it becomes bad by consensus. If I talked to people I discuss mapping with about a map in the way you've described and they perceive it as bad, it could (and probably would) result in a veto. The only reason why I'm even here is a discussion of this map being brought up and someone being too tired to veto it.
realize that perpetuating the cycle by creating new arbitrary lines that are blatantly never gonna be applied on nearly enough of a consistent basis across all maps is not a good permanent solution or even a decent temporary one.
Maybe realize that the reason why this "reactionary" behavior is even happening is that people like you contributed to bulldoze any semblance of line that existed beforehand. This line is logically important as it's not only one of the only metrics BNs can be judged on (not anymore, but alas), but prevents abuse cases from being ranked, prevents the ranked section from being swarmed by the full outright effect of algorithmic supply/demand basically forcing mappers to adapt to the incessant demand for what is essentially the same thing(s) and causing lower playcounts and impressions for everyone, including those who partake in whatever the meta may be, and prevents this system that's an elegant incentive for mappers and players alike from collapsing in on itself. If I'm the one that has to fight this battle and draw the line again or if it's someone else at some other point, all I know is that it HAS to be drawn.
The issue in this veto is not about pp - stop trying to make it about pp, it could be removed from the game and this map would still have the same issues. pp is the root cause for it to be put onto the canvas here, but the issue exists regardless of cause.
@visionary the strain graph is just meant to support the point because it's largely the only """""good""""" visualizer of difficulty that isn't just me telling you the difficulty spikes a ton or you looking at the map yourself - the patterns may be overweighted but the point exists regardless.