mod by request.
00:20:105 (20105|0,20275|1) - 卡手,就如同我第一條mod提到的,黏鍵反而打起來不舒服,特別是中指無名指,食指中指反倒還好
00:22:832 (22832|5,23002|4) - 卡手,而且00:23:002 (23002|0,23173|1,23343|2,23514|3,23684|4) - 找不出要階梯的理由
00:24:366 (24366|2,24537|0) - 這種LN通常是順著手來才會舒服,你這是反過來了,所以卡
根據你後面00:24:877 (24877|1,25218|2) - 的LN我給你調了一下
00:28:287 (28287|0,28457|1) - 其實其實我前面的mod沒有講得很清楚為什麼卡手,不是只要12或76就卡,主要是你的LN切入的位置
00:28:457 (28457|2) - 所以我會建議移至3
00:29:054 - 我會補上一個note,因為階梯可能不太友善,排列上也不好擺
00:29:394 (29394|2,29735|3) - 這2個鼓還不如背景的旋律來的強烈,加上這是Normal,抓音考量上直接去了感覺會更好
00:35:275 (35275|3,35446|6) - 根據我前面所說的,這種屬於逆著來的排列,打起來顯然是卡,調換一下至少會舒服一些
01:16:184 (76184|2,76184|3,76184|0,76525|3,76525|0,76866|2) - 通常情況下這種配置的左手排列不卡
但遇上了01:15:843 (75843|4) - 這個位置,沒有調整好就卡了,01:15:843 (75843|4,76184|2,76184|3) - 3個相連處理起來是很苦手的
01:15:843 (75843|4) - 改到4之後01:15:843 (75843|3,75843|6,76184|5,76184|2,76184|0) - 這一段打起來感覺就挺好的
那麼01:16:525 (76525|3,76525|0,76866|2) - 這邊還是有點小卡
01:16:525 (76525|3) - 改到6之後整段就順暢了
01:24:366 (84366|1,84366|3,84537|4,84707|2,84707|5,84877|1,85048|0,85048|6,85218|3,85389|4,85389|2,85559|1,85730|0,85730|6) - 小卡,這邊的卡是指打起來很不順,但不至於miss的那種卡
首先01:24:707 (84707|5,85048|6) - 這種前面提過類似的,肯定卡
把LN拉到7,01:25:048 (85048|6) - 拉到5之後
接下來回頭調整01:24:366 (84366|3,84366|1,84537|4,84707|2) -
我會把01:24:707 (84707|2) - 改到4,在這之後01:24:537 (84537|4) - 空一格,改到6,然後排列上會跟01:24:196 (84196|5) - 衝突到,這個直接改7
This is the mod for Insane:
You can add notes to 00:10:330 - 00:10:493 - 00:10:656 - 00:10:819 - 00:10:982 - 00:11:145 - 00:11:308, because at 00:10:330 (10330|0,10493|1,10656|2,10819|3,10982|2,11145|1,11308|0) you captured string-like sounds, but there are also the repeating melody notes from earlier. Adding more notes here could make the section more challenging and also provide a better contrast with the Hard difficulty, otherwise, it will be exactly the same as Hard.
00:13:998 (13998|2), since it shares the same hihat sound as at 00:14:080, the arrangement could be made into a jackhammer form (stacked) like at 00:14:080 (14080|3) or 00:14:080 (14080|0), which would better match the music.
Same applies to 00:15:303 (15303|2) - 00:20:194 (20194|2) -
00:20:928 (20928|3,21009|2,21091|1,21172|0,21335|3,21417|2,21498|1,21580|0,21580|3,21661|2,21743|1,21825|2) is too regular. Usually, when the melody has layers and follows a sequence, writing it in a staircase pattern works fine. However, when the melody is more "chaotic yet organized," maintaining such a strict pattern can feel quite odd. You can refer to my image for a reference direction to break up the arrangement.
Same applies to 00:28:591 (28591|1,28672|2,28754|0,28754|3,28835|1,28917|2,28998|3,29080|0,29161|1,29243|2,29325|3) -
00:34:297 (34297|0,34379|1,34460|2,34542|3,34623|0,34705|1,34786|2,34868|3) - This doesn’t necessarily have to be mapped as a stair pattern always...
In Hard diff, you used the 1243 pattern, which, in comparison, makes 4321/1234 feel even simpler. You can refer to my image to introduce some variation, achieving both a sense of "ascension" while maintaining distinction between different difficulty levels.
00:47:341 (47341|2,47504|2,47667|3,47667|1,47830|2,47993|2,47993|3) - Right hand biased. Try moving 00:47:504 (47504|2,47667|1) - to left one more column.
00:55:085 (55085|2) - Better not to do this when you have LNs with different snap. Even you switch LNs to rice, that could be a bit awkward to map them all. I know 1/6 are melody, and 1/4 are drums. But this should be changed as it became a spike. Players may get a miss right here accidentally due to the pattern arranges.
I tried to mixed 1/4 and 1/6 for you, but as a result it is not actually work well. I'd recommend you not to follow the slight drums here then.
01:19:623 (79623|0,79786|0,79950|0,80113|0,80276|0) - Unnecessary anchors. As I mentioned in previous mods, if you don't have any reasons, you should avoid making anchor patterns.
Try this:
01:23:536 (83536|0,83536|3,83700|0,83863|1,83863|3,84026|0,84189|1,84189|3,84352|3,84515|0,84515|1) - This is a little too empty on column 3. Try adjust your patterns to make it balance a bit.
02:27:286 - You can add one more note here for the string instrument. I guess you may missed here.
03:29:895 (209895|3,209977|0,210058|3,210140|0,210221|3,210303|0,210384|2,210466|0,210547|2,210629|1,210710|3,210792|1,210873|3,210955|1) - This is awkard surely. Since it is near to end and the song itself is increasing tempo for last part, and you mapped vocal from 03:21:906 - . For 03:29:732 - I think you can totally remove LNs and just do rice solo part for last drums burst.
I can't simply follow a 212121 stream,
because your Hard diff already includes LNs within the stream.
I can only make this final section even harder.
Hello, this is the mod for Hard:
00:06:254 (6254|2,6417|2) - This isn’t a major issue, but considering that the entire section from 00:01:037 - 00:10:167 - is based purely on pitch, there shouldn't be any stacking. While it doesn't affect playability, it does look slightly out of place. I would recommend separating them, for example, by moving 00:06:254 (6254|2) - to column 4.
00:16:363 (16363|2,16689|2,16852|2,17178|2,17504|2,17830|2,18156|2,18482|2,18808|2,19134|2) - Although these are all 1/2 notes, it's clear that the notes on column 3 repeat too many times. If we're simply following the drum + hi-hat pattern, the arrangement can be spread out more, and it shouldn't end up being this repetitive.
00:19:460 - missed a note like you did in this part.
You can refer to the image I posted for a better direction in adjustment, ensuring a more balanced distribution between the left and right hands.
00:20:765 (20765|0,20765|1) - and 00:20:602 (20602|0,20602|1) - are both a combination of melody + drum, but they are not the same sound. Therefore, placing them as a jack is unnecessary. You can simply use Ctrl+H on 00:20:765 (20765|2,20765|3,20928|0,21009|1,21091|3,21172|2,21254|0,21335|1,21417|2,21498|3,21580|2,21580|0,21743|3,21825|2,21906|1,21906|0) - to adjust the pattern.
00:29:732 (29732|0,29732|2) - The double LNs you did right here actually same concepts as you did in Normal, but in Hard you making it shorter. Basically I think you may just somehow forgot what you did in other diffs.
In Insane you you LN is also end on different spot.
It will be better to make all of them in same way then.
00:30:303 (30303|1) - I didn't hear about this, maybe you can consider removing this.
00:32:341 (32341|3) - Considering of removing this one because if compared with Insane, you didn't do LN in that diff, these patterns makes this part in Hard looks harder than Insane one.
00:34:950 (34950|3,35113|3,35276|2,35439|2,35928|0,36091|0,36254|1,36417|1) Is there any reason make you stack them? If not, you should separate them like in other sections. Also, you already separated 00:35:602 (35602|1,35765|2), making the arrangement feel inconsistent and unclear.
Same applies to 00:37:558 (37558|1,37721|1,38210|1,38373|1) -
00:43:428 (43428|3,43754|0,44080|1) - If you're following the vocal here, then you should also follow it earlier at 00:42:776 - 00:43:102 - since the vocal phrase starts there.
Like this:
00:44:080 - considering the pitch variation I mentioned in the Normal difficulty, even though other sounds are being followed here, the melody clearly exhibits a change in pitch. Adjusting the pattern accordingly would enhance the feel of the section. You can refer to the provided image as a reference or try other structured arrangements that better align with the music's layering.
00:54:189 (54189|2,54352|2,54596|2,54759|2,54922|2) - Typical anchors, originally I'll give you suggestions how to adjust patterns here, but 00:54:596 (54596|2,54678|1,54759|2,54922|2,55004|0,55085|1,55248|2,55330|0,55411|1,55575|2,55656|1,55738|2) - are 1/6, not 1/4.
So fix snaps first, it will be like this:
then, 00:54:515 (54515|0) - the LN appears out of place compared to the surrounding 1/6 patterns. Replacing it with a rice note would help maintain consistency in the arrangement.
00:56:471 (56471|0,56634|0) - Although both are drums, there is a distinction in their intensity, meaning they are fundamentally different sounds. As a result, the stacked arrangement here doesn't feel aligned. I recommend staggering the notes for better coherence.
Same applies to 03:21:906 -
01:06:254 (66254|2,66743|2,67232|2,67558|1,68047|1,68536|1,68863|0,69352|1,69841|2,70167|3) - These LNs can follow the same method you used in the Normal difficulty. Specifically, the end of the LNs should be at the 1/1 or 1/2 position, and there's no need to place them on the 1/4, as it feels a bit awkward.
01:11:797 (71797|3,71797|1,71960|2,72123|1,72123|3,72286|2,72450|3,72450|2) - These are right hand biased. You can slightly scatter the arrangement to balance it out more evenly between the left and right hands like this:
01:16:852 (76852|1,77015|1,77015|0,77178|2,77341|1,77341|3,77504|2,77667|3,77667|2,77830|3) - Same, it is single hand biased patterns. Try to balance them if there is not something like left/right audio channels in the music, mostly we do patterns with double hands balanced.
Here is a reference direction for adjustment. There's no need to strictly follow what I mapped here, but please keep in mind not to favor one hand too much.
01:27:939 (87939|1,88102|1,88102|2,88265|3,88428|1,88428|2,88591|3) - The arrangement here feels awkward, like we’ve tried various ways to spread out the notes, but this section seems to have been placed randomly without a clear idea of how to arrange them.
Arranging them in this way is also better than original you did right here:
01:40:167 (100167|3,100167|1) - Same I mentioned at 00:29:732 (29732|0,29732|2) -. Just make LN in same length on every diff then.
01:43:102 (103102|1,103265|1,103428|1) - The three consecutive stacked notes here conflict with the concept you wrote in this section. 01:43:428 (103428|1) - move to column 1 will be better then.
01:43:754 (103754|3,103917|3,104080|3,104243|3) - 01:43:754 (103754|3,103917|3) - and 01:44:080 (104080|3,104243|3) - are not the same thing. Four consecutive stacked notes are not suitable, so we need to stagger them. Moving 01:44:080 (104080|3,104243|3) - to column 3 would feel better.
01:46:852 (106852|2,107015|2) - Generally, we are more sensitive to two stacked notes that are close to each other because they are usually the same note. In some arrangements, we may be flexible or consider it reasonable, but typically in the case of a single note, it is still recommended to avoid stacking unless necessary. Therefore, using Ctrl+H on 01:46:689 (106689|1,106852|2) would improve this situation.
02:07:884 (127884|0,128210|0,128373|0,128536|0,128863|0) - The balance between the left and right hands is clearly off, and everything is concentrated in column 1. It needs to be adjusted for better balance. 02:08:210 (128210|0,128210|1,128373|0) - Move to column 3 and 4 and 02:08:455 (128455|2) - move to 2 would feel better right here.
02:09:515 (129515|3,129678|3,129841|3) - The triple stack is unnecessary, since there are no special consecutive notes, there's no need to arrange them this way. Also this arrangement feels very awkward to play.
02:13:102 (133102|2,133428|2,133591|2,133754|2,134080|2,134243|2) - The same concept as mentioned earlier, it's too focused on one hand. Try to spread the notes more evenly and reduce the strain on one side. For example, some notes in column 3 can be moved to column 4.
02:37:558 (157558|3,158047|1,158047|2,158047|0) - This against to RC, Avoid chords with more than 3 notes.
So you had better remove one of notes from 02:38:047 (158047|2,158047|1) - if you want to keep this pattern.
Same applies to 02:37:558 (157558|3,158047|0,158536|2,158536|1) - . They are against to RC too.
03:14:406 (194406|1,194406|3,194569|2,194732|3,194732|2,194895|3,195058|2,195221|2) - Too right hand biased, at least 03:14:732 (194732|2) - move to column 1 will make this looks better.
03:20:602 (200602|3) - We got a 1/2 and 1/6 LNs at the same time, it is awkward to play surely, if you want to follow pianos in LNs way, the only way you can do is adjust 03:20:602 (200602|3) - to be rice one.
It was same to 02:04:950 (124950|3) - and I forgot to mentioned.
03:21:335 (201335|2,201417|0,201498|1) - are 1/6 too.
It is same to 2321860#4825646
Check this out then.
02:38:863 (158863|2,159189|1) - I actually think that during the mapping process, you may have been somewhat influenced by your own hitsounds, which led you to believe the sounds you were hearing were what you intended to express, ultimately causing some omissions.
For example, these are actually lighter drums compared to others, and there are heavier drums here that you didn’t map, which is similar to the issue mentioned earlier. However, based on your hitsound setup and your mapping, it's easy to be misled. In reality, the notes you wrote end up replacing two sounds with one note.
01:45:384 - is the same as 00:34:623 - from earlier, but the way it's mapped creates inconsistency. Consistency issues aren't defined by anyone else, but by you, the mapper. If you decide to map something in a particular style, it should be continued and adjusted in that style.
However, when the same section is written as A in one part and B in another, it creates a sense of randomness rather than consistency.
01:06:254 (66254|3,66743|3,67232|3,67558|2,68047|2,68536|2,68863|1,69352|1,69841|1,70167|3,70819|2,71145|1) - As a piano section, this is generally fine, but there are some incorrect notes and slight inconsistencies in pitch representation.
For example, 01:08:536 (68536|2) - and 01:07:558 (67558|2,68047|2) - are different, so they can be separated to emphasize the distinction in pitch.
00:32:341 (32341|3) - This LN is a significant issue. In vocal-based songs, we sometimes don’t map the vocals, but when a vocal section is highly emphasized, we inevitably use LNs to represent it. The main reason for this is that the background music happens to align with the vocals, so when we map it, we can treat it as a vocal note, but following consistency principles, the note is actually used for the background music.
Hello, this is mod as request.
I'll mod major issues one by one. I'll separate them to few parts. This is mods for Normal:
In timing setup, your hitsound are using normal with 100% volume, which is too loud for playing especially you didn't use the a specific hitsound to unify the entire map's hitsounds.
I would recommend you switch normal to soft and maybe set around 60-80% volume and take any quiet sound for default hitsound for your map.
Like this:
I uploaded a hitsound for you, you can use it or find other sound you like then.
Tags: 高嶺のなでしこ shito Gom HoneyWorks 中西 さと 宇都圭輝 裕木レオン cover pop Japanese Jpop Rock
Additionally, based on the genre and language of the map selected on your website, according to the RC rules, we also need to include the corresponding tags. Therefore, you should add pop Japanese
as a required tag, with the optional tag being Jpop Rock
You didn't set HP/OD on every diff yet, so all of them are HP/OD 7.
Before 00:10:167, you used 1/1, possibly to simplify the pattern since this is a Normal difficulty, which is understandable.
However, from 00:10:167 to 00:11:471, this section is already leading to a transition. Using LN to simplify the 1/2 sounds in the same way as the 1/1 pattern earlier doesn't create an ideal connection, nor does it align well with the music’s transition to the next section.
Therefore, I recommend adjusting 00:10:167 (10167|0,10493|3,10819|2,11145|1) to a 1/2 rhythm structure instead.
Between 00:11:471 and 00:20:602, there are no major issues. However, 00:12:450 (12450|3,12776|3) is stacked, while the other similar patterns do not have this issue.
I suggest making the following adjustments:
Move 00:12:123 (12123|1) to column 4
Move 00:12:450 (12450|3) to column 3
This should help avoid the stacking issue.
00:20:602 has a similar issue to the one I mentioned earlier regarding 00:10:167 to 00:11:471. You need to make some changes compared to the previous section to highlight the difference. This will help create a smoother transition into the next part.
Like following 1/2 fully right here. This also helps avoid the issue caused by the conflict between the drums and the random vocal in the LN pattern at 00:21:254 (21254|3,21417|2,21580|1,21743|3).
00:28:428 - This section still has the same issue as previously mentioned, the segment is about to end, yet there is a heavy presence of 1/4 drum notes. Due to difficulty considerations, adding 1/2 notes instead should be sufficient, aligning better with the intended musical expression.
00:38:536 (38536|3,38863|3) - Just like the section you mapped earlier at 00:35:928 (35928|1,36254|3), there was no stacking in the earlier part, but there is stacking here. Even though the impact is minimal, it gives a very random impression. I suggest separating the stacked notes.
00:41:145 (41145|3,41471|3) - is same, move 00:41:145 (41145|3) - to column 3 will resolve it.
00:44:080 (44080|2) - There is actually no need to deliberately use a short LN (compared to other LNs) to express the vocal. This slightly affects your expression in the following section at 00:44:080 (44080|3,44080|2,44406|1,44406|3,44732|0,44732|3,45058|0,45058|3,45384|2,45384|0) - where representing these 5 notes based on pitch would be the most appropriate approach.
Same applies to 00:54:515 (54515|1) -
00:55:819 - This section can be expressed simply with 1/1 drums and vocal LNs, which is enough to emphasize the drums while also presenting the vocal part effectively. In a Normal diff, there is no need for excessive complexity, keeping it simple provides a better gameplay experience.
Therefore, I would not recommend including the 1/2 notes at 00:56:634 (56634|0,56960|1,57939|2,59243|1,59569|2,60547|1,61852|0,63156|1,63808|2,64460|0), while the remaining 1/2 notes that are not removed should be retained as they serve to connect the vocal to the next phrase.
01:20:602 (80602|1,80602|0) - Not heavy one, using single note is enough.
Also add one more at 01:21:417 - to keep a full melody.
01:23:536 (83536|1,83863|1,84189|1) - Even with 1/2 notes and larger gaps, there are still some small issues. Since we're just playing the drums without any special sounds in this section, why do we need to stack the notes? Therefore, the best approach is to stagger these notes.
01:54:515 (114515|0,114515|2,114841|1,115167|2,115493|3) - This is the same as what I mentioned earlier, but here, another approach is used. The earlier section had vocal (1/2 LN) + double notes, while here it is presented with 1/1 LN + 1/2 LN.
Please refer to the solution I mentioned earlier to adjust this. Also, for a Normal difficulty, having an LN with another LN inside might create a challenge for new players, so I wouldn't recommend using this approach.
02:04:950 (124950|3,124950|0,125113|2,125276|1,125439|0,125602|3,125765|2,125928|1,126091|0) - I understand that you're trying to simplify this series of piano notes, but unfortunately, they don't align with the music and don't achieve the simplification effect you intended. Instead, it becomes an issue.
For a song with a tempo of 180 BPM and considering the RC constraints, a better approach would be to use LN to carry over these consecutive piano notes.
02:17:993 - 02:19:297 - 02:20:602 - 02:21:906 - 02:23:210 - 02:24:515 - 02:25:819 - Just like the doubles you use starting from 02:27:123 - for each new 1/1, even though this section is quiet, each new 1/1 still carries a somewhat chord-like sound. This makes it slightly more emphasized compared to other parts, serving to highlight those moments.
So, adding the doubles at those spots will work well.
02:29:732 (149732|1) - Move to column 4 will feels better with the music. Since 02:29:406 (149406|1,149732|1) - are stacked and we don't feel it from the music.
02:36:254 (156254|2,156274|3) - Since this is a Normal difficulty, there's no need to go to this level of detail. New players wouldn't be able to notice such differences, so it is unnecessary and should be removed.
02:43:265 (163265|2,163428|3,163428|1) - Do you see the difference comparing with 02:41:960 (161960|0,162123|0) and 02:44:569 (164569|3,164732|1,164732|3)?
Yes, it's the same piano, but you've stacked some notes while others aren't, which makes it feel random. I would suggest moving 02:38:863 (158863|1,163265|2) to column 2.
02:50:928 (170928|1,171091|1,171254|1) and 02:50:602 (170602|0) are the same sound, so it's better to place them on the same track.
However, the problem is that RC for Normal mode specifies that no anchor (consecutive notes on the same track) should be placed three times or more. Therefore, this arrangement needs to be adjusted.
You should move 02:51:091 (171091|1) to column 3, and move 02:51:254 (171254|2) to column 1. This will maintain the flow and resolve the RC conflict.
Same applies to 02:53:700 (173700|2,173863|1) -
For 03:09:189 (189189|0,189515|3,189841|1), there are no Vocal-related sounds before or after, so you can remove these notes and leave a pause. This will create a buffer for the drum sounds in the following section, 03:10:167 (190167|0,190167|1,190493|0,190493|2,190819|3,190819|1,191145|3,191145|2). This adjustment will also reduce the random feel in the map's Vocal placement.
03:20:602 (200602|3,200602|0,200765|1,200928|2,200928|0,201091|1,201254|3,201254|1,201417|2,201580|0,201580|3,201743|2)This part is same to earlier sections, but the mapping here feels unclear and becomes a spike.
Please follow what I mentioned at 02:04:950 - to adjust this part.
In timing setup, your hitsound are using normal with 100% volume, which is too loud for playing especially you didn't use the a specific hitsound to unify the entire map's hitsounds.
I would recommend you switch normal to soft and maybe set around 60-80% volume and take any quiet sound for default hitsound for your map.
Like this:
I uploaded a hitsound for you, you can use it or find other sound you like then.
Tags: 高嶺のなでしこ shito Gom HoneyWorks 中西 さと 宇都圭輝 裕木レオン cover pop Japanese Jpop Rock
Additionally, based on the genre and language of the map selected on your website, according to the RC rules, we also need to include the corresponding tags. Therefore, you should add pop Japanese
as a required tag, with the optional tag being Jpop Rock
You didn't set HP/OD on every diff yet, so all of them are HP/OD 7.
Before 00:10:167, you used 1/1, possibly to simplify the pattern since this is a Normal difficulty, which is understandable.
However, from 00:10:167 to 00:11:471, this section is already leading to a transition. Using LN to simplify the 1/2 sounds in the same way as the 1/1 pattern earlier doesn't create an ideal connection, nor does it align well with the music’s transition to the next section.
Therefore, I recommend adjusting 00:10:167 (10167|0,10493|3,10819|2,11145|1) to a 1/2 rhythm structure instead.
Between 00:11:471 and 00:20:602, there are no major issues. However, 00:12:450 (12450|3,12776|3) is stacked, while the other similar patterns do not have this issue.
I suggest making the following adjustments:
Move 00:12:123 (12123|1) to column 4
Move 00:12:450 (12450|3) to column 3
This should help avoid the stacking issue.
00:20:602 has a similar issue to the one I mentioned earlier regarding 00:10:167 to 00:11:471. You need to make some changes compared to the previous section to highlight the difference. This will help create a smoother transition into the next part.
Like following 1/2 fully right here. This also helps avoid the issue caused by the conflict between the drums and the random vocal in the LN pattern at 00:21:254 (21254|3,21417|2,21580|1,21743|3).
00:38:536 (38536|3,38863|3) - Just like the section you mapped earlier at 00:35:928 (35928|1,36254|3), there was no stacking in the earlier part, but there is stacking here. Even though the impact is minimal, it gives a very random impression. I suggest separating the stacked notes.
00:41:145 (41145|3,41471|3) - is same, move 00:41:145 (41145|3) - to column 3 will resolve it.
00:44:080 (44080|2) - There is actually no need to deliberately use a short LN (compared to other LNs) to express the vocal. This slightly affects your expression in the following section at 00:44:080 (44080|3,44080|2,44406|1,44406|3,44732|0,44732|3,45058|0,45058|3,45384|2,45384|0) - where representing these 5 notes based on pitch would be the most appropriate approach.
Same applies to 00:54:515 (54515|1) -
00:55:819 - This section can be expressed simply with 1/1 drums and vocal LNs, which is enough to emphasize the drums while also presenting the vocal part effectively. In a Normal diff, there is no need for excessive complexity, keeping it simple provides a better gameplay experience.
Therefore, I would not recommend including the 1/2 notes at 00:56:634 (56634|0,56960|1,57939|2,59243|1,59569|2,60547|1,61852|0,63156|1,63808|2,64460|0), while the remaining 1/2 notes that are not removed should be retained as they serve to connect the vocal to the next phrase.
01:20:602 (80602|1,80602|0) - Not heavy one, using single note is enough.
Also add one more at 01:21:417 - to keep a full melody.
01:23:536 (83536|1,83863|1,84189|1) - Even with 1/2 notes and larger gaps, there are still some small issues. Since we're just playing the drums without any special sounds in this section, why do we need to stack the notes? Therefore, the best approach is to stagger these notes.
01:54:515 (114515|0,114515|2,114841|1,115167|2,115493|3) - This is the same as what I mentioned earlier, but here, another approach is used. The earlier section had vocal (1/2 LN) + double notes, while here it is presented with 1/1 LN + 1/2 LN.
Please refer to the solution I mentioned earlier to adjust this. Also, for a Normal difficulty, having an LN with another LN inside might create a challenge for new players, so I wouldn't recommend using this approach.
02:04:950 (124950|3,124950|0,125113|2,125276|1,125439|0,125602|3,125765|2,125928|1,126091|0) - I understand that you're trying to simplify this series of piano notes, but unfortunately, they don't align with the music and don't achieve the simplification effect you intended. Instead, it becomes an issue.
For a song with a tempo of 180 BPM and considering the RC constraints, a better approach would be to use LN to carry over these consecutive piano notes.
02:17:993 - 02:19:297 - 02:20:602 - 02:21:906 - 02:23:210 - 02:24:515 - 02:25:819 - Just like the doubles you use starting from 02:27:123 - for each new 1/1, even though this section is quiet, each new 1/1 still carries a somewhat chord-like sound. This makes it slightly more emphasized compared to other parts, serving to highlight those moments.
So, adding the doubles at those spots will work well.
02:29:732 (149732|1) - Move to column 4 will feels better with the music. Since 02:29:406 (149406|1,149732|1) - are stacked and we don't feel it from the music.
02:36:254 (156254|2,156274|3) - Since this is a Normal difficulty, there's no need to go to this level of detail. New players wouldn't be able to notice such differences, so it is unnecessary and should be removed.
02:43:265 (163265|2,163428|3,163428|1) - Do you see the difference comparing with 02:41:960 (161960|0,162123|0) and 02:44:569 (164569|3,164732|1,164732|3)?
Yes, it's the same piano, but you've stacked some notes while others aren't, which makes it feel random. I would suggest moving 02:38:863 (158863|1,163265|2) to column 2.
02:50:928 (170928|1,171091|1,171254|1) and 02:50:602 (170602|0) are the same sound, so it's better to place them on the same track.
However, the problem is that RC for Normal mode specifies that no anchor (consecutive notes on the same track) should be placed three times or more. Therefore, this arrangement needs to be adjusted.
You should move 02:51:091 (171091|1) to column 3, and move 02:51:254 (171254|2) to column 1. This will maintain the flow and resolve the RC conflict.
Same applies to 02:53:700 (173700|2,173863|1) -
For 03:09:189 (189189|0,189515|3,189841|1), there are no Vocal-related sounds before or after, so you can remove these notes and leave a pause. This will create a buffer for the drum sounds in the following section, 03:10:167 (190167|0,190167|1,190493|0,190493|2,190819|3,190819|1,191145|3,191145|2). This adjustment will also reduce the random feel in the map's Vocal placement.
03:20:602 (200602|3,200602|0,200765|1,200928|2,200928|0,201091|1,201254|3,201254|1,201417|2,201580|0,201580|3,201743|2)This part is same to earlier sections, but the mapping here feels unclear and becomes a spike.
Please follow what I mentioned at 02:04:950 - to adjust this part.
00:06:254 (6254|2,6417|2) - This isn’t a major issue, but considering that the entire section from 00:01:037 - 00:10:167 - is based purely on pitch, there shouldn't be any stacking. While it doesn't affect playability, it does look slightly out of place. I would recommend separating them, for example, by moving 00:06:254 (6254|2) - to column 4.
00:16:363 (16363|2,16689|2,16852|2,17178|2,17504|2,17830|2,18156|2,18482|2,18808|2,19134|2) - Although these are all 1/2 notes, it's clear that the notes on column 3 repeat too many times. If we're simply following the drum + hi-hat pattern, the arrangement can be spread out more, and it shouldn't end up being this repetitive.
00:19:460 - missed a note like you did in this part.
You can refer to the image I posted for a better direction in adjustment, ensuring a more balanced distribution between the left and right hands.
00:20:765 (20765|0,20765|1) - and 00:20:602 (20602|0,20602|1) - are both a combination of melody + drum, but they are not the same sound. Therefore, placing them as a jack is unnecessary. You can simply use Ctrl+H on 00:20:765 (20765|2,20765|3,20928|0,21009|1,21091|3,21172|2,21254|0,21335|1,21417|2,21498|3,21580|2,21580|0,21743|3,21825|2,21906|1,21906|0) - to adjust the pattern.
00:29:732 (29732|0,29732|2) - The double LNs you did right here actually same concepts as you did in Normal, but in Hard you making it shorter. Basically I think you may just somehow forgot what you did in other diffs.
In Insane you you LN is also end on different spot.
It will be better to make all of them in same way then.
00:30:303 (30303|1) - I didn't hear about this, maybe you can consider removing this.
00:32:341 (32341|3) - Considering of removing this one because if compared with Insane, you didn't do LN in that diff, these patterns makes this part in Hard looks harder than Insane one.
00:34:950 (34950|3,35113|3,35276|2,35439|2,35928|0,36091|0,36254|1,36417|1) Is there any reason make you stack them? If not, you should separate them like in other sections. Also, you already separated 00:35:602 (35602|1,35765|2), making the arrangement feel inconsistent and unclear.
Same applies to 00:37:558 (37558|1,37721|1,38210|1,38373|1) -
00:43:428 (43428|3,43754|0,44080|1) - If you're following the vocal here, then you should also follow it earlier at 00:42:776 - 00:43:102 - since the vocal phrase starts there.
Like this:
00:44:080 - considering the pitch variation I mentioned in the Normal difficulty, even though other sounds are being followed here, the melody clearly exhibits a change in pitch. Adjusting the pattern accordingly would enhance the feel of the section. You can refer to the provided image as a reference or try other structured arrangements that better align with the music's layering.
00:54:189 (54189|2,54352|2,54596|2,54759|2,54922|2) - Typical anchors, originally I'll give you suggestions how to adjust patterns here, but 00:54:596 (54596|2,54678|1,54759|2,54922|2,55004|0,55085|1,55248|2,55330|0,55411|1,55575|2,55656|1,55738|2) - are 1/6, not 1/4.
So fix snaps first, it will be like this:
then, 00:54:515 (54515|0) - the LN appears out of place compared to the surrounding 1/6 patterns. Replacing it with a rice note would help maintain consistency in the arrangement.
00:56:471 (56471|0,56634|0) - Although both are drums, there is a distinction in their intensity, meaning they are fundamentally different sounds. As a result, the stacked arrangement here doesn't feel aligned. I recommend staggering the notes for better coherence.
Same applies to 03:21:906 -
01:06:254 (66254|2,66743|2,67232|2,67558|1,68047|1,68536|1,68863|0,69352|1,69841|2,70167|3) - These LNs can follow the same method you used in the Normal difficulty. Specifically, the end of the LNs should be at the 1/1 or 1/2 position, and there's no need to place them on the 1/4, as it feels a bit awkward.
01:11:797 (71797|3,71797|1,71960|2,72123|1,72123|3,72286|2,72450|3,72450|2) - These are right hand biased. You can slightly scatter the arrangement to balance it out more evenly between the left and right hands like this:
01:16:852 (76852|1,77015|1,77015|0,77178|2,77341|1,77341|3,77504|2,77667|3,77667|2,77830|3) - Same, it is single hand biased patterns. Try to balance them if there is not something like left/right audio channels in the music, mostly we do patterns with double hands balanced.
Here is a reference direction for adjustment. There's no need to strictly follow what I mapped here, but please keep in mind not to favor one hand too much.
01:27:939 (87939|1,88102|1,88102|2,88265|3,88428|1,88428|2,88591|3) - The arrangement here feels awkward, like we’ve tried various ways to spread out the notes, but this section seems to have been placed randomly without a clear idea of how to arrange them.
Arranging them in this way is also better than original you did right here:
01:40:167 (100167|3,100167|1) - Same I mentioned at 00:29:732 (29732|0,29732|2) -. Just make LN in same length on every diff then.
01:43:102 (103102|1,103265|1,103428|1) - The three consecutive stacked notes here conflict with the concept you wrote in this section. 01:43:428 (103428|1) - move to column 1 will be better then.
01:43:754 (103754|3,103917|3,104080|3,104243|3) - 01:43:754 (103754|3,103917|3) - and 01:44:080 (104080|3,104243|3) - are not the same thing. Four consecutive stacked notes are not suitable, so we need to stagger them. Moving 01:44:080 (104080|3,104243|3) - to column 3 would feel better.
01:46:852 (106852|2,107015|2) - Generally, we are more sensitive to two stacked notes that are close to each other because they are usually the same note. In some arrangements, we may be flexible or consider it reasonable, but typically in the case of a single note, it is still recommended to avoid stacking unless necessary. Therefore, using Ctrl+H on 01:46:689 (106689|1,106852|2) would improve this situation.
02:07:884 (127884|0,128210|0,128373|0,128536|0,128863|0) - The balance between the left and right hands is clearly off, and everything is concentrated in column 1. It needs to be adjusted for better balance. 02:08:210 (128210|0,128210|1,128373|0) - Move to column 3 and 4 and 02:08:455 (128455|2) - move to 2 would feel better right here.
02:09:515 (129515|3,129678|3,129841|3) - The triple stack is unnecessary, since there are no special consecutive notes, there's no need to arrange them this way. Also this arrangement feels very awkward to play.
02:13:102 (133102|2,133428|2,133591|2,133754|2,134080|2,134243|2) - The same concept as mentioned earlier, it's too focused on one hand. Try to spread the notes more evenly and reduce the strain on one side. For example, some notes in column 3 can be moved to column 4.
02:37:558 (157558|3,158047|1,158047|2,158047|0) - This against to RC, Avoid chords with more than 3 notes.
So you had better remove one of notes from 02:38:047 (158047|2,158047|1) - if you want to keep this pattern.
Same applies to 02:37:558 (157558|3,158047|0,158536|2,158536|1) - . They are against to RC too.
03:14:406 (194406|1,194406|3,194569|2,194732|3,194732|2,194895|3,195058|2,195221|2) - Too right hand biased, at least 03:14:732 (194732|2) - move to column 1 will make this looks better.
03:20:602 (200602|3) - We got a 1/2 and 1/6 LNs at the same time, it is awkward to play surely, if you want to follow pianos in LNs way, the only way you can do is adjust 03:20:602 (200602|3) - to be rice one.
It was same to 02:04:950 (124950|3) - and I forgot to mentioned.
03:21:335 (201335|2,201417|0,201498|1) - are 1/6 too.
It is same to 2321860#4825646
Check this out then.
You can add notes to 00:10:330 - 00:10:493 - 00:10:656 - 00:10:819 - 00:10:982 - 00:11:145 - 00:11:308, because at 00:10:330 (10330|0,10493|1,10656|2,10819|3,10982|2,11145|1,11308|0) you captured string-like sounds, but there are also the repeating melody notes from earlier. Adding more notes here could make the section more challenging and also provide a better contrast with the Hard difficulty, otherwise, it will be exactly the same as Hard.
00:13:998 (13998|2), since it shares the same hihat sound as at 00:14:080, the arrangement could be made into a jackhammer form (stacked) like at 00:14:080 (14080|3) or 00:14:080 (14080|0), which would better match the music.
Same applies to 00:15:303 (15303|2) - 00:20:194 (20194|2) -
00:20:928 (20928|3,21009|2,21091|1,21172|0,21335|3,21417|2,21498|1,21580|0,21580|3,21661|2,21743|1,21825|2) is too regular. Usually, when the melody has layers and follows a sequence, writing it in a staircase pattern works fine. However, when the melody is more "chaotic yet organized," maintaining such a strict pattern can feel quite odd. You can refer to my image for a reference direction to break up the arrangement.
Same applies to 00:28:591 (28591|1,28672|2,28754|0,28754|3,28835|1,28917|2,28998|3,29080|0,29161|1,29243|2,29325|3) -
00:34:297 (34297|0,34379|1,34460|2,34542|3,34623|0,34705|1,34786|2,34868|3) - This doesn’t necessarily have to be mapped as a stair pattern always...
In Hard diff, you used the 1243 pattern, which, in comparison, makes 4321/1234 feel even simpler. You can refer to my image to introduce some variation, achieving both a sense of "ascension" while maintaining distinction between different difficulty levels.
00:47:341 (47341|2,47504|2,47667|3,47667|1,47830|2,47993|2,47993|3) - Right hand biased. Try moving 00:47:504 (47504|2,47667|1) - to left one more column.
00:55:085 (55085|2) - Better not to do this when you have LNs with different snap. Even you switch LNs to rice, that could be a bit awkward to map them all. I know 1/6 are melody, and 1/4 are drums. But this should be changed as it became a spike. Players may get a miss right here accidentally due to the pattern arranges.
I tried to mixed 1/4 and 1/6 for you, but as a result it is not actually work well. I'd recommend you not to follow the slight drums here then.
01:19:623 (79623|0,79786|0,79950|0,80113|0,80276|0) - Unnecessary anchors. As I mentioned in previous mods, if you don't have any reasons, you should avoid making anchor patterns.
Try this:
01:23:536 (83536|0,83536|3,83700|0,83863|1,83863|3,84026|0,84189|1,84189|3,84352|3,84515|0,84515|1) - This is a little too empty on column 3. Try adjust your patterns to make it balance a bit.
03:29:895 (209895|3,209977|0,210058|3,210140|0,210221|3,210303|0,210384|2,210466|0,210547|2,210629|1,210710|3,210792|1,210873|3,210955|1) - This is awkard surely. Since it is near to end and the song itself is increasing tempo for last part, and you mapped vocal from 03:21:906 - . For 03:29:732 - I think you can totally remove LNs and just do rice solo part for last drums burst.
I can't simply follow a 212121 stream,
because your Hard diff already includes LNs within the stream.
I can only make this final section even harder.
00:20:105 (20105|0,20275|1) - 卡手,就如同我第一條mod提到的,黏鍵反而打起來不舒服,特別是中指無名指,食指中指反倒還好
00:22:832 (22832|5,23002|4) - 卡手,而且00:23:002 (23002|0,23173|1,23343|2,23514|3,23684|4) - 找不出要階梯的理由
00:24:366 (24366|2,24537|0) - 這種LN通常是順著手來才會舒服,你這是反過來了,所以卡
根據你後面00:24:877 (24877|1,25218|2) - 的LN我給你調了一下
00:28:287 (28287|0,28457|1) - 其實其實我前面的mod沒有講得很清楚為什麼卡手,不是只要12或76就卡,主要是你的LN切入的位置
00:28:457 (28457|2) - 所以我會建議移至3
00:29:054 - 我會補上一個note,因為階梯可能不太友善,排列上也不好擺
00:29:394 (29394|2,29735|3) - 這2個鼓還不如背景的旋律來的強烈,加上這是Normal,抓音考量上直接去了感覺會更好
00:35:275 (35275|3,35446|6) - 根據我前面所說的,這種屬於逆著來的排列,打起來顯然是卡,調換一下至少會舒服一些
01:16:184 (76184|2,76184|3,76184|0,76525|3,76525|0,76866|2) - 通常情況下這種配置的左手排列不卡
但遇上了01:15:843 (75843|4) - 這個位置,沒有調整好就卡了,01:15:843 (75843|4,76184|2,76184|3) - 3個相連處理起來是很苦手的
01:15:843 (75843|4) - 改到4之後01:15:843 (75843|3,75843|6,76184|5,76184|2,76184|0) - 這一段打起來感覺就挺好的
那麼01:16:525 (76525|3,76525|0,76866|2) - 這邊還是有點小卡
01:16:525 (76525|3) - 改到6之後整段就順暢了
01:24:366 (84366|1,84366|3,84537|4,84707|2,84707|5,84877|1,85048|0,85048|6,85218|3,85389|4,85389|2,85559|1,85730|0,85730|6) - 小卡,這邊的卡是指打起來很不順,但不至於miss的那種卡
首先01:24:707 (84707|5,85048|6) - 這種前面提過類似的,肯定卡
把LN拉到7,01:25:048 (85048|6) - 拉到5之後
接下來回頭調整01:24:366 (84366|3,84366|1,84537|4,84707|2) -
我會把01:24:707 (84707|2) - 改到4,在這之後01:24:537 (84537|4) - 空一格,改到6,然後排列上會跟01:24:196 (84196|5) - 衝突到,這個直接改7