00:04:804 (4804|3,4934|2,5064|0) - 感觉更应该和00:05:325 (5325|2,5456|0,5586|2) - 后面对应,第一个音00:04:673 (4673|1) - 太轻了,至少00:04:804 (4804|3) - 得给1/2,前面那个缩短
00:11:325 (11325|1,11325|2) - 00:12:369 (12369|1,12369|2) - 这一段这种小节结束前的最后一个double我个人感觉没啥必要,音很轻,最多和前面那个重音叠一下就够了,一直到00:21:891 - 结束
00:39:760 (39760|2,39793|3,40021|2,40054|3,40282|2,40314|3,40543|2,40575|3) - 连续用四个感觉重复太多了,有些是不太一样的,比如00:39:760 (39760|2,39793|3)明显比别的短而且弱,可以换写法
00:41:456 (41456|2,41488|3) - 00:41:978 (41978|1,42010|0) - 类似
01:23:116 (83116|1,83116|0,83246|1,83246|0,83507|1,83507|0,83638|1,83638|0) - 这里这种两个叠一起的我感觉没有体现这段的节奏啊,最明显的后面那个更重现在这样打不出这种手感
01:30:681 - ~ 01:47:377 - 这一段我个人感觉有些地方写的太超标,导致体感上进下一段直接就萎了
大概就是我觉得这段需要整体nerf,现在这样把后面有些你想突出难度的地方,比如01:48:942 (108942|1,108942|0,109007|3,109072|1,109072|2,109138|3,109203|1,109203|0,109268|3,109333|2,109333|1,109399|3,109464|0,109464|1) - 都盖过了
02:04:072 - ~ 02:10:333 - 感觉有点乱,缺少主线
00:11:064 (11064|2,11195|1,11195|3) - 00:12:108 (12108|3,12108|2,12238|0,12238|1) - 等等,这种连续两个鼓的地方也许还是可以叠,现在这样手感比较单薄而且太简单
00:39:043 (39043|1,39108|3,39173|0,39238|1,39238|3) - 这里明显3/4节奏写成这样其实是很奇怪的,虽然主难也没突出这个节奏型但是至少没叠1/2,反正能改的话尽量改一下
01:31:203 (91203|0,91203|3) - 和后面的01:35:312 (95312|0,95312|2) - 我觉得反而明显是前面这里更强,所以pattern的强度关系反了
01:31:725 (91725|2,91725|0,91725|3) - 01:35:899 (95899|1,95899|3,95899|0) - 整段就这两个地方三押了,稍微有点怪我感觉
01:32:638 (92638|0) - 01:32:899 (92899|2) - 等等,如果主难这段削了这种double感觉就没必要了,反而让思路看起来很不清晰
01:36:812 (96812|1) - 类似,如果要叠体现连贯性可以01:36:681 (96681|0) - 放col4
01:47:899 (107899|0,107899|3) - 这个double是干啥的,其他有旋律没鼓的地方加double勉强可以接受,这种地方基本啥都没有
01:55:725 (115725|3,115725|0,115855|1,115855|2,115985|3,115985|2,116116|1,116116|2) - 这种pattern手感上太硬了,比主难难打,特别是前后还都是交互,随便摆了摆或者你自己改一个顺眼的
02:08:899 (128899|2,128899|0,129029|3,129029|1,129159|2,129290|0,129290|3,129420|2,129551|0,129551|3,129681|1,129746|2,129812|0,129812|3) - 可能有和主难类似的问题,感觉这里LN的意图不是很清楚,如果低难度有类似思路的可以一起看看
02:14:246 (134246|3) - 感觉没必要省略这个double了,这里节奏很清楚,而且你后面写的爆
02:05:899 (125899|3) - 02:10:072 (130072|2) - 包括这些可能也可以加回来
02:29:242 (149242|2,149357|2,149469|2) - 稍微re一下,bpm上来了三连还和后面接着就很不好打,而且前面02:25:821 - 02:27:493 - 都已经换了简单的排列了
01:22:725 - 这里这个1/2感觉可以加,刚好和后面01:23:116 (83116|2,83246|2,83507|2,83638|2) - 对应
01:58:399 (118399|1,118464|2,118529|1,118594|0,118659|1,118725|2,118790|1,118855|0) - 为啥这里突然和前面01:57:290 - 难度差一大截,没啥特别明显的变化吧
02:01:464 (121464|3,121529|0,121594|2,121659|1,121725|3,121790|0,121855|2,121920|1) - 前面01:54:942 - 都用短LN了,这里第二次出现理论上情绪应该更强,除非有特殊理由要弱化这个地方
01:23:116 (83116|3,83246|3,83507|2,83638|2,83899|3,84029|3) - 这段这么写说实话有点怪,不是同一个音感觉不如还是写double但是不叠
01:32:246 (92246|0,92246|3) - why double
然后说实话这一段一直到01:39:029 - 感觉一致性有点混乱,最开始01:30:942 (90942|1,90942|0,91464|3,91464|2) - 抓的是重拍,然后到01:32:768 - 之后有些地方又不抓了,01:37:985 (97985|3,97985|0,98246|3,98246|0,98377|1,98507|0,98507|3,98638|2,98768|3,98768|0) - 这几个也没太看懂抓的是什么
01:55:203 (115203|1,115203|2) -可能不用double,感觉对这个难度有点太细节了
01:55:725 (115725|1) - 反而是这个肯定要double的你没加
01:57:551 (117551|1,117681|1) - 如果不是有意的感觉应该和前面01:56:246 (116246|0,116377|0,116507|1,116638|1) - 一个写法
02:03:290 (123290|2,123420|1,123551|0,123681|1,123812|2,123942|1) - 有点简单,现在这里这么写成了整段最简单的地方了,感觉要么加叠要么加面
01:47:638 (107638|0,107638|1,108029|0,108029|1,108420|0,108420|1,108812|0,108812|1) - 这段是故意去抓这种反拍的吗,感觉不是特别顺而且上一个抓的也是正拍
02:15:942 (135942|3,136072|0) - 这个音明显是从1/2开始滑的,加上和后面02:16:333 (136333|2,136464|3,136594|0) - 一模一样放一起就很奇怪,感觉不如LN直接从1/2开始,或者换排列之类的
00:36:162 (36162|1) - 感觉放3轨好点,00:36:012 (36012|0,36012|1,36162|1,36162|0,36312|1,36312|0) - 这种东西这一段就出现了这一次
00:39:912 (39912|6,39912|2,39912|1,39912|4,39912|0,39912|5) - 这个六押有点多了吧,其实这一整段我感觉你pattern总体很清楚,但是consistency有点奇怪,看看能不能修?04:30:312 - 这段一样
比如00:42:012 (42012|0,42012|2,42012|1,42012|3) - 00:42:312 (42312|0,42312|1,42312|6) - 00:42:612 (42612|1,42612|0,42612|6,42612|2) - 00:42:912 (42912|0,42912|3,42912|2,42912|1) -
00:49:512 (49512|1,49512|2,49512|3,49512|0,49512|6) - 00:49:812 (49812|6,49812|0,49812|3,49812|4,49812|5) - 00:50:112 (50112|6,50112|1,50112|2,50112|0) -
01:07:287 (67287|5,67287|4,67437|0,67437|1,67587|6,67587|5,67737|2,67737|1) - 这几个LN有点稍微跟旋律的感觉,但是全都1/2长感觉有点太重了,左手两个不在重拍上的砍成1/4我感觉更好一点
01:12:837 (72837|5,72912|4,72987|3,73062|0,73062|4,73062|1,73062|6,73137|5) - 有类似上一段00:44:112 (44112|0,44130|1,44149|4,44187|6,44224|5,44262|2) - 这种地方的特殊效果音,要不要考虑pattern稍微做更特殊一点?现在感觉基本还是跟着前面在切,也可以只在左手做一点burst
01:16:512 (76512|0,76537|1,76562|2,76587|3,76662|0) - 这里感觉比前面弱不少了,pattern可以弱化一点,把面缩短或者改成米都行
02:41:412 (161412|0,161412|1,161412|6,161612|1,161612|4,161812|4,161812|1) - 感觉值得尝试把这里的节奏做出来,因为一整段的pattern基本都是围绕这个重kick的,02:51:012 - 同
03:52:662 (232662|5,232662|3,232662|4,232662|6,232662|2,232737|0,232737|1,232812|4,232812|2,232812|6,232812|5) - 感觉434对鼓的突出比524好,03:52:662 (232662|3) - 往上挪一格就行,03:57:462 - 一样
03:56:112 (236112|1,236112|3,236112|4,236187|6,236262|2,236299|1,236337|5,236374|4) - 感觉可以加一点吧,这里突然空了一下手感上感觉比较奇怪,至少考虑1/2加保持一个叠的手感
hardcore gabba
曲风BespokE : GTS 2022 (M:pressiV Side)
for searchosu!mania 7k chinese national cup 2025 中国国家杯 mcnc finals tiebreaker tb egts egts2022 22 tyrcs exneko _stan electronic instrumental fa featured artist hardcore gabba BespokE : GTS 2022 M:pressiV Side gotter
00:08:329 (8329|3,8393|2) - The vocal here is in really high pitch and has some pitch shift feeling so probably this could be turned into OH trill for a bit more emphasize, but up to you
00:38:073 (38073|3,38073|0,38137|2,38201|0) - 00:39:098 (39098|3,39098|0,39162|1,39226|3) - Pretty subjective and i get that adding a jack here would probably help with the pause feeling, however using a normal 1/4 jack does feel a bit blend with other jacks around, slightly tweak it into stuff like 1/5 might work a bit better imo, or probably just not jack it like 02:00:124 -
00:46:021 - It kinda has another accent in between around 1/2 line here that i feel still audible in 100%, might see if you want to just move 00:46:117 (46117|0) - a bit earlier to connect that
01:52:303 - Feel like 1/4 note could probably be added here since there is really no other instrument going
02:08:970 (128970|1) - The vocal here does still feel a bit longer here, and currently the pattern feels a little bit empty so probably it can be extended by a bit
03:02:688 (182688|3,182816|0,182816|1) - Since these two drums are the same sample i feel it would be better to have one more note on left hand here to connect the jack for it, it also won't make too hard given the jack is still pretty straightforward
03:46:876 (226876|2,226961|1,227047|0,227111|3,227143|2,227175|1) - Not sure if would be better to flip the direction of your pattern here, but the sound does kinda feel going towards to opposite direction in terms of pitch compared with 03:46:363 (226363|2,226449|0,226534|3,226620|2,226705|1) - , or probably flip the previous one if you want to keep it the same flow with 03:43:714 - 03:51:919 -
According to https://x.com/wed_camp?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor the artist seems to prefer all cap romanisation for their name, this will also be consistent with the most recent ranked map
And the actual romanised title seems to be Ikkyū-san
, which should be Ikkyuu-san
according to RC, i'm not sure if there is other primary source suggesting otherwise tho
Also additional tags:
for artist nameケンモチヒデフミ Hidefumi Kenmochi
for composer and lyricsvocal dump
for map stylewed_camp superman suiyoubi no kanpanera コムアイ kom_i ケンモチヒデフミ Hidefumi Kenmochi jpop j-pop pop japanese instrumental vocal dump
should be tiebreaker
instead? Can add tb
tooosu! original
mappers guild
-> mappers' guild
because they changed the username lolMWC 2025 World Cup MWC2025 MWC7K2025 sf semifinals tiebreaker tb featured artist fa mappers' guild mg mpg osu! original electronic instrumental artcore psytrance hardcore dubstep hitech rawstyle cs _stan maxus paulkappa kaulpakka exneko taba2 Noffy VenerableNyanta Iyouka RedcXca AlexDunk Sakura006 Xiaoraini
00:17:070 (17070|6) - Not sure about why this LN is longer since i didn't find anything special compared with other similar places here
00:22:770 (22770|1,22920|1) - 00:23:370 (23370|1,23520|1) - 00:23:970 (23970|5,24120|5) - 00:24:570 (24570|5,24720|5) - etc, the 1/2 shield in this section seems to follow some sort of rhythm, but it's hard to feel what they're corresponding to because the 1/2 sounds being too weak, probably nerf some of them to normal 1/2 streams would feel a bit better
00:35:070 (35070|3,35220|3) - 00:37:020 (37020|4,37170|4) - These two shields feel a bit unnecessary from how the melody is going, can be rearranged to get rid of them
00:43:470 (43470|2,43470|4,43470|1,43620|5,43620|2,43620|3,44070|5,44070|1,44070|2,44220|1,44220|0) - Maybe can slightly nerf the chordsize here, the song is still building up from calm section and they're not that strong imo
00:48:570 (48570|5) - Would probably be cleaner to just change this to normal note since a new phrase starting here, also the extending 1/2 LN feels a bit weird to play with 00:48:570 (48570|5,48645|3,48645|4,48795|4) -
01:06:870 (66870|4,66907|3,66945|2,66982|1,67020|6,67020|0,67057|5,67095|4,67132|3,67170|2,67207|1,67245|6,67320|4,67320|5,67395|2,67395|1) - These being in completely same one as previous burst feels a bit lack of variation since both wub's feeling and piano gets changed, i think at least changing the direction would make the pattern much better, for example (some notes were intentionally removed for better gameplay and flow while sacrificing note consistency by a little bit)
01:07:920 (67920|0,67995|1,67995|2,68070|6,68070|3,68070|5,68145|4,68145|0,68220|3,68220|1,68295|2) - Personally feel you can just make pianos single while only emphasizing drums, a lighter pattern seems to match the song's feeling better after previous burst
01:12:420 (72420|4,72570|4,72720|4,72870|4) - Not hard but i think it's a bit weird anchor here since there is no sign of it, could try to rearrange if possible
And while you're at it i think 01:13:170 (73170|0) - could have LN for piano as well since you always map those sounds as LN in this section
01:13:770 (73770|1,73770|0,73845|5,73845|2,73845|6,73845|4) - Maybe make both as triples so it can be more consistent with others?
01:16:170 (76170|1,76207|2,76245|4,76282|5,76320|6) - It would probably be more fit to just have normal chord here since it's mainly drums but not synth, LN tails can still be the same way tho, e.g.
01:20:970 - a few inconsistency in this section could be looked at:
Just some minor adjustment tho i think
01:26:670 (86670|4,86895|4) - Not a big deal, but just want to ask if it's intended not to map piano as LN here?
01:34:120 (94120|5,94170|0,94170|6,94170|1,94207|2,94207|3,94245|4,94245|5,94282|2,94282|1,94320|4,94320|3) - i think this burst is way too harsh as it's basically hitting 200 minijack-trill, which feels pretty unnecessary given how it is mapped as simple as 01:29:520 - before
01:38:820 (98820|0,99120|6) - These two could probably be extended LNs to enhance the pattern's feeling here, e.g.
01:46:320 (106320|2,106395|3) - Maybe switch these two to make pattern shape, and previous anchor 01:45:720 (105720|2,105870|2,106020|2,106170|2,106320|2) - has been a little bit long
01:47:370 (107370|6,107370|0) - Add one more note like 01:46:770 (106770|0,106770|6,106770|5) - ?
02:00:270 (120270|2,120270|5,120270|4,120270|1,120270|6,120570|3,120570|1,120570|4,120570|0) - Can make them same chordsize?
02:05:370 (125370|1,125370|5,125370|2,125370|4,125445|6,125445|4,125445|5) - is it intended to make the chord different with previous two here?
02:07:920 - The burst-like synth here is still pretty pronounced like 02:07:270 (127270|4,127320|5,127370|6) - , actually it appears every beat around here but at least for this one i think you can do the dump pattern to make it same structure with previous one
02:17:370 (137370|5,137520|4,137670|2,137820|1) - i guess that the pattern was intentionally being made simple to have contrast with 02:14:970 - since the main melody does get weaker, but on another aspect it also gets too similar with 02:16:620 (136620|4,136770|2,136920|5,137070|3,137220|4) - these now. Personally feel like probably you could still turn some 1/4s to LN here to enhance it by a little bit
02:21:420 (141420|0) - This is the only one spots that the LN gets off from main melody in this whole section (the melody is at 1/1 02:21:270 - ), so do want to ask if this is intended or not, at least it feels a bit weird to be off from melody to me
02:22:170 (142170|3,142245|4,142245|5,142320|2,142320|6,142395|3,142470|4,142470|5,142545|6,142545|2,142620|3,142620|5) - vs 02:24:570 (144570|3,144645|0,144645|4,144720|5,144720|1,144795|2,144795|6,144870|3) - They could probably be a bit more consistent in terms of how to capture the progressively weak melody synth, since they're close enough and do feel kinda similar
02:25:320 (145320|0,145620|6) - Might not be that necessary from pattern design imo, and also i feel like this kinda makes the transition a bit awkward 02:24:870 (144870|0,145020|0,145170|0,145320|0,145470|0) -
Same for 02:26:520 (146520|6,146820|0) - if you agree
02:34:020 (154020|5,154050|4,154080|3,154110|2,154140|1,154170|0) - The wub sound kinda obviously starts a bit earlier here imo, probably around 1/4 02:33:945 - , maybe you can try to redesign the pattern to better align with that
02:35:670 (155670|3) - 02:36:270 (156270|1) - 02:38:117 (158117|4) - Feel it would be good to have one more note for the drum at these places, but up to you if you want to keep current pattern structure
Also 02:38:748 (158748|6) - could add one at spacebar i think
02:47:102 (167102|4,167149|6,167195|4) - Kinda subjective but i think minijack like this could be placed at where the sound is more pronounced instead, which would do better emphasize, for example 02:46:961 (166961|2,167008|1,167055|3) -
02:53:992 (173992|6,174086|1,174117|2,174149|3,174180|4,174211|5) - Probably one or two notes could be filled between the 1/4 and 1/2 here 02:53:992 (173992|6,174086|1) - as it feels a bit empty compared with other places when the sound is pretty fairly intense
02:58:774 (178774|2,178774|4,178774|5,178891|1,178914|2,178938|3,178961|4,179055|2,179102|3,179149|4,179149|1,179149|5,179242|2,179289|3,179430|4,179430|5,179477|3,179524|2,179524|1,179617|5,179617|4,179664|3,179711|1,179711|2,179805|5,179805|4,179852|3,179899|2,179899|1) - All these kinda crowded in the inner column that i think it can be more spread out for dynamix and flow while they're not hard, for example
03:04:399 (184399|1) - Maybe can shorten this and add one 1/1 note to emphasize the cymbal 03:04:774 (184774|4,184774|5,184774|6) - more? Currently pattern shape is also a bit weird imo with 03:04:399 (184399|1,184680|2,184727|0) -
03:09:012 (189012|0) - The strong start here really lacks emphasize imo, probably previous pattern could be shortened a bit for more room
03:11:678 (191678|0) - Kinda similar feeling that i think it would be better to at least have a double at 1/1
03:17:292 (197292|2,197502|1,197502|0,197502|6,197660|1,197660|0) - i think it has completely different feeling here compared with previous spots 03:16:871 - , where has much louder cymbal and drums, a way i think of is just to make the pattern less repeated (and "full"), or you can come up with other ways you're in favor of
03:31:848 (211848|4,211848|0,211848|2,211848|6) - 4-note might be a bit too much for this one since there isn't any actual chord here
03:33:798 (213798|2,213798|0,213798|4) - 03:36:198 (216198|2,216198|0,216198|5) - Could be 4-note instead to match 03:26:598 (206598|4,206598|0,206598|2,206598|6) - probably
03:43:498 - Thte 1/4 can be added here imo, seems nearly as noticeable as 03:43:926 (223926|3) -
03:53:891 (233891|5) - Kinda subjective but maybe it would be cool to move this to col5 here to create an anchor for the high pitch melody synth, similar with what you do at 03:52:731 (232731|1,232868|1,233004|1) -
04:02:069 (242069|6,242101|5,242134|4) - It feels similar with 04:01:025 - here so i think the 1/8 around 1/1 line could be reduced but changed to just a chord note instead, like this
04:02:721 (242721|0) - i think this one could be extended to 1/1 length instead, which feels better in terms of flow imo, and current pattern feels a bit empty
And probably 04:11:069 (251069|4) - to 1/2 length
04:19:286 (259286|1,259286|5) - Probably can be reduced as it's fairly light here and being much weaker than the one before 04:18:243 (258243|5,258243|6,258243|1,258243|0,258243|3) -
04:21:895 (261895|4,261895|0,261895|1,261895|6) - 04:22:938 (262938|6,262938|0,262938|4,262938|1) - Probably can be reduced, the sound is really light imo
And also 04:22:025 (262025|5,262025|2) - should be the same as 04:23:069 (263069|2,263069|0,263069|3) -
04:26:069 (266069|1,266199|1,266330|1,266417|0,266460|1,266503|2,266590|1,266786|1,266982|1,267112|1,267243|1,267373|1) - i think these kinda put a bit too much pressure on the col2 with burst pattern in between, might try to rearrange to make it a bit more balanced consider the high bpm
04:31:156 (271156|6,271156|1,271156|4,271156|2) - is it intended not to map piano as grace here like before? Although it does get a kick so it's a bit different
04:31:156 (271156|4,271286|4,271417|1,271417|4,271482|6,271547|4,271547|1,271612|6,271677|1,271743|6,271808|1,271873|6) - The alternative anchors here feels a bit overwhelm for a transition imo, especially consider the hard burst pattern later i feel like it would be better to ease them by a bit
04:47:330 - Different snap could probably be used here to distinguish from the simple 1/4 pattern before since it has complex synth, e.g.
04:55:417 (295417|3,295547|3,295547|0,295677|0,295677|3,295808|0,295938|3,296069|3,296199|3) - This plays a bit too awkward i think, probably need some rearrange. Also seeing that the anchor at 04:51:373 - 04:53:460 - are both emphasizing loud drums i think the two on the spacebar can be reduced
05:01:025 (301025|5,301058|4,301090|3,301123|2,301156|1,301188|0,301417|0,301442|1,301468|2,301494|3,301520|4,301547|5,301938|5,301960|4,301990|3,302016|2,302042|1,302069|0) - Personally can't really feel what are these going for, as they seem to be related with different sound but all the repeated same pattern, and i think it can be made into more accurate representation to better distinguish each other
00:17:070 (17070|6) - Not sure about why this LN is longer since i didn't find anything special compared with other similar places here
00:22:770 (22770|1,22920|1) - 00:23:370 (23370|1,23520|1) - 00:23:970 (23970|5,24120|5) - 00:24:570 (24570|5,24720|5) - etc, the 1/2 shield in this section seems to follow some sort of rhythm, but it's hard to feel what they're corresponding to because the 1/2 sounds being too weak, probably nerf some of them to normal 1/2 streams would feel a bit better
00:35:070 (35070|3,35220|3) - 00:37:020 (37020|4,37170|4) - These two shields feel a bit unnecessary from how the melody is going, can be rearranged to get rid of them
00:43:470 (43470|2,43470|4,43470|1,43620|5,43620|2,43620|3,44070|5,44070|1,44070|2,44220|1,44220|0) - Maybe can slightly nerf the chordsize here, the song is still building up from calm section and they're not that strong imo
00:48:570 (48570|5) - Would probably be cleaner to just change this to normal note since a new phrase starting here, also the extending 1/2 LN feels a bit weird to play with 00:48:570 (48570|5,48645|3,48645|4,48795|4) -
01:06:870 (66870|4,66907|3,66945|2,66982|1,67020|6,67020|0,67057|5,67095|4,67132|3,67170|2,67207|1,67245|6,67320|4,67320|5,67395|2,67395|1) - These being in completely same one as previous burst feels a bit lack of variation since both wub's feeling and piano gets changed, i think at least changing the direction would make the pattern much better, for example (some notes were intentionally removed for better gameplay and flow while sacrificing note consistency by a little bit)
01:07:920 (67920|0,67995|1,67995|2,68070|6,68070|3,68070|5,68145|4,68145|0,68220|3,68220|1,68295|2) - Personally feel you can just make pianos single while only emphasizing drums, a lighter pattern seems to match the song's feeling better after previous burst
01:12:420 (72420|4,72570|4,72720|4,72870|4) - Not hard but i think it's a bit weird anchor here since there is no sign of it, could try to rearrange if possible
And while you're at it i think 01:13:170 (73170|0) - could have LN for piano as well since you always map those sounds as LN in this section
01:13:770 (73770|1,73770|0,73845|5,73845|2,73845|6,73845|4) - Maybe make both as triples so it can be more consistent with others?
01:16:170 (76170|1,76207|2,76245|4,76282|5,76320|6) - It would probably be more fit to just have normal chord here since it's mainly drums but not synth, LN tails can still be the same way tho, e.g.
01:20:970 - a few inconsistency in this section could be looked at:
Just some minor adjustment tho i think
01:26:670 (86670|4,86895|4) - Not a big deal, but just want to ask if it's intended not to map piano as LN here?
01:34:120 (94120|5,94170|0,94170|6,94170|1,94207|2,94207|3,94245|4,94245|5,94282|2,94282|1,94320|4,94320|3) - i think this burst is way too harsh as it's basically hitting 200 minijack-trill, which feels pretty unnecessary given how it is mapped as simple as 01:29:520 - before
01:38:820 (98820|0,99120|6) - These two could probably be extended LNs to enhance the pattern's feeling here, e.g.
01:46:320 (106320|2,106395|3) - Maybe switch these two to make pattern shape, and previous anchor 01:45:720 (105720|2,105870|2,106020|2,106170|2,106320|2) - has been a little bit long
01:47:370 (107370|6,107370|0) - Add one more note like 01:46:770 (106770|0,106770|6,106770|5) - ?
02:00:270 (120270|2,120270|5,120270|4,120270|1,120270|6,120570|3,120570|1,120570|4,120570|0) - Can make them same chordsize?
02:05:370 (125370|1,125370|5,125370|2,125370|4,125445|6,125445|4,125445|5) - is it intended to make the chord different with previous two here?
02:07:920 - The burst-like synth here is still pretty pronounced like 02:07:270 (127270|4,127320|5,127370|6) - , actually it appears every beat around here but at least for this one i think you can do the dump pattern to make it same structure with previous one
02:17:370 (137370|5,137520|4,137670|2,137820|1) - i guess that the pattern was intentionally being made simple to have contrast with 02:14:970 - since the main melody does get weaker, but on another aspect it also gets too similar with 02:16:620 (136620|4,136770|2,136920|5,137070|3,137220|4) - these now. Personally feel like probably you could still turn some 1/4s to LN here to enhance it by a little bit
02:21:420 (141420|0) - This is the only one spots that the LN gets off from main melody in this whole section (the melody is at 1/1 02:21:270 - ), so do want to ask if this is intended or not, at least it feels a bit weird to be off from melody to me
02:22:170 (142170|3,142245|4,142245|5,142320|2,142320|6,142395|3,142470|4,142470|5,142545|6,142545|2,142620|3,142620|5) - vs 02:24:570 (144570|3,144645|0,144645|4,144720|5,144720|1,144795|2,144795|6,144870|3) - They could probably be a bit more consistent in terms of how to capture the progressively weak melody synth, since they're close enough and do feel kinda similar
02:25:320 (145320|0,145620|6) - Might not be that necessary from pattern design imo, and also i feel like this kinda makes the transition a bit awkward 02:24:870 (144870|0,145020|0,145170|0,145320|0,145470|0) -
Same for 02:26:520 (146520|6,146820|0) - if you agree
02:34:020 (154020|5,154050|4,154080|3,154110|2,154140|1,154170|0) - The wub sound kinda obviously starts a bit earlier here imo, probably around 1/4 02:33:945 - , maybe you can try to redesign the pattern to better align with that
02:35:670 (155670|3) - 02:36:270 (156270|1) - 02:38:117 (158117|4) - Feel it would be good to have one more note for the drum at these places, but up to you if you want to keep current pattern structure
Also 02:38:748 (158748|6) - could add one at spacebar i think
02:47:102 (167102|4,167149|6,167195|4) - Kinda subjective but i think minijack like this could be placed at where the sound is more pronounced instead, which would do better emphasize, for example 02:46:961 (166961|2,167008|1,167055|3) -
02:53:992 (173992|6,174086|1,174117|2,174149|3,174180|4,174211|5) - Probably one or two notes could be filled between the 1/4 and 1/2 here 02:53:992 (173992|6,174086|1) - as it feels a bit empty compared with other places when the sound is pretty fairly intense
02:58:774 (178774|2,178774|4,178774|5,178891|1,178914|2,178938|3,178961|4,179055|2,179102|3,179149|4,179149|1,179149|5,179242|2,179289|3,179430|4,179430|5,179477|3,179524|2,179524|1,179617|5,179617|4,179664|3,179711|1,179711|2,179805|5,179805|4,179852|3,179899|2,179899|1) - All these kinda crowded in the inner column that i think it can be more spread out for dynamix and flow while they're not hard, for example
03:04:399 (184399|1) - Maybe can shorten this and add one 1/1 note to emphasize the cymbal 03:04:774 (184774|4,184774|5,184774|6) - more? Currently pattern shape is also a bit weird imo with 03:04:399 (184399|1,184680|2,184727|0) -
03:09:012 (189012|0) - The strong start here really lacks emphasize imo, probably previous pattern could be shortened a bit for more room
03:11:678 (191678|0) - Kinda similar feeling that i think it would be better to at least have a double at 1/1
03:17:292 (197292|2,197502|1,197502|0,197502|6,197660|1,197660|0) - i think it has completely different feeling here compared with previous spots 03:16:871 - , where has much louder cymbal and drums, a way i think of is just to make the pattern less repeated (and "full"), or you can come up with other ways you're in favor of
03:31:848 (211848|4,211848|0,211848|2,211848|6) - 4-note might be a bit too much for this one since there isn't any actual chord here
03:33:798 (213798|2,213798|0,213798|4) - 03:36:198 (216198|2,216198|0,216198|5) - Could be 4-note instead to match 03:26:598 (206598|4,206598|0,206598|2,206598|6) - probably
03:43:498 - Thte 1/4 can be added here imo, seems nearly as noticeable as 03:43:926 (223926|3) -
03:53:891 (233891|5) - Kinda subjective but maybe it would be cool to move this to col5 here to create an anchor for the high pitch melody synth, similar with what you do at 03:52:731 (232731|1,232868|1,233004|1) -
04:02:069 (242069|6,242101|5,242134|4) - It feels similar with 04:01:025 - here so i think the 1/8 around 1/1 line could be reduced but changed to just a chord note instead, like this
04:02:721 (242721|0) - i think this one could be extended to 1/1 length instead, which feels better in terms of flow imo, and current pattern feels a bit empty
And probably 04:11:069 (251069|4) - to 1/2 length
04:19:286 (259286|1,259286|5) - Probably can be reduced as it's fairly light here and being much weaker than the one before 04:18:243 (258243|5,258243|6,258243|1,258243|0,258243|3) -
04:21:895 (261895|4,261895|0,261895|1,261895|6) - 04:22:938 (262938|6,262938|0,262938|4,262938|1) - Probably can be reduced, the sound is really light imo
And also 04:22:025 (262025|5,262025|2) - should be the same as 04:23:069 (263069|2,263069|0,263069|3) -
04:26:069 (266069|1,266199|1,266330|1,266417|0,266460|1,266503|2,266590|1,266786|1,266982|1,267112|1,267243|1,267373|1) - i think these kinda put a bit too much pressure on the col2 with burst pattern in between, might try to rearrange to make it a bit more balanced consider the high bpm
04:31:156 (271156|6,271156|1,271156|4,271156|2) - is it intended not to map piano as grace here like before? Although it does get a kick so it's a bit different
04:31:156 (271156|4,271286|4,271417|1,271417|4,271482|6,271547|4,271547|1,271612|6,271677|1,271743|6,271808|1,271873|6) - The alternative anchors here feels a bit overwhelm for a transition imo, especially consider the hard burst pattern later i feel like it would be better to ease them by a bit
04:55:417 (295417|3,295547|3,295547|0,295677|0,295677|3,295808|0,295938|3,296069|3,296199|3) - This plays a bit too awkward i think, probably need some rearrange. Also seeing that the anchor at 04:51:373 - 04:53:460 - are both emphasizing loud drums i think the two on the spacebar can be reduced
05:01:025 (301025|5,301058|4,301090|3,301123|2,301156|1,301188|0,301417|0,301442|1,301468|2,301494|3,301520|4,301547|5,301938|5,301960|4,301990|3,302016|2,302042|1,302069|0) - Personally can't really feel what are these going for, as they seem to be related with different sound but all the repeated same pattern, and i think it can be made into more accurate representation to better distinguish each other
00:08:329 (8329|3,8393|2) - The vocal here is in really high pitch and has some pitch shift feeling so probably this could be turned into OH trill for a bit more emphasize, but up to you
00:38:073 (38073|3,38073|0,38137|2,38201|0) - 00:39:098 (39098|3,39098|0,39162|1,39226|3) - Pretty subjective and i get that adding a jack here would probably help with the pause feeling, however using a normal 1/4 jack does feel a bit blend with other jacks around, slightly tweak it into stuff like 1/5 might work a bit better imo, or probably just not jack it like 02:00:124 -
00:46:021 - It kinda has another accent in between around 1/2 line here that i feel still audible in 100%, might see if you want to just move 00:46:117 (46117|0) - a bit earlier to connect that
02:08:970 (128970|1) - The vocal here does still feel a bit longer here, and currently the pattern feels a little bit empty so probably it can be extended by a bit
03:02:688 (182688|3,182816|0,182816|1) - Since these two drums are the same sample i feel it would be better to have one more note on left hand here to connect the jack for it, it also won't make too hard given the jack is still pretty straightforward
03:46:876 (226876|2,226961|1,227047|0,227111|3,227143|2,227175|1) - Not sure if would be better to flip the direction of your pattern here, but the sound does kinda feel going towards to opposite direction in terms of pitch compared with 03:46:363 (226363|2,226449|0,226534|3,226620|2,226705|1) - , or probably flip the previous one if you want to keep it the same flow with 03:43:714 - 03:51:919 -
00:36:162 (36162|1) - 感觉放3轨好点,00:36:012 (36012|0,36012|1,36162|1,36162|0,36312|1,36312|0) - 这种东西这一段就出现了这一次
00:39:912 (39912|6,39912|2,39912|1,39912|4,39912|0,39912|5) - 这个六押有点多了吧,其实这一整段我感觉你pattern总体很清楚,但是consistency有点奇怪,看看能不能修?04:30:312 - 这段一样
比如00:42:012 (42012|0,42012|2,42012|1,42012|3) - 00:42:312 (42312|0,42312|1,42312|6) - 00:42:612 (42612|1,42612|0,42612|6,42612|2) - 00:42:912 (42912|0,42912|3,42912|2,42912|1) -
00:49:512 (49512|1,49512|2,49512|3,49512|0,49512|6) - 00:49:812 (49812|6,49812|0,49812|3,49812|4,49812|5) - 00:50:112 (50112|6,50112|1,50112|2,50112|0) -
01:07:287 (67287|5,67287|4,67437|0,67437|1,67587|6,67587|5,67737|2,67737|1) - 这几个LN有点稍微跟旋律的感觉,但是全都1/2长感觉有点太重了,左手两个不在重拍上的砍成1/4我感觉更好一点
01:12:837 (72837|5,72912|4,72987|3,73062|0,73062|4,73062|1,73062|6,73137|5) - 有类似上一段00:44:112 (44112|0,44130|1,44149|4,44187|6,44224|5,44262|2) - 这种地方的特殊效果音,要不要考虑pattern稍微做更特殊一点?现在感觉基本还是跟着前面在切,也可以只在左手做一点burst
01:16:512 (76512|0,76537|1,76562|2,76587|3,76662|0) - 这里感觉比前面弱不少了,pattern可以弱化一点,把面缩短或者改成米都行
02:41:412 (161412|0,161412|1,161412|6,161612|1,161612|4,161812|4,161812|1) - 感觉值得尝试把这里的节奏做出来,因为一整段的pattern基本都是围绕这个重kick的,02:51:012 - 同
03:52:662 (232662|5,232662|3,232662|4,232662|6,232662|2,232737|0,232737|1,232812|4,232812|2,232812|6,232812|5) - 感觉434对鼓的突出比524好,03:52:662 (232662|3) - 往上挪一格就行,03:57:462 - 一样
03:56:112 (236112|1,236112|3,236112|4,236187|6,236262|2,236299|1,236337|5,236374|4) - 感觉可以加一点吧,这里突然空了一下手感上感觉比较奇怪,至少考虑1/2加保持一个叠的手感
00:04:804 (4804|3,4934|2,5064|0) - 感觉更应该和00:05:325 (5325|2,5456|0,5586|2) - 后面对应,第一个音00:04:673 (4673|1) - 太轻了,至少00:04:804 (4804|3) - 得给1/2,前面那个缩短
00:11:325 (11325|1,11325|2) - 00:12:369 (12369|1,12369|2) - 这一段这种小节结束前的最后一个double我个人感觉没啥必要,音很轻,最多和前面那个重音叠一下就够了,一直到00:21:891 - 结束
00:39:760 (39760|2,39793|3,40021|2,40054|3,40282|2,40314|3,40543|2,40575|3) - 连续用四个感觉重复太多了,有些是不太一样的,比如00:39:760 (39760|2,39793|3)明显比别的短而且弱,可以换写法
00:41:456 (41456|2,41488|3) - 00:41:978 (41978|1,42010|0) - 类似
01:23:116 (83116|1,83116|0,83246|1,83246|0,83507|1,83507|0,83638|1,83638|0) - 这里这种两个叠一起的我感觉没有体现这段的节奏啊,最明显的后面那个更重现在这样打不出这种手感
01:30:681 - ~ 01:47:377 - 这一段我个人感觉有些地方写的太超标,导致体感上进下一段直接就萎了
大概就是我觉得这段需要整体nerf,现在这样把后面有些你想突出难度的地方,比如01:48:942 (108942|1,108942|0,109007|3,109072|1,109072|2,109138|3,109203|1,109203|0,109268|3,109333|2,109333|1,109399|3,109464|0,109464|1) - 都盖过了
02:04:072 - ~ 02:10:333 - 感觉有点乱,缺少主线
00:11:064 (11064|2,11195|1,11195|3) - 00:12:108 (12108|3,12108|2,12238|0,12238|1) - 等等,这种连续两个鼓的地方也许还是可以叠,现在这样手感比较单薄而且太简单
00:39:043 (39043|1,39108|3,39173|0,39238|1,39238|3) - 这里明显3/4节奏写成这样其实是很奇怪的,虽然主难也没突出这个节奏型但是至少没叠1/2,反正能改的话尽量改一下
01:31:203 (91203|0,91203|3) - 和后面的01:35:312 (95312|0,95312|2) - 我觉得反而明显是前面这里更强,所以pattern的强度关系反了
01:31:725 (91725|2,91725|0,91725|3) - 01:35:899 (95899|1,95899|3,95899|0) - 整段就这两个地方三押了,稍微有点怪我感觉
01:32:638 (92638|0) - 01:32:899 (92899|2) - 等等,如果主难这段削了这种double感觉就没必要了,反而让思路看起来很不清晰
01:36:812 (96812|1) - 类似,如果要叠体现连贯性可以01:36:681 (96681|0) - 放col4
01:47:899 (107899|0,107899|3) - 这个double是干啥的,其他有旋律没鼓的地方加double勉强可以接受,这种地方基本啥都没有
01:55:725 (115725|3,115725|0,115855|1,115855|2,115985|3,115985|2,116116|1,116116|2) - 这种pattern手感上太硬了,比主难难打,特别是前后还都是交互,随便摆了摆或者你自己改一个顺眼的
02:08:899 (128899|2,128899|0,129029|3,129029|1,129159|2,129290|0,129290|3,129420|2,129551|0,129551|3,129681|1,129746|2,129812|0,129812|3) - 可能有和主难类似的问题,感觉这里LN的意图不是很清楚,如果低难度有类似思路的可以一起看看
02:14:246 (134246|3) - 感觉没必要省略这个double了,这里节奏很清楚,而且你后面写的爆
02:05:899 (125899|3) - 02:10:072 (130072|2) - 包括这些可能也可以加回来
02:29:242 (149242|2,149357|2,149469|2) - 稍微re一下,bpm上来了三连还和后面接着就很不好打,而且前面02:25:821 - 02:27:493 - 都已经换了简单的排列了
01:22:725 - 这里这个1/2感觉可以加,刚好和后面01:23:116 (83116|2,83246|2,83507|2,83638|2) - 对应
01:58:399 (118399|1,118464|2,118529|1,118594|0,118659|1,118725|2,118790|1,118855|0) - 为啥这里突然和前面01:57:290 - 难度差一大截,没啥特别明显的变化吧
02:01:464 (121464|3,121529|0,121594|2,121659|1,121725|3,121790|0,121855|2,121920|1) - 前面01:54:942 - 都用短LN了,这里第二次出现理论上情绪应该更强,除非有特殊理由要弱化这个地方
01:23:116 (83116|3,83246|3,83507|2,83638|2,83899|3,84029|3) - 这段这么写说实话有点怪,不是同一个音感觉不如还是写double但是不叠
01:32:246 (92246|0,92246|3) - why double
然后说实话这一段一直到01:39:029 - 感觉一致性有点混乱,最开始01:30:942 (90942|1,90942|0,91464|3,91464|2) - 抓的是重拍,然后到01:32:768 - 之后有些地方又不抓了,01:37:985 (97985|3,97985|0,98246|3,98246|0,98377|1,98507|0,98507|3,98638|2,98768|3,98768|0) - 这几个也没太看懂抓的是什么
01:55:203 (115203|1,115203|2) -可能不用double,感觉对这个难度有点太细节了
01:55:725 (115725|1) - 反而是这个肯定要double的你没加
01:57:551 (117551|1,117681|1) - 如果不是有意的感觉应该和前面01:56:246 (116246|0,116377|0,116507|1,116638|1) - 一个写法
02:03:290 (123290|2,123420|1,123551|0,123681|1,123812|2,123942|1) - 有点简单,现在这里这么写成了整段最简单的地方了,感觉要么加叠要么加面
01:47:638 (107638|0,107638|1,108029|0,108029|1,108420|0,108420|1,108812|0,108812|1) - 这段是故意去抓这种反拍的吗,感觉不是特别顺而且上一个抓的也是正拍
02:15:942 (135942|3,136072|0) - 这个音明显是从1/2开始滑的,加上和后面02:16:333 (136333|2,136464|3,136594|0) - 一模一样放一起就很奇怪,感觉不如LN直接从1/2开始,或者换排列之类的
i dropped acc here, although it's like constantly going lower in the whole second half and i didn't feel it's that out of place when playing through
Also, if you do believe it's something that needs to be fixed could you give your solutions? i personally don't think remove all the minijack should be the way to go as that would obviously make the section too easy instead, unless being patterned pretty awkwardly (e.g. long split/one hand trills)
01:32:246 (92246|0,92246|3) - 01:36:420 (96420|2,96420|3) - 这两个我还是没看懂double的是啥
01:34:594 (94594|3) - 也许可以加单note,不过下一段的01:42:942 - 这里整段一致性和前面不一样,所以看你要不要加
01:37:203 (97203|2,97333|1,97333|3,97594|0,97594|2,97725|1) - 感觉单双反过来和其他地方更一致