you know why I came from :trol:
Summary: in 00:03:381 - 00:21:028, some LN is quite unreasonable.
one example is that you placed this LN, 00:01:616 (1616|4) - actual synth starts 00:01:263 but you made above 1/1 snap, and it is more reasonable placement imo. You can do up to 1/1 snap for better one I think.
or you can make same as 01:30:548 - 01:53:136 LN section, they are emphasizing both actual synths and intense sounds with 1/1 delay.
Some suggestion for this: I just wanna say make one LN for make sure, I am not objecting using double LN hold with some jack pattern but it is also fine single at intro part, making clear progression is more important stuff.
00:06:205 (6205|5) - slightly weird LN placement imo, this results weird progression after minijack parts which ignores doubles (eg 00:07:263, 00:07:616)
suggest move this LN to col7, and you can extend those jack concept (00:07:969 (7969|2,8146|2,8322|4,8322|2,8499|4,8675|0,8675|4,8852|0) - ) more clearly after 00:06:910.
01:43:253 (103253|1,103253|3,103253|2,103430|2) - very uncomfortable jack with LN, you can move 01:43:253 (103253|2,103430|2) - notes to col7.
00:23:279 (23279|5,23279|3) - Intended or not, I am not sure you ignored vocal grace note at 00:23:367 and make this double. Suggest move like this ref 00:22:926 (22926|5,23014|4) - :
same as 00:26:102 (26102|1,26102|3) - 00:28:926 (28926|2,28926|5) - 00:31:749 (31749|1,31749|3) - 00:34:573 (34573|1,34573|3) - 00:37:397 (37397|5,37397|3) - 00:40:220 (40220|1,40220|4) -
00:24:073 (24073|4,24117|5) - IMO, those 1/8 graces aren't seems good to play and even can't express vocal enough. Suggest make 1/6 with 3-4-5 graces that you made at 00:24:338 (24338|2,24397|3,24455|4) - ,
00:24:955 (24955|3,25044|4,25044|2,25132|3) - 00:25:308 (25308|2,25397|1,25397|3,25485|2) - honestly, those 'O' pattern is too harsh to play in 7K even you intended for vocal and synth expression. This can be dispersed more comfortable pattern for balance purpose, this is one of my examples
green: dispersed trill that doesn't make 'O'
red: 1/8 vocal synth ref.
These suggestions can be applied 00:22:750 - 00:42:514 section.
00:43:044 (43044|0,43044|5) - I don't think this double doesn't need, there isn't any kick nor snare sounds to emphasize with double.
00:38:632 (38632|0,38808|0,38985|0,39161|0,39338|0) - really good anchor expression however 00:39:338 (39338|0) - doesn't need successive anchor in end of synth at col1, arrange like this seems better imo
00:44:279 (44279|1,44279|2,44455|1,44455|2,44632|5,44632|3,44808|5,44808|3,44985|2,44985|1,45073|5,45073|4) - might be minor thing; those hihat jacks are pretty randomly placed imo, results feel empty at col1, 7 and too stacking at col2, 6. Suggest make consistent with 00:43:926 (43926|6,43926|4,44102|4,44102|6) - pattern like this:
00:46:220 (46220|6,46397|6,46573|6,46749|6) - seems too stacking at col4 without proper reason I think, maybe move 00:46:749 (46749|6) - to col6 can disperse them that you already made at 00:49:573 (49573|3,49573|6,49573|1) -
01:18:867 (78867|2,78955|5,79044|2,79132|5) - unfortunately, they aren't consistently expressing those trill notes, they can be moved 2-5 trill that you made whole section in this part.
Referred: 01:12:691 (72691|4,72735|5,72779|6,72867|2,72911|3,72955|4,73044|0,73088|1,73132|2,73220|4,73220|6,73308|1,73397|4,73485|1) -
in 01:27:691 - 01:29:102, current pattern is too punishing at col 3 and too empty at col7, which doesn't seem well-hand balanced pattern;
01:28:338 (88338|2,88367|1,88397|0) - I am not sure only placing 1/12 grace instead of 1/8 that you placed that snap in whole part.
01:29:014 (89014|2,89044|3,89073|4,89102|5) - these graces aren't also unsure to express with 1/12 grace, I think just simple 1/4 trill instead would be fine enough for me, ref 01:24:514 (84514|2,84602|5,84691|2,84779|5) - etc.
in 02:00:513 - 02:40:396, this might be minor but single jack without LN section (like 02:00:513 (120513|1,120513|0,120513|6,120866|6,120866|1,120866|0) - , 02:03:337 (123337|6,123337|1,123337|4,123690|4,123690|0,123690|6) - etc) chords can't figure what you intended placement while you made great expression at LN section (eg. 02:01:925 (121925|1,121925|6,122101|5,122101|1,122101|3,122101|6) - etc)
I think you can make more consistent expression, here is my some examples refer your current pattern:
... etc,
02:35:454 (155454|6,155454|5,155454|1,155454|4,155454|0) - why this note only placed 5 chords? might need to reduce quad instead
02:54:513 (174513|2,174557|0,174866|2,174910|0) - I think those note can be 1/8 3 graces, not 2 even I considered diff spikes that doesn't affect very much cuz already you made left-hand bias
03:17:807 (197807|6,197807|5,198513|4) - minor, 3 LN hold is too much for synth end imo, maybe reduce double or single can give weak sound expression, also make sure difference between main synth part.
03:51:690 - 04:13:219 might be picky opinion; honestly those parts are overused quad, even there isn't main kick sound like 03:52:043 (232043|0,232043|6,232043|2,232043|5) - . Also compared with previous sections, they mostly consisted triple and quad but only express with quad in this section seems big diff gap leap in this chart.
suggest reduce structure to 4-3-4-3 chordsizes, they wouldn't break your intention also fit those chart's concept.
modding cuz you requested
in 00:08:074 - 00:14:074 1/4 trillstream pattern looks like beautiful, however, in 6K playing moment, it is undoubtedly big spikes for players.
I think current pattern isn't suitable to place with bracket trill instead of stream at the start of music, it is extremely hard to deal those patterns (00:08:074 (8074|0,8136|2,8199|0,8261|2) (one handtrill) -> 00:08:324 (8324|1,8386|3,8449|1,8511|3) (middle finger bracket with other hands) -> 00:08:574 (8574|2,8636|4,8699|2,8761|4) -> 00:08:824 (8824|3,8886|5,8949|3,9011|5) (move with bracket to one handtrill)). IMO, you can disperse those trills with simple stream instead, it is enough to emphasize streams those sounds cuz of fast BPM.
00:01:574 (1574|4,1824|4) - I think both should be double not just adding simple anchor like 00:01:574 (1574|4,1824|4,2074|4) - (ref 00:05:699 (5699|2,5699|0,5824|3,5824|5) - )
00:14:324 (14324|2,14324|0,14824|3,14824|5) - double with low vocal sound seems too much for me, suggest reduce to single.
00:17:699 (17699|1,17699|0,17761|2,17761|3,17824|5,17824|4) - seems weird progression in here, those chordsizes should be 2-1-3 (ref 00:15:824 (15824|4,15824|3,15886|1,15949|4,15949|3,16011|1) -, 00:17:574 (17574|3,17574|4,17574|2) - has triple with big drum), this is my opinion to rearrange
same logic can be applied at 00:22:574 (22574|1,22574|0,22636|4,22636|5,22699|3,22699|2,22761|1,22824|2,22824|4,22824|0) -
00:18:511 (18511|2) - this 1/4 stream appears too early, the synth starts 00:18:574, not there. Suggest remove it.
00:19:074 (19074|3,19136|4,19199|3,19261|4) - you can keep this pattern however I think those one-hand 210 bracket-trill is overkilling them (same logics at 2329041#4852794), you can nerf simple trill or stream, this is one of my suggestion with trill
00:23:824 (23824|4,23949|5) - minor, I think moving both to col1 seems better for emphasizing same sound with avoid anchors.
00:24:324 (24324|0,24324|1) - vocal double should be placed 00:24:261, not here if you intended that.
00:28:074 (28074|0,28136|2,28199|3) - this vocal notes and after 00:28:261 - stream blends and results both unclear song progression and making unintended anchor at col3 if you make double-trill at 00:28:011, imo.
suggest remove those notes and add double at 00:28:011 col2,3, it is fine to start 1/4 stream at 00:28:261 cuz the sound actually starts here.
00:33:886 (33886|2,33949|4,34011|0) - I feels underwhelming just dealing same as 1/4 stream, this sound has clearly different one compared with other parts, you can improve to 1/8 or 1/6 stream instead (eg. 00:37:449 (37449|2,37490|3,37532|4) - ,00:35:699 (35699|5,35740|4,35782|3) - )
00:37:699 (37699|2,37740|3,37782|4,37824|2,37824|5,37824|1,37824|0,37949|3,37949|4,38011|1,38011|2,38074|0,38074|5,38074|3) - ctrl+h for hand balance? and actually fun to play not just let into right hands
00:38:824 (38824|0,38886|3,38886|2,38949|1,38949|0,39011|2,39011|3,39074|0) - IDK not sure about this, those 00:38:824 (38824|0,38886|2,38949|1,38949|0,39011|2,39074|0) - part is actually too left-hand based, I think you can rearrange differently that you made same kicktrill parts (eg. 00:42:949 (42949|2,42949|1,43011|4,43011|5,43074|1,43074|0,43136|2,43136|3,43199|5,43199|4) - , etc)
00:46:136 (46136|0,46261|0) - move to col2? Current pattern is unsymmetry and seems weird imo.
00:41:574 (41574|5,41574|4,41574|0,41636|3,41699|2,41699|1,41699|5,41761|4,41824|0,41824|3,41824|1,41886|5,41949|3,41949|4,41949|2,42011|0,42074|2,42074|1,42074|5) - I can understand your intention however, results too blended with vocal and kick notes, and unsure where's the emphasis point is.
I suggest remove vocal with 1/4 stream which is not suitable imo, it is fine to leave as 1/2 triple (with quad at 00:41:824) jack, in this entire parts do single 1/4 stream and 1/2 jack can ventilate enough
00:43:199 - vs 00:43:824 (43824|1,43824|4,43824|5,43824|0) - quad or double? well, I suggest just add triple or quad both
00:49:949 (49949|1) - move to col6 will not break ur idea, those parts already doing separated things (left - stream, right - jacks) and make them consistency
00:53:699 (53699|2) - might be picky sugg; ghost note (or very minor vocal) and even consisting unfriendly anchor 00:53:574 (53574|2,53699|2,53824|2) - , suggest move another col imo
00:54:824 (54824|2,54824|0,54824|1,54949|2,54949|1,54949|0) - I don't think those triple is fine, it is too large. Suggest reduce double or lower.
00:54:261 (54261|5,54261|1,54261|0,54261|4,54324|3,54324|2) - I think you can make 1/8 stream instead of quad-double structure considering it is synth
00:54:449 (54449|0,54449|4,54449|5,54574|0,54574|5,54574|1) - vs 00:54:449 (54449|0,54449|4,54449|5,54574|0,54574|5,54574|1) - actually conflicting your concept, suggest make quad-triple like latter one.
00:55:074 (55074|0,55074|5,55074|3,55199|1,55199|2,55199|4,55324|5,55324|0,55324|3,55449|4,55449|1,55449|2,55574|5,55574|3,55574|0) - minor opinion: it is actually cool, but I highly suggest make only triple at vocal+kick and variate to double: like this
01:00:824 (60824|4,60949|4,61074|4) - seems very dangerous anchor, how about rearrange like this?
01:01:574 (61574|0,61574|1,61574|3,61574|2,61636|4,61699|1,61761|3,61824|2,61824|1,61824|0) - some chordsize structure isn't consistent compared with 00:32:074 - 00:45:324 part and results uncomfortable progression like 01:01:636 (61636|4,61699|1,61761|3) - weird 1/2 stream.
I suggest to change 3-4 chordsize structure that you previously made at 00:32:074 - 00:45:324, and this can be give enough space for streamy atmostphere
in 01:22:074 - 01:25:574, 01:28:074 - 01:31:074, 01:32:074 - 01:34:074, this part's stream structure isn't clear for me, here is the reason:
01:20:824 (80824|0,80824|2,80949|0,80949|2) - those notes are making 2 anchor with stream (col1, 3), but compared with 01:20:324 (80324|4,80324|5,80324|0,80324|3,80386|2,80449|1,80449|3) - they are making single anchor (col 4).
those stream are results feeling like random stream practice map, you need to make sure streamly rules
01:22:324 (82324|1,82449|1,82574|1) - blend structure results unintended anchor and break stream concept, needed to fix after rearrangement.
missing note at 01:21:886?
vocal doubles are also not-well done:
4-1. 01:20:949 - 01:21:011, 01:28:949 - 01:29:011, etc... , can be double trill for those notes
4-2. 01:28:699 (88699|1,88699|3) - there isn't any vocal but double. also consisting uncomfortable anchor at 01:28:699 (88699|1,88824|1,88949|1) -
4-3. 01:29:074 - 01:29:574, no doubt for 01:29:074 (89074|5,89199|5,89324|5) - those anchor however those streams structure can be improved like this:
Conclusion, please make sure those chord and stream rules. Current pattern doesn't seem good and you can improve more than now, suggest rework those parts with your clear progress intention.
01:31:449 (91449|2,91574|2,91699|2) - current 01:31:324 (91324|3,91324|4,91386|0,91386|1,91449|3,91449|2) - and (ctrl+h'ed one at 01:31:574 (91574|2,91574|1,91636|5,91636|4,91699|2,91699|3) - ) pattern results uncomfortable anchor, you can refine like this:
in 01:52:074 - 02:05:574, every 1/4 part (eg. 01:52:324 (112324|5,112324|3) - ) are emphasizing double however it seems too big chordsize and results questionable gp, I think you can reduce single note instead.
Please check those notes:
01:52:324 (112324|3,112324|5) -
01:53:074 (113074|0,113074|2) -
01:54:324 (114324|3,114324|5) -
01:55:074 (115074|0,115074|2) -
01:56:324 (116324|0,116324|2) -
01:57:074 (117074|5,117074|3) -
01:58:324 (118324|0,118324|2) -
01:59:074 (119074|3,119074|5) -
02:00:324 (120324|3,120324|5) -
02:01:074 (121074|2,121074|0) -
02:02:324 (122324|5,122324|3) -
02:03:074 - breaking chordrules(?)
02:04:324 (124324|0,124324|1) -
02:05:074 - also breaking rules(?)
02:00:449 (120449|2,120574|2,120574|0,120699|2,120699|0,120824|0) - those anchor seems too harsh for them, avoid like this?
same as 02:02:574 (122574|0,122574|3,122574|5,122574|1,122699|3,122761|2,122824|0,122824|4,122824|3,122824|5) - ,
02:05:574 (125574|0,125574|5,125574|1) - minor, 02:05:574 - 02:05:949 part seems better to rearrange 2-3-2-3 chordsizes, reduce to double instead (ref. 02:05:824)
02:09:011 (129011|3,129136|3,129323|3,129448|3) - seems tricky minijacks imo, ctrl+h 02:09:073 (129073|5,129073|4,129073|0,129136|3,129198|2,129261|1,129323|5,129323|3,129323|0,129323|4,129386|2,129448|3,129511|4,129573|0,129573|1,129573|5,129636|4,129698|3,129761|2,129823|5,129823|1,129823|0,129823|4,129886|3,129948|2,129948|0,129948|1,130011|5) - this can be better hand balance
same as 02:13:074 (133074|4,133074|0,133074|5,133136|3,133199|2,133261|1,133324|4,133324|3,133324|0,133324|5,133386|2,133449|3,133511|4,133574|0,133574|1,133574|5,133636|3,133699|2,133761|1) - ,02:13:824 (133824|0,133824|4,133824|5,133824|3,133886|1,133949|5,133949|4,133949|2,134011|0) - also need adjustment
02:15:074 (135074|3,135324|3,135574|3,135824|3,136074|3) - minor, this anchor is kinda huge even you made anchorjack at col4, result too heavey col4. you can move 02:15:574 (135574|3) - to col3 can avoid it.
02:22:074 (142074|1,142115|2,142157|3,142199|4,142324|1,142365|2,142407|3,142449|4) - is there a reason to make 1/6? I can't figure what sound are you emphasizing. (compared with glitch at 02:21:324 (141324|5,141365|4,141407|3,141449|2,141699|5,141740|4,141782|3,141824|2) - , 02:22:574 (142574|5,142615|4,142657|3,142699|2,142740|1,142782|4,142824|0,142865|1,142907|2,142949|3,142990|4,143032|5) - )
03:07:574 - missing quad at glitch sound, ref 03:06:574 (186574|4,186574|1,186574|0,186574|5) - , etc, is it intended?
03:21:449 (201449|4,201574|4,201699|4,201824|4) - due to 03:21:449 (201449|4) - note remains col5, feels insufficient emphasizing for clear kickdrum at col5,6 jacks;
reduce 03:21:324 triple for lowering synth and make enough space 03:21:449 (201449|4) - to place another col seems better
03:44:074 (224074|3,224136|5,224136|4,224199|3,224261|5,224261|4) - those one-hand trill seems not comfortable, suggest move 03:44:074 (224074|3,224199|3) - to col 1
03:40:074 (220074|0,220074|1,220074|2,220136|3,220136|5,220199|2,220199|1,220199|0,220261|4) - make like this?
04:18:949 (258949|2,258980|1) - I think you can move another hand like col 4, 5; current one doesn't give enough glitch sound expression and just played manip jack
04:25:074 (265074|5,265074|1,265115|0,265157|4,265199|3,265240|1,265282|5,265282|0,265324|4,265365|2,265407|1,265449|5,265490|3,265532|0,265574|2,265615|1,265657|4,265699|3,265740|2,265782|5,265824|4) - those glitch sound delay is too uncomfortable and spiky that player can thought unexpected dump in calm section, think more intuitive pattern like simple stream or something
02:19:824 (139824|3,139824|1,139824|4,139824|2) - imo quad is too much and making too uncomfortable minijacks at col 3, 5, I think it is fine to leave triple both avoid unintended jacks and expression
03:34:324 (214324|2,214324|0,214324|1,214324|4,214386|5,214449|1,214449|0,214449|4,214511|2,214574|3,214574|5,214574|4,214574|1,214636|2,214636|0) - all fine stream for me but this one is kinda tricky for players, anchor at col2 03:34:074 (214074|1,214199|1,214324|1,214449|1,214574|1) - makes more and too hard to read blendy notes, suggest rearrange like this?
03:36:074 (216074|4,216199|4,216324|4,216449|4,216574|4) - itchy anchor at col5, 03:36:449 (216449|4) - move to col4?
04:50:074 (290074|5,290074|4,290199|0,290199|1,290261|2) - bit underwhelming chord choice at large kick sounds, imo, I think you can ignore minor 04:50:136 (290136|3) - note and more expressing with at least triple at 04:50:074, 04:50:199, 04:50:261, seems better for me, consider about this.
05:01:386 (301386|3) - I think you can remove those note, actually ghost note and you didn't make same thing at 05:01:636
05:04:699 - I think it is worthy to place triple compared with 05:04:824 (304824|5,304824|3) - , has big drum sound
[General Check]
[Background] - 🟩
-> [Dimensions]: 1920 x 1080
-> [Size]: 2.62MB
[Audio]: 192kps / .mp3 🟩
[Beatmap Check]
[Timing / BPM]: no issues - 🟩
[HP/OD]: 8 / 7.7 - 🟩 bit low OD but ok if intended, but still suggest at least OD 8
[Hitsounds]: less than 5ms when I checked from audacity. - 🟩
[Title/Romanised Title]: Search And Destroy / Search And Destroy - 🟩
[Artist/Romanised Artist]: DJKurara & Supire - 🟩
[Current Tags]: featured artist fa electronic instrumental edm idm intelligent dance music hardcore breakcore drum and bass dnb d&b d'n'b drumnbass drum'n'bass mashcore mashup gabber techno uptempo nh_supaia nhspire twilight ep extended play rice nekoya
- 🟨
General: electronic instrumental
Song / Artist Reference: edm idm intelligent dance music hardcore breakcore drum and bass dnb d&b d'n'b drumnbass drum'n'bass mashcore mashup gabber techno uptempo nh_supaia nhspire twilight ep extended play
Extra Tag: featured artist fa rice
is bg artist, you don't need to place at tags, instead, place desc or somewhere.
Missing drenchcore
at song genre? They tagged main song genre drenchcore
Finalized Tag: featured artist fa electronic instrumental edm idm intelligent dance music hardcore breakcore drenchcore drum and bass dnb d&b d'n'b drumnbass drum'n'bass mashcore mashup gabber techno uptempo nh_supaia nhspire twilight ep extended play rice
[Primary Metadata Sources]: soundcloud
official EP
col 1, 12 -> Lsc / Rsc
[General Check]
[Background]: 🟩
-> [Dimensions]: 1920 x 1080
-> [Size]: 2.39MB
[Audio]: 192kps / .mp3 - 🟩
[Beatmap Check]
[Timing / BPM]: not bad but need +5ms, new timing will be 1387
- 🟨
[HP/OD]: 6/6 | 6.5/6.5 | 7/7 | 7.5/7.5 | 8/8 - 🟩
[Hitsounds]: less than 5ms when I checked from audacity. - 🟩
[Title/Romanised Title]: c.s.q.n. / c.s.q.n. - 🟩
[Artist/Romanised Artist]: Aoi / Aoi - 🟩
[Current Tags]: n+2 10k2s 10k+2 10+2k scratch special style dp double play fa featured artist mg mappers' guild csqn conditio sine qua non 出前 demaescape movie speedcore dnb d&b drum and bass drumstep electronic instrumental hardcore dubstep trap hybrid core mobile arcade rhythm game groundbreaking - compilation album disc 3 sink & rise maimai オンゲキ でらっくす splash 舞萌dx 2021 オンゲキ r.e.d. plus ongeki o.n.g.e.k.i. muse dash lanota orzmic rotaeno phigros 株式会社セガ sega corporation peroperogames noxy games btworks dream engine pigeon x.d. network inc. bms be-music source bofu bof bof19 bofxv bofxv19 give up bluegarden cyclone ブルーガーデン・サイクロン treatment vol.10 vol aoi's odd ideas bluenoup aoisoundsystem
- mostly fine, however, need some fix 🟨
General: n+2 10k2s 10k+2 10+2k scratch special style dp double play speedcore dnb d&b drum and bass drumstep electronic instrumental hardcore dubstep trap hybrid core fa featured artist mpg mg mappers' guild
Song / Artist Reference: csqn conditio sine qua non 出前 demaescape movie mobile arcade rhythm game groundbreaking - compilation album disc 3 sink & rise maimai オンゲキ でらっくす splash 舞萌dx 2021 オンゲキ r.e.d. plus ongeki o.n.g.e.k.i. muse dash lanota orzmic rotaeno phigros 株式会社セガ sega corporation peroperogames noxy games btworks dream engine pigeon x.d. network inc. bms be-music script bof bof19 bofxv bofxv19 give up bluegarden cyclone ブルーガーデン・サイクロン treatment vol.10 vol aoi's odd ideas bluenoup aoisoundsystem
Extra Tag: scratch hybrid
If you decided to add mappers' guild, you can also add shorten name, ``mpg, not just adding
mgBMS is
be-music script, not a
be-music source:skull: You don't need to add
bofubofu naming was only used in 2015-2017 event, which isn't related.
scartch hybird``` I think no need to doubt about this
Finalized Tag: n+2 10k2s 10k+2 10+2k scratch special style dp double play speedcore dnb d&b drum and bass drumstep electronic instrumental hardcore dubstep trap hybrid core fa featured artist mpg mg mappers' guild csqn conditio sine qua non 出前 demaescape movie mobile arcade rhythm game groundbreaking - compilation album disc 3 sink & rise maimai オンゲキ でらっくす splash 舞萌dx 2021 オンゲキ r.e.d. plus ongeki o.n.g.e.k.i. muse dash lanota orzmic rotaeno phigros 株式会社セガ sega corporation peroperogames noxy games btworks dream engine pigeon x.d. network inc. bms be-music script bof bof19 bofxv bofxv19 give up bluegarden cyclone ブルーガーデン・サイクロン treatment vol.10 vol aoi's odd ideas bluenoup aoisoundsystem scratch hybrid
[Source]: BOFXV - THE BMS OF FIGHTERS eXtreme Violence -
- 🟩
[Primary Metadata Sources]: soundcloud
BOFXV event link
1. Easy
00:21:037 (21037|1) - no complaint for your intention that ignoring 3/4 drum sounds (for balance purpose?) but I'd like to suggest following 3/4 drum sounds (00:20:950 - 00:21:209), it is more intuitive for players.
00:17:244 (17244|0) - how about moving this scratch to Rsc and following drum stream (00:16:554 (16554|4,16899|7) - ) at col5? you already did similar concept at 00:12:071 (12071|11,12071|0) -
00:22:071 (22071|9,22416|10,22761|2,23106|1) - picky suggestion, these minor vocla sound is kinda low and it is possible to move scratch line instead, think about moving those notes to Rsc - Lsc
00:23:106 - I think you can make sc+normal (in different hand) like 00:12:071 (12071|11,12071|0) -
in 00:24:830 (24830|6,25175|5,25519|6,25864|5,26209|7,26554|4,26899|8,27244|3,27588|9,27933|2) - part, I think the progression is slightly weird;
No doubt making 00:23:450 (23450|11,23795|5,24140|6,24485|5) - with thumb trill but 00:24:830 (24830|6,25175|5,25519|6,25864|5) - is making also same trill, which you didn't make same pattern in Normal.
This results making inconsistent trill progression like 00:26:209 (26209|7,26554|4,26899|8,27244|3,27588|9,27933|2) - .
For my opinion, split 00:23:450 - 00:24:830 - 00:26:209 - 00:27:588 parts that is clearly different musical progression and make them all differently. Below one is my suggestion.
...or copypasta 00:29:313 (29313|6,29657|5,30002|6,30347|3,30692|8,31037|3,31382|8,31726|1,32071|10,32416|1,32761|10) - this pattern that you made it.
00:40:692 (40692|6) - should it need to add light synth note? I think you ignored those notes in this musical phase.
00:43:795 (43795|8) - this note is literally big missnap, I think it is no problem to place at 00:43:709 if you ignore 00:43:968 note.
00:44:140 (44140|2,44485|9,44830|2,45175|9) - slightly curious that you placed at normal column, not a scratch column. Re-consider about placing normal line, cuz it isn't main synth and already placed at scratch in Normal diff.
00:50:692 (50692|7) - I think you can ignore this sound that you didn't make kick note at 00:48:106.
01:18:968 (78968|3,79313|1,79657|3,80347|8,80692|10,81037|8,81726|2,82071|4,82416|2,83106|9,83450|7) - this is kinda swaped difficulty compared with Normal, Normal diff is using LN + sc but this one using LN + normal note with 1/1 stream? I think it is better to remove all single notes, you already ignored single notes at similar section (00:56:554 - 01:06:209)
01:24:485 (84485|6,85175|8,85864|5,86554|3) - I think it is better to remove those 1/1 jacks, sc+nm chord vs nm chord kinda no gap (or slightly sc+nm is hard tho) compared with Normal diff.
01:29:657 (89657|0,89657|6) - I think remove normal line note is better to give consistency that you didn't make sc+nm chord in start of musical phase in this diff.
02:02:071 (122071|10,122416|1) - I feels these stream is not giving enough glitch sound pitch, how about adding LN at Rsc in 02:02:071 and move 02:02:761 (122761|11) - to Lsc.
2. Normal
00:03:623 (3623|6) - actually no effect sound, consider remove this or want to keep this concept, move to 00:03:709 instead.
same as 00:06:382 (6382|7) - , move to 00:06:468?
also 00:09:140 (9140|8) -
00:10:347 (10347|1,10519|10,10692|1) - is there a reason to move col2-11 not just kept concept trill at col3-10?
in 00:12:761 (12761|5,13106|5,13450|5,13795|5,14140|5,14485|5,14830|5) - I agree your intention but this is unfortunately, can be dealt long anchor and violating RC. Not only this problem, I think you can separate musical phase at 00:13:795 however you didn't. (this applies all diffs)
For my opinion, move 00:13:795 (13795|5,14140|5,14485|5,14830|5) - note to col2, that you didn't used much in this diff for balance and clear progression.
This can be also applied at 00:16:554 (16554|6,16899|6) - / 01:31:037 (91037|5,91382|5,91726|5,92071|5) - 01:33:795 (93795|4,94140|4,94485|4,94830|4) - 01:36:554 (96554|3,96899|3,97244|3,97588|3) - / 01:42:071 (102071|6,102416|6,102761|6,103106|6) - 01:44:830 (104830|7,105175|7,105519|7,105864|7) -
00:17:071 (17071|2,17244|0) - this movement seems too hard consider it is Normal diff, suggest ctrl+h 00:17:244 (17244|0,17416|11,17588|0,17761|11,17933|1,17933|6) -
00:20:864 (20864|9,21037|2) - I think you missed placing kick note at 00:20:950, please make sure about this
00:27:588 (27588|3,27761|8,27933|3,28106|8) - this part is only not following basic kick+minor synth in previous part (00:24:830 - 00:27:244), there is no reason to follow piano sound although breaking your pattern rule in this phase. Re-consider about this.
00:29:830 (29830|4) - should it be moved to col4 or somewhere considering your pattern rule in this phase?
00:42:071 (42071|5,42071|6) - 00:43:450 (43450|6,43450|5) - can't figure what is your intention. I don't think you need to add double.
00:55:519 (55519|1,55692|10,55864|2,56037|9,56209|3,56382|8) -
00:55:175 (55175|1,55347|10) - and 00:55:519 (55519|1,55692|10) - have different progression, suggest rearrange above pattern like this:
01:13:450 (73450|1,74140|1) - suggest move to another col not make pinky based 01:13:450 (73450|1,74140|1,74485|1,75002|1,75347|1) - .
also need to move 01:14:830 (74830|10,75519|10) - for consistency.
01:49:140 (109140|5,109313|5,109485|5) - 01:49:830 (109830|6,110002|6,110175|6) - isn't it too hard to dealt thumb jack with scratch? Also it is clearly violating RC, please disperse this.
3. Hard
00:21:726 (21726|5,21813|6,21899|0,21985|11) - I think you need to choose consistency for same sound, imo, it is suitable for placing normal line.
00:28:968 (28968|3,28968|5) - no ln? I think re-arrange like this can give both consistency and better impression (ref 00:23:450 (23450|2,23450|4) - ):
in 00:34:485 - 00:45:519 part, current pattern is giving too big gap between Hard and Normal diff:
Normal diff only using LN+single 1/1 jacks however Hard diff using single hand-trill with 1/4 snaps.
To solve it, I'd like to suggest remove unusual 1/4 notes 00:34:571 (34571|1,35261|2,35950|3,36640|2) - to give better diff progression: 1/1 (NM) -> 1/2 (HD).
same as 00:37:330 (37330|10,38019|9,38709|8,39399|9) - / 00:40:778 (40778|10,41468|2,42157|1) -
00:50:175 (50175|6,50175|5,50519|6,50519|5,50864|5,50864|6) - isn't it better to give various chord usage not only adding thumb chord? it feels too weird for players, above one is my sugg
00:51:554 (51554|9,51554|5,51899|5,51899|9) - I think you can add 1/2 stream at 00:51:726 instead of simple chords, consider about this
01:07:071 (67071|8,67071|10,67244|8,67244|10) - I can figure what you want to do but it is fine to leave as a single scratch, you didnt add double at 01:06:554 (66554|11) -
01:28:278 (88278|0) - scratch should not be dealt as a normal line, how about rearrange like this?
01:32:416 (92416|6,92416|5,92761|5,92761|6,93106|5,93106|6) - you actually dispersed all kick chords but this isn't and constructing unintended anchor at col 7 01:32:071 (92071|6,92416|6,92761|6,93106|6,93450|6) -
consider at least disperse 01:32:761 (92761|5,92761|6) - to col 5-8, however you can re-arrange more better referring in this phase (01:29:657 - 01:32:416, 01:33:795 - 01:35:175).
same as 01:43:450 (103450|5,103450|6,103795|6,103795|5,104140|6,104140|5) -
01:46:209 (106209|6) - it is fine to move col12 cuz this is also a part of kick scratch note.
01:50:002 (110002|4,110088|2,110175|4,110261|2) - consider remove this trill and replace LN Lsc (ref 01:47:761 (107761|11) - )
01:55:175 - there is an acutal snare sound can be added double; and current stream is very weird tho, suggest rearrange like this both giving double and suitable for its musical phase.
01:59:657 (119657|0) - minor, isn't it better to replace 1/1 LN sc and move to Rsc? 01:59:313 (119313|4,119399|2,119485|4,119571|2) - this is structing one hand trill and move to same scratch line is kinda harsh for players
4. Insane
00:22:071 (22071|4,22761|4) - this note placement seems awkward that you are making thumb-middle movement 00:22:416 (22416|6,22588|8) - but this isn't. Move 00:22:071 (22071|4,22244|2,22761|4,22933|2) - one right col?
00:23:106 (23106|11,23106|10,23106|1,23106|0) - this is literally IMPOSSIBLE pattern even it is short 1/2 LN, change to single notes for giving diff gap between top diff and this.
00:33:795 (33795|1,33882|2,33968|3,34054|4) - instead of making stream, 00:33:795 is actually making effect sound and also it is fine to give scratch at 00:33:968 for glitch sound; Suggest like this
00:43:795 (43795|1,43795|10) - idk why this structs double and 00:43:709 (43709|2,43882|2) - making weird minijack(?), suggest rearrange like this (you can change yourself, this is example)
00:45:519 (45519|8) - seems harsh hand movement, isn't it fine to move col11 both pattern consistency and playability
00:53:709 (53709|2,53795|2) - is it intended minijack? can't figure what you want to emphasize
00:47:675 (47675|2,47761|3,47847|2,47933|3,48019|2,48106|3,48192|2) - actually the glitch trill should be start at 00:47:933, 00:47:675 (47675|2,47761|3,47847|2) - notes are emphasizing different sound, suggest move 00:47:675 (47675|2,47847|2) - notes to another column and 00:47:761 (47761|3,47933|3) - for same synth pitch jack.
00:51:037 (51037|3,51037|0) - also too harsh pattern w scratch, I think it is fine to move col2 00:51:037 (51037|3) - cuz you didn't use col2 that much
01:15:778 (75778|1) - is there a reason to consist double? I think it is fine to leave simple stream w left thumb jack for focus more at one-hand stream at 01:15:606 (75606|7,75692|8,75778|7,75864|6) -
(applies top diff and this) in kiai part (01:29:657 - 01:46:209) 01:29:657 (89657|7,89657|6,90002|6,90002|7,90347|6,90347|7,90692|6,90692|7,91037|7,91037|8,91382|7,91382|8,91726|6,91726|5,92071|4,92071|3) - these chord usages are not clear in my view, which feels too randomly placed for streamy kiai parts; results non-intuitive gameplay.
For resolve this, I'd like to split hand: one hand plays kick jack and one hand plays stream:
this is one of my patter concept which can be more intuitive impression for players, consider rearrange whole kiai part.
01:50:175 (110175|3,110347|0,110347|3) - scratch after bracket trill is too peak (and even uncomfortable handplace, unnecessary sc), consider remove Lsc.
01:52:761 (112761|1,112933|1) - I think it is fine to leave single Rsc for synth effect, also structing weird anchor 01:52:761 (112761|1,112933|1,113106|1,113278|1) -
01:53:450 (113450|10,113537|8,113623|10,113709|8) - IDK what you want to emphasize this trill, I can hear only simple guitar
01:56:209 (116209|0,116382|0) - similar problem; scratch line should be dealt separately, current Lsc pattern can be misleads 01:56:554 (116554|0,116726|0,116899|0) - those glitch effect; Suggest trill with only normal columns NOT a sc+nm trill.
5. TOP DIFF (R-nother)
00:31:209 (31209|11) - only kick sound can be heard, I think no need to add Rsc cuz 00:31:209 (31209|4) - is already emphasizing that
00:34:140 - minor, you can add double for better emphasizing end of glitch effect that you made similarly at 00:12:071 (12071|3,12071|1,12071|5) -
00:35:519 (35519|6,35577|9,35634|6,35692|9) - also picky suggestion: wouldn't be better to make stream not just making trill for giving variation for 1/6 sounds?
00:40:692 (40692|4,40692|7,40692|6,40692|9) - intended or not, light snare for quad is overkilling imo, it is not big enough compared with other kick part, suggest reduce to triple or double.
00:45:175 (45175|6,45232|1,45261|7,45290|6) - this progression is kinda mess, I think you don't need to add 00:45:232 (45232|1,45290|6) - this 1/6 snares cuz it is pretty low and more focusing on main sound is better to play it
00:45:519 - I think you can make triple (2 nm + Rsc), not just adding simple nm + Rsc for kick sound.
01:05:519 - picky choice; this piano sound is very big compared with other parts, it deserves giving quad imo
01:06:554 - you can add same as 01:07:071 (67071|11,67071|1,67071|0,67071|10) - , it is top diff, no need to regulate your pattern consistency
01:08:450 (68450|10,68450|3,68450|7) - is there a reason to place triple?
same as 01:09:830 (69830|4,69830|9,69830|1) -
01:17:933 (77933|11,78106|11,78278|0,78450|0) - I understand what you want to emphasize but these 1/8 snare sounds are actually ends 1/4 beat, suggest upscale to 1/4 LN not 1/8 LN.
01:27:646 (87646|4,87761|4) - I think this anchor is too uncomfortable and slightly weird considering its musical phase, consider move 01:27:646 (87646|4) - to col4 and 01:27:675 (87675|7) - to col9 to avoid it.
01:40:519 (100519|5,100519|0) - this seems too dangerous pattern, shouldn't be placed 01:40:519 (100519|5) - to col11 or other right-hand columns?
01:52:761 (112761|1,112761|10,112761|11,112933|1,112933|11,112933|10) - these chord sizes are very questionable for me, I don't think it is right place to triple only for glitch sound; consider leave as single Rsc or reduce chordsizes
01:53:450 (113450|0,113450|10,113537|2,113537|8,113623|10,113623|0,113709|8,113709|2) - they are just emphasizing guitar but those pattern doesn't follow music's atmosphere imo. consider nerf simple tech-stream to focus more at guitar and avoid weird trill at 01:53:795 (113795|10,113882|8,113968|10,114054|8) -
[General Check]
[Background]: 🟩
-> [Dimensions]: 1920 x 1080
-> [Size]: 2.39MB
[Audio]: 192kps / .mp3 - 🟩
[Beatmap Check]
[Timing / BPM]: not bad but need +5ms, new timing will be 1387
- 🟨
[HP/OD]: 6/6 | 6.5/6.5 | 7/7 | 7.5/7.5 | 8/8 - 🟩
[Hitsounds]: less than 5ms when I checked from audacity. - 🟩
[Title/Romanised Title]: c.s.q.n. / c.s.q.n. - 🟩
[Artist/Romanised Artist]: Aoi / Aoi - 🟩
[Current Tags]: n+2 10k2s 10k+2 10+2k scratch special style dp double play fa featured artist mg mappers' guild csqn conditio sine qua non 出前 demaescape movie speedcore dnb d&b drum and bass drumstep electronic instrumental hardcore dubstep trap hybrid core mobile arcade rhythm game groundbreaking - compilation album disc 3 sink & rise maimai オンゲキ でらっくす splash 舞萌dx 2021 オンゲキ r.e.d. plus ongeki o.n.g.e.k.i. muse dash lanota orzmic rotaeno phigros 株式会社セガ sega corporation peroperogames noxy games btworks dream engine pigeon x.d. network inc. bms be-music source bofu bof bof19 bofxv bofxv19 give up bluegarden cyclone ブルーガーデン・サイクロン treatment vol.10 vol aoi's odd ideas bluenoup aoisoundsystem
- mostly fine, however, need some fix 🟨
General: n+2 10k2s 10k+2 10+2k scratch special style dp double play speedcore dnb d&b drum and bass drumstep electronic instrumental hardcore dubstep trap hybrid core fa featured artist mpg mg mappers' guild
Song / Artist Reference: csqn conditio sine qua non 出前 demaescape movie mobile arcade rhythm game groundbreaking - compilation album disc 3 sink & rise maimai オンゲキ でらっくす splash 舞萌dx 2021 オンゲキ r.e.d. plus ongeki o.n.g.e.k.i. muse dash lanota orzmic rotaeno phigros 株式会社セガ sega corporation peroperogames noxy games btworks dream engine pigeon x.d. network inc. bms be-music script bof bof19 bofxv bofxv19 give up bluegarden cyclone ブルーガーデン・サイクロン treatment vol.10 vol aoi's odd ideas bluenoup aoisoundsystem
Extra Tag: scratch hybrid
If you decided to add mappers' guild, you can also add shorten name, ``mpg, not just adding
mgBMS is
be-music script, not a
be-music source:skull: You don't need to add
bofubofu naming was only used in 2015-2017 event, which isn't related.
scartch hybird``` I think no need to doubt about this
Finalized Tag: n+2 10k2s 10k+2 10+2k scratch special style dp double play speedcore dnb d&b drum and bass drumstep electronic instrumental hardcore dubstep trap hybrid core fa featured artist mpg mg mappers' guild csqn conditio sine qua non 出前 demaescape movie mobile arcade rhythm game groundbreaking - compilation album disc 3 sink & rise maimai オンゲキ でらっくす splash 舞萌dx 2021 オンゲキ r.e.d. plus ongeki o.n.g.e.k.i. muse dash lanota orzmic rotaeno phigros 株式会社セガ sega corporation peroperogames noxy games btworks dream engine pigeon x.d. network inc. bms be-music script bof bof19 bofxv bofxv19 give up bluegarden cyclone ブルーガーデン・サイクロン treatment vol.10 vol aoi's odd ideas bluenoup aoisoundsystem scratch hybrid
[Source]: BOFXV - THE BMS OF FIGHTERS eXtreme Violence -
- 🟩
[Primary Metadata Sources]: soundcloud
BOFXV event link
00:21:037 (21037|1) - no complaint for your intention that ignoring 3/4 drum sounds (for balance purpose?) but I'd like to suggest following 3/4 drum sounds (00:20:950 - 00:21:209), it is more intuitive for players.
00:17:244 (17244|0) - how about moving this scratch to Rsc and following drum stream (00:16:554 (16554|4,16899|7) - ) at col5? you already did similar concept at 00:12:071 (12071|11,12071|0) -
00:22:071 (22071|9,22416|10,22761|2,23106|1) - picky suggestion, these minor vocla sound is kinda low and it is possible to move scratch line instead, think about moving those notes to Rsc - Lsc
00:23:106 - I think you can make sc+normal (in different hand) like 00:12:071 (12071|11,12071|0) -
in 00:24:830 (24830|6,25175|5,25519|6,25864|5,26209|7,26554|4,26899|8,27244|3,27588|9,27933|2) - part, I think the progression is slightly weird;
No doubt making 00:23:450 (23450|11,23795|5,24140|6,24485|5) - with thumb trill but 00:24:830 (24830|6,25175|5,25519|6,25864|5) - is making also same trill, which you didn't make same pattern in Normal.
This results making inconsistent trill progression like 00:26:209 (26209|7,26554|4,26899|8,27244|3,27588|9,27933|2) - .
For my opinion, split 00:23:450 - 00:24:830 - 00:26:209 - 00:27:588 parts that is clearly different musical progression and make them all differently. Below one is my suggestion.
...or copypasta 00:29:313 (29313|6,29657|5,30002|6,30347|3,30692|8,31037|3,31382|8,31726|1,32071|10,32416|1,32761|10) - this pattern that you made it.
00:40:692 (40692|6) - should it need to add light synth note? I think you ignored those notes in this musical phase.
00:43:795 (43795|8) - this note is literally big missnap, I think it is no problem to place at 00:43:709 if you ignore 00:43:968 note.
00:44:140 (44140|2,44485|9,44830|2,45175|9) - slightly curious that you placed at normal column, not a scratch column. Re-consider about placing normal line, cuz it isn't main synth and already placed at scratch in Normal diff.
00:50:692 (50692|7) - I think you can ignore this sound that you didn't make kick note at 00:48:106.
01:18:968 (78968|3,79313|1,79657|3,80347|8,80692|10,81037|8,81726|2,82071|4,82416|2,83106|9,83450|7) - this is kinda swaped difficulty compared with Normal, Normal diff is using LN + sc but this one using LN + normal note with 1/1 stream? I think it is better to remove all single notes, you already ignored single notes at similar section (00:56:554 - 01:06:209)
01:24:485 (84485|6,85175|8,85864|5,86554|3) - I think it is better to remove those 1/1 jacks, sc+nm chord vs nm chord kinda no gap (or slightly sc+nm is hard tho) compared with Normal diff.
01:29:657 (89657|0,89657|6) - I think remove normal line note is better to give consistency that you didn't make sc+nm chord in start of musical phase in this diff.
02:02:071 (122071|10,122416|1) - I feels these stream is not giving enough glitch sound pitch, how about adding LN at Rsc in 02:02:071 and move 02:02:761 (122761|11) - to Lsc.
00:03:623 (3623|6) - actually no effect sound, consider remove this or want to keep this concept, move to 00:03:709 instead.
same as 00:06:382 (6382|7) - , move to 00:06:468?
also 00:09:140 (9140|8) -
00:10:347 (10347|1,10519|10,10692|1) - is there a reason to move col2-11 not just kept concept trill at col3-10?
in 00:12:761 (12761|5,13106|5,13450|5,13795|5,14140|5,14485|5,14830|5) - I agree your intention but this is unfortunately, can be dealt long anchor and violating RC. Not only this problem, I think you can separate musical phase at 00:13:795 however you didn't. (this applies all diffs)
For my opinion, move 00:13:795 (13795|5,14140|5,14485|5,14830|5) - note to col2, that you didn't used much in this diff for balance and clear progression.
This can be also applied at 00:16:554 (16554|6,16899|6) - / 01:31:037 (91037|5,91382|5,91726|5,92071|5) - 01:33:795 (93795|4,94140|4,94485|4,94830|4) - 01:36:554 (96554|3,96899|3,97244|3,97588|3) - / 01:42:071 (102071|6,102416|6,102761|6,103106|6) - 01:44:830 (104830|7,105175|7,105519|7,105864|7) -
00:17:071 (17071|2,17244|0) - this movement seems too hard consider it is Normal diff, suggest ctrl+h 00:17:244 (17244|0,17416|11,17588|0,17761|11,17933|1,17933|6) -
00:20:864 (20864|9,21037|2) - I think you missed placing kick note at 00:20:950, please make sure about this
00:27:588 (27588|3,27761|8,27933|3,28106|8) - this part is only not following basic kick+minor synth in previous part (00:24:830 - 00:27:244), there is no reason to follow piano sound although breaking your pattern rule in this phase. Re-consider about this.
00:29:830 (29830|4) - should it be moved to col4 or somewhere considering your pattern rule in this phase?
00:42:071 (42071|5,42071|6) - 00:43:450 (43450|6,43450|5) - can't figure what is your intention. I don't think you need to add double.
00:55:519 (55519|1,55692|10,55864|2,56037|9,56209|3,56382|8) -
00:55:175 (55175|1,55347|10) - and 00:55:519 (55519|1,55692|10) - have different progression, suggest rearrange above pattern like this:
01:13:450 (73450|1,74140|1) - suggest move to another col not make pinky based 01:13:450 (73450|1,74140|1,74485|1,75002|1,75347|1) - .
also need to move 01:14:830 (74830|10,75519|10) - for consistency.
01:49:140 (109140|5,109313|5,109485|5) - 01:49:830 (109830|6,110002|6,110175|6) - isn't it too hard to dealt thumb jack with scratch? Also it is clearly violating RC, please disperse this.
00:21:726 (21726|5,21813|6,21899|0,21985|11) - I think you need to choose consistency for same sound, imo, it is suitable for placing normal line.
00:28:968 (28968|3,28968|5) - no ln? I think re-arrange like this can give both consistency and better impression (ref 00:23:450 (23450|2,23450|4) - ):
in 00:34:485 - 00:45:519 part, current pattern is giving too big gap between Hard and Normal diff:
Normal diff only using LN+single 1/1 jacks however Hard diff using single hand-trill with 1/4 snaps.
To solve it, I'd like to suggest remove unusual 1/4 notes 00:34:571 (34571|1,35261|2,35950|3,36640|2) - to give better diff progression: 1/1 (NM) -> 1/2 (HD).
same as 00:37:330 (37330|10,38019|9,38709|8,39399|9) - / 00:40:778 (40778|10,41468|2,42157|1) -
00:50:175 (50175|6,50175|5,50519|6,50519|5,50864|5,50864|6) - isn't it better to give various chord usage not only adding thumb chord? it feels too weird for players, above one is my sugg
00:51:554 (51554|9,51554|5,51899|5,51899|9) - I think you can add 1/2 stream at 00:51:726 instead of simple chords, consider about this
01:07:071 (67071|8,67071|10,67244|8,67244|10) - I can figure what you want to do but it is fine to leave as a single scratch, you didnt add double at 01:06:554 (66554|11) -
01:28:278 (88278|0) - scratch should not be dealt as a normal line, how about rearrange like this?
01:32:416 (92416|6,92416|5,92761|5,92761|6,93106|5,93106|6) - you actually dispersed all kick chords but this isn't and constructing unintended anchor at col 7 01:32:071 (92071|6,92416|6,92761|6,93106|6,93450|6) -
consider at least disperse 01:32:761 (92761|5,92761|6) - to col 5-8, however you can re-arrange more better referring in this phase (01:29:657 - 01:32:416, 01:33:795 - 01:35:175).
same as 01:43:450 (103450|5,103450|6,103795|6,103795|5,104140|6,104140|5) -
01:46:209 (106209|6) - it is fine to move col12 cuz this is also a part of kick scratch note.
01:50:002 (110002|4,110088|2,110175|4,110261|2) - consider remove this trill and replace LN Lsc (ref 01:47:761 (107761|11) - )
01:59:657 (119657|0) - minor, isn't it better to replace 1/1 LN sc and move to Rsc? 01:59:313 (119313|4,119399|2,119485|4,119571|2) - this is structing one hand trill and move to same scratch line is kinda harsh for players
00:22:071 (22071|4,22761|4) - this note placement seems awkward that you are making thumb-middle movement 00:22:416 (22416|6,22588|8) - but this isn't. Move 00:22:071 (22071|4,22244|2,22761|4,22933|2) - one right col?
00:23:106 (23106|11,23106|10,23106|1,23106|0) - this is literally IMPOSSIBLE pattern even it is short 1/2 LN, change to single notes for giving diff gap between top diff and this.
00:33:795 (33795|1,33882|2,33968|3,34054|4) - instead of making stream, 00:33:795 is actually making effect sound and also it is fine to give scratch at 00:33:968 for glitch sound; Suggest like this
00:43:795 (43795|1,43795|10) - idk why this structs double and 00:43:709 (43709|2,43882|2) - making weird minijack(?), suggest rearrange like this (you can change yourself, this is example)
00:45:519 (45519|8) - seems harsh hand movement, isn't it fine to move col11 both pattern consistency and playability
00:53:709 (53709|2,53795|2) - is it intended minijack? can't figure what you want to emphasize
00:47:675 (47675|2,47761|3,47847|2,47933|3,48019|2,48106|3,48192|2) - actually the glitch trill should be start at 00:47:933, 00:47:675 (47675|2,47761|3,47847|2) - notes are emphasizing different sound, suggest move 00:47:675 (47675|2,47847|2) - notes to another column and 00:47:761 (47761|3,47933|3) - for same synth pitch jack.
00:51:037 (51037|3,51037|0) - also too harsh pattern w scratch, I think it is fine to move col2 00:51:037 (51037|3) - cuz you didn't use col2 that much
01:15:778 (75778|1) - is there a reason to consist double? I think it is fine to leave simple stream w left thumb jack for focus more at one-hand stream at 01:15:606 (75606|7,75692|8,75778|7,75864|6) -
(applies top diff and this) in kiai part (01:29:657 - 01:46:209) 01:29:657 (89657|7,89657|6,90002|6,90002|7,90347|6,90347|7,90692|6,90692|7,91037|7,91037|8,91382|7,91382|8,91726|6,91726|5,92071|4,92071|3) - these chord usages are not clear in my view, which feels too randomly placed for streamy kiai parts; results non-intuitive gameplay.
For resolve this, I'd like to split hand: one hand plays kick jack and one hand plays stream:
this is one of my patter concept which can be more intuitive impression for players, consider rearrange whole kiai part.
01:50:175 (110175|3,110347|0,110347|3) - scratch after bracket trill is too peak (and even uncomfortable handplace, unnecessary sc), consider remove Lsc.
01:52:761 (112761|1,112933|1) - I think it is fine to leave single Rsc for synth effect, also structing weird anchor 01:52:761 (112761|1,112933|1,113106|1,113278|1) -
01:53:450 (113450|10,113537|8,113623|10,113709|8) - IDK what you want to emphasize this trill, I can hear only simple guitar
01:56:209 (116209|0,116382|0) - similar problem; scratch line should be dealt separately, current Lsc pattern can be misleads 01:56:554 (116554|0,116726|0,116899|0) - those glitch effect; Suggest trill with only normal columns NOT a sc+nm trill.
00:31:209 (31209|11) - only kick sound can be heard, I think no need to add Rsc cuz 00:31:209 (31209|4) - is already emphasizing that
00:34:140 - minor, you can add double for better emphasizing end of glitch effect that you made similarly at 00:12:071 (12071|3,12071|1,12071|5) -
00:35:519 (35519|6,35577|9,35634|6,35692|9) - also picky suggestion: wouldn't be better to make stream not just making trill for giving variation for 1/6 sounds?
00:40:692 (40692|4,40692|7,40692|6,40692|9) - intended or not, light snare for quad is overkilling imo, it is not big enough compared with other kick part, suggest reduce to triple or double.
00:45:175 (45175|6,45232|1,45261|7,45290|6) - this progression is kinda mess, I think you don't need to add 00:45:232 (45232|1,45290|6) - this 1/6 snares cuz it is pretty low and more focusing on main sound is better to play it
01:06:554 - you can add same as 01:07:071 (67071|11,67071|1,67071|0,67071|10) - , it is top diff, no need to regulate your pattern consistency
01:08:450 (68450|10,68450|3,68450|7) - is there a reason to place triple?
same as 01:09:830 (69830|4,69830|9,69830|1) -
01:17:933 (77933|11,78106|11,78278|0,78450|0) - I understand what you want to emphasize but these 1/8 snare sounds are actually ends 1/4 beat, suggest upscale to 1/4 LN not 1/8 LN.
01:27:646 (87646|4,87761|4) - I think this anchor is too uncomfortable and slightly weird considering its musical phase, consider move 01:27:646 (87646|4) - to col4 and 01:27:675 (87675|7) - to col9 to avoid it.
01:40:519 (100519|5,100519|0) - this seems too dangerous pattern, shouldn't be placed 01:40:519 (100519|5) - to col11 or other right-hand columns?
01:52:761 (112761|1,112761|10,112761|11,112933|1,112933|11,112933|10) - these chord sizes are very questionable for me, I don't think it is right place to triple only for glitch sound; consider leave as single Rsc or reduce chordsizes
01:53:450 (113450|0,113450|10,113537|2,113537|8,113623|10,113623|0,113709|8,113709|2) - they are just emphasizing guitar but those pattern doesn't follow music's atmosphere imo. consider nerf simple tech-stream to focus more at guitar and avoid weird trill at 01:53:795 (113795|10,113882|8,113968|10,114054|8) -
in 00:08:074 - 00:14:074 1/4 trillstream pattern looks like beautiful, however, in 6K playing moment, it is undoubtedly big spikes for players.
I think current pattern isn't suitable to place with bracket trill instead of stream at the start of music, it is extremely hard to deal those patterns (00:08:074 (8074|0,8136|2,8199|0,8261|2) (one handtrill) -> 00:08:324 (8324|1,8386|3,8449|1,8511|3) (middle finger bracket with other hands) -> 00:08:574 (8574|2,8636|4,8699|2,8761|4) -> 00:08:824 (8824|3,8886|5,8949|3,9011|5) (move with bracket to one handtrill)). IMO, you can disperse those trills with simple stream instead, it is enough to emphasize streams those sounds cuz of fast BPM.
00:01:574 (1574|4,1824|4) - I think both should be double not just adding simple anchor like 00:01:574 (1574|4,1824|4,2074|4) - (ref 00:05:699 (5699|2,5699|0,5824|3,5824|5) - )
00:14:324 (14324|2,14324|0,14824|3,14824|5) - double with low vocal sound seems too much for me, suggest reduce to single.
00:17:699 (17699|1,17699|0,17761|2,17761|3,17824|5,17824|4) - seems weird progression in here, those chordsizes should be 2-1-3 (ref 00:15:824 (15824|4,15824|3,15886|1,15949|4,15949|3,16011|1) -, 00:17:574 (17574|3,17574|4,17574|2) - has triple with big drum), this is my opinion to rearrange
same logic can be applied at 00:22:574 (22574|1,22574|0,22636|4,22636|5,22699|3,22699|2,22761|1,22824|2,22824|4,22824|0) -
00:18:511 (18511|2) - this 1/4 stream appears too early, the synth starts 00:18:574, not there. Suggest remove it.
00:19:074 (19074|3,19136|4,19199|3,19261|4) - you can keep this pattern however I think those one-hand 210 bracket-trill is overkilling them (same logics at 2329041#4852794), you can nerf simple trill or stream, this is one of my suggestion with trill
00:23:824 (23824|4,23949|5) - minor, I think moving both to col1 seems better for emphasizing same sound with avoid anchors.
00:24:324 (24324|0,24324|1) - vocal double should be placed 00:24:261, not here if you intended that.
00:28:074 (28074|0,28136|2,28199|3) - this vocal notes and after 00:28:261 - stream blends and results both unclear song progression and making unintended anchor at col3 if you make double-trill at 00:28:011, imo.
suggest remove those notes and add double at 00:28:011 col2,3, it is fine to start 1/4 stream at 00:28:261 cuz the sound actually starts here.
00:33:886 (33886|2,33949|4,34011|0) - I feels underwhelming just dealing same as 1/4 stream, this sound has clearly different one compared with other parts, you can improve to 1/8 or 1/6 stream instead (eg. 00:37:449 (37449|2,37490|3,37532|4) - ,00:35:699 (35699|5,35740|4,35782|3) - )
00:37:699 (37699|2,37740|3,37782|4,37824|2,37824|5,37824|1,37824|0,37949|3,37949|4,38011|1,38011|2,38074|0,38074|5,38074|3) - ctrl+h for hand balance? and actually fun to play not just let into right hands
00:38:824 (38824|0,38886|3,38886|2,38949|1,38949|0,39011|2,39011|3,39074|0) - IDK not sure about this, those 00:38:824 (38824|0,38886|2,38949|1,38949|0,39011|2,39074|0) - part is actually too left-hand based, I think you can rearrange differently that you made same kicktrill parts (eg. 00:42:949 (42949|2,42949|1,43011|4,43011|5,43074|1,43074|0,43136|2,43136|3,43199|5,43199|4) - , etc)
00:46:136 (46136|0,46261|0) - move to col2? Current pattern is unsymmetry and seems weird imo.
00:41:574 (41574|5,41574|4,41574|0,41636|3,41699|2,41699|1,41699|5,41761|4,41824|0,41824|3,41824|1,41886|5,41949|3,41949|4,41949|2,42011|0,42074|2,42074|1,42074|5) - I can understand your intention however, results too blended with vocal and kick notes, and unsure where's the emphasis point is.
I suggest remove vocal with 1/4 stream which is not suitable imo, it is fine to leave as 1/2 triple (with quad at 00:41:824) jack, in this entire parts do single 1/4 stream and 1/2 jack can ventilate enough
00:43:199 - vs 00:43:824 (43824|1,43824|4,43824|5,43824|0) - quad or double? well, I suggest just add triple or quad both
00:49:949 (49949|1) - move to col6 will not break ur idea, those parts already doing separated things (left - stream, right - jacks) and make them consistency
00:53:699 (53699|2) - might be picky sugg; ghost note (or very minor vocal) and even consisting unfriendly anchor 00:53:574 (53574|2,53699|2,53824|2) - , suggest move another col imo
00:54:824 (54824|2,54824|0,54824|1,54949|2,54949|1,54949|0) - I don't think those triple is fine, it is too large. Suggest reduce double or lower.
00:54:261 (54261|5,54261|1,54261|0,54261|4,54324|3,54324|2) - I think you can make 1/8 stream instead of quad-double structure considering it is synth
00:54:449 (54449|0,54449|4,54449|5,54574|0,54574|5,54574|1) - vs 00:54:449 (54449|0,54449|4,54449|5,54574|0,54574|5,54574|1) - actually conflicting your concept, suggest make quad-triple like latter one.
00:55:074 (55074|0,55074|5,55074|3,55199|1,55199|2,55199|4,55324|5,55324|0,55324|3,55449|4,55449|1,55449|2,55574|5,55574|3,55574|0) - minor opinion: it is actually cool, but I highly suggest make only triple at vocal+kick and variate to double: like this
01:00:824 (60824|4,60949|4,61074|4) - seems very dangerous anchor, how about rearrange like this?
01:01:574 (61574|0,61574|1,61574|3,61574|2,61636|4,61699|1,61761|3,61824|2,61824|1,61824|0) - some chordsize structure isn't consistent compared with 00:32:074 - 00:45:324 part and results uncomfortable progression like 01:01:636 (61636|4,61699|1,61761|3) - weird 1/2 stream.
I suggest to change 3-4 chordsize structure that you previously made at 00:32:074 - 00:45:324, and this can be give enough space for streamy atmostphere
in 01:22:074 - 01:25:574, 01:28:074 - 01:31:074, 01:32:074 - 01:34:074, this part's stream structure isn't clear for me, here is the reason:
01:20:824 (80824|0,80824|2,80949|0,80949|2) - those notes are making 2 anchor with stream (col1, 3), but compared with 01:20:324 (80324|4,80324|5,80324|0,80324|3,80386|2,80449|1,80449|3) - they are making single anchor (col 4).
those stream are results feeling like random stream practice map, you need to make sure streamly rules
01:22:324 (82324|1,82449|1,82574|1) - blend structure results unintended anchor and break stream concept, needed to fix after rearrangement.
missing note at 01:21:886?
vocal doubles are also not-well done:
4-1. 01:20:949 - 01:21:011, 01:28:949 - 01:29:011, etc... , can be double trill for those notes
4-2. 01:28:699 (88699|1,88699|3) - there isn't any vocal but double. also consisting uncomfortable anchor at 01:28:699 (88699|1,88824|1,88949|1) -
4-3. 01:29:074 - 01:29:574, no doubt for 01:29:074 (89074|5,89199|5,89324|5) - those anchor however those streams structure can be improved like this:
Conclusion, please make sure those chord and stream rules. Current pattern doesn't seem good and you can improve more than now, suggest rework those parts with your clear progress intention.
01:31:449 (91449|2,91574|2,91699|2) - current 01:31:324 (91324|3,91324|4,91386|0,91386|1,91449|3,91449|2) - and (ctrl+h'ed one at 01:31:574 (91574|2,91574|1,91636|5,91636|4,91699|2,91699|3) - ) pattern results uncomfortable anchor, you can refine like this:
in 01:52:074 - 02:05:574, every 1/4 part (eg. 01:52:324 (112324|5,112324|3) - ) are emphasizing double however it seems too big chordsize and results questionable gp, I think you can reduce single note instead.
Please check those notes:
01:52:324 (112324|3,112324|5) -
01:53:074 (113074|0,113074|2) -
01:54:324 (114324|3,114324|5) -
01:55:074 (115074|0,115074|2) -
01:56:324 (116324|0,116324|2) -
01:57:074 (117074|5,117074|3) -
01:58:324 (118324|0,118324|2) -
01:59:074 (119074|3,119074|5) -
02:00:324 (120324|3,120324|5) -
02:01:074 (121074|2,121074|0) -
02:02:324 (122324|5,122324|3) -
02:03:074 - breaking chordrules(?)
02:04:324 (124324|0,124324|1) -
02:05:074 - also breaking rules(?)
02:00:449 (120449|2,120574|2,120574|0,120699|2,120699|0,120824|0) - those anchor seems too harsh for them, avoid like this?
same as 02:02:574 (122574|0,122574|3,122574|5,122574|1,122699|3,122761|2,122824|0,122824|4,122824|3,122824|5) - ,
02:09:011 (129011|3,129136|3,129323|3,129448|3) - seems tricky minijacks imo, ctrl+h 02:09:073 (129073|5,129073|4,129073|0,129136|3,129198|2,129261|1,129323|5,129323|3,129323|0,129323|4,129386|2,129448|3,129511|4,129573|0,129573|1,129573|5,129636|4,129698|3,129761|2,129823|5,129823|1,129823|0,129823|4,129886|3,129948|2,129948|0,129948|1,130011|5) - this can be better hand balance
same as 02:13:074 (133074|4,133074|0,133074|5,133136|3,133199|2,133261|1,133324|4,133324|3,133324|0,133324|5,133386|2,133449|3,133511|4,133574|0,133574|1,133574|5,133636|3,133699|2,133761|1) - ,02:13:824 (133824|0,133824|4,133824|5,133824|3,133886|1,133949|5,133949|4,133949|2,134011|0) - also need adjustment
02:15:074 (135074|3,135324|3,135574|3,135824|3,136074|3) - minor, this anchor is kinda huge even you made anchorjack at col4, result too heavey col4. you can move 02:15:574 (135574|3) - to col3 can avoid it.
02:22:074 (142074|1,142115|2,142157|3,142199|4,142324|1,142365|2,142407|3,142449|4) - is there a reason to make 1/6? I can't figure what sound are you emphasizing. (compared with glitch at 02:21:324 (141324|5,141365|4,141407|3,141449|2,141699|5,141740|4,141782|3,141824|2) - , 02:22:574 (142574|5,142615|4,142657|3,142699|2,142740|1,142782|4,142824|0,142865|1,142907|2,142949|3,142990|4,143032|5) - )
03:07:574 - missing quad at glitch sound, ref 03:06:574 (186574|4,186574|1,186574|0,186574|5) - , etc, is it intended?
03:21:449 (201449|4,201574|4,201699|4,201824|4) - due to 03:21:449 (201449|4) - note remains col5, feels insufficient emphasizing for clear kickdrum at col5,6 jacks;
reduce 03:21:324 triple for lowering synth and make enough space 03:21:449 (201449|4) - to place another col seems better
03:44:074 (224074|3,224136|5,224136|4,224199|3,224261|5,224261|4) - those one-hand trill seems not comfortable, suggest move 03:44:074 (224074|3,224199|3) - to col 1
03:40:074 (220074|0,220074|1,220074|2,220136|3,220136|5,220199|2,220199|1,220199|0,220261|4) - make like this?
04:18:949 (258949|2,258980|1) - I think you can move another hand like col 4, 5; current one doesn't give enough glitch sound expression and just played manip jack
04:25:074 (265074|5,265074|1,265115|0,265157|4,265199|3,265240|1,265282|5,265282|0,265324|4,265365|2,265407|1,265449|5,265490|3,265532|0,265574|2,265615|1,265657|4,265699|3,265740|2,265782|5,265824|4) - those glitch sound delay is too uncomfortable and spiky that player can thought unexpected dump in calm section, think more intuitive pattern like simple stream or something
02:19:824 (139824|3,139824|1,139824|4,139824|2) - imo quad is too much and making too uncomfortable minijacks at col 3, 5, I think it is fine to leave triple both avoid unintended jacks and expression
03:34:324 (214324|2,214324|0,214324|1,214324|4,214386|5,214449|1,214449|0,214449|4,214511|2,214574|3,214574|5,214574|4,214574|1,214636|2,214636|0) - all fine stream for me but this one is kinda tricky for players, anchor at col2 03:34:074 (214074|1,214199|1,214324|1,214449|1,214574|1) - makes more and too hard to read blendy notes, suggest rearrange like this?
03:36:074 (216074|4,216199|4,216324|4,216449|4,216574|4) - itchy anchor at col5, 03:36:449 (216449|4) - move to col4?
04:50:074 (290074|5,290074|4,290199|0,290199|1,290261|2) - bit underwhelming chord choice at large kick sounds, imo, I think you can ignore minor 04:50:136 (290136|3) - note and more expressing with at least triple at 04:50:074, 04:50:199, 04:50:261, seems better for me, consider about this.
05:01:386 (301386|3) - I think you can remove those note, actually ghost note and you didn't make same thing at 05:01:636
05:04:699 - I think it is worthy to place triple compared with 05:04:824 (304824|5,304824|3) - , has big drum sound
[General Check]
[Background] - 🟩
-> [Dimensions]: 1920 x 1080
-> [Size]: 2.62MB
[Audio]: 192kps / .mp3 🟩
[Beatmap Check]
[Timing / BPM]: no issues - 🟩
[HP/OD]: 8 / 7.7 - 🟩 bit low OD but ok if intended, but still suggest at least OD 8
[Hitsounds]: less than 5ms when I checked from audacity. - 🟩
[Title/Romanised Title]: Search And Destroy / Search And Destroy - 🟩
[Artist/Romanised Artist]: DJKurara & Supire - 🟩
[Current Tags]: featured artist fa electronic instrumental edm idm intelligent dance music hardcore breakcore drum and bass dnb d&b d'n'b drumnbass drum'n'bass mashcore mashup gabber techno uptempo nh_supaia nhspire twilight ep extended play rice nekoya
- 🟨
General: electronic instrumental
Song / Artist Reference: edm idm intelligent dance music hardcore breakcore drum and bass dnb d&b d'n'b drumnbass drum'n'bass mashcore mashup gabber techno uptempo nh_supaia nhspire twilight ep extended play
Extra Tag: featured artist fa rice
is bg artist, you don't need to place at tags, instead, place desc or somewhere.
Missing drenchcore
at song genre? They tagged main song genre drenchcore
Finalized Tag: featured artist fa electronic instrumental edm idm intelligent dance music hardcore breakcore drenchcore drum and bass dnb d&b d'n'b drumnbass drum'n'bass mashcore mashup gabber techno uptempo nh_supaia nhspire twilight ep extended play rice
[Primary Metadata Sources]: soundcloud
official EP
Summary: in 00:03:381 - 00:21:028, some LN is quite unreasonable.
one example is that you placed this LN, 00:01:616 (1616|4) - actual synth starts 00:01:263 but you made above 1/1 snap, and it is more reasonable placement imo. You can do up to 1/1 snap for better one I think.
or you can make same as 01:30:548 - 01:53:136 LN section, they are emphasizing both actual synths and intense sounds with 1/1 delay.
Some suggestion for this: I just wanna say make one LN for make sure, I am not objecting using double LN hold with some jack pattern but it is also fine single at intro part, making clear progression is more important stuff.
00:06:205 (6205|5) - slightly weird LN placement imo, this results weird progression after minijack parts which ignores doubles (eg 00:07:263, 00:07:616)
suggest move this LN to col7, and you can extend those jack concept (00:07:969 (7969|2,8146|2,8322|4,8322|2,8499|4,8675|0,8675|4,8852|0) - ) more clearly after 00:06:910.
01:43:253 (103253|1,103253|3,103253|2,103430|2) - very uncomfortable jack with LN, you can move 01:43:253 (103253|2,103430|2) - notes to col7.
00:23:279 (23279|5,23279|3) - Intended or not, I am not sure you ignored vocal grace note at 00:23:367 and make this double. Suggest move like this ref 00:22:926 (22926|5,23014|4) - :
same as 00:26:102 (26102|1,26102|3) - 00:28:926 (28926|2,28926|5) - 00:31:749 (31749|1,31749|3) - 00:34:573 (34573|1,34573|3) - 00:37:397 (37397|5,37397|3) - 00:40:220 (40220|1,40220|4) -
00:24:073 (24073|4,24117|5) - IMO, those 1/8 graces aren't seems good to play and even can't express vocal enough. Suggest make 1/6 with 3-4-5 graces that you made at 00:24:338 (24338|2,24397|3,24455|4) - ,
00:24:955 (24955|3,25044|4,25044|2,25132|3) - 00:25:308 (25308|2,25397|1,25397|3,25485|2) - honestly, those 'O' pattern is too harsh to play in 7K even you intended for vocal and synth expression. This can be dispersed more comfortable pattern for balance purpose, this is one of my examples
green: dispersed trill that doesn't make 'O'
red: 1/8 vocal synth ref.
These suggestions can be applied 00:22:750 - 00:42:514 section.
00:43:044 (43044|0,43044|5) - I don't think this double doesn't need, there isn't any kick nor snare sounds to emphasize with double.
00:38:632 (38632|0,38808|0,38985|0,39161|0,39338|0) - really good anchor expression however 00:39:338 (39338|0) - doesn't need successive anchor in end of synth at col1, arrange like this seems better imo
00:44:279 (44279|1,44279|2,44455|1,44455|2,44632|5,44632|3,44808|5,44808|3,44985|2,44985|1,45073|5,45073|4) - might be minor thing; those hihat jacks are pretty randomly placed imo, results feel empty at col1, 7 and too stacking at col2, 6. Suggest make consistent with 00:43:926 (43926|6,43926|4,44102|4,44102|6) - pattern like this:
00:46:220 (46220|6,46397|6,46573|6,46749|6) - seems too stacking at col4 without proper reason I think, maybe move 00:46:749 (46749|6) - to col6 can disperse them that you already made at 00:49:573 (49573|3,49573|6,49573|1) -
01:18:867 (78867|2,78955|5,79044|2,79132|5) - unfortunately, they aren't consistently expressing those trill notes, they can be moved 2-5 trill that you made whole section in this part.
Referred: 01:12:691 (72691|4,72735|5,72779|6,72867|2,72911|3,72955|4,73044|0,73088|1,73132|2,73220|4,73220|6,73308|1,73397|4,73485|1) -
in 01:27:691 - 01:29:102, current pattern is too punishing at col 3 and too empty at col7, which doesn't seem well-hand balanced pattern;
01:28:338 (88338|2,88367|1,88397|0) - I am not sure only placing 1/12 grace instead of 1/8 that you placed that snap in whole part.
01:29:014 (89014|2,89044|3,89073|4,89102|5) - these graces aren't also unsure to express with 1/12 grace, I think just simple 1/4 trill instead would be fine enough for me, ref 01:24:514 (84514|2,84602|5,84691|2,84779|5) - etc.
in 02:00:513 - 02:40:396, this might be minor but single jack without LN section (like 02:00:513 (120513|1,120513|0,120513|6,120866|6,120866|1,120866|0) - , 02:03:337 (123337|6,123337|1,123337|4,123690|4,123690|0,123690|6) - etc) chords can't figure what you intended placement while you made great expression at LN section (eg. 02:01:925 (121925|1,121925|6,122101|5,122101|1,122101|3,122101|6) - etc)
I think you can make more consistent expression, here is my some examples refer your current pattern:
... etc,
02:35:454 (155454|6,155454|5,155454|1,155454|4,155454|0) - why this note only placed 5 chords? might need to reduce quad instead
02:54:513 (174513|2,174557|0,174866|2,174910|0) - I think those note can be 1/8 3 graces, not 2 even I considered diff spikes that doesn't affect very much cuz already you made left-hand bias
03:17:807 (197807|6,197807|5,198513|4) - minor, 3 LN hold is too much for synth end imo, maybe reduce double or single can give weak sound expression, also make sure difference between main synth part.
03:51:690 - 04:13:219 might be picky opinion; honestly those parts are overused quad, even there isn't main kick sound like 03:52:043 (232043|0,232043|6,232043|2,232043|5) - . Also compared with previous sections, they mostly consisted triple and quad but only express with quad in this section seems big diff gap leap in this chart.
suggest reduce structure to 4-3-4-3 chordsizes, they wouldn't break your intention also fit those chart's concept.
00:51:324 (51324|0,51324|4,51324|3,51324|5,51449|5,51449|0,51449|1) - :skull: this one consists 3-4 chordsizes (sorry for kb issue)